After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

The Dream (part 1)

Try on a wedding dress?

Feng Xuan felt that his consciousness was somewhat hazy at first, like having a dream. After being sobered up by Ah Bao’s voice, the Migu wood hairpin in his hair hummed and trembled for a while, letting his heart and mind gradually become clear.

The plants and trees that came into view are familiar, he should be at Zhujian Xiaozhu.

But it was different from the Zhujian Xiaozhu in Feng Xuan’s impression. The place where the huge Wutong tree should have been planted in the courtyard was empty and there was nothing.

Feng Xuan came to his senses and recalled the plot in the Book of Fate.

He felt that he should have fallen into the dream created by the Nightmare Beast at present, otherwise, with his golden core stage cultivation, how could he shorten a distance by an inch, travel thousands of miles just a day, and go from Chang’an to Misty Immortal Mansion in an instant. It’s just that it’s a little different from the Book of Fate. He should have fallen into Qi Zhuoyu’s dream, but why did it seem like he’d fallen into another dream?


Although the Nightmare Beast was an ancient demon beast, and although Feng Xuan descended to earth to experience calamity and got his primordial spirit sealed, he was still a god of the Ninth Heaven. No matter how powerful the Nightmare Beast was, it would be impossible for it to spy on his dreams, thus everything in front of him should be the dream of the “mortal Xiao Qi”.

After Ah Bao finished speaking, she saw that Feng Xuan hadn’t spoken for a long time.

Suddenly, as if with a sudden realization, she ran away while holding the wedding dress in her arms.

Feng Xuan was left alone. The Nightmare Beast’s ability was limited, and it couldn’t perfectly control everyone in the dream.

It’s like the kind of stage where the mortals sing, it may have set up only one line for Ah Bao, and didn’t arrange any more scenes for her. After she finished speaking, she would leave on her own.

After a while, the calm dream was stirred up a by a hint of movement again.

It was as if water ripples were floating in the air, and suddenly there were two more shadows that appeared in the courtyard of Zhujian Xiaozhu.

One was following closely after, it was the Sixth Prince who fell into a dream with Feng Xuan.

Another thing that surprised him a bit, was the figure of Qu Zhuyu slowly appearing in the courtyard.

Should it be said that the big devil really deserves to be the big devil?

Even if just randomly making a paper figurine, the fighting power is still so strong.

This was a dream created by the ancient demon Nightmare Beast, and only allowed except for the real people in reality. Even if just Qi Zhuoyu’s strand, it could still come and go freely.

Feng Xuan was not used to Qu Zhuyu yet, with a face exactly like the big devil’s.

After being stared at by Qu Zhuyu, he felt a sudden guilty feeling of wandering around without sleeping at night and causing trouble.

Until a burst of angry “Woof, woof, woof” dog barks caught Feng Xuan’s attention.

Feng Xuan lowered his eyes, and discovered a little yellow dog roaring at him at his feet. He stared at the yellow face of the little yellow dog, feeling that it was somewhat familiar. Feng Xuan wasn’t sure, and subconsciously asked, “Sixth Prince?”

The barking of the Sixth Prince yellow dog was even more heart shaking. The dog was full of tears, filled with grief and indignation. “Wow, woof! woof, woof!”

Feng Xuan let out a “wow”. He is really the Sixth Prince.

According to the Book of Fate, the dream created by the Nightmare Beast could make the owner of the dream completely immersed in the dream. Treat illusory dreams as reality, and reality as a dream. In short, it meant not being able to know that one was dreaming.

The reason why Feng Xuan still retained his self-awareness in his dream was because of this Migu wood hairpin he’s wearing in his hair.

The Migu Tree was a rare ancient divine tree that grew on Zhaoyao Mountain. As long as it was placed on the body, it could keep one’s mind clear and not be deluded by the Nightmare Beast.

As the owner of the dream, he would subconsciously portray the outsiders based on his true impression of this person in his dream.

Feng Xuan glanced at the Sixth Prince. So it turns out that he subconsciously wanted the Sixth Prince to become a dog? Although he had previously felt that the Sixth Prince’s swearing was really like a barking dog by the side of the road. Okay, no good holding back. I heard that being bitten by a dog seems to lead to mad dog disease.

He looked at Qu Zhuyu again.

Qu Zhuyu became more like Qi Zhuoyu himself in his dream. Feng Xuan was a little confused. What’s the matter, did he subconsciously hope the big devil to follow and be by his side? He won’t become so masochistic after being infected by the big devil, right?!

