A Snake Entwining Flowers


“Wake up.”

Charlotte’s condition was already terrible even before she was kidnapped, as she hadn’t slept at all the previous night. Perhaps that’s why, despite the nerve-wracking situation, she couldn’t fight off the drowsiness.


Who knows how much time had passed since she had fainted? Kana, who had disappeared somewhere, returned.

“Wake up, Charlotte Hegel.”

Kana shook her until her eyes fluttered open and then helped her sit up. She untied the ropes around Charlotte’s legs.

“Your precious fiancé is here to get you.”


“Downstairs. I’ll untie your feet.”

Kana roughly pushed her to lead the way down the stairs. Charlotte stumbled forward, her hands still tied behind her back. She felt the cold of the bare floor against her feet, having lost her shoes during the abduction.

As they reached the landing, a voice came from behind her.

“I’ve been thinking about what you said.”


“I hate to admit it, but you were right.”


“We did involve innocent people. We shouldn’t have.”

Her voice was softer, less sharp than it had been earlier in the day. Knowing they wouldn’t see each other again after today, Kana spoke candidly.

“In any case, I plan to make amends for that, even if our cause was just.”

“You’ve… you’ve made the right decision.”

Charlotte meant it. Despite being kidnapped and treated harshly, she understood why Kana had been driven to such extremes. This version of Kana, as well as the one she had seen at the mansion, were both her true selves. Just like how Richard had his gentle and cold sides, both were part of who he was.

Taking a deep breath, Charlotte replied softly.

“Richard is a man of his word.”

“Is he?”

“Yes. So Kaon will be safe.”

Her words were full of conviction. Richard always kept his promises.

“I hope so. That way, you’ll be safe too.”

Kana muttered to herself and quickened her pace.

“Right now, your fiancé and Jenine are in a standoff. If Jenine gets agitated, things could get messy. Let’s hurry down.”

As they descended the stairs, Charlotte saw him standing in the rain. Richard had dismounted from his horse and was dragging the hostage like a sack of goods. Watching this, Kana shouted.


A man with a sharp face, dark skin, and black hair—he indeed resembled Kana. Tears streamed down her face as she instinctively tried to move forward, but Jenine held her back. Pointing his gun at Richard, Jenine commanded.

“Prove you’re unarmed first!”

In the dim light, Richard turned his head towards Charlotte, and their eyes met. Her gaze wavered. It had been less than a day, but his cheeks seemed slightly more hollow. His expression was unreadable, but one thing was clear: he had come alone, risking everything to protect her.

Without a word, Richard complied with the instructions. He took off his coat, turned his pockets inside out, and raised his hands to show his palms. Only after confirming he was completely unarmed did the next command come.

“Release Kaon!”

At Kana’s command, he roughly shoved the hostage forward. The figure stumbled but managed to regain balance, taking one shaky step at a time toward them. When the hostage reached the midpoint, Kana couldn’t hold back any longer and rushed forward to embrace her sibling.

“That’s enough, Jenine. Now let Charlotte go.”

Supporting her injured brother, Kana shouted. Tears welled up in Charlotte’s eyes as she watched the siblings reunite. Then, with a firm push, Kana sent her towards Richard.

She saw him waiting for her. Charlotte, weak and unsteady, shuffled towards him on her dirt-covered bare feet. Just as she reached him, her legs gave out, and she began to fall forward. Strong hands caught her, pulling her into a firm embrace. She caught a faint scent of musk.



“I need to tell you something…”

She wanted to share what she had realized—that they should have talked more. That night, she shouldn’t have run away like that. They should have either resolved their misunderstandings or ended things clearly.


But her words were cut off. He pulled her closer, cradling her head against his chest. Just as it seemed they might escape, a scream tore through the air.


“Jenine, you bastard!”

Charlotte’s heart sank as she turned to see Jenine, who had previously aimed his gun at them, now pointing it at the siblings.

