After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

The Dream (part 2)

Oh. Who was that who was attacked by the Nightmare Beast before and was almost poisoned by the stream?

Feng Xuan quietly listened to the big devil’s pretense.

And decided not to seek death.

Qi Zhuoyu raised his eyebrows. “You seem to disagree?”

Terrible. Forgot that he also has the ability to read minds.

Qi Zhuoyu: “Ah. If it weren’t for that day by the stream, you wouldn’t want, with me, to have dual…”

Halfway through, Qi Zhuoyu felt that it was uninteresting, thus he stopped talking.

Feng Xuan, who had listened to half of it: ???

Can your only halfway through speech riddler disease still be cured??

It’s very similar to the kind of people who try their best to say something when they are about to die: “The murderer is…”

And then directly released a breath.

Very irritating.

Feng Xuan felt that now was not the time to quarrel with him, thus he said honestly, “Senior brother, then what shall we do next?”

Qi Zhuoyu glanced at him, then his eyes fell on the pile of red cloth on the table. He picked up a corner casually, twisted it with an unpredictable expression, and said, “Tomorrow, go and marry ‘me’.”


Although Feng Xuan got the task of marrying the fake “Qi Zhuoyu” in the dream tomorrow, he still had no idea on what to do next.

And after the big devil finished saying this, he seemed very tired, occupied his H bed and was prepared to rest.


Is it really okay to just lay like this?

Feng Xuan discovered that the terrible laziness of a salted fish seemed to be contagious. In the past, Qi Zhuoyu, even with open or closed eyes, it’s all about cultivating. He was simply the crazy king of the cultivation world, but now he seemed to love to sleep when he had spare time.

He was a bit hesitant whether to shake Qi Zhuoyu awake.

As stated in the Book of Fate, in order to find Su Qingyan, he fought to the point of exhaustion in tens of thousands of dreams before achieving the perfect ending of a hero saving the beauty. But why has Su Qingyan not been found yet, and the great devil also looks feeble in appearance. Changed dishes? (TL: don’t really know what it means, probably change tastes or something changed.) 

Qi Zhuoyu suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him.

Feng Xuan quickly shouted three times in his mind: Senior brother is so strong! Senior brother is super strong! Senior brother is the strongest in the Three Realms!

Qi Zhuoyu closed his eyes again.

Feng Xuan: “…….” I really don’t want to be in a love affair with a conceited elementary school chicken.

Feng Xuan observed for a while, and found that Qi Zhuoyu had really fallen asleep, then quietly cheered and went to do his own thing.

Feng Xuan didn’t even look at the pile of red cloth that Ah Bao brought him. Nonsense, okay, his only sewing experience was the one when he sewed up Qi Zhuoyu’s wound. Make himself a wedding dress? ‌Die, next time, definitely. (TL: or I’d rather die, next time, definitely (to die)

Feng Xuan asked Ah Bao to prepare a meal for himself, and after a while, Ah Bao brought out a dish and a soup.

The dish was radish mixed with green vegetables, and the soup was a clear seaweed soup. The more his eyes looked at it, the more Feng Xuan felt that he had suffered.

Was this “mortal Xiao Qi” such a peculiar masochist? What caused him to be so restrained in his dreams.

However, this is also in line with the original owner’s status in the Misty Immortal Mansion in the dream, just a little cabbage with no parents and no love.

Feng Xuan stopped his thoughts on eating, he felt that he could still bear the hunger.

“Why don’t you sew wedding dresses?” For some reason, he forgot to close the Sixth Prince’s spiritual intelligence and his voice suddenly sounded. He was anxious about the real world, and when he heard that they could go as long as Feng Xuan married the fake “Qi Zhuoyu”, he couldn’t help but urged him.

Feng Xuan replied: “I won’t.”

Sixth Prince: Unfortunately, Qi Zhuoyu’s family has married a wife who is not diligent in all aspects!

“Then you can ask Qi Zhuoyu to sew it for you.” The Sixth Prince hastily suggested.

“Can Qi Zhuoyu sew clothes?” Feng Xuan was surprised. Is he quite versatile even before being the big devil, even this skill has been illuminated ah.

“Of course he can sew.” The dog face of the Sixth Prince snorted coldly, showing a villain-like expression. “With such an appearance when he was just a child, if he didn’t know how to sew clothes, he would have been frozen to death in winter.”

It sounded like Qi Zhuoyu had a bad time as a child.

After he finished speaking, the Sixth Prince triumphantly added a few words, and said, “Wow, woof! woof, woof?”


Why is he suddenly unable to speak human words again!

It’s because Feng Xuan suddenly didn’t listen to these things very much, so he shut down the spiritual intelligence of the Sixth Prince.

The more he looked at his dog face, the more he felt suffocated, thus he reached out and grabbed him and violently hammered him down.