The Sixth Prince continued, “Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof!”

It looked like he was about to say something, Feng Xuan used his spiritual power to open his intelligance, and the Sixth Prince’s dog barking instantly turned into human words, which shocked him. “How the fuck did I become a dog! How the fuck did I become a dog! How the fuck did I become a dog!”

It seemed that the content of his dog barking sound was almost the same, he even felt that the IQ was similar.

Feng Xuan slowly withdrew his spiritual power again, and let the Sixth Prince continue barking.

After using spiritual power twice, Feng Xuan felt a little sleepy. 

He checked and his small pouch was still there, thus he groped for a blanket from inside, and moved to the Hu bed in the Zhujian Xiaozhu that he often loved to lie on. Although there was no Wutong tree, it was still very comfortable to take a nap in the courtyard.

After Feng Xuan finished all this, he wrapped himself in his blanket and prepared to sleep on the Hu bed for a while.

As a result, as soon as he laid down on it, he felt something forcefully pulling the blanket. Looking down, it was the Sixth Prince’s dog mouth biting a corner of the blanket and pulling it back fiercely.

The Sixth Prince let go and barked, “Woof woof! woof woof!”

Feng Xuan opened the Sixth Prince’s spiritual intelligence. “You’re going to sleep just like that?!”

Feng Xuan said calmly, “Otherwise?”

The Sixth Prince raised his voice. “We are all in this dream created by the monster at present. If we don’t leave, we will die!!”

Feng Xuan: “I know.”

But an ancient demon like the Nightmare Beast was not something a golden core stage cultivator like him could deal with. He had read the original owner’s Book of Fate. After the original owner and the “princess” fell into a dream, they almost immediately lost their self-awareness and had no power to resist. After an unknown amount of time later, the original owner was tormented by the dream and was covered in wounds, and it was not until before dawn that Qi Zhuoyu came to rescue him.

It was not mentioned in the Book of Fate what time in dawn did Qi Zhuoyu rescue him.

A day in the dream was equivalent to an hour outside, before daybreak…..counting the time he fell into the dream, he probably had to stay here for seven or eight days.

There was food and drink here, as well as a bed and blanket for sleeping.

Feng Xuan felt that it would not be too difficult for him to indulge himself here for a few days.

He laid flat directly, and confidently said, “But now it’s time for me to sleep.”

The sky is big and the earth is big, and sleeping is big as well. What’s the matter, let’s just discuss it after waking up.

From Misty Immortal Mansion to Chang’an, going by a boat and along the way, encountering faceless ghosts at an inn. When arriving at the Duan Palace, he was then frightened by hundreds of ghosts all night. Feng Xuan felt that he hadn’t had a full sleep for a long time. .

Moreover, it happened to be night when the Sixth Prince kidnapped him.

At this point, he’d be aroused fast before even sleeping.

Unexpectedly, when the Sixth Prince saw his attitude of a half-dead salted fish, his eyebrows frowned suddenly, as if he knew what to do. When the dog turned around, the eyes looking at Qu Zhuyu were filled with shock.

He looked at Feng Xuan again, and then at Qu Zhuyu that looked exactly the same as Qi Zhuoyu. The dog kept swinging. It was unknown if it’s fantasizing wonderful scene of the “substitute Wanguan Leiqing” dog blood plot, but the whole dog was really not good.

(t/n Wanguan Leiqing, a buzzword on the Internet, refers to the TV series “Zhen Huan Biography”, the emperor wrote to the late Chunyuan Queen, expressing: Zhen Huan (nicknamed Wan wan) is very similar to you. In fact, Huan Huan was favored by the emperor because of her resemblance to Chunyuan, and was actually regarded as Chunyuan’s substitute.) (SP probably thought Qu Zhuyu was a substitute for Qi Zhuoyu in FX heart.)

Feng Xuan didn’t notice the hearty activity of the dog.

When he was lying on the bed, he glanced at Qu Zhuyu standing aside without saying a word. To be honest, with a face exactly the same as that of the big devil, he still appeared a bit apprehensive. He always felt that in the next second, the big devil No. 2 would grab him by collar and lift him up from the bed, not allowing him to sleep around doing nothing, and then force him to do his homework.


Why does it look more and more like he has found a father for himself?

As a result, after waiting for a while, there was no movement from Qu Zhuyu at all.

It may be because of its low IQ, but it always looked wooden and silent.

When Feng Xuan laid down completely, it finally moved.

