A Snake Entwining Flowers


Richard took a step back. Felix exhaled the breath he didn’t realize had been blocked by the strange sense of oppression.

As Richard turned away, Felix spoke again, “Has she been the reason you haven’t been coming out of the mansion for the past few days?”

There was no response. Felix decided to push harder.

“She’s an employee. Are you planning to play around with her or something?”

“Shut up.”

It was the first intense reaction Richard had shown. A human reaction Felix hadn’t seen in a long time. Since coming back, he had seemed unusually disinterested in worldly matters. Felix wondered whether his interest was romantic or merely that of a host to a guest staying in his mansion. Leaning against the window, Felix continued.

“She seemed so innocent. Turns out you’re the one who’s crossed the line?”

“I told you to shut it.”

It was the moment the tension between the two could escalate further when a knock pierced through the tense atmosphere.

“Master Richard.”

It was Janice. As soon as she asked what was the matter, the reply came.

“Charlotte has collapsed. Shall I call the doctor?”

In that moment, Felix distinctly saw Richard’s jaw set firmly.

The scent of peat from the nearby wasteland hung in the air, resembling the pungent smell of wet soil.

Charlotte turned her head to the side. The surroundings were all forest. Near a chopped stump, a black snake coiled itself, slowly uncurling its body, weaving through the dead branches towards her.

‘I need to move. I can’t stay here any longer.’

Charlotte thought to herself, trying to move. But she couldn’t even twitch a finger. Her senses were numb. Apart from the awareness of lying in the bushes, she felt nothing, as if her body was trapped inside a coffin.

The snake, flicking its forked tongue, was now close to her. Charlotte tightly closed her eyes.

Charlotte Hegel.

Then, a voice was heard. It was a familiar male voice, dry and cold, speaking again.

Get up. Right now.

At that moment, as if someone had pulled her up from the surface of the water, Charlotte opened her eyes.

“Haah, haah….”

When she regained consciousness, she found herself on a bed. Her body was drenched in sweat and her throat felt parched. With all her might, she turned her head. Someone was sitting by her bedside. Charlotte’s lips quivered.

“Where is… my mother?”

“She’s in her room.”

“Water… some water, please…”

As soon as she finished speaking, as if someone had been waiting for this moment, her body was propped up with strong arms. A cup filled with cold water was offered to her. She grasped it eagerly and gulped down, the liquid passing several times down her throat before she could finally take a deep breath.

It was the moment she intended to thank the person who came to her aid.

“Thank yo—”

“You have the strength to give thanks, I see.”

Her words were immediately cut off. The voice she thought was part of a dream wasn’t a dream at all. Lowering the cup in her hand, Charlotte blinked several times and slowly turned her head towards the source of the voice. The halting movement made her resemble a doll that had forgotten to be wound up.

There sat Richard, arrogantly crossing one leg over the other, looking at her. It had been three days since they had faced each other like this.

Hours had passed since she lost consciousness, and it had become dark around her. Only the candle wick provided a faint light in the room. Suddenly, Charlotte remembered the night she had followed the bloodstains in the main hall.

“Did you see ghosts or something?”

“No, I’m sorry.”

Charlotte momentarily blanked out at his nonchalant attitude as if nothing had happened that night, then hastily shook her head.

“I was just startled. I didn’t expect you to be here.”

Her memory cut off right in the kitchen, where a man named Felix had carried her to a chair, and Janice had approached her. And then…

“Are you feeling alright?”

Yes. She had fainted due to a stabbing pain in her abdomen. Charlotte, having recalled everything, tried to calm her heart and responded calmly.

“Yes. Thank you.”

“For what?”

His reply seemed almost rhetorical to her polite remark. Even as she scrutinized him for any intention, Richard’s expression remained as inscrutable as it had been that night. No, he looked a bit more tired than before. Charlotte, choosing her words carefully, finally responded.

“Weren’t you the one who took care of me?”

“It was actually the doctor who did that, not me.”

It was hard to tell whether he was being polite or rude. He was courteous enough for an employer, yet there was an unmistakable arrogance in his demeanor.

Truthfully, she was in no position to complain. She was a servant’s daughter. A mere guest. That was Charlotte’s role at Mistymoor Hall.

“What brought you here?”

As he took the cup from her hand, watching her complexion darken, there seemed to be a fleeting touch, but it appeared to be noticed only by her. Feeling as if she had been teased, Charlotte’s face flushed with heat, and she bowed her head, answering in a small voice.

“As you know… I came to care for my mother.”

“Hmm. It doesn’t seem like it.”