The Sixth Prince burst into tears in pain. “Wow, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof!”

Murderer! Dog abuse! No one will care about you two unscrupulous and heartless gay couples!! You deserve to starve to death!

One person and one dog fought fiercely, and the Sixth Prince yellow dog was unilaterally pushed to the ground and beaten.

It’s okay if it was not mentioned, but as soon as it was mentioned, Feng Xuan remembered the four dishes and one soup cooked by Qu Zhuyu. If he knew, he would have taken a bite, it was better compared to starving now.

Not far away, Qi Zhuoyu suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.

The Sixth Prince lost his voice in an instant.

Feng Xuan let go of the hand that hammered the Sixth Prince dog, and looked up at Qi Zhuoyu.

Could it be that he and the Sixth Prince made a loud noise, waking up the big devil, causing him to get up in rage that he wanted to kill them both?

As a result, after Qi Zhuoyu woke up, he just waved his hand and the always standing aside without saying a word, Qu Zhuyu, suddenly shrank inch by inch, and finally became a paper figure the size of a palm, and got inside Feng Xuan’s small pouch.

After doing all this, Qi Zhuoyu suddenly grabbed Feng Xuan’s arm and jumped onto the Huaying Sword.


Does this mean that he’s going to take him away from Zhujian Xiaozhu?

But he tried it when he came just now, it seemed that a barrier was set around Zhujian Xiaozhu, preventing him from going out.

Just as it was over, Feng Xuan saw the big devil easily break through the barrier, without changing his expression.


He admitted that Qi Zhuoyu was really strong in cultivation.

After leaving, Qi Zhuoyu also restored the barrier of the Zhujian Xiaozhu, creating an illusion that no one had touched it. As expected of a big devil, he is really cautious.

The Huaying Sword was suspended in mid-air, and only then did Feng Xuan saw the Misty Immortal Mansion in the dream of the “mortal Xiao Qi”. The outside was completely different from the peacefulness in his imagination, and the Misty Immortal Mansion in the dream seemed to have turned into a purgatory. The sky was a dull red with layers of black clouds. The earth seemed to have been struck by countless profound thunders, and there were charcoal and cracked scorched earth everywhere, with hot magma that was still bubbling from some huge cracks in the ground.

How is this the same as the end of the world?

Seeing this scene, Feng Xuan instantly recalled the original owner’s Book of Fate. In the Book of Fate, Qi Zhuoyu defected from the cultivation world, established himself as the Demon Venerable in the chaotic sea, and frantically tore open the barrier between the chaotic sea and the human world, causing the chaotic sea’s demonic energy to pour back, and turning the Misty Immortal Mansion into a human world purgatory overnight.

Not only that, but Qi Zhuoyu, who was the Demon Venerable, also imposingly occupied the entire Misty Immortal Mansion, becoming the master of the place.

It turns out that this is the big wedding in the dream of the “mortal Xiao Qi”.

And it turns out to be the proof of the big wedding before the wife-killing that will happen in a year later.

Feng Xuan quietly glanced at Qi Zhuoyu, feeling worried as he looked at it.

But Qi Zhuoyu just frowned when he saw this scene, and didn’t show any more expressions. After all, this was a dream created by the Nightmare Beast. Even a proud man like Qi Zhuoyu would not be able to relate that this was something that would happen in the future.

Huaying Sword took the two of them to fly over Misty Immortal Mansion unimpeded all the way.

Qi Zhuoyu seemed to be searching above the Misty Immortal Mansion, and finally found a super luxurious palace. The carved railings were made of jade, resplendent and magnificent, just sitting on top of Qingyun Peak. Amidst the ruins, it looked towering and majestic, like a beautiful and gorgeous cage.

Feng Xuan also noticed this huge and luxurious palace.

Similarly, did he also realize and certain plots in the Book of Fate flashed through his mind.

Just as Feng Xuan was about to stop Qi Zhuoyu, the big devil landed at the gate of the palace simply and rudely.

The demons guarding on both sides let Qi Zhuoyu drive straight in as if they hadn’t seen them. Feng Xuan knew that it must have been the big devil using a camouflage technique again.

In the next second, Qi Zhuoyu came to a luxurious room on the top floor, and then suddenly kicked the door open.

In the room stacked with gold bricks, jade, and stones, there was only one melancholic looking beauty that was locked up. The person turned around when he heard the movement. Seeing Qi Zhuoyu at the door, a hint of hatred, helplessness, and heartbreak flashed in his eyes in an instant. In short, it was very complicated look

After Qi Zhuoyu looked at him, he glanced at Feng Xuan with a strange expression.

Feng Xuan covered his eyes with a guilty conscience, and broke the broken jar. “Senior brother ,if I say I don’t know why your master is imprisoned here, are you willing to believe me?”

