After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Inability to Give birth (part 1)

Soon, Feng Xuan used the speed of lightning to cover his ears.

It was practical proof of just how difficult he was to be raised.

Arriving outside the gate of Chang’an, the flying boat landed ahead of schedule.

The officials sent by Emperor Li to guard the gate rushed forward to greet them. The refugees were also temporarily handed over to the officials to deal with. Qi Zhuoyu and others entered Chang’an in a mighty manner with the order of His Majesty.

Feng Xuan had been in the Misty Immortal Mansion for so long.

Although the cultivation world was also considered a part of the mortal world, but after all, requesting for immortals, it still gave people the feeling that immortals have a fluttering and proud appearance, untainted by the mundane world.

Unexpectedly, the outside was separated by a wall.

Outside the wall, refugees were scurrying around, and inside the wall was a magnificent and prosperous world, bustling and flourishing. The eaves of teahouses and restaurants were overgrown, and there was an endless flow of sparkling carriages and horses, criss-crossed roads, and houses and buildings were scattered everywhere. The world of mortals, it was bustling with activity, and he was here—amidst the noise and stretch of this mortal world.

Feng Xuan had never seen such a lively place, anyway, there was none like this in the Ninth Heaven.

Moreover, the food sold here was never eaten in Misty Immortal Mansion. The roadside stalls were all sticking up under big umbrellas, and the aroma of various snacks floated into his nose. It’s just that the method seemed a little unhygienic, but Feng Xuan was still a bit tempted to eat.

No one can resist the temptation of junk food.

Even if it is a god, it won’t work either.

Feng Xuan boldly stretched out his hand, grabbed a skewer of candied haws from the vendor, and then glanced at Qi Zhuoyu.

He felt that now he was particularly like the kind who was taken out by his parents to buy things, and that taking snacks also depended on the bear child looking at his parents’ eyes. (TL: often described as a naughty child, who is young and ignorant.)

Qi Zhuoyu also took a look at him, as if he was not very opposed.

Feng Xuan took down candied haws and held them in his hand, and eagerly waited for Qi Zhuoyu to pay.

Limited cleverness.jpg (TL: must be a “well-behaved” emoji but limited or controlled?)

Qi Zhuoyu glanced at him and chuckled. At this time, he’s been waiting for the opportunity to show his cleverness.

After walking a few steps, he saw another seller selling fried stinky tofu.

Feng Xuan glanced at Qi Zhuoyu again, the big devil still seemed to have no intention of objecting.

After two times in a row, Feng Xuan had probed the other’s bottom line.

Qi Zhuoyu may start to play his domineering senior brother who “buy, buy, buy, good, good, good pamper, pamper, pamper” again.

Is he fond of acting so much?

Then he won’t be polite.

So along the way, Feng Xuan was the same as someone who came to Chang’an to buy goods, wanting anything novelty or anything he hadn’t seen before.

Thus the shining white silvers flowed like flowing water, yet Qi Zhuoyu didn’t even bat an eye.

The cultivators who followed all the way were stunned.

One of them was the cultivator who went to Zhujian Xiaozhu before to pass on the message to Feng Xuan from Qingyun Peak. On the way here, he was still envious of the Senior Brother Qi having such an obedient and quiet Dao companion. He had also made a bond himself, but his Dao companion at home was as fierce as a tigress.

But seeing Feng Xuan’s level of spending money right now, his heart twitched, “Mother, Senior Brother Qi, this little Dao companion is too capable of spending money ah.”

Another also echoed, “Lacking physical exercise, cultivation level is poor, so delicate and hard to raise, I really don’t know what Brother Qi likes in him!”

Someone wink and signaled the other, “What do you know? Some men like this kind of thing.”

” –As soon as one acts coquettishly and has a little temper tantrum, it’s guaranteed that the husband’s soul will be lost.”

Having said that, everyone’s eyes fell on Feng Xuan’s face in unison.

Fair and clean, because of his young age, the baby fat on his cheeks had not yet faded. The almond eyes were curved, and the upper eye line was obvious when looking up at people, like a non-aggressive kitten.

When he opened his mouth to speak, one could see the neat teeth and the tip of a sweet and soft tongue, he then unreasonably spoke in a strong manner, “Senior brother, want this.”


Their throat tightened.

Suddenly, they can understand Brother Qi a little bit, what’s going on!

Before reaching the palace, rumors spread that Qi Zhuoyu spent a lot of money to “buy, buy, buy, pamper,pamper, pamper” his Dao companion.

—Along the way, all that was heard were:

“Senior brother Qi is really kind!”

“A Dao companion with such a temper, yet he was able to bear it.”

 “Only Senior Brother Qi with a good temper can do it!”

“Worthy of being the super gentle, clear and open-minded senior brother!”

  Don’t stand too steady in the character design.

There were also such as:

“He is a lofty and cold immortal gentleman! While he is a lowly person in the human world amongst the many sentient beings! He is domineering and affectionate, while he is arrogant and unruly, and cannot tell good from bad! He dotes on, he chases, and he’s in a situation that’s difficult to escape……For one or two silver, he was bought for a lifetime!”

Hearing this, Feng Xuan laughed and collapsed. What kind of stingy and overbearing immortal gentleman will want to whore him with just two silvers? How cheap is he?

Also, why is it that Qi Zhuoyu is domineering and affectionate, while he’s arrogant and unruly, and cannot tell good from bad?


The double-standard ability made this god lost in wonder.

 If the same rumor was able to reach his ears, it must have also reached Qi Zhuoyu’s ears.

The officials led them to the Daming Palace, and the long palace corridor seemed to have no end.

Qi Zhuoyu was actually in a good mood, and took the initiative to chat with him, “Do you know why Li Taizong called me back in such a hurry.”

Huh? Li Taizong is at least your emperor uncle, is it really okay for you to call him by his name like this?

He quickly glanced at the eunuchs around him, it appeared like they didn’t hear them talking.

Feng Xuan more or less knew that Qi Zhuoyu must have used some spell to make them unable to be heard.

He answered honestly, “Because Li Taizong’s sons were attacked by monsters?”

Qi Zhuoyu calmly said, “He has more than thirty sons, would he care about these few, being attacked by monsters? The reason why he was so anxious to call me back is because the ‘live forever and never get old’ elixir is finished.”

Thinking of this, Qi Zhuoyu suddenly felt a wave of revulsion.


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