A Snake Entwining Flowers


Charlotte couldn’t believe her ears. Her legs gave out, and she collapsed to the floor as Richard slowly approached. Seeing her instinctively scoot away from him, he sneered.

“It hasn’t been long, but with that pretty face of yours, you couldn’t have failed to seduce a young man like him. You two looked quite cozy. Have you been rolling around together for the past two years? With the skills I taught you?”

Richard knelt down to her level, his words biting through clenched teeth. Charlotte, snapping back to reality, shook her head desperately.

“It’s not like that!”


“I said, it’s not like that! Why are you humiliating me like this?!”

Shame and humiliation welled up to her throat. She struggled to escape, but the shadow cast over her was dark and wide. Richard lifted her chin with his finger and growled menacingly.

“If there wasn’t a man, then why have you been missing for the past two years?”

“That’s because…”

It seemed he didn’t know she had been at Zhenya’s dress shop. Though strangers had occasionally snooped around the shop over the past two years, they hadn’t discovered her. She had dyed her hair and used a pseudonym, hiding her identity so thoroughly that even her dorm mates didn’t know who she really was. It was all thanks to Zhenya’s cooperation. If she revealed this, it would undoubtedly bring harm to Zhenya.

Richard, seeing Charlotte clench her mouth shut after vehemently denying his accusations, let out a derisive laugh and stood up.

“You deny it so desperately, I’ll believe you for now.”

Her denial was her saving grace. If she had admitted it, he might have strangled her right then and there.

The man who had been ready to crush her a moment ago stepped back. Charlotte, barely catching her breath, glared at him.

“Let Sarah and Derek go.”

“Why should I?”

“They have nothing to do with this! If you don’t, then…”

Half pleading, half threatening, she tried to muster all her strength to continue. Suddenly, there was a loud crash as something shattered against the wall.

“Then what?”


“Are you going to spread rumors that Richard Winkle is a monster who drinks human blood and should be put on trial for witchcraft? Is that your plan?”

Witch trials, an outdated and superstitious practice from centuries ago. In an era where cars were being developed and science was gaining prominence, who would believe such nonsense?

Especially against someone who was part of the upper echelons of society, unlike her, a mere laborer by birth and by profession.

“Tell me, Charlotte. Do you wish to see me tied to a stake and burned by the people?”

There had been times she hated him enough to want to kill him. But now, facing him again, all she felt was a crushing sense of despair, leaving her unable to think or feel anything.


After a long silence, Charlotte, with her eyes fixed on the floor and her breath shaky, finally spoke.

“What do you want me to do…?”

Her voice trembled. His steps, which had retreated, slowly returned. He stood right in front of her. Though she didn’t look up, the polished leather shoes were so close they seemed ready to crush her hand.

“Who knows.”


“You should know that yourself.”

The sound of his footsteps grew distant, followed by the door opening and closing. Charlotte was once again left in a vast, silent void.

When Charlotte finally lifted her head, the only thing left in the room was the shattered remains of an ivory statue. It lay in pieces, broken just as she felt.

Everything was in black and white. The world had lost its color and crumbled around her.

Richard had a cruel habit of trapping people in a maze without any way out. No matter how hard she tried to escape, it seemed the conclusion had already been decided. But she couldn’t just fall apart like this…

As she clutched her throbbing head and trudged back home, the moment she opened the door…


Derek, with a frantic expression, was just about to leave, his shoes half on.

“What happened?”

“My mother… my mother…!”

Charlotte realized then that even a glimmer of hope was not meant for her. Despair was only beginning.


A week had passed since Sarah lost consciousness due to extreme stress. They had taken turns caring for her, even closing the shop for a while, but it wasn’t enough.

“When will she wake up…?”

The doctor, who had come to check on her, quietly shook his head.

“She suffered a severe head injury when she collapsed. It’s unlikely she’ll recover well…”

“How could this happen…”

“She might not wake up at all. You should prepare yourselves…”


Ah, there was no place left to retreat to.

Looking at Derek’s haggard face, Charlotte felt the harsh reality. The few boarders they had were leaving one by one due to the landlady’s absence, leaving behind only debts. Now, the only thing left was her decision.

