A Snake Entwining Flowers


The long-standing festival on Corlen Island had its origins in an ancient legend. The story told of a maiden who one day encountered a god who had descended to earth.

The two fell in love at first sight and soon became inseparable. However, the god couldn’t stay away from his heavenly duties for long. He promised the maiden that he would return to take her and their child with him.

But when he finally returned, many years had passed. The maiden, now an old woman who had raised their son alone, was on her deathbed. The god, unchanged and wearing a mask, came to her in her final moments. After she passed, he took his own life at the place where they had first met, and a tree grew tall and strong where he died.

To comfort the spirits of the sorrowful lovers, young couples would hold hands and circle the tree, starting the tradition of the festival. Legend has it that couples who meet during this festival are blessed by the gods and will find long-lasting happiness.

Interestingly, unlike the women, the men wear masks and cannot choose their partners. The women choose first, and the men respond.

As they got closer to the town square, more people started to glance at Richard. Even though he was dressed more casually than usual, his aura drew attention despite the mask he wore. Charlotte walked calmly beside her lover, seemingly unaware of the stares.

“Delicious beer! Snacks so good you’ll forget to stop eating!”

“Tarts made with freshly picked fruits from this morning!”

“Melt-in-your-mouth homemade candy! So many varieties to choose from!”

Vendors were selling all kinds of treats. Since they had just eaten, they were only window-shopping. As word spread that the ceremony was about to start, the crowd surged toward the square. In the rush, Charlotte lost hold of Richard’s hand. She looked around frantically, searching for him.

“You there, miss.”

It was an old fortune-teller sitting on a carpet. At first, Charlotte didn’t realize she was being called, but the woman beckoned more clearly.

“The pretty girl with the black hair. Yes, you.”


When Charlotte answered, the old woman gestured for her to come closer. Feeling it would be rude to ignore her, Charlotte approached and was quickly pulled down to sit beside her.

“I’ve been watching you. You remind me of my granddaughter, and I need to tell you something.”

“What is it…”

“Something very wicked is attached to you.”


“It’s severe… dark and oppressive, binding your limbs tightly. A black fog is ready to devour you. A great misfortune is imminent.”

A chill ran down Charlotte’s spine at the sudden ominous words. The woman was blind, adding to the eeriness of the situation.

“You still have a chance to escape. Flee far away. Live as if you’re dead, close your ears and eyes, and survive.”

Just as Charlotte was about to respond, the old woman’s expression turned to one of horror. A long shadow had fallen over them.


Richard had found her and approached from behind. He gently but firmly removed the old woman’s grip on Charlotte’s arm.

“So here you are.”

Just a glance from Richard caused the old woman to tremble violently, like a helpless animal before a powerful predator.

Despite her earlier curse-like words, the old woman was clearly frail. Concerned, Charlotte reached out her hand.

“Are you alright, ma’am?”

“G-Go away, quickly!”

The old woman, who had so insistently called her over, now waved her off as if to ward off evil spirits. Her voice was harsh, but her lips were blue, and she looked as if she might collapse at any moment. As Charlotte looked around for someone to help, Richard’s low voice interrupted.

“If we delay any longer, we’ll miss the best part of the festival.”


“Come now.”

“Go away! Please!”

With no other choice but to accept her refusal of help, Charlotte followed Richard as he gently urged her to move on.

As they reached the central square, the unsettling feeling from earlier vanished. Before them, young women with long, flowing hair dressed in white dresses and flower crowns, along with well-dressed young men, were beginning the ceremony. The orchestra played a lively waltz with horns, violins, and flutes in the background as couples danced in the center of the square.

The villagers surrounding them clapped and whistled in encouragement. The excitement was palpable, enveloping the entire town. Standing beside Richard, Charlotte watched the dancing couples and couldn’t help but exclaim.

“This is wonderful. Everyone looks so lively and happy…”

Seeing her clap with childlike joy, Richard made a sudden suggestion.

“Then let’s join them.”


At some point, he had bought a floral crown and gently placed it on Charlotte’s head. The delicate flowers complemented her dark hair beautifully. Richard leaned in and whispered to the hesitant Charlotte.

