A Snake Entwining Flowers


Deon was just a child longing for an adult’s embrace. As Charlotte gently stroked his back a few times with her warm hand, he quickly fell asleep. Even when she laid him down on the couch, he slept soundly, unaware of the world around him. Stroking the cheek of the child who had fallen asleep with his head on her lap, Charlotte felt a pang of sympathy. It was then that Jeremy, who had brought in some brewed tea, began to speak.

“He lost his parents when he was just a baby. Growing up without knowing affection, he’s become quite clingy.”

“I see. That explains it…”

He seemed so starved for love. As Charlotte silently petted the child, she asked cautiously.

“What happened to his parents?”

“They got caught up in the war between the remaining Cardel resistance and the government forces four years ago. This child was their only son. It was Mr. Winkle who saved him. At that time, there wasn’t a proper orphanage, so I took him in at a makeshift one.”

Charlotte’s mind snapped to attention at these words. She looked up sharply.

“Four years ago…?”

“Oh, I’m sorry if this is a sensitive topic. I imagine you went through a lot then, too.”

Jeremy’s words made everything clear. So, it was this island where he had gone missing.

Even during meals with Gerald, he would always listen silently when the past came up. She had a vague suspicion, but she never imagined it was really this island.

“No, it’s alright.”

She didn’t know why he had brought her here, but one thing was certain: this might be a chance to uncover the truth about ‘that day.’ Who was he really, and what had happened on this island?

“I’d like to hear more details.”

Charlotte leaned forward, picked up her teacup, took a sip, and prepared to listen intently. After a moment of hesitation, Jeremy began his story with a serious expression.

“It’s a long story, to be honest.”


Ethelwood conquered and colonized Cardel Island five years ago, in the winter.

It was a territory gained without much bloodshed or war. Cardel was a small monarchy, an independent state that had been rotting away under a long dictatorship.

As the people’s dissatisfaction grew, the king, who was paranoid about a possible rebellion, literally sold the island. Through official agreements, the country fell into the hands of the Queen of Ethelwood.

However, they overlooked one thing: the oppressed class that opposed the ruling class. Feeling resentment towards the Ethelwood forces that began to settle in, starting with the regent, they eventually formed a rebel group a year later and demanded independence. The first regent was kidnapped and brutally murdered.

Upon hearing the news, the queen immediately dispatched the military, and a grueling war ensued for the next two years.

“During that time, countless people who were neither here nor there were sacrificed. It was a chaotic period.”

Richard was also one of the officers dispatched then. A young sergeant who had just been commissioned and earned his stars. He set foot on the island three months before the war, which seemed to be nearing its end, flared up one last time.

“There were severe casualties on both sides. It ended in a victory for the Ethelwood army, but…”

“Even so, I’ve seen armed soldiers everywhere.”

Although the atmosphere wasn’t overtly hostile, there was an underlying tension on the island. Even Olivia, the daughter of a former soldier, was accompanied by three or four guards when she went out.

“It’s only recently that the rebels surrendered, so there are still remnants around. But there’s no need to worry too much.”

“I see.”

Despite her words, Charlotte’s face was full of concern.

“You don’t need to worry about Mr. Winkle. He’s not someone to be taken lightly.”

As if understanding what she was worried about, Jeremy’s words made her previously pale face flush red. Flustered, Charlotte quickly changed the subject.

“How did Mr. Winkle save Deon?”


“You could just ask me directly.”

She hadn’t even noticed when the door had opened. Suddenly, Richard was behind her, startling her as he took the teacup from her hands. He took a sip, frowned, and set the cup down on the table before seating himself on the couch at an angle.

“Oh, you’re here,” Jeremy greeted him warmly. Richard acknowledged the priest with a nod before turning his gaze back to her.

“What were you talking about?”


Charlotte, still taken aback by his sudden movements, snapped back to reality when Deon stirred on her lap. Sensing the tension, Jeremy quickly stood up and scooped Deon into his arms.

“Deon, let’s continue sleeping in your bed.”


Half-asleep, Deon quickly dozed off again in the familiar embrace.

“I’ll put him to bed and be right back,” Jeremy said, swiftly leaving the room with the child. Now, she was alone with Richard in the small sitting room.

Charlotte couldn’t shake the feeling that the story Jeremy had told her was somehow distorted. Wasn’t this the same man who got jealous over a child resting on her lap? And yet, it was he who had saved that very child.

“You’re late.”

“Something came up on the way.”

“So, why did you ask me to come here?”

“You seemed bored.”

Richard casually crossed one leg over the other and replied leisurely, “You seem to have a lot of free time, so I thought you might want to pick up a hobby.”

