A Snake Entwining Flowers


Olivia Zern was a vibrant seventeen-year-old girl. She inherited her father’s gentle features, with hazel hair and eyes that were a shade darker. Though shy at first, once she opened up, she could be quite talkative.

“Richard was like an older brother to me. He didn’t talk much, but he was always kind.”

Charlotte vividly remembered Olivia’s face turning pale when Brad introduced her as Richard’s fiancée. Olivia was a pure and straightforward girl, her emotions clearly visible. Her gentle and kind nature made it easy to grow fond of her, even if she was, in a way, a rival for Richard’s affections. It was hard to harbor any ill feelings towards her.

But then Charlotte shook her head inwardly. What did it matter if Olivia was a rival or not?

“I see.”

“How did you meet Richard?” Olivia asked, now comfortable enough to use Charlotte’s first name, her eyes full of curiosity. Charlotte, snapping out of her thoughts a beat later, hesitated before answering.

“My mother was his nanny.”

“Oh my.”

Charlotte unconsciously clasped and unclasped her hands, lowering her gaze. Olivia and Richard came from the same world, and Charlotte was unsure how Olivia would react to her being from a working-class family.

Just as the silence started to become uncomfortable, Olivia grabbed Charlotte’s hands tightly.


“Oh my goodness, that’s so romantic!”


“You defied your family’s opposition to be together, didn’t you? Isn’t that right?”

Olivia’s eyes sparkled with admiration and excitement. Charlotte was so taken aback that she hiccupped. Olivia, releasing Charlotte’s hands, let her imagination run wild.

“I wondered why you used a different surname. I thought it was just because you had left the count’s family to be independent, but there was more to it! Living on a distant island, I guess I’m out of touch with the world.”

At that moment, someone knocked on the door from outside.

“Miss, your father is calling for you.”

“I’ll be right there.”

It was Kana, the local maid. Olivia stood up promptly.

“I’m sorry for taking up your time today, Charlotte.”

“It’s alright. I had some free time.”

Yes, in this prison-like place, time was all she had in abundance.

Charlotte gave a tired smile.

After Olivia left and the door closed, Charlotte glanced at the clock. It was almost the time Richard had mentioned. Slowly, she rose and headed to her room to prepare for going out.

At the same time, a cold gaze was fixed on the open scenery.

Since arriving on Cardel Island, Charlotte Hegel had been like a wilting flower. Even as she responded with moans when touched in bed, she steadfastly turned away from him, her spirit unyielding. Her silent resistance, rather than submission, both amused and challenged him.

“Look in the mirror. This is us right now.”

“No…! No, it’s not. It’s not…”

“Even as you writhe in pleasure.”


You are mine. Your body and soul, all of you.

He had whispered these words like a curse, countless times, while holding her slender waist.

Her body, flushed and tear-streaked, was soft and sticky with sweat. He covered her escaping hands and pinned her fleeing body down. There were moments he thought of strangling her, but as his fingers traced her soft curves, a deep desire surged within him.

Since he had brought her to the island, he wondered if he should lock her away where no one else could see her. Make her surrender to pleasure until her mind was filled only with him. Then she wouldn’t think of escaping again.

“Mr. Winkle.”

Someone called out to him, and his racing thoughts came to an abrupt halt. The man turned his head. It was Edwin, his temporary secretary, who had run up the steep stairs and was now wiping the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand.

“Phew… There you are.”

“I was just thinking about something. What’s the matter?”

“It’s dangerous for you to stay here for too long.”

“I have guards with me, so it’s fine.”

“Even so…”

No one could survive a sniper’s bullet from a distance. Richard scoffed briefly at Edwin, who was hesitating and speaking in a hushed tone, and then brushed past him, heading down the stairs.

“It’s been a while since we subdued the rebels, and yet we still haven’t eradicated the remnants. The local governor must be aware of this.”

“They’re persistent and tenacious. Like wild dogs, even if you muzzle them, their fangs remain sharp.”

Despite the outward appearance of peace, the island still had an undercurrent of unrest. It had been a year since key figures from Ethelwood started being kidnapped and murdered one after another. One man who barely survived six months ago was still unable to communicate properly due to the severe aftereffects of torture.

“It’s partly the fault of those idiots who poke the beehive without expecting to get stung.”