But instead of grabbing Feng Xuan to do his homework, with a stiff body, it pulled the blanket for him, and then covered him up. Feng Xuan was a little surprised. Looking at Qu Zhuyu still standing, he habitually left a space on the Hu bed.

Every time he slept under the Wutong tree, Qi Zhuoyu would personally like to come and squeeze in the bed with him.

Obviously, he had already prepared another bed for him, but he still manages to squeeze in without mistake.

But when looking at Qu Zhuyu, he simply stood there, motionless.

After all, it’s not the big devil himself. Before sleeping, Feng Xuan couldn’t help but sigh in his mind.

Man, paper is better.


Feng Xuan didn’t know how long he had slept. When he was still in a drowsy sleep, he was suddenly awakened by a movement from the outside world.

He opened his eyes, just in time to see that the barrier above the dream was suddenly torn open, and in the next second, Qi Zhuoyu himself, with a gloomy face, strode over from outside the barrier.

Seeing the big devil suddenly appear, Feng Xuan became startled. He almost thought he was dreaming in his dream.

He should have only slept for the duration it took to burn a stick of incense. He did not sleep for a week, right? Didn’t the Book of Fate say that Qi Zhuoyu would find him before dawn, why did he not follow the routine and found himself so soon?

Shouldn’t he go to Su Qingyan first?

Within dozens of seconds of Feng Xuan’s wild thoughts, the big devil had already walked over with the gust of wind.

Probably because he wanted to catch the demon at night that he put on a black robe he used to wear in the Misty Immortal Mansion before. Inside was a button-up shirt with a round neck, embossed with golden dark lines, the lines were not like the patterns of human clothing, it should be some kind of defensive pattern. The leather wrapped in gold and inlaid with jade narrowed his figure so that his shoulders appeared wide while his waist appeared narrow, and the crow-blue thin silk that swayed to the ground flew behind him with the pace of his walking.

I have to say that this handsome scene is very pleasing to the eye.

If it wasn’t for Qi Zhuoyu’s ugly expression, as if he was about to come over and beat him up in the next second, Feng Xuan felt that he could appreciate it for a while longer.

When he saw Qi Zhuoyu approaching, he jumped off the Hu bed reflexively, and the first thing he did was to turn over his homework book from his small pouch and pretend to work hard on his homework.

As a result, he spent half a day digging into his pouch but couldn’t pull out any homework, when later he realized. This is in a dream! Why does he have to do homework? No, why would he pretend that he was working hard in front of the big devil?

Qi Zhuoyu grabbed his arm and pulled him up, went straight to the point, and said in a very irritated mood, “Why are you here?”

Ah this. The first thing that comes up is whether this question is really good. Feng Xuan felt that he hadn’t urgently made up a suitable source yet.

I can’t tell him the truth about the plot in the Book of Fate.

If he revealed the secret, he would be hacked. Thus he struggled for a second, and pretended to be dead.

Feng Xuan remained silent. He intuitively felt that during the few seconds he was silent, the mood of the big devil became worse at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the next second, Qi Zhuoyu suddenly turned to look at Qu Zhuyu who had been silent for a while, and instantly dunked a lightning strike from his hand, “Trash.”

In the next second, Qu Zhuyu was beaten to the ground and flew away.

Qu Zhuyu slammed into the wall with a “boom”, smashing a big hole, and spat out a big pool of blood loudly. Wait, paper man vomits blood too?

Feng Xuan quickly grabbed Qi Zhuoyu’s sleeve. “Senior brother, this is my own dream that we accidentally fell into because of the Nightmare Beast.”

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him, “You’re speaking for him?”


Does this have anything to do with speaking for it? Isn’t Qu Zhuyu your strand to look after me? Do you really feel no pain beating it like this?

Feng Xuan felt that the big devil might really just be masochistic.

After Qi Zhuoyu gave his strand a violent beating, he realized that there was a dog at Feng Xuan’s feet.

After the Sixth Prince witnessed how the big devil went crazy and beat Qu Zhuyu, when he was stared at, the dog’s body stiffened.

One person and one dog just stared at each other silently for a few seconds.

Sixth Prince: “……”

“Woof woof! woof woof! woof woof!”

The sixth prince pretended to be a normal dog and barked, frantically wagging his tail, while the eyes revealed a kind of clear stupidity, and ran around Qi Zhuoyu to please him.

Woof, woof, woof–this Prince is just an ordinary puppy who likes to wag his tail.

