A Snake Entwining Flowers



Charlotte had to stay silent for a moment to grasp the situation. She bowed her head slightly, while Zhenya continued to chatter without pause.

“I’m really envious, miss. You’re marrying someone so generous and wealthy.”

The mansion was somewhat remote, providing privacy, and the surrounding scenery was breathtakingly beautiful. The furniture was all made of high-quality rosewood by master craftsmen, and every painting on the walls was an original, not a reproduction. The porcelain and glass figurines on the hallway cabinets added to the mansion’s elegance.

If there was one thing Zhenya knew well from dealing with nobility, it was genuine luxury and high-quality items. Her keen eye for recognizing rare treasures was unmatched and couldn’t be easily learned. She had survived fierce competition in the heart of Ethelwood for decades, which wasn’t an easy feat. From her perspective, Richard Winkle wasn’t just a flash-in-the-pan millionaire; he was the real deal.

He was likely a nobleman in his forties. Although his bride seemed quite young, it wasn’t uncommon in Ethelwood for there to be a ten or twenty-year age difference in marriages.

“First of all.”

Charlotte finally spoke after lifting her head, having gathered her thoughts.

“I need to talk to him first. Can we discuss this afterward?”

She felt there was a lot to discuss with him. No, not just a lot—an overwhelming amount.

Noticing her serious expression, Zhenya finally fell silent and nodded awkwardly. As soon as Zhenya left, Charlotte headed straight to the second floor.


Richard looked up as the door to his study suddenly swung open.

“What do you mean by suddenly getting married?”

“And what is the meaning of barging in without knocking?”

Richard put down the pen he had been using and removed his glasses. The process of seeking asylum was more complicated than he had anticipated, with many documents to fill out. He hadn’t even had a chance to stretch in hours and had stayed up all night in his chair, leaving him sleep-deprived.

Charlotte, who had approached him and placed her hands on her hips, watched as he pressed his temples to relieve his throbbing headache.

“I asked you first.”


“Suddenly talking about wedding dresses and such… I just can’t understand…”

Charlotte’s voice, which had been pouring out her frustration, gradually quieted down as Richard slowly lifted his head, eyes closed.

“Is that all this is about?”


He stood up and walked around the mahogany desk, approaching Charlotte.

“This is ridiculous.”


Before she could react, Richard extended his arms, trapping Charlotte between the desk and himself. He grabbed her chin to prevent her from looking away and whispered,

“Let me go…!”

“Think about it. You’ve lost count of how many times you’ve begged beneath me.”


“You clung to my waist, pleading for more, and now you’re saying this?”

Despite the rawness of his words, Richard’s expression remained calm and unflinching.

His eyes were dark from lack of sleep, a bit of stubble adorned his sharp jawline, and his shirt was unbuttoned just enough to reveal a hint of his collarbone. Overwhelmed by his masculine scent, Charlotte froze and tightly shut her eyes.

“Even so!”

His hand, which had been resting on the desk, slowly moved up to her waist. As their noses almost touched and the tension in the air reached its peak, tears welled up in Charlotte’s eyes. She bowed her head and mumbled.

“Even so…”


“…without a proper proposal…”

She didn’t want a rushed marriage as if frying beans over a lightning bolt. Even if it wasn’t the fairytale wedding she had dreamed of as a child, at least…


As she hesitated, he lowered his head and covered her lips with his. He bit her lower lip gently, as if asking for permission, then plunged in without hesitation.

“Mmm, ugh…!”

As Charlotte struggled to process the sudden kiss, she heard the sound of a drawer opening. Before she could see what he had taken out, he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her slender body closer and laying her down on the desk.


The hard wood pressed against her back, and papers scattered to the floor. Reflexively, Charlotte reached out, but Richard grabbed her hand, momentarily breaking the kiss and allowing her to gasp for air.

“Ugh, ha…”

Through her panting, she saw him standing over her, looking down with a haughty expression. The man who had laid his lover on the desk where he had been working moments ago now seemed like an imposing and fierce tyrant on his throne.

There was a click as something opened. Richard, still staring intently at her, took something in his mouth. Before she could see what it was, he lifted her left hand.

“What… what are you doing…?”

Before she could finish her sentence, he took her ring finger into his mouth. The sensation of his warm, soft mouth and skillful tongue made Charlotte’s body stiffen with a jolt of electricity.


Just as she thought he might bite down, he released her hand, revealing an elegant platinum ring on her finger. It was the diamond ring he had decided to keep for a special occasion.



“Marry me.”