After the doctor left, Derek stayed in his room for a long time and only came out late in the evening. His face still looked gaunt and exhausted, but there was a certain resolve in his eyes.

Charlotte was hesitating at the door, wondering how to bring up her departure, but Derek spoke first.

“Thank you so much for all your help, Cecile.”


“For paying the house call fees and everything else…”

“What are you talking about? All of a sudden?”

“I think I need to sell this boarding house… and move to the countryside.”

Charlotte held her breath at Derek’s words. This house was Sarah’s cherished treasure and her entire fortune.

Yes. This was inevitable.

Charlotte closed her eyes briefly and then opened them.

“I… I can’t anymore…”


Charlotte placed a calming hand on Derek’s shoulder as he stammered, trying to hold back his tears.

“Listen carefully. All the debts will be cleared.”


“In time, Sarah will wake up. Everything will be alright again.”

“Cecile, what are you talking about…?”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. That business partner… the one with the real authority… is actually my…”

Charlotte forced herself to speak to the bewildered Derek.

“Former fiancé.”


A chilling silence enveloped the two of them, as if someone had poured ice water over their heads. Derek, his lips moving without sound in disbelief, finally spoke after a few minutes.

“Is it true…?”


Though they were only engaged, it was practically a common-law marriage. To be blunt, she had been his mistress—a relationship devoid of emotion, purely physical.

It was only after leaving that she realized she was the woman everyone had scorned and despised. In matters of love, she had always been a fool, blind to reality. She was the one who always spoke of love, who clung to him, begging for his embrace.

What she couldn’t understand was why he had tried to take responsibility for her, never once speaking of love. The reason remained a mystery.

“We broke off the engagement due to a misunderstanding two years ago, but we happened to meet again because of this situation and talked it over. As a result…”

Charlotte briefly explained her relationship with him, omitting unnecessary details, and then finished speaking to Derek, who was still in shock.

“The misunderstanding is resolved, and I’ve decided to go back to him. If I ask, he will clear all the debts.”


Pretending to be self-sacrificing, acting kind—she was a revolting hypocrite and an irredeemable villain. She couldn’t bring herself to admit that this innocent mother and son were suffering because of her. She was terrified of seeing the affection in their eyes turn to hatred, of losing the family she had finally found.

“If you’re going because of us, don’t. Please.”

Derek, noticing the bag she was holding, rushed over and pleaded.

“Mother and I will be fine, really…!”

Tears welled up in Derek’s eyes as he grasped her shoulders. Charlotte flinched. She sensed someone’s presence beyond the door. She coldly shook off his hands and grabbed the doorknob.

“I’m going because I want to, not because of you.”

Everything around her was his ears and eyes. Charlotte forced herself to appear indifferent and emotionless.

The door opened, and the waiting coachman took her bag.


The carriage stopped in front of a three-story townhouse in an affluent neighborhood. The maid, Fenet, greeted Charlotte.

“I’ve been instructed to take good care of you, miss. Please make yourself at home. If there’s anything you need or any inconvenience, don’t hesitate to tell me.”

There was something off about her words.

The house was neat and clean, but it lacked a sense of warmth. Fenet was the only person handling the household chores. It didn’t seem like they were struggling financially or had trouble finding help.

Charlotte’s suspicions finally surfaced when she saw the white sheets covering some of the furniture. It had been a few months since they moved in, hadn’t it?

“Does Mr. Richard not come here often?”

“No. He’s been quite busy lately. We see him about two days a week.”


“Sometimes he goes on business trips for several days.”

As Fenet said, it was rare to see him. The business he started with Gerald was flourishing, and even when he returned home, he often shut himself in his office.

They only saw each other late at night. Despite having a guest room, they shared the master bedroom. When the door creaked open late at night, Charlotte would stiffen and pretend to be asleep, keeping her eyes tightly shut.


Tonight, too, he came in late. Charlotte, as usual, kept her eyes closed, pretending to be asleep.


She heard the rustling of the sheets as he got into bed beside her. Just as she felt a sense of relief, Richard grabbed her shoulder and swiftly moved on top of her.


Her pretense of sleep was exposed. When she opened her eyes, she was met with his cold smile.




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