In the next second, the Sixth Prince was kicked away by Qi Zhuoyu.

With a sound of “Woof woo—”, he fell beside Qu Zhuyu.

This fucker.

What a vicious man. The Sixth Prince vomited blood. Even the dog was not spared.

Feng Xuan was not sure if Qi Zhuoyu really hadn’t noticed that the Sixth Prince had turned into a dog. 

But after beating up the two people, he was still in a very irritable mood, and he always felt that he was going to be the next to be beaten up.

It’s like the kind of domestic violence man who beats his brother and beats his pet, and then beats his wife.

At this point, Feng Xuan was frightened and he dared not speak.

Unexpectedly, Qi Zhuoyu only just glanced at him, and then sat on his Hu bed with no expression. 

Immediately afterwards, Feng Xuan saw that the big devil suddenly started to blow up things in the Zhujian Xiaozhu like a brat losing his temper.

Clusters of profound thunder cleaved everywhere like lightning.

After a while, Zhujian Xiaozhu became dilapidated, leaving only broken walls and ruins.


Anyway, this place is just a dream, it doesn’t matter if it gets smashed to a pulp.

Moreover, the Zhujian Xiaozhu was originally the big devil’s own home, so if it is smashed, won’t he have to repair it himself.jpg

When he almost destroyed Zhujian Xiaozhu, Ah Bao, who had run away with his wedding dress just now, finally came, holding a pile of red clothes in her hand.

Seeing the Zhujian Xiaozhu that was razed to the ground in less than a stick of incense, Ah Bao turned pale with fright, and after seeing Qi Zhuoyu suddenly appearing beside Feng Xuan, she trembled even more.

Ah Bao didn’t know why “Qi Zhuoyu”, who was supposed to stay at Qingyun Peak every day to accompany Su Qingyan, would now be here, but when “Qi Zhuoyu” finally came to see her master, Ah Bao boldly walked over and placed the red cloth on the table.

Glancing at Feng Xuan and Qi Zhuoyu, she said timidly, “Master, these red fabrics are the best in the Misty Immortal Mansion, if these are used to sew wedding dresses for you and Senior Brother Qi, it would be perfect.”


A question mark popped up in Feng Xuan’s head. It turned out that Ah Bao suddenly ran away just now, not because she finished her lines, but instead, she thought that the wedding dresses made by others were not good, so she wanted him to sew one by himself.

Even in my dream, I turn out to be such a coquettish wife?

Before he could speak, Qi Zhuoyu’s voice sounded first, and he immediately caught the key point, “Big wedding?”

Feng Xuan nodded and tried to explain, “Senior brother. The scene of this dream I fell into seems to be the scene of me getting married to you.”

After he finished speaking, he felt that Qi Zhuoyu might not be able to bear it and would strangle him to death.

As a result, Qi Zhuoyu didn’t speak, but just snorted with an unclear meaning, and was not in a bad mood anymore.

The big devil’s character had always been capricious, with transient moods.

Feng Xuan had always been unable to guess why he went crazy for no reason, and why his mood became better inexplicably.

After Qi Zhuoyu’s mood improved, he started chatting with him.

Feng Xuan listened slowly and only realized what happened in the Daming Palace tonight.

Qi Zhuoyu and the others arrived at Daming Palace at noon to catch the Nightmare Beast. Apart from Su Qingyan, Ji Fangxin was also with them. Not long after, Qi Zhuoyu discovered traces of the Nightmare Beast in one of the princesses’ dreams. Nightmare Beasts liked to hide in the dreams they created, sometimes they would transform into people in the dream, and sometimes they would simply appear in their original form.

After finding the Nightmare Beast, with Qi Zhuoyu’s cultivation, of course, he seized it directly, simply and roughly. As a result, when the Nightmare Beast was on the brink of death, an astonishing desire to survive erupted, straight away creating a big one, and took away all the people in the Daming Palace.

Hearing this, Feng Xuan recalled the gusts of wind that he felt inexplicably in the palace corridor of Yeting.

It turned out that after the Nightmare Beast erupted and created a big one, it indiscriminately reached them. Yeting was the place where the concubines lived, and it was close to the Daming Palace, therefore it was natural to be affected.

But Feng Xuan was still very curious about how Qi Zhuoyu found him.

Originally, there were a huge number of people that fell into the dream in the Daming Palace and the Yeting. 

Qi Zhuoyu glanced at him, “The dreams created by the mere Nightmare Beast, it’s still hundred years too early to be able to trap me.”


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