A Genius Investor Who Picks Up Conglomerates

Encountering the Second Golden Light

Chapter 9: Encountering the Second Golden Light


Six years had passed since the bitter taste of life hit me when I tried to buy a house with 5 million won at the age of 19. 

Now, I found myself back in a real estate agent’s office, after scouring the internet diligently for information. 

Despite my efforts, the prevailing advice was that I lacked the knack for finding a house. 

I might have been ignorant, but I decided to visit every real estate office that seemed decent in Seongdong-gu.

After all, time was all I had to spare. 

I couldn’t explain why Seongdong-gu, but I was drawn to that neighborhood.

Since I had nothing tying me down anywhere, I didn’t mind throwing a dart at a map and going wherever it landed.

“I’m here to look at some houses.”

Most of the real estate agents, who looked older than their years, either seemed bored or slightly annoyed upon seeing me.

“Oh my, what am I to do with this? We don’t handle one-room apartments here.”

“I’m not here to see a one-room apartment.”

“Really? How much are you thinking about the deposit and monthly rent?”

“I’m not considering monthly rent. I just want to buy a house while I’m at it.”


The agent sized me up quickly.

“Hmm, you seem to be dressed up for the occasion today.”

I wore my favorite jeans and a few shirts I had.

“Oh dear, what can I do? We have a client coming in soon, so I’m a bit busy right now.”

“Well, that can’t be helped. I’ll come back another time.”

Similar situations had occurred several times, almost like déjà vu.

But it didn’t really bother me much.

The reason I wandered around was mainly because I wondered if there might be someone emanating the golden light.

“Ugh, it’s so hot and my legs hurt. This is totally exhausting. I need some coffee.”

Wiping the sweat beads flowing down my chin with my sleeve, I entered a cozy cafe nearby.


“I’ll have an up-sized iced Americano, please.”

As the vibrating bell rang, I grabbed the Americano and hurriedly brought the straw to my lips, taking a big sip.

“Ahh…! Now I feel alive.”

I gulped down so forcefully that my throat felt numb, staring blankly out the transparent window.

It was a weekday afternoon and the streets were remarkably quiet, likely due to working hours

“Should I just pick any place and settle down?”

The laziness I had been suppressing began to creep up on me.

As I wrestled with the conflicting desires of laziness and my dream of owning a home…


I noticed a small office sign across the street, not even 10 square meters in size.

[Nanyeo Chilse Real Estate]

“Is that really the name of a real estate office?”

My gaze shifted downward.

In front of the office, irregularly arranged flower wreaths caught my attention, and the messages on them seemed unusual.

[I’ll marry you if you make ten billion -Ex-girlfriend-]

[Hey friend, if you make a lot of money, don’t pretend not to know me. I’ll kill you. -x Bestie-]

[This is a real estate hotspot. Taste and see. -Just a friend-]

[The house prices are friendly and the agents are affordable. -Real Estate Connoisseur-]


The coffee I had in my mouth spilled into the cup.

Out of curiosity, I strained my eyes and peered vaguely into the interior.

There was a young man in a neat suit, vigorously sweeping the floor with a broom.

The interior seemed somewhat disorderly, likely due to the office being new.

I couldn’t help but feel like I was watching a reality TV show as I observed the man’s movements.

“Oh my, he’s quite diligent…”

The man didn’t take a break for a moment, tirelessly moving around.

Just when it seemed like the tidying up was almost done, the man started muttering to himself while looking at the mirror.

“What is he doing?”

The man was making grand gestures by himself, even folding his waist while looking at the mirror.

He seemed troubled, his gestures indicating frustration as he scratched his head with a puzzled look on his face.

“He seemed like he was performing for an audience.”

I watched the man for about twenty minutes before he suddenly turned his head and stared intently at the TV.

Just then.


An involuntary exclamation escaped me.

Surprised, the cafe owner approached with wide eyes.

“What’s wrong, sir?”

“Oh. Nothing. I’m sorry.”

Apologizing to the cafe owner for the embarrassment that rushed over me, I looked back at the man.

