After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

 Difficult to Raise (part 2)

Fast eaters had already finished eating, and went to knelt down in front of Su Qingyan and kowtowed gratefully. “Thank you very much, Immortal Master! Thank you very much, Immortal  Master!”

The one who kowtowed was an elderly person, Su Qingyan couldn’t accept this big gratitude, and quickly helped the person up, “Sir, please get up, I’m just a cultivator, not an immortal.”

The old man burst into tears, “You are so kind even if you are not an immortal, but if you were, how compassionate and kind-hearted you must be!”

The real immortal is standing in front of layers of steamers and has just received a steamed bun.

Break open your eyes and look, I’m speechless to the point of fainting, solid! (TL: solid here means true heart; do not treat people with hypocrisy (I think?) Other meanings are reliable, stocky, strong, tight, solid, strong.)

Feng Xuan showed the steamed bun to Qi Zhuoyu, his face wrinkled, “Senior brother, how can it be solid?”

Qi Zhuoyu: “What everyone receives is solid.” After thinking about it, he didn’t understand him, and said in a cold tone, “There are so many cultivators on the flying boat, and you are the only one along with the refugees to receive breakfast. You should improve your cultivation more. Practice fasting during breakfast.”

What a domineering speech.

 Feng Xuan was dissatisfied in his heart, but he didn’t talk back.

He simply looked at the dry and solid steamed bun and took a bite, there was no sweetness at all. Ai, I miss that big devil in Zhujian Xiaozhu. He was a bit fierce, but he always gave him meat every now and then.

Some people, though not yet dead.

Yet have already begun to miss.

Qi Zhuoyu said: “Are you cursing me?”

Feng Xuan was surprised. Do cultivators at the Deity Transformation Stage also have the ability to read minds?

Qi Zhuoyu said, “Don’t make it clear on your face what you want to say next time.”

Feng Xuan suddenly realized. It turned out that he failed to manage his facial expressions!

He quickly adjusted his thoughts. I want to eat steamed buns with flowing brown sugar. I want to eat steamed buns with flowing brown sugar. I want to eat steamed buns with flowing brown sugar.

Qi Zhuoyu turned a blind eye.


The function of reading the mind also includes selective blindness.

Feng Xuan took another mouthful of steamed buns, then suddenly someone pulled the corner of his clothes.

When he lowered his head, it was the same little beggars from yesterday. Dirty little faces formed a circle, and one of the brave ones put a grass-woven bracelet in his palm. It took Feng Xuan two seconds to understand that these little beggars that ate candy yesterday, were thanking him with this bracelet today.

Knot grass ring. It’s paying a debt of gratitude.

 The weave was strangely pretty, Feng Xuan gladly put it on.

He glanced at the few little beggars who were obviously not full but did not dare to ask for steamed buns again.

Feng Xuan broke off a big piece of steamed bun in his hand and gave it to them.

 Qi Zhuoyu glanced at him. “You are good to others, but others may not necessarily treat you well.”

Feng Xuan listened to the big devil words with sarcasm. He didn’t get brown sugar steamed buns, thus he was not happy, the other even dared and poked his painful foot, “Oh. I am not like some people who treat others with hypocritical kindness.”

He flicked his wrist and the bracelet jingled.

The bright white section, with the color of the crescent white moon, twinkled.

Feng Xuan suddenly became bold. “See, a sincere heart can only change a sincere heart.”

 Qi Zhuoyu was neither angry nor noncommittal.

Sincere heart is the most useless thing.

Someone gave him a grass woven bracelet and treats it as a treasure.

He has given him so much compared to this, but he doesn’t see him showing off everywhere. Little heartless.

After distributing the last steamed bun, Qi Zhuoyu said, “Right now, you have relieved them temporarily, but amidst the continuous war, what would they rely on to survive?”

The flying boat was full of refugees, Feng Xuan became rarely silent. He was born as a god, and he had never seen the suffering of people’s livelihood so vividly.

Feng Xuan would not be so naive as to say that porridge and rice were not enough to satisfy one’s hunger, so why not eat sweet cakes.

He looked at Qi Zhuoyu. He always felt that he had said half of what he intended to say, and that the other half hadn’t been said yet.

Sure enough, Qi Zhuoyu continued in the next second, “That’s why some people seek enlightenment and cultivation, becoming immortal. Only by ascending and becoming a god can they possess the great power to change this world.”

Good. Deserving to be a speech of a business team. Feng Xuan clapped like a seal in his mind.

When Qi Zhuoyu said this, the ambition in his eyes was not concealed at all.

Feng Xuan didn’t want to pour cold water on him, even if it’s ascending and becoming a god, he also had no right to change his own destiny.

Otherwise, could he be so unlucky and come down to the mortal world to experience calamity?!

Besides, Feng Xuan also knew.

Qi Zhuoyu did not become a celestial being, but became a big devil who would be punished by everyone in the future.

The atmosphere was a little heavy.

Feng Xuan didn’t speak anymore, and Qi Zhuoyu, he didn’t know when he left either.

The flying boat flew forward for a quarter of an hour, breaking through the darkness and seeing the light, and the prosperity of Chang’an, the capital of ten thousand dynasties, was faintly visible under their feet.

Feng Xuan heard someone calling him from behind. “Xiao Qi.”

The voice was clean and deep.

He turned his head, and a soft steamed bun was thrown in front of his eyes. When he broke it apart, there was hot brown sugar liquid inside.

Feng Xuan raised his head, Qi Zhuoyu crossed his arms and leaned against the railing of the flying boat. “For you.”

That candy last night was considered clean. (TL: accounts cleared between two parties)

Qi Zhuoyu’s peach blossom eyes were shining, like looking at a dog with quite an affection, his laugh was a little foolish as well.

He commented on him. “Difficult to raise.”


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