A Snake Entwining Flowers


The man who stepped out of the carriage adjusted his medical bag. A woman approached him, extending her empty hand for a handshake. Judging by her attire, she seemed to be a maid who had come to greet him.

“You must be Dr. Brent.”

“Yes, that’s right. And you are?”

“Anna Scott. Just call me Anna, Doctor.”

“Alright, Anna.”

After their handshake, Brent looked around.

“I’ve lived here all my life, but this is my first time coming here.”

“Well, that makes sense. It’s been empty for quite some time.”

The mansion, surrounded by a forest of white birch trees, was made of white stone, giving it an otherworldly appearance. It looked like a fairy’s hideaway.

He had never visited this place before. The doors had always been firmly shut, and as a child, he had been scared by tales from adults about a monster living there. So when he heard the news that the place had new owners, he was curious about who they might be.

“Who is the patient I’ll be attending to?”

“She’s an elderly lady who just turned fifty. She’ll be staying here for a couple of months, and you’ll need to visit two or three times a week during that period.”

“What’s her name?”

“Cynthia. Just call her Mrs. Cynthia.”

It seemed she didn’t want to provide a last name or more details. Though curious, Brent didn’t press further. After all, he had already been paid generously in advance for his house calls.

Nodding, Brent followed Anna as she led him through the entrance hall and up to a bedroom at the far end of the second floor. Just as she was about to open the door, Anna turned to him with a reminder.

“Mrs. Cynthia…”


“Her vision is impaired.”

Non-contagious pneumonia with vision loss. It wasn’t common, but it wasn’t unheard of either, so it didn’t matter much. What was more important was the opportunity to build connections with seemingly influential people. Brent’s eyes sparkled with youthful ambition.

“Understood. Will I be able to meet Mr. Winkle after the examination?”

“I can’t promise that. He’s been very busy lately.”

“Then at least Mrs. Cynthia…”

“…I’m not sure.”

As if to avoid further questions, Anna knocked on the door and, receiving permission to enter, turned the doorknob.

“A carriage will always be sent for you, so just come on the appointed days and times to attend to Mrs. Cynthia and then leave.”

In short, she was telling him to stay discreet and almost invisible. Before Brent could respond, the conversation ended, and the door quietly opened.

With the arrival of the new couple, the once quiet estate in the birch forest started to see more activity. Along with Dr. Brent, who was in charge of Cynthia’s care, there were now a cook and an assistant, an errand boy, a young man from the nearby village supplying groceries, two handymen, and two women handling cleaning and laundry.

One would expect the place to become lively with so many people, but this estate was an exception. While the presence of people took away the desolate feeling, the atmosphere remained unchanged. Instead of being bustling or noisy, the estate maintained a consistently calm and quiet air.

The reason was simple: a set of peculiar rules given from the first day.

Lower your gaze and remain silent when the employers are present.

Do not speak or look at them unless they address you first.

Lost in thought inside the carriage, Brent felt someone press his hand. It was Rose, the housekeeper, who had finished her work and was riding back with him.

When their eyes met, she offered him a snack wrapped in a handkerchief.

“Have one. You must be hungry.”

“Thank you.”

“Thank you? I should be the one thanking you for the ride.”

Rose chuckled warmly and then asked, “So, what were you thinking about so deeply, Doctor?”


Brent hesitated for a moment before shaking his head.

“It’s nothing important.”

“Come on now, it’s written all over your face.”


“Is it a secret?”

Chewing on a raisin, Rose drew back the curtain of the carriage window. Outside was a world of pure white.

“You know, I quite like it here. When I first got the job offer, I thought the pay was good and the work seemed manageable, so I figured there must be some catch. But it’s actually been quite nice. No one is overly demanding, and the breaks are proper. The only issue is all the secrecy.”

The village was rife with speculation. Some said the couple was on the run from the law, others that the man had kidnapped the woman. Some even suggested they weren’t a married couple at all but young lovers who had eloped.

Initially, Brent found these rumors ridiculous, but now he was starting to think there might be some truth to the last one. It had been two weeks, and they still knew almost nothing about the reclusive couple living in that beautiful, isolated mansion. Wasn’t it strange?

“Mrs. Rose.”

After a pause, Brent spoke up.

“Have you ever seen Mr. Winkle?”


He was disappointed by her answer, but what she said next caught his attention.

“But Lily said she has. Apparently, Mrs. Winkle spoke to her first.”

