A Snake Entwining Flowers


Richard had to leave shortly after due to some urgent business. Jeremy, who escorted Charlotte to the director’s office, brought out some tea. As she took a sip of the steaming hot tea, warmth spread through her body from her lips. Jeremy, watching her, smiled gently.

“Seems like you were quite surprised today.”

“Oh, yes.”

“You’re not used to seeing Mr. Winkle like that, are you?”

“No, it’s actually a bit… unexpected.”

It was surprising enough that he didn’t push away the children clinging to him, but he even skillfully held Deon when he asked to be picked up. It was a side of him she had never expected, either in the past or now.

“Mr. Winkle visited here once before, when he first started his sponsorship.”

Reflecting on the past, Jeremy continued calmly.

“At first, I was wary of him because of his cold demeanor. I wondered if he might harm the children or disrupt things here.”

“I understand.”

“But then, as he watched the children from a distance without saying a word, he asked me if there was anything he could do for them.”

Jeremy couldn’t forget the man who asked that question with a face that showed no trace of warmth.

“At that moment, I thought, ‘Well, let’s see,’ and mentioned that we needed a significant amount of funding. I never dreamed he would actually agree to it.”

Charlotte’s tea was starting to cool in her hands. Jeremy smiled at her, who sat there quietly like an actor who had forgotten their lines.

“I don’t know the details between you two, but if I may be so bold, I hope you get along well with him. You’re a good person, and despite appearances, so is he.”


“He’s a kind person once you get to know him.”


The words of the priest stayed with her all the way back. Kind, gentle. Weren’t those the furthest words from describing Richard? Even in bed, he was someone who ordered her around according to his desires. Yet, thinking of the occasional gentle moments, she was confused about which side was the real him.

When she returned to the mansion from the orphanage, Olivia greeted her.

“It seems Father and Mr. Winkle will be home late tonight. Let’s spend some time together, just us girls.”

“That sounds nice.”

Her mind was already in turmoil. Seeing him now would only add to the confusion. Thinking it was just as well, Charlotte nodded.

The two had dinner together and sat in front of the crackling fireplace, chatting until late.

“It’s almost midnight,” Olivia said, yawning, “I’m going to bed now. How about you, Charlotte?”

“I’ll head to bed soon too. Goodnight, Olivia.”

“Goodnight. See you tomorrow.”

After another long yawn, Olivia went off to bed, leaving Charlotte alone in the now quiet living room. It seemed like everyone else, including Kana and the other household staff, had gone to bed as well.

Charlotte leaned back on the couch and closed her eyes. She wanted to enjoy the peaceful silence a little longer. Just as she was about to drift off, she heard voices.

“It was a tiring day.”

“Indeed it was.”

It was Brad and Richard, heading straight towards her. Startled, Charlotte quickly hid behind a cabinet by the wall. The door opened, and the two men entered, both looking exhausted. A butler followed them in.

“I’ll prepare some water for washing and some hot tea.”

“Ah, thank you. Although, I’d prefer something to warm me up, like a drink.”

“Would scotch be alright?”

“Please do.”

Brad nodded at the butler’s words and offered Richard a seat. Richard didn’t refuse and sat down in the same spot Charlotte had been sitting just moments earlier, warming himself by the fire. He got straight to the point.

“So, Richard. What happened to that rat Kaon you captured? Did you hand him over to the military?”

“Not yet. There’s still more I need to find out.”

Charlotte’s eyes turned towards Richard as he answered slowly. His face, illuminated by the flickering firelight, looked as cold and unyielding as ever. His perfect, almost inhuman beauty was striking.

“What more do you need to find out?”

“It seems his comrades are stirring things up, trying to rescue him. I thought we could use that to wipe them all out in one go.”

Although she didn’t fully understand the conversation, an inexplicable chill crept up from her fingertips as it went on. Rats, comrades, extermination.

For some reason, Kana’s face suddenly popped into her mind. She had begged Charlotte to find out about her brother’s whereabouts. As these thoughts connected, Charlotte shook her head, trying to dismiss them. Surely not. It couldn’t be.

“Well, I trust you’ll handle it well. You’re not one to mess around.”

That was the end of it. As soon as the silence settled between the two men, a servant entered with the two glasses of scotch they had requested.


Rats, comrades, extermination.

No matter how hard she tried, Charlotte couldn’t shake off the conversation from last night. She was relieved that they hadn’t caught her eavesdropping, but half of her wanted to wake him up and confront him, while the other half wanted to pretend she hadn’t heard anything.

In the end, she did nothing until the morning light. Doing nothing was the right way to put it.

He had promised to look into Kana’s brother’s whereabouts. But if Kaon was indeed Kana’s brother, then he had deceived her once again.

She didn’t want to think about it. She didn’t want to shatter the fragile peace she had finally found.