(t/n: Broke the broken jar (pò guàn zi pò shuāi)-It is a metaphor that after having shortcomings, mistakes or setbacks, let them go without correction, or intentionally develop it in a worse direction.) 


Which part of this mortal Xiao Qi’s dream is good.

Why is this scene where the future big devil puts his master under house arrest and this and that, then this and that rebellion scene is not the same.

Qi Zhuoyu had a calm face, and before the fake Su Qingyan in the dream could speak, he knocked him out with a wave of his hand. Ah, Su Qingyan fell to the ground directly, is this really good for your white moonlight?

However, Feng Xuan felt that he was in a bad mood right now, thus he very sensibly didn’t say anything.

Qi Zhuoyu dragged him all the way to the window, and Feng Xuan was too scared to move.

It couldn’t be that after he saw this scene, the big devil was going to directly kill him to silence him?

He covered his eyes desperately, using a kind of “as long as I can’t see, things won’t happen” ostrich behavior to escape from reality.

In the end, he just felt that Qi Zhuoyu pushed him to sit on a soft cushion, and the smell of food came from the tip of his nose.


Feng Xuan took his hand away and found himself sitting at a dining table.

Because it was a luxurious palace, what was not lacking was food and drink. The table was filled with a dazzling array of delicious food, in addition to delicacies from the human and cultivation realm, there were even some products from the demon race. The savory smell assailed his nose, and Feng Xuan, who has been hungry all day, had a big appetite.

He secretly glanced at Qi Zhuoyu, and found that Qi Zhuoyu sat aside after coming, as if in deep thought, and didn’t speak.

After feeling that Qi Zhuoyu didn’t intend to stop him, Feng Xuan immediately picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started eating. In the midst of his busy eating, he even took time out to throw a large piece of grilled leech meat that was charred on the outside and tender on the inside to the Sixth Prince.

The Sixth Prince had not yet tasted the delicacies from the cultivation world, and he was also very hungry. As soon as Feng Xuan threw it into his dog bowl, he would simply gobble it up.

After gnawing more than half of it, the Sixth Prince raised his head suddenly: Shocking! You s**t! I am a human! Not a dog! ! How could he squat on the ground and lick the dog bowl so proficiently!!

One person and one dog was soon full.

The Sixth Prince had completely accepted the fact that he was a dog since he broke through his personal bottom line just now. Happily sprinkling hooves, he found a kennel and prepared to sleep beautifully.

Feng Xuan, on the other hand, after eating and drinking enough, upon realizing what just happened, became nervous.

Taking a peek at Su Qingyan who was lying on the ground, Feng Xuan began to pray in his heart that Qi Zhuoyu, this big devil with incomprehensible elegance, wouldn’t understand what imprison literature was.

“So in your heart, I have this kind of relationship with Master?”

Qi Zhuoyu opened his mouth abruptly, he seemed to feel very good, and the corner of his mouth was still curled up, very ambiguous.

Praying for a great failure.

The scene in the dream was the reality in the subconscious of the dream owner. Everything here couldn’t be faked with any lies, thus everything presented in the dream was true. Qi Zhuoyu must have also known this.

But the problem was that this dream was not his at all.

Feng Xuan suddenly felt that he was carrying a big pot.

He felt that he was likely to be blasted by Qi Zhuoyu with his spiritual power in the next second for being a scum. Half of it, he seemed to find no reason to quibble, thus he had no choice but to continue to pretend to be dead. But after a long time, Qi Zhuoyu didn’t even have the intention of killing anyone.

Qi Zhuoyu just said calmly, “I have no affection for Master.”

So that’s what it is, but why is the big devil explaining it?

I don’t think I’ll really believe such nonsense.

No affection. Feng Xuan commented in his heart.

You are terrifying. You have no friendly sentiments in your heart, and you can even imprison others.

Not knowing why, however, Feng Xuan didn’t say a word. He used the chopsticks to poke the leftover fruits with nothing to do.

The room suddenly became so quiet.

Until there was a sound of unhurried footsteps at the door.

Then came a voice that was deliberately lowered, as if the person was talking to the owner of the footsteps, and his tone was very respectful. “My Lord, Immortal Master Su still refuses to eat, and it has been three days since. This subordinate is worried about the health of Immortal Master Su, thus have to come to report to the Lord.”

My Lord? Hearing the address, it is quite cool.

Just as Feng Xuan had this thought, he froze for a moment, lost.

He suddenly realized that in the entire Misty Immortal Mansion, there was only one person who could be honored as Lord by the demons.

No way.

Isn’t he just so unlucky?!

In an instant, the sound of the unhurried footsteps came to the door and stopped.

In the next second, the door was opened again by someone.

At the entrance, Qi Zhuoyu, who wore a black robe and dressed as the demon venerable, appeared in front of everyone unexpectedly.

Feng Xuan looked over abruptly, and collided with the eyes of the Demon Venerable Qi Zhuoyu in the dream.


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