“Mrs. Winkle?”

Rose nodded.

“She said Mrs. Winkle is exceptionally beautiful. Black hair, green eyes. She looked quite young.”

“And Mr. Winkle?”

“He wasn’t with her. But… I don’t know if I should be telling you this, seeing as you’re still single.”

Rose laughed and leaned in as if to whisper a secret. Brent, who was caught off guard, brought his ear closer to her mouth, and his face turned bright red at her words.

“Every morning when Lily goes in to clean, the bed sheets in the couple’s bedroom are always a mess. And Mrs. Winkle looks quite tired.”

So, it didn’t seem like she was kidnapped, right?

Rose added cheekily just as she popped the last raisin into her mouth.


“Whoa there!”

Suddenly, the carriage jolted as the horses neighed loudly, and the driver pulled sharply on the reins. Brent and Rose barely managed to steady themselves when the driver, looking startled, quickly jumped down and ran to the front of the carriage. Moments later, he returned, pale-faced, and urgently knocked on the window.

“Dr. Brent!”

When Brent opened the door, he saw the terrified face of the driver.

“What on earth is going on?”

“A woman suddenly ran out in front of us. But her condition…!”

Shocked, Brent swiftly grabbed his medical bag from the seat beside him.


“Just breathe naturally and relax your shoulders, miss.”

“The instructions that followed were simple and clear. It was evident that the head of the dress shop had years of experience. One of the seamstresses behind Charlotte straightened her shoulders, which she had unconsciously hunched.

“Good. Keep your back straight. That way, the measurements will be more accurate.”

Charlotte responded with an awkward smile to the woman’s friendly grin.

Since waking up, Charlotte had been wearing nothing but a thin chemise. She had enjoyed the rare luxury of getting up alone in a spacious bed and having a leisurely breakfast.

As soon as she answered Anna’s question about whether she had finished her meal, four unfamiliar women burst into the room. Before she could react, they began taking her measurements meticulously.

“Thank you for your patience!”

Just when she thought it was over, she was told to move to the tea room on the first floor. Once there, the seamstresses were dismissed, and the woman seated across from her spread out several sketches.

“I’ve been sketching all the way here. Of course, it’s not ideal to make any cuts before taking proper measurements, but I wanted to do my best.”

The head of the dress shop, Zhenya, recalled the letter she had received the previous day.

[To Mrs. Zhenya Clitwood of Clarice Dress Shop,

I am sending a blank check. Feel free to write any amount you desire.

Richard Winkle]

It was a brief but elegantly written request.

Normally, she wouldn’t have given such a request a second thought. It came from a noble on the outskirts, but the moment she confirmed the blank check was genuine at the bank, she dropped everything and hurriedly packed. It was an offer she couldn’t refuse as an ambitious dressmaker.

The client before her was a rare golden opportunity. It was a chance to create the dress she had always dreamed of without worrying about the cost. It was a perfect opportunity to show the up-and-coming dress shops that they couldn’t compete with her.

“With your long neck and prominent collarbones, a deeper décolleté line would be perfect. A dress that emphasizes your slim waist would suit you best. Naturally, embroidering flowers on the hem and adorning it with pearls would make it even more stunning. And of course, the evening dress should be even more enchanting…”

Zhenya excitedly rattled off unfamiliar terms, causing Charlotte’s expression to become increasingly confused. She understood it was about dresses, but after being bombarded since early morning, she could hardly concentrate.

When Richard had casually told her to pick out some dress templates a while ago, she should have known. She thought he meant to buy some clothes for the time being. But this seemed excessive. How many dresses were they planning on…?

Sensing Charlotte’s slightly uncomfortable expression, Zhenya paused and asked with a professional smile, “Oh, do you not like the designs? I understand. In Ethelwood, high-waisted wedding dresses that emphasize purity and girlishness are still in vogue. But I think a mermaid line, which is more slender and elegant, would definitely suit you…”

“Wait, wait… just a moment!”

The dazzling array of terms made it impossible for Charlotte to keep up. She had a bad feeling that if she stayed silent, she would be subjected to another hour of this. Raising both hands to stop Zhenya, Charlotte took a deep breath and asked,

“What exactly are you talking about? Since earlier?”


“What… dress?”


Finally understanding, Zhenya clapped her hands.

“A wedding dress! I should have congratulated you first. I’m sorry, that was very thoughtless of me.”




T/N: They’re getting married. I can’t wait! 😉

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