Charlotte clung to the faint hope that maybe, just maybe, Richard was a good person, as Jeremy had suggested yesterday. She wanted to believe that there was a reason he was covered in blood on the day her mother died two years ago, and that she didn’t need to leave his side.

It was a selfish and self-centered reason, but she couldn’t let go.

Lost in thought, she didn’t even notice the sharp pain. It wasn’t until she heard her name that she realized something was wrong.


It was Olivia. She was sitting across from her, embroidering a handkerchief. When Charlotte looked up, she saw Olivia’s worried face.

“Are you alright?”


Olivia pointed to Charlotte’s hand. A drop of blood had formed where she had pricked herself with the needle. Putting down her embroidery, Charlotte laughed awkwardly.

“I must have pricked myself while my mind was elsewhere.”

“Does it hurt? Wait a moment. I’ll call Kana.”

The last thing she wanted was to face Kana right now. But she had no choice. Before she could protest, Olivia had already stood up and pulled the call bell. Soon, Kana appeared with a first aid kit, as Olivia had instructed.

“It will stop bleeding soon. This is a bit much.”

“This place is different from Ethelwood. The climate, the food, everything. Even a small wound can become infected, Charlotte.”

Olivia’s gaze turned to Kana.

“Please disinfect and treat it thoroughly. Thank you, Kana.”

“Don’t worry, Miss.”

Kana nodded and sat beside Charlotte.

“Could you give me your hand?”

“Oh. Here you go.”

In a daze, Charlotte extended her injured hand, and Kana quickly disinfected it and wrapped it with a small bandage. She was just about to secure the bandage when there was a knock on the door.


“Come in.”

A maid entered after the knock, glancing at Olivia, Charlotte, and finally Kana before speaking politely.

“The Captain is calling for you.”

“Right now? Just me?”



Olivia put down her embroidery and turned to Charlotte.

“I’ll be back shortly.”


With a soft click, Olivia left, leaving Charlotte alone with Kana. Kana finished the bandaging and closed the first aid kit.

“It’s not a deep wound, so you don’t need to worry. Just try not to strain your hand too much for the rest of the day…”


Charlotte interrupted her quietly. Kana looked at her, surprised.


“I have something to ask you.”

“Yes, please go ahead.”

“Is your brother’s name… Kaon?”

Please, let it not be true. She hoped against hope that her suspicion was wrong. But her hope was shattered in the next moment.

“Yes. How did you know…?”

“Oh my God…”


Kana’s eyes widened in shock. The impact of the revelation hit Charlotte like a wave, bringing on a headache. Kana supported her, helping her lean back against the chair.

“Maybe… I can help.”

Charlotte’s voice trembled as she spoke. It felt like the ground was crumbling beneath her feet. Her hands shook with the betrayal she felt.

How could he… It can’t be true. It mustn’t be.

Images of Richard’s different sides flashed through her mind.

Richard caring for a stray kitten.

Richard rescuing orphans and sponsoring the orphanage.

And those rare moments when he held her with inexplicable gentleness.

Even in this turmoil, a sliver of hope tormented her. She had to confirm it one last time.


He looked up from the bed when she called his name. It was unusual; after their endless nights together, she would always fall asleep immediately. But now, she lay with her back turned to him.

“What is it?”

“I have something to ask you.”


“Do you know someone named Kaon?”

There was a brief silence after her bold question. The silence was broken not by an answer, but by a question.

“Where did you hear that name?”

“I overheard some servants talking while they were delivering groceries today. It seems to be quite a well-known name around here.”

A brazen lie. Half a gamble. Richard was a perceptive man. Charlotte clutched her pillow, her heart pounding with the uncertainty of his response. Just when she thought her heart might burst, he finally answered.

“He’s a wanted criminal.”

“A criminal…?”

The answer was unexpected. Charlotte turned to face him, startled.

“He’s one of the leaders of the remaining rebel forces, a radical.”

Richard, brushing back his disheveled hair, lay down on the bed, resting his head on the pillow and closing his eyes.

“But he’s already been captured and will be executed soon.”

“…Executed? For what crime?”

“A while ago, he made a bomb and threw it at a construction site. It didn’t just affect the remaining Imperial soldiers; innocent workers got caught in it too.”

The bomb’s indiscriminate damage did not spare anyone. Charlotte fell deep into thought. This was something Kana hadn’t told her. It made sense why he hadn’t mentioned it to her.

As she was torn between Richard and Kana, unsure of whom to believe, Richard’s cold voice broke the silence.

“I don’t know where or how you heard that story, but it’s best if you don’t get involved.”


“Just stay here quietly.”

It was more of a command than a suggestion. Despite seeming to have changed, he was still the same—overbearing, arrogant, and self-centered.

Charlotte bit her lip quietly. He turned away, seemingly indifferent, and blew out the candle on the bedside table.

Darkness enveloped the room immediately.




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