“What is happening…?”

“Quite the spectacle.”

Her mind went blank, unable to process what was happening. Richard, with a silent smile, gestured towards Jenine.

“Bring them over.”


Jenine nodded and bound Kana’s hands just like Kaon’s. He then dragged both of them towards Richard. Charlotte, still bound and unable to dismount from the high saddle on her own, stammered in shock.

“Wh-what is going on…?”

“You moved faster than I expected, which was annoying. I planned to watch and wait until the right moment to capture everyone.”

“Y-you mean this was all planned…? From the start…?”

“Did you think I would leave that woman by your side without investigating her thoroughly?”

“H-how could you…”

“People are easily swayed by gold and quick to betray, no matter who they are, even blood relatives.”


It felt like a blow to the back of her head. He wasn’t going to spare them. Desperately, Charlotte pleaded.

“…You promised. You promised.”

“I kept my promise.”

“How is this keeping your promise?”

Richard finally looked at her, tilting his head as if he genuinely didn’t understand her confusion.

“Wasn’t the hostage exchange successful?”


His calm response left her speechless.

“I was wrong. About everything. You really are…”

Her eyes, which had been burning with heat, now felt cold. Her dry lips parted.

“You’re still the same… You haven’t changed.”

Her voice was dry and cracked. When she realized that the lifeline she had clung to was actually a trap to drag her deeper into despair, she couldn’t even cry.

“Still selfish, cruel, and ruthless.”

As she continued speaking, Richard’s icy expression began to shift ever so slightly. But Charlotte, consumed by the despair beneath her feet, didn’t notice.

“I’ve brought them as ordered.”

Jenine approached and saluted him respectfully. Richard glanced at the siblings, who were glaring at each other, then turned away.

“Hand them over to the military. That should satisfy the regent.”

Just as he grabbed the reins and placed his foot in the stirrup—




Like a signal flare, Jenine’s gun fired. The bullet pierced the horse’s leg, causing it to rear up and collapse to the side. Charlotte was thrown to the ground, and excruciating pain followed.



Richard, pale with fear, rushed to her side. He knelt beside her and examined her condition. Her leg, trapped under the horse, appeared to be broken.

“It hurts! It hurts so much…!”

Her body, crushed under the horse, cried out in agony. Richard placed a large hand over her eyes and whispered softly.

“It’s okay.”


“You should rest now, Charlotte.”


“When you open your eyes again, it will all be over.”

Her vision went dark. But in that brief moment, the image of him was seared into her heart like a brand.

An expression full of vulnerability, anxiety, and fear. It was a face she had never seen before. From the first time they met until now, he had always been like an unyielding ice wall—cold, merciless, and unbreakable.

But now, he wore an expression she had never even dreamed of seeing.


Just as she tried to call his name again, the sound of a gun being loaded pierced through the pouring rain.


“What a touching love story.”

Simultaneously, the clanking of metal and the footsteps of several people surrounded them. Rebels, who had been hiding without making a sound, emerged and aimed their weapons at them.


After closing her eyes, Richard slowly turned his head as he lifted the horse off her. Kana, panicking, looked around and grabbed Jenine’s arm.

“No, Jenine. If you do this…”




Jenine roughly shoved Kana aside and fixed his gaze on Richard. With the gun barrel pointed at his face, Richard didn’t blink as he asked, “Since when? Did you change your mind, or was it from the start?”

“From the start. But does that matter now?”


“I like your composure.”

Just as Jenine was about to pull the trigger, Richard spoke.

“I have a proposal.”

“What kind of proposal? You already betrayed me once.”

“I’m not asking for my life, so don’t worry.”

A curious smile played on Jenine’s lips. Richard was an interesting man.

He had known Richard was no ordinary person, but his calm demeanor even in the face of death was both unsettling and intriguing.

“Let’s hear it.”

“You can kill me, but if you kill this woman, your family will die too.”





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