His tone was mocking, prompting Charlotte to lift her head. At that moment, she felt a cold touch by her ear. Before she could even flinch, Richard gently brushed the hair sticking to her cheek behind her ear.

“Cynthia’s condition is said to have improved, but do you have that much leisure?”


“Tell me. Who told you to work as a maid? Or did the maids ask for your help?”

His voice, though it seemed to whisper softly, was almost interrogatory. People would have likely confessed the truth, enchanted by his otherworldly beauty and sweet voice.

Charlotte’s heart continued to pound. Whether it was the thrill of having a handsome man right before her eyes or a reaction to some unknown danger, she couldn’t tell. However, she instinctively felt that a wrong answer now could lead to serious trouble. Swallowing, Charlotte slowly shook her head.

“I’ve never… It’s my fault for meddling and causing trouble. I’m sorry about that.”

At her words, the hand moving towards her nape fell away. Richard, who had seemed ready to pounce just a moment ago, stood up briskly, apparently satisfied with Charlotte’s submissive demeanor.

“It’s good that you understand. Don’t wander around unnecessarily and focus on your mother’s recovery.”

He turned to leave, opening the door to exit.

“That might be difficult.”

Richard stopped and turned back around. Despite the chill that ran down her spine when their eyes met, she knew she had to speak up. She wasn’t a puppet.

“I appreciate your concern for my mother and everything else, but that doesn’t give you the right to do as you please with me.”


“So, how I live is my business to handle. …Thank you for the concern, though.”

Charlotte finished her statement, stumbling over her words. Though she spoke boldly at first, her voice inevitably grew softer.

No sooner had she finished speaking than Richard approached her again. Before she could grasp the situation, she was suddenly pulled down, and her chin was tilted upwards.

“I hear you’re getting cocky, talking about rights and whatnot.”


All she could see was Richard’s face filling her vision. But more than his face being so close, it was his cold breath touching her face that truly unnerved her.

“Do you think you can act as you please just because I’ve been kind to you?”


“I’ve been ignoring your presence even though it’s bothersome.”

With his free hand, Richard grasped the ends of her loose hair. The faint floral scent that had been lingering around his nose since the first day had become so intense it was dizzying. As he looked into Charlotte’s eyes, he slowly lowered his gaze to her contrasting pale skin and dark hair, feeling a blasphemous urge as if he were coveting the nape of a nun offering mass. He felt a compulsion to sink his teeth into her.

One sip seemed like it would be enough. Just one.

His lips moved towards her nape. At that moment, a tiny voice broke the silence.



“Do I… annoy you that much?”

Richard paused his movement and looked at her again. Charlotte swallowed the sorrow welling up and continued speaking in a trembling voice.

“I knew from the first day that you didn’t like me but…”

It was the first time she had ever felt such unprovoked hostility directed solely at her. Unable to meet his overpowering gaze, Charlotte turned away and took a shaky breath.

“You don’t have to worry. I’ll be leaving this place soon…Could you please bear with me until then?”

She trembled with her eyes closed, resembling a lamb on an altar. Perhaps that was why she easily attracted others’ attention. Richard, after silently watching her for a moment, moved away from her. Realizing the pressure was gone, Charlotte opened her eyes.

“Miss Hegel.”

Richard had stepped down from the bed and was looking down at her. The man who had aggressively confronted her moments ago now wore the mask of a gentleman again. Adjusting his loosened tie, he spoke calmly.

“I heard from Janice that you can read and write.”

“Yes. I struggle with difficult words, but…”

Before entering the workforce, she had briefly attended a charity school for working-class children. It was a day school operated with the support of some nobles, attached to a convent. There, Charlotte received basic education in reading, writing, and arithmetic. For someone from the lower classes, especially a girl, receiving even this level of education was rare.

Pleased with Charlotte’s response, Richard nodded and walked towards the door, making a suggestion.

“Rather than working as a maid, why don’t you work as my secretary? I’ll make sure you’re compensated fairly.”

Though it was phrased as a suggestion, it didn’t seem like she had much choice. Upon reflection, it was better than just being an unwelcome guest and helping out as a maid. And it seemed an easier task. It made her wonder if he really found her bothersome and disliked her that much.

Gathering all her courage, Charlotte asked, “Where? It won’t be all day, will it?”

“In my study. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. From two to five in the afternoon.”

That wouldn’t interfere with caring for her mother. Despite the sudden change in circumstances, it seemed like a good deal.

“…Alright. I accept it.”

As soon as Charlotte softly replied, the door closed.




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