After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Shura Field (part 2)

When he woke up, the night in the dream had passed, and the day ushered in.


Zhujian Xiaozhu’s enchantment was opened at some point, and the illusion of a clear sky was also torn apart at this moment. It had become the same hell mode as the Misty Immortal Mansion outside, the sky was a large swath of blood red, dyeing the clouds black and red, and it was gloomy as if a torrential rain was brewing.


Feng Xuan changed into the wedding dress that he tried on yesterday, and quietly waited for the float to pick him up to marry the demon venerable.


Walking out of the yard, Qi Zhuoyu was already waiting outside.


He was wearing a crimson hakama pleated robe today, with sword sleeves tied tightly from the sleeves to the cuffs, and a beaded nine-ring belt around it. His hair was tied up in a high ponytail, and on his feet were a pair of buckskin boots, which was a common riding and shooting Hu suit in Chang’an City.


Feng Xuan was stunned for a moment when he saw this, the big devil usually wore either black or plain color, but today he looked really good in a crimson robe, which added a touch of grandeur to his color. He was also wearing a riding and archery Hu suit, it looked neat and tidy, as if he was going to a fight.


Not long after, a magic sword carrying a float arrived.


It was a huge magic weapon that could fly in mid-air, and it was made into a flower sedan chair. There were seven floors of pavilions and five main courtyards, like a small palace in the air. There were exquisite and gorgeous pearl immortal lanterns, and radiant Nanhai Sea shark gauze was hung. As the weapon flew in mid-air, the delicately beautiful silk gauze also danced with the wind.


Feng Xuan had never seen this kind of bridal sedan chair used in the cultivation world for picking up the betrothed. The only marriage reception he had seen was when the old Dragon King of the Donghai Sea married a princess. The bridal sedan chair was a huge old turtle, which was said to have lived for 88,000 years.


When he sat in, he couldn’t help looking at it a few more times, touching things here and there, looking very curious.


Qi Zhuoyu opened one eye to look at him, and sneered, “Tch.”


Feng Xuan:? Why are you mocking him all of a sudden?


Feng Xuan turned his head to look at Qi Zhuoyu, this uncle got on the sedan chair faster than his movements just now. 


When he first came up, he unceremoniously occupied the best position, it was more like he was going to get married, and not him. And the big devil could obviously fly outside with a sword, why did he have to squeeze in the bridal sedan chair with him?


Qi Zhuoyu suddenly started chatting with him, “Marrying ‘me’, are you so happy?”


Hm? Does he look happy?


Feng Xuan didn’t even think about it himself, he just thought this bridal sedan chair was amazing.


Haven’t seen before, want to see more.jpg


In front of the big devil, the outside Qi Zhuoyu that was inside the dream, Feng Xuan didn’t dare to offend him, and said against his will, “Of course I’m happy.”


Who knew that Qi Zhuoyu would change his face faster than turning a page of a book, for some reason he suppressed his smile, and suddenly became unhappy. Like a primary school student, he used his spiritual power to pull the biggest pearl off from Feng Xuan’s Yingluo, and then threw it to the ground.


Feng Xuan: …..


Just speechless.


Inside the float was an ebony food table with a lot of melon and fruit snacks on it.


Feng Xuan hadn’t had breakfast yet, and was already hungry right now. He saw that Qi Zhuoyu didn’t look like he wanted to eat, but just looked out the window with a thoughtful expression on his face. What is there to see outside the window? Isn’t it just the Misty Immortal Mansion that was struck by lightning and burned into a mess?


The Sixth Prince gnawed on the watermelon, and saw that Feng Xuan was eating more vigorously than him.


The Sixth Prince couldn’t help but put the dog’s head against Feng Xuan’s knee, and raised his head. “Why don’t you coax Qi Zhuoyu?” After eating the meat of those spirit beasts in the cultivation world, he could already activate his spiritual intelligence.


Feng Xuan: Huh?


You, a dog, is teaching me how to do things?


After following them for two days, the Sixth Prince had already deeply realized who the head of the family was. In this treacherous dream created by the Nightmare Beast, it was obvious that only by hugging Qi Zhuoyu’s thigh could he escape with his life.


“Qi Zhuoyu is your Dao companion. You made him angry, shouldn’t you coax him? And he found you in so many dreams of the Nightmare Beast, it’s not easy.” The tone of the Sixth Prince’s speech was very like a kind mother-in-law who tried her best to persuade her son and daughter-in-law to reconcile.


When Feng Xuan heard the last sentence, he also fell silent for a while.


Although he didn’t want to admit it, Qi Zhuoyu still seemed to have come to find him specially, and not on the way. He had been here for the past two days, but didn’t leave to find Su Qingyan, instead, he accompanied him through the plot in the dream.


Feng Xuan actually felt a little guilty, so he used his spiritual power to peel a plate of Tochigi fruit and gave it to Qi Zhuoyu.


This kind of Tochigi fruit was a special nut of the Chaotic Sea. It was said that eating it could make people feel better.


Feng Xuan pushed the plate in front of him. “Senior Brother, do you want to eat some?”


Qi Zhuoyu glanced at him and didn’t move. Feng Xuan was really worried that he would lose his temper again, and knock over all the Tochigi nuts he had painstakingly peeled to the ground. It would be a waste.


When he was about to take it back, Qi Zhuoyu suddenly moved.


He took one and threw it into his mouth, then commented, “It’s unpalatable.”


If it’s unpalatable, just spit it out.


Feng Xuan looked at the big devil speechlessly, he said it was unpalatable, but at the same time ate up the whole plate of Tochigi nuts that he peeled. Not one was left for him. However, the efficacy of the Tochigi fruit seemed to have played a role. When getting off the float, Qi Zhuoyu’s mood seemed to have improved a lot?