“A hobby?”

“You’re not fond of dogs or cats. There’s also the risk of disease.”


She couldn’t listen to him equate orphaned children with stray animals any longer. As Charlotte sprang to her feet, Richard continued nonchalantly.

“This place is short-staffed. There’s only the head priest and one other priest.”

He was suggesting that she could help out here if she wanted to, though she would need an escort. It was an unusually generous offer from someone who usually acted possessive and kept her confined. Charlotte, feeling a bit deflated, sank back onto the couch.

“What’s gotten into you? You usually can’t wait to lock me up.”


Richard stood up and extended his hand toward her. Flinching, Charlotte closed her eyes, but all he did was brush a stray lock of hair from her forehead.

“I don’t want you to wither away.”


“The only person the kind and angelic Miss Hegel doesn’t show sympathy for is me.”

Isn’t that right? he murmured softly, smirking as he walked to the door and turned the knob.

“But only during the day. Three hours.”


“If you don’t want to, that’s fine.”

Charlotte nodded at his back as he stood waiting for her response.

“Alright. I’ll do it.”

For the first time since arriving here, she felt a sense of purpose.


Volunteering at the orphanage turned out to be more enjoyable than she had expected. Though she initially wanted to do laundry and cleaning, Kana, her escort, dissuaded her. Instead, Charlotte mended the children’s worn clothes, read them fairy tales, and taught them basic arithmetic. Most of the children warmed to her, but Deon became particularly attached, sticking to her side like glue.

“Charlotte, will you come again tomorrow?”

“Of course.”

“You promise?”

“I promise.”

On the first day of her volunteering, Deon had thrown a tantrum when she said she had to leave. Now, two weeks later, he had grown more mature, though he still sought reassurance. His repeated requests for a promise were both endearing and heartbreaking.

“Miss, it’s time to go.”


Richard was a man who kept his word to the letter. Exactly three hours later, the carriage arrived. Charlotte sighed, hugged Deon tightly, and then let go.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Deon.”

“See you tomorrow.”

As the children waved goodbye, the coachman cracked the whip, and the carriage began to move. Charlotte, her shoulders aching from Deon’s clinging, rubbed them as Kana, sitting across from her, spoke up.



“You’re very kind. Do you have a sibling around Deon’s age?”

“Oh, no. It’s just that… I feel a connection.”

She wasn’t an orphan, but she understood what it felt like to have no one to rely on. As she trailed off, Kana, interpreting her expression, made a pointed comment.

“It’s quite ironic, isn’t it?”

“What is?”

“Who do you think killed those children’s parents?”


Living among the perpetrators and pretending to be a saint.

Though unspoken, the words cut deep, like a sharp knife. As Charlotte’s face darkened, Kana seemed to realize her mistake and quickly apologized.

“I’m sorry, Miss.”


“I was thinking about my brother who went missing recently. It wasn’t your fault… Please forgive me.”

Kana’s tearful face looked so fragile, like a wounded cat. Charlotte couldn’t bring herself to be angry. She shook her head.

“It’s alright. If you’re comfortable, could you tell me more about your brother?”

She wasn’t offering to do anything specific, but she knew how much it could help to share one’s pain with someone else.

“Can I really?”

“Of course. If it helps ease your heart even a little.”

Tears began to fall from Kana’s eyes.

Kana’s story was heartbreaking. Her parents had died early from a disease, leaving her with only her brother. Though he wasn’t confirmed dead, he had been caught up in a conflict, and she had no idea if he was alive or dead. Listening to her long story, Charlotte felt deep sympathy and sorrow. She wanted to help in any way she could. After much thought, she realized there was only one thing she could do.



The man who entered was the only one who shared a bedroom with her. Unlike usual, Charlotte was in her nightgown as she reached out to take Richard’s coat. He smirked at her uncharacteristic behavior.

“What’s this? Waiting for me?”

“Sometimes, I do that.”

He raised an eyebrow at her simple reply but didn’t seem annoyed. Relieved, Charlotte took his vest and put it away.

“I thought I should thank you.”

“For what?”

“For allowing me a bit of freedom.”

“Remember, if you pull any stunts, I’ll tighten the leash again.”

This time, it was Charlotte who frowned. It had been nearly three months since they had reunited. No matter what she said, he always managed to douse her words with cold water. She still found him hateful and frightening, but until he grew tired of her and let her go, she didn’t want to continue hurting each other.

“I understand.”

Richard stopped and looked down at her, clearly expecting a response. Charlotte calmly answered and then opened her mouth to broach the main topic she had for him today.

“I have something to say.”

At that moment, a strong hand pulled her waist towards him.




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