Despite these horrific incidents, the discovery of rich coal deposits in the undeveloped northern part of the island had drawn a flood of businessmen and nobles from Ethelwood, more interested in immediate financial gain than the potential threat to their lives.

To Edwin, a bastard child of an Ethelwood nobleman and a local woman, Richard Winkle was just another one of these opportunists. The only difference was that Richard’s military service on the island gave him a slight edge over his competitors.

He had gone missing once; could he have ties with the rebels…?

As if reading his thoughts, Richard, who was descending the stairs briskly, suddenly turned his head.

“The guy we captured last time.”

“He’s tough. Still refuses to talk.”


Interesting? Edwin was puzzled by this cryptic comment as Richard resumed his quick descent.

“What about the rat we told to contact?”

“He agreed to our proposal.”

Richard’s lips twisted into a sneer as he spoke the next words.

“The next appointment.”

“A visit to the orphanage.”

Charity, in name, but in reality, it was one of the strategies to win over the local residents. Edwin hurried to keep up with his boss, continuing to speak.

“Miss Charlotte has already arrived and is waiting.”


As always, after their intense and exhausting encounters, when he abruptly informed her that someone would be coming for her during the day, Charlotte had no choice in the matter. However, contrary to her expectation of being dressed up like a doll and taken to some social event, she found herself at an old, rundown monastery.

“This place…”

As she stepped out of the carriage and approached the door, an elderly priest in a uniform greeted her.


“This is…?”

“This is the Lancel’s Orphanage, a home for children orphaned by poverty and war.”


Before she could hide her surprise at the unexpected answer, a small child peeked out from behind the priest. As Charlotte looked at the child, more children appeared, all of them staring at her with curious eyes.

“Principal! Who is that lady?”

“You little rascal! Show some manners to our guest.”


The priest pretended to scold the child, giving a playful tap on the head that was as light as a feather. His face was full of affection. Charlotte’s dazed mind slowly began to clear. Surrounding her and the priest were children with dirty faces and clothes worn down to threads.

“Please forgive them, Miss Hegel. They’re still very young.”

“It’s alright. But, Father, you are…?”

“I apologize for the late introduction. I’m Jeremy, the head of this orphanage.”

The priest introduced himself and extended his hand for a handshake. As they shook hands, he led her inside.

“You’re Mr. Winkle’s fiancée, correct? I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“It’s nice to meet you.”

The situation was bewildering. Following him through the corridor, Jeremy began to explain.

“As you can see, this is a monastery that’s over a hundred years old. It was abandoned after the war but was repurposed as an orphanage a year ago by order of the Ethelwood regent.”

The building was structured in a square around the main chapel. In the center, there was a grand elm tree surrounded by flowers and benches, creating a garden-like atmosphere.

Though the building was old, it seemed well-maintained. The children, despite their shabby clothes, were bright and cheerful.

But what did this place have to do with him? No matter how much she thought about it, she couldn’t find any connection. Just as her confusion peaked, Jeremy continued.

“Mr. Winkle is truly a good man. While the support from the mainland has been helpful, we are in constant need of more due to the increasing number of children. We are very grateful for his generous contributions.”


Charlotte was stunned and stood still, doubting her ears. Just then, a small voice came from below.

“Hold me…”

It was the same little child who had asked who she was earlier, around four or five years old. The child had followed her and was now tugging at her skirt, extending tiny arms towards her.

“Hold me.”

“Deon, you little rascal…”

“Hold me, please.”

“I’ll hold you instead, alright?”

Jeremy, flustered, tried to pick up the child, but the child shook his head.

“Hold me.”

“You little…”

Worried about offending the fiancée of an important benefactor, Jeremy tried to pull the child away, fearing the loss of their much-needed support. But then he heard Charlotte’s soft voice.


Charlotte smiled gently and lifted the child into her arms. The child was warm and soft. Supporting the child’s bottom with one hand, the child buried his face into her chest, snuggling closer. Jeremy, watching in surprise, quickly reached out.

“He’s heavy; let me…”

“It’s fine. He’s just a child.”

Charlotte added, “He’s not heavy at all,” as she stroked the child’s small head. The child calmed down in her embrace. Thinking about how she might have had a child even smaller than this if she hadn’t run away on her wedding day gave her a peculiar feeling.

Clearing his throat awkwardly, Jeremy suggested, “Let’s go to my office. There’s a couch where you can set him down.”


Following Jeremy’s lead, Charlotte headed toward the director’s office.




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