After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Senior Brother Will Cover You (part 1)

As expected, it’s beyond reason.

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t pay attention to this classic cannon fodder provocation.

Feng Xuan understood him.

The character of the big devil is like this, even if it’s cloudy and sunny, one will be unable to perceive anger or joy on his face.

When he should have gotten angry at this moment, he didn’t, yet now and then, he would get angry with him for no reason.

Furthermore, Qi Zhuoyu still maintains his super good temperament on the surface, and his clear and clean senior brother character.

How could it be possible for a passerby to break through his armor?

But the Sixth Prince did not understand.

He opened his mouth to mock, and babbled for a long time, yet the person did not even pay any attention to him.

It was like punching a cotton, making him extremely unhappy.

He didn’t notice it when he came in just now, but now standing in front of Qi Zhuoyu, he realized that his clothes were low-key and luxurious. He didn’t know what material was used to make the horizontal garment with dark patterns of stone blue clouds and geese on his body, but it didn’t look ordinary. The silk gauze on the outer cover was even more eye-catching. There were rumors that when the Guixu Kingdom in the South China Sea was not yet a desert, there used to be rare silk gauze in the world. The kind of silk gauze that was woven from the skin of mermaids, which was rare in the world.

The clothes or accessories worn by cultivators basically have mana. Placing any piece of robe in Chang’an, it’d be priceless in the market and one wouldn’t be able to get it even if one spent a thousand silvers.

Although the Sixth Prince’s mother consort was already favored in the imperial harem, his food and clothing expenses were already at the top of the royal family, but compared with Qi Zhuoyu, what he owned was no different from garbage.

This was the gap between the cultivation world and the human world.

The more the Sixth Prince thought about it, the more jealous he became. If it were someone else who had such an opportunity, it wouldn’t matter. But it just happened to be Qi Zhuoyu, a little bastard born uneducated. It’s like when he was just a child, there would be a poor little boy around him that everyone could bully, but suddenly one day he flourished, and not only did he liberate himself and ride on their heads, he could even ride on his father’s head.

His own father emperor at present was even more generous to Qi Zhuoyu than to his own son.

The Sixth Prince was blinded by jealousy as he thought about it, and not fearing to have his life cut short, rushed towards the direction of death and putting on airs.

Seeing Qi Zhuoyu not responding, he waved his golden jade fan and continued to provoke, “Why isn’t the Royal Highness speaking anymore? Did he forget how to bark like a dog? Do you want this brother to teach you a few times now, so that you can earnestly recall about it?”

The seventeenth and thirteenth princes behind him immediately echoed like standard cannon fodder followers:

“Exactly, exactly.”

“After His Royal Highness cousin was unable to cultivate immortality, he forgot his old profession of being a dog.”

Upon hearing this, Feng Xuan was lost in wonder.

It’s a pity that he couldn’t take a look at Qi Zhuoyu’s Book of Fate, otherwise he really wanted to see how these three crouching dragons and phoenix chicks died in the end. 

(t/n crouching dragons and phoenix chicks- used to ridicule the other party for being too showy and silly, sometimes it is ironic, and it is a mockery of praise and derogation when the opponent is too weak)

Probably because the Sixth Prince stared at them for too long.

He was passionately provoking the other for a long while, and finally noticed the young man beside Qi Zhuoyu.

I heard that Qi Zhuoyu married a mediocre and ordinary mortal as his wife in the cultivation world.

Let alone being a mortal, it was also a man, could it be him?

The Sixth Prince looked Feng Xuan up and down, and sneered, “Are you the Dao companion of my Royal Highness Cousin?”

Watching the play well, Feng Xuan, who was suddenly being called: “?”

The Sixth Prince sneered, “What kind of rubbish that’s a match for the dog!”

Feng Xuan paralyzed salted fish: Haha, laughable. That’s all for cursing? It’s not as good as the cultivators in Misty Immortal Mansion cursing him with scandalous words.jpg (TL: it’s really jpg, so, I guess it’s a laughing picture or a picture of the MIM cultivators cursing at him)

Qi Zhuoyu’s expression finally changed, his line of sight with an unexpected coldness fell directly on the Sixth Prince’s body.

Even after a decade or so, the Sixth Prince’s scalp would still tingle when facing Qi Zhuoyu’s frightening and cold gaze. He comforted himself: Qi Zhuoyu is not the little lunatic who killed people when he was a child, he is now a cultivator of immortality, it was also said that his temper has improved a lot.  Moreover this is the imperial palace, would he dare to take action against him?

Feng Xuan was then surprised.

What’s going on, you were cursed so much just now yet still didn’t get angry, but why are you suddenly angry again now? Is there any skill like cooldown time for the anger value on this big devil?

But seeing Qi Zhuoyu’s gloomy expression, and the Sixth Prince who was still trying to court death.

Feng Xuan was really a little bit afraid that he would crush the Sixth Prince’s head like how he crushed the heads of those monsters.

There is no such scene in the Book of Fate.

If Qi Zhuoyu passionately kills on the spot and goes crazy, how would the plot of killing his wife and gaining enlightenment be played out later?!

The Sixth Prince’s mouth crazily spouted, “What? Feeling ashamed of marrying a man? Want me to say it, you, such a person, should marry a man,  it’ll save you the hassle of being like your cheap mother in the future, giving birth to you, a little bastard who is neither human nor a demon.”

Feng Xuan finally couldn’t bear his mentally retarded speech, and couldn’t help but said, “Just now, you asked me, am I Qi Zhuoyu’s Dao companion?”

The Sixth Prince paused, probably because he didn’t expect Feng Xuan to speak. As a result, he finally felt a bit of a thrill of being successful in provoking!

He then arrogantly said, “Yes. What do you want?”

Feng Xuan took a look at the Sixth Prince’s height, he seemed to be a head taller than himself. Looking left and right, a small stone stool was then dragged from the edge of the palace corridor.

The Sixth Prince looked at Feng Xuan’s bewildering behavior with a puzzled expression, until Feng Xuan stood on the stone stool and asked him face to face, “Then you must have heard the rumors today that Madam Qi’s temper is a bit poor?”

The Sixth Prince really followed Feng Xuan’s words and thought about it.

In the afternoon, he did hear rumors that Qi Zhuoyu’s mortal Dao companion, went shopping like crazy as soon as he entered Chang’an, and only ‘buy, buy, buy’, that ten treasuries would not be enough for him to build. Not only arrogant but also prodigal. But he’s a dignified prince, will he still admit that he gossips everywhere?

The Sixth Prince sneered, and continued to say arrogantly, “Never heard of it!”

In the next second, without any warning, Feng Xuan used all his strength and punched the Sixth Prince in the face. The unforeseen event happened so abruptly!

The Sixth Prince was unprepared. He literally received a punch, his whole body fell back at least two meters, fell on the ground heavily and was then spread out in all directions! The eye socket was suddenly black and bruised, with the shocked expression still on his face!

Feng Xuan stood on the stone stool, looking down from a height, and seriously said, “Then you know now.”

That childish face even had a hint of innocence, then he continued, “The rumors that Madam Qi has a poor temper, it’s true.”


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