His hand slid up the inside of her skirt. Leaning in close, Richard whispered, “I need you.”

Charlotte’s eyes wavered. The longer she hesitated, the more his purple eyes narrowed.

If she refused, he was ready to tighten his grip on Cynthia. That was the plan. He even considered severing a tendon in her ankle if necessary. Maybe even both.


Just as his thoughts reached a dark extreme, Charlotte wrapped her arms around his neck. Richard, uncharacteristically surprised, stiffened as she hugged him tightly, tears streaming down her face as she accepted.

“Let’s get married.”

It wasn’t the romantic proposal she had hoped for, but it was enough. He was a man who rarely showed his emotions, even in bed.

“I need you.”

It was clear and hit her ears with certainty. It melted away all the anxiety she had secretly harbored. This was a significant step forward. Someday, she believed she would hear the words she truly longed for.

“I love you.”

So, for now, she decided to compromise. Pulling him closer, Charlotte whispered, “I love you, Richard.”

Their relationship had always been unequal. But despite having many chances to escape, she had never run away.

Therefore, she had to endure him—this beautiful yet cruel man.

From the moment Charlotte accepted his proposal, everything proceeded swiftly. They cleaned and renovated an old chapel near the mansion and invited an official priest to confirm the arrangements.

The guests and witnesses for their marriage were already chosen: Cynthia and Louise. Charlotte’s heart sank when she saw an unexpected face.

“I can’t thank you enough for your help.”

“Don’t mention it. I was well compensated.”

Louise responded with a smile to Charlotte’s gratitude. She had traveled a long way to integrate Charlotte into the Denoir family and teach her the manners and etiquette of high society.

After the Count of Denoir collapsed from high blood pressure and passed away, leaving no male heirs to inherit, Louise, unmarried, inherited the title. Six months ago, with financial backing from Richard, she invested in a promising merchant guild and achieved great success, reviving her family.

While solidifying her position, Richard made another unexpected proposal. He asked Louise to accept Charlotte into the Denoir family and teach her the ways of high society. In return, he promised to introduce her to the Katia social circle.

The Katia social circle was even more exclusive than Ethelwood, placing great importance on bloodline and rank. Once admitted, the connections it provided were invaluable, making Richard’s offer irresistible to Louise, who was looking to expand her influence.

Though initially overwhelmed by Richard’s meticulousness, Louise eventually accepted his proposal.

“It’s only been three weeks, but you already look like a noble lady.”

“That’s too generous, Louise.”

Louise smiled at Charlotte’s modest reply. It seemed that much had happened to her as well.

A few months ago, she had been a timid and fragile girl, always addressing even a fallen baron’s daughter with utmost respect. Now, she had transformed into a confident and graceful woman. Once a source of faint jealousy, Charlotte had become an eager student and cousin, someone Louise felt genuine affection for.

“With the wedding just a week away, how do you feel?”

“I’m very… excited.”

Charlotte blushed and smiled. Seeing the bride-to-be filled with anticipation and happiness, Louise couldn’t help but smile too.

“I can imagine.”

Their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. Anna entered with permission.

“Mrs. Clitwood is here for the fitting.”

“Ah, it’s already that time.”

Glancing at the clock on the wall, Louise stood up. Today was the last day of lessons. Her luggage was packed early in the morning, and a carriage was waiting at the front hall.

“I’ll see you at the wedding, Charlotte.”

“Yes, thank you, Louise.”

After saying goodbye and being escorted out by another maid, Louise felt the cold wind brush her cheeks as she stepped outside. She climbed into the carriage and started down the long forest path. She noticed another carriage approaching from the opposite direction. As they passed, she saw two people inside—a man and a woman.

The woman caught her eye. She was wearing a mask for some reason. Curious, Louise knocked on the driver’s window, and the coachman turned around.

“Is something wrong, ma’am?”

“Who were those people we just passed?”

“Probably the doctor. The old lady is ill.”

“And the woman?”


The coachman seemed to recall something.

“One of the maids twisted her ankle yesterday. With the shortage of staff, Dr. Brent mentioned bringing in a replacement. That must be her.”

“I see.”

Satisfied with the explanation, Louise turned her gaze back to the window.

The days were growing colder. As she stared blankly at the scenery, something struck the window. It was sleet, a mix of snow and rain. The fine powdery flakes quickly turned into heavier precipitation. Her gaze shifted to the sky. The once clear and bright sky was now gathering dark, ominous clouds.

It seemed a heavy snowfall was imminent. A very severe one. The chill that crept down her neck made Louise pull her shawl tighter around her shoulders.




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