After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Kidnapped (part 2)

The first batch of imperial monks failed to take Feng Xuan back.

Several waves came one after another, each time before Feng Xuan could speak up, they would be instantly killed by the faceless man.

It’s truly an expressionless seckill in a literal sense.

After more than forty people died, Feng Xuan hugged the faceless man’s arm when he was about to kill someone again. “Stop! Stop, stop!”

Help. If this big devil No. 2 kills again, how else could he go to Qi Zhuoyu’s dream and walk through the plot.

Feng Xuan didn’t want to do it again, to be called up by the Book of Fate in the middle of the night to do tasks.

When the faceless man was hugged by him, he really didn’t move.

Since the more than forty imperial monks who were about to jump in from the wall just now were all killed by the big devil No. 2, the three imperial monks left finally obediently walked through the main entrance. Even knocked on the door very politely, and after getting Feng Xuan’s permission, lined up like little daughters-in-law and came in.

The three of them were like quails, shaking their heads. After taking a look at the faceless man, their faces turned pale. They rubbed their hands and said respectfully, “Immortal Gentleman Xiao Qi, my master is inviting you. I wonder if you have time to go there tonight?”

Feng Xuan: “Useless Dao Companion”, ” Immortal Gentleman Xiao Qi”.

I don’t understand you mortals very well.jpg

He originally planned to complete the plot in the Book of Fate, thus Feng Xuan readily accepted.

But after taking two steps, he glanced at the faceless man. After a day of his observation, Feng Xuan found that although this faceless man who looked like a big devil had strong cultivation, his IQ didn’t seem to be very high.

The order it got from Qi Zhuoyu should be to watch over him, as for where to watch, that was up to him.

Feng Xuan hesitated for a moment and decided to bring the faceless man with him.

Worried that it would scare others with its lack of facial features, he found a pen before going out and painted on the face of the faceless man. In less than a stick of incense, the faceless man’s facial features were drawn, following Qi Zhuoyu’s appearance. Feng Xuan injected a little spiritual power into the center of its brows, and its facial features suddenly became three-dimensional and vivid, almost exactly the same as Qi Zhuoyu himself.

Precisely a dull and wooden expression.

Why not call it Qu Zhuyu! 

After a while, people from Si Tiantai brought Feng Xuan and Qu Zhuyu and came to Yeting. 

Yeting was where the concubines lived.

The carriage wound around for a long time, and finally stopped at the entrance of a palace.

Just as Feng Xuan supported Qu Zhuyu and jumped off the carriage, he heard a familiar voice cursing loudly.

“I fucking asked you to knock him unconscious and tie him up, yet you let him come in a fucking carriage?”

“Are you fucking kidnapping or fucking serving your ancestors?!”

A series of “fuck” made Feng Xuan dizzy.

Qu Zhuyu suddenly covered his ears expressionlessly.

Okay, does Qu Zhuyu mean that he should not listen to dirty language?

Not far away, the Sixth Prince jumped up, cursed and kicked the imperial monks of Si Tiantai.

Turning his head to see Feng Xuan, the enemy was extremely furious when he saw him, he almost gritted his teeth and said, “Finally I caught you, you little bitch, Qi Zhuoyu is not here today, just see how I will deal with you…”

Before he finished speaking, the Sixth Prince suddenly saw the paralyze faced Qu Zuyu.

As if seeing some devil, he took two steps back in shock and took a breath of cold air.

Qi Zhuoyu?!

How is this possible, isn’t he accompanying his father emperor to catch demons in the Daming Palace tonight? !

Soon, the Sixth Prince saw that Qu Zuyu had no feet.

He was surprised. Is this a paper man?

The Sixth Prince calmed down his heartbeat, it turned out that he was only scaring himself.

He thought: how could Qi Zhuoyu be here? Just a mere paper figure, he was not afraid at all. Then he said arrogantly, “Come, give me—” this little bitch to beat to death.

The second half of the sentence was not uttered.

Qu Zuyu snapped his fingers, and then the heads of the two eunuchs who stepped forward to do it exploded.

Qu Zuyu then looked at the Sixth Prince calmly.

The Sixth Prince who saw the murder scene directly: his legs turn weak.

In an instant, everyone froze.

The two eunuchs who hadn’t stepped forward tremblingly peeked at the Sixth Prince.

The Sixth Prince was very stiff.

After swallowing his saliva, he kicked the eunuch forcefully. “No-not serving my sister-in-law a cup of tea yet! A bunch of dogs, does my sister-in-law not need to sleep at night? Do you have any sense of public morality in bringing someone to the palace?!”

Feng Xuan was a little surprised when he saw the scene before him, he didn’t expect that the person who “kidnapped” him was the Sixth Prince.

Since it was not a princess, will the plot in the Book of Life still happen?

Just as he was wondering, gusts of cold wind suddenly rose in the palace corridor of Yeting.

The Sixth Prince was just walking in front of him, but before he could speak, his eyes closed and he fell to the ground.

Feng Xuan was startled, Qu Zuyu then knelt down to feel his breath.

The person is not dead, just asleep.

Feng Xuan suddenly realized something. The only thing that could make people fall asleep instantly was the Nightmare Beast.

Just as he was about to tell Qu Zuyu to be more careful, his eyelids felt heavy, and he lost consciousness the next second.

When he woke up again, the scene in front of him was no longer the palace.

Ah Bao’s voice sounded in his ears, the little girl was holding a bright red wedding dress, looked at Feng Xuan, and said excitedly, “Little master, tomorrow is the wedding celebration between you and Senior Brother Qi, hurry up and try this wedding dress ah!”


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