After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Senior Brother Will Cover You (part 2)

No one expected this scene.

The scene even remained silent for a few seconds.

The palace attendants and maids were the first to react.

Then there was Qi Zhuoyu, whose eyes fell on Feng Xuan, with a rare little stunned.

Hehe. Scared to death.

Usually, this god is pinched by you, but at this moment, this is all for you.

I’m super fierce.

Feng Xuan jumped off the small stone stool amidst the screams and wails of the palace attendants.

When the Sixth Prince regained his senses, he rushed forward like a mad dog to cut Feng Xuan alive. He has grown up so big, and many people cluster around him. Since when did he suffer such shame and humiliation in front of everyone?!

Nevertheless, the Thirteenth Prince and the Seventeenth Prince were a little more sensible, they just only said a few disgusting words to Qi Zhuoyu. After all, Qi Zhuoyu was the emperor’s guest of honor at the moment, and his status was different from the past. Supposing there really was a fight in the palace, they’d be the only ones who would suffer.

When the two princes grabbed the Sixth Prince at the same time, the Sixth Prince also realized that he really couldn’t do anything to Qi Zhuoyu.

Therefore his face turned unbearable as if his dear father had died, yet he didn’t continue to struggle and pounce on him.

He merely stared at Feng Xuan with a sinister expression, then spit out a harsh sentence, “You just wait!”

Feng Xuan nodded, “I’ll wait.”

The Sixth Prince: “?”

Feng Xuan calmly said, “Your two eye circles are asymmetrical, I’ll wait for you to come to me next time, and I promise to make them symmetrical for you.”

The Sixth Prince blushed with anger, his blood pressure soared, he immediately flicked his sleeve and walked away!

At once, only Feng Xuan and Qi Zhuoyu were left on the palace corridor.

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t speak, and after looking at him for a while, he turned his head and walked outside the palace.

Seeing that he didn’t speak, Feng Xuan felt that he understood.

After all, the Sixth Prince had been barking for a long time just now, and in those few sporadic words, Feng Xuan seemed to be able to pry into the past of the big devil.

It seems that life is not too good.

He thought that a proud man like him would probably have a good life from childhood to adulthood.

Thinking about it this way, Feng Xuan suddenly felt that his punch just now was too light.

As soon as he regretted it, it was easy to constantly replay it in his mind, always feeling that he can make another punch. He was so engrossed in thinking that he didn’t notice when Qi Zhuoyu stopped.

Feng Xuan almost bumped into Qi Zhuoyu’s back, before he could recover, he heard a voice from above his head, “Regretting it?”

…Does the God Transformation Stage really not have the skill of mind reading?

He was silent, but Qi Zhuoyu understood it as his acquiescence.

The mother concubine of the Sixth Prince was a high-ranking concubine, had high status and great power. Now that Feng Xuan had beaten him, it was normal to feel regretful and afraid later. But Qi Zhuoyu suddenly became very irritable.

After a long time, Feng Xuan nodded, “A little bit.”

Then, he continued, “If I had known earlier, I would have punched a little harder.”

After listening, Qi Zhuoyu showed that slightly confused look again.

Feng Xuan’s mind was extremely easy to guess, everything in his mind would be written on his face, and it was because of this that he was confused. What his Dao companion said, it turned out to be his real thoughts.

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t understand, he said, “You are not afraid of him.”

Although it was in a declarative tone, it was actually a question.

Feng Xuan asked “Huh?” in his mind, and then said honestly, “Senior brother, I’m not even afraid of you, why should I be afraid of him.”

You are the big devil who will turn the world upside down in future generations, straighten up and roll up, don’t compare yourself to this kind of cannon fodder trash!

Comparing to yourself who will shake the world.

The Sixth Prince’s bad behavior is not worth mentioning compared to you breaking things.

Qi Zhuoyu suddenly laughed without warning, his shoulders trembling, as if the other had said something very funny.

Feng Xuan really didn’t feel that what he said just now had something in it to make him laugh, it could only be regarded that the big devil’s mental state was unstable again. But seeing that he seemed to be in a good mood, Feng Xuan exploited the victory by hot pursuit and hugged his thigh, “And if the Sixth Prince comes to find trouble with me, senior brother will protect me.”

(t/n hug the thigh-someone trying to curry favor with someone else)

After he finished speaking, he nervously glanced at Qi Zhuoyu.

He just spoke of loyalty and helped the big devil fight back, he should also help himself.

After all,

A plastic Dao companion is still a Dao companion.

Qi Zhuoyu gave him an ambiguous glance, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

But he always smiled coolly, looked harmless to humans and animals but was actually a despicable person. Feng Xuan didn’t know what this smile meant.

Just when he was about to give up, Qi Zhuoyu gave him an answer.

Feng Xuan suddenly felt a chill on his forehead, and was then flicked by Qi Zhuoyu’s index finger. The pain made him look up, only to look into the other’s pair of peach blossom eyes.

The spot where his index finger came into contact with his forehead, a steady stream of spiritual power was suddenly transmitted, rampaging into all the four limbs and bones, directly pouring into his golden core that was on foundation building stage simply and crudely, connecting two floors, directly crossing the foundation building stage.

Feng Xuan:?

Talk about an upgrade in stages.

Qi Zhuoyu had given him a portion of his cultivation, and then looked at Feng Xuan with a muddle-headed face in a good mood.

He replied slowly, “Okay.”

He curled his lips, he couldn’t tell what mood he was in, and then smiled, “Senior brother will cover you.”


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