“We wouldn’t have come if we were just going to watch.”



It was infuriating. Annoyed and incredulous, Charlotte lifted her head. He often teased her, calling her a cowardly rabbit, but provoking her at such a moment?

“I’m not a coward.”

Her eyes reddened with frustration. Richard, smiling quietly, replied, “Then prove it.”

He pulled her into the crowd. As if on cue, the music became more lively and faster. Though she had only danced a few times long ago, her body instinctively followed the rhythm as their hands and gazes intertwined.

Her breath quickened. Every muscle, nerve, and vein focused solely on the man in front of her. The way their eyes met and parted, their fingertips brushed, and breaths mingled—it felt like every spectator was holding their breath, watching them.

Before she knew it, the music had ended. Applause erupted all around them. Charlotte, disoriented, found herself separated from the crowd. She only realized this after regaining her senses. Richard had already found her and was now leading her briskly through the throng, holding her hand.

She thought she saw a familiar face in the crowd—Finn? She wanted to confirm but couldn’t. Richard’s unusual urgency made it hard for her to keep up. Out of breath, she finally shouted.


Even she was startled, covering her mouth with her hands. It was the first time she had called him by name, without any title or honorific. The air seemed to pause. Richard, who had been hurrying along, turned his head. Unable to meet his gaze, she stammered.

“Oh, I mean…”

She couldn’t finish the sentence because he had swept her off her feet.


Before she could react, Richard, carrying her, continued walking swiftly. When she dared to open her eyes, his perfect, composed face was right in front of her.

“Where are we going?”



They approached a waiting carriage, and the driver opened the door with a respectful bow. Richard carried her inside and sat her down like a doll, then immediately leaned in for a kiss.

“Ah! Mm…”

It was a savage kiss that made her vision go white. His tongue invaded her mouth without mercy, dominating and exploring. Struggling for breath, Charlotte pushed against his chest, finally getting a moment’s reprieve.

“Wait… just a moment… I can’t breathe…”

“Breathe through your nose.”

He pounced on her again like a wild beast. She didn’t even notice when the carriage door closed or when they started moving.

After a long moment, he finally pulled away, leaving a trail of saliva between their lips. She regained her breath, her body limp from exhaustion. The carriage stopped, and the firmly shut door opened. Reluctantly, she let herself be carried in his arms, resigning to what was coming.

His eyes were hungry, as if biting and sucking every inch of her from head to toe still wouldn’t be enough.

Tonight would feel like an eternity.

Sensing what was about to happen, Charlotte tightly shut her eyes.

The carriage stopped in front of a two-story villa. A man who seemed to be the caretaker greeted them at the door, but Richard ignored him and headed straight upstairs.

The bedroom was lavishly decorated: a large bay window, a fireplace with iron bars, oriental carpets, iris-patterned wallpaper, a rosewood couch, and a four-poster bed with drapes.

Though she couldn’t take in all the details, it was an opulent bedroom.

“Sir Richard, this place…”

Charlotte looked around anxiously, but before she could say more, she felt a sharp pain on her earlobe.


“So, you still have some composure left.”

With a swift movement, Richard bit her earlobe and, like a predator catching its prey, grabbed her waist and threw her onto the bed. His hands moved quickly, unbuttoning her collar and pulling down her dress and petticoat.

As he unclasped her garter belt, hot breath trailed down her thigh. Charlotte, startled, hastily pulled her knees up.

“Lord Richard!”

“Call me Richard.”

She tried to sit up and back away, but she was already cornered prey. The heat covering her entire body made it hard to breathe.

Through his disheveled hair, his upturned violet eyes glinted, telling her there would be no escape.

She had braced herself for this moment as they entered the villa, yet she was still scared. Scared there would be nothing left of her but bones.

She needed a moment, any delay she could get. Shaking her head, Charlotte protested.

“I can’t call you that.”

“You did earlier.”


“Take responsibility.”

For what? She didn’t have time to ask as he continued, “For making my cock hard with that name, dear Miss Hegel.”




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