The place of worship was in the Langhua Hall of Qingyun Peak.


Because he had already seen the demon venerable version of “Qi Zhuoyu” yesterday, Feng Xuan didn’t appear very surprised. Although there were two people and a dog walking along the vermilion steps leading up to a palace hall, under the cover-up of the big devil, all the demons could only see Feng Xuan alone.


The wedding ceremony was done hastily, and was quickly completed.


After all, Feng Xuan knew in his heart that the demon venerable was just simply perfunctory to his cannon fodder Dao companion. It was estimated that when in the bridal chamber after a while, he would kill himself.


When the two of them reached the step of entering the bridal chamber.


All the demons withdrew.


He didn’t look carefully at the Demon Venerable “Qi Zhuoyu” yesterday, but seeing him today, Feng Xuan noticed that the demon venerable’s face seemed even whiter.


Although Qi Zhuoyu was quite pale in the first place, in the past, he was a living popular white, but the demon venerable in front of him was a dead white.


Maybe because he had stared for too long, the demon venerable suddenly turned his head, his peach blossom eyes glistened, and his tone was like honey, “Xiao Qi, what’s wrong?”


Terrible. How could this “ordinary Xiao Qi”, while his death was imminent, still have the impression of “Qi Zhuoyu” as the clear and clean, gentle husband?


Against the face of the big devil, he suddenly spoke to himself in such a gentle tone.


Feng Xuan didn’t even feel used to it, and his expression was innocent, “Senior brother, it’s nothing much.”


The demon venerable suddenly smiled again, he felt like he was being spoiled and indulged by the domineering demon venerable. “Xiao Qi, there are only two of us here, do you still want to address me so unfamiliarly?”


Ah this. To be honest, there are actually four people in the room right now.


Qi Zhuoyu himself stood behind Feng Xuan, with an irritable expression as if he was going to kill someone.


The demon venerable didn’t seem to want to wait for Feng Xuan to speak either, and started the ‘ask a question and answer it himself’ mode.


Good heavens. It’s totally Qi Zhuoyu himself.


“Xiao Qi is unwilling to call me husband, is it because he is still angry with me?” Demon venerable’s tone seemed at a loss.


Feng Xuan: Huh? What angry with you? Why do you two even have the same personality as a riddler? Can you not only speak half of your speech!


“But it’s okay, tonight is the fifteenth day, which is our wedding night. The night of rendezvous is always too short, Xiao Qi doesn’t want to waste time either, right?”


Feng Xuan: What the hell? Isn’t the 15th of every month the time when his love poison flares up? Help. What a scum demon venerable! It’s not like you have to fry him first and then kill him later, you dog man!


Feng Xuan felt that he’s in a bad temper when he heard it.


The demon venerable didn’t feel his anger level at all, and pushed him onto the bed while speaking.


In the end, before Feng Xuan could kick him, the demon venerable was kicked flying in the next second.


This familiar way of fighting, Feng Xuan looked back, Qi Zhuoyu seemed to have heard enough, and suddenly appeared in the room like a ghost.


The demon venerable had been in the cultivation world and the demon world for a while, and it had been a long time since he was seriously injured by someone.


It had to be said that Qi Zhuoyu was really crazy, and he was really bold and unequivocal in attacking himself. Is it stranger at first meeting, and familiar when meeting again?


The demon venerable stood up from the ruins he had smashed out, looked up, and saw an identical self. The other was even sitting affectionately on their marriage bed with his newly married wife.


Like every man who was made to wear a green hat by his wife, the demon venerable was stunned for a moment, then became furious, and glared at Feng Xuan. “Who is he?!”


Feng Xuan: …


It’s really hard for me to explain this to you.jpg


Feng Xuan tried to answer the demon venerable’s question, and introduced, “Uh. He’s Qu Zhuyu.”


Qu Zhuyu is not here, thus I’ll give this name to you, big devil!


The demon venerable dunked a lightning strike in his hand, and threw it over as soon as he finished speaking.


Feng Xuan:? You are really disgusting! Actually carrying a sneak attack. Scumbag! Rubbish!


When the lightning strike approached Feng Xuan, the paper figurine that had been in the purse all the time, Qu Zhuyu, when noticed the danger, showed up passively.


The small piece of paper took shape inch by inch, waved his hand expressionlessly, and blocked the attack. He also conveniently threw a lightning strike back.


Seeing his face doubled again, the demon venerable became stunned, and was hit straight by the lightning that was thrown back.


The injury was also doubled, and he spat out a mouthful of blood with a “waah”. But looking at his expression, it seemed that the mental trauma was more serious than the physical one.


The demon venerable glared at Feng Xuan fiercely, and pointed to Qu Zhuyu, “Who is he too?!”


Feng Xuan: “…..”


“Uh. He is,” Feng Xuan racked his brains and tentatively introduced, “Qu Zhuoyu?” (TL: different from zhuo yu (琢玉) from QZ name which meant polish jade, this zhuo yu (捉鱼) meant to catch fish)


Demon Venerable: …..


Qi Zhuoyu: …..


By now, the demon venerable finally realized that something was wrong with Feng Xuan in front of him.


How could this young man who put on two green hats in one breath be his useless Dao companion who loved him madly.


The demon venerable gritted his teeth. “Then you, what are you doing?”


The room was suddenly quiet, and three pairs of eyes looked over at the same time.


Feng Xuan hesitated for a moment, “Fish, fish farming?” (TL: Since Qu Zhuyu and Qu Zhuoyu has fish character)



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