“I definitely saw something.”

The shimmer vanished, leaving no sign behind, but I could have sworn I saw a faint golden light emanating from the man’s body.

I quickly got up from my seat and headed straight to the man’s office.




Kim Jung-nam, 28 years old at the time, was a novice real estate agent who had just started his own business.

Due to difficult family circumstances, he began his career as soon as he became an adult, but he realized that all his struggles ultimately benefited others, this realization led him to believe that he needed to pursue his own path.

“Now, my life will finally start to flourish.”

Thinking that it would be enough to simply connect ‘sellers’ and ‘buyers’ and collect commissions, he jumped into the business front line, but reality was not so easy.

Real estate agencies were already saturated, and it was nearly impossible for novices like Kim Jung-nam to secure listings like Altoran.

He reluctantly turned his attention to listings on the shared brokerage network, but what was the point of competing with everyone else for listings that were in high demand?

“Sigh… life isn’t easy.”

Just then, Kim Jung-nam let out a deep sigh, weighed down by his concerns about the future.


A stranger walked into the office.


Kim Jung-nam greeted the first customer with a bright smile and a gentle voice, as he had practiced.

Though the newcomer seemed somewhat distant from the big shots, wasn’t he determined?

Regardless of the client, he resolved to serve them kindly with a professional attitude.

“How can I help you?”

“Did you just watch TV? What were you watching?”

At the outset, it was a moment when Kim Jung-nam’s firm resolve almost faltered.




Kim Jung-nam’s face twisted in confusion at my question, and I quickly realized my mistake. Who wouldn’t think I was crazy if I randomly asked what they had just watched on TV?

“Oh, I’m sorry. That was out of the blue, wasn’t it? Actually, I came to look for a house, but you seemed so engrossed in the TV, I thought there might be something interesting on.”

The man quickly adjusted his expression and replied with a friendly smile.

“Oh, hahaha, that’s all it was. It wasn’t anything special. Haven’t you heard of Hong Seul-gi? She’s a hot actress these days. I was watching an interview with her. Did you think I was watching the news? Haha, embarrassing.”

As the man scratched his head and spoke, my mind plunged into a labyrinth. Why did the golden light seem to emanate from the man when he watched TV?

I decided to drop the topic, worried that it might lead to misunderstandings, and took a seat instead.”

I see. As I mentioned, I’m interested in buying a house. Can I get some advice?”

“Ah, of course. Please, have a seat first. Would you like a cup of coffee?”

“No, thank you. I just had one before coming. Just a glass of cold water, please.”

“Sure, I’ll bring you a refreshing glass of cold water. Just a moment.”

The diligent demeanor of the young man impressed me quite a bit. He returned with a glass of ice-cold water and handed me his business card.

[Nanyeo Chilse Real Estate Representative, Kim Jung-nam]

“Did you personally come up with the name for the agency?”

“Yes! Whether it’s a man or a woman, it signifies the importance of having an interest in land from an early age.”

“That’s quite… thoughtful of you.”

“Thank you. I often hear such compliments. Hahaha.”

Kim Jung-nam looked at me with a proud expression. Honestly, I couldn’t help but think he was just joking when he said that.

Are you looking for a one room studio?”

“Actually. I’m looking for something like a higher place.”

“Ah! A rooftop room?”

“No, I’m thinking more along the lines of an officetel or an apartment.”

“Looking for an officetel or an apartment with a nice view… Are you considering monthly rent or a lump-sum deposit?”

Kim Jung-nam’s question momentarily made me ponder. Since I had the money, there was no reason to opt for monthly rent, so I had to choose between a lump-sum deposit or purchasing.

“I’m leaning towards a lump-sum deposit or purchasing for now, but I’ll have to see and decide.”

“Of course, that’s what you should do. The issue is the amount, though…”

Kim Jung-nam glanced at me discreetly.

“As you may know, housing prices in Seoul have risen significantly these days. Even apartments or officetels with some age on them range from 500 million to 800 million won, and places with a good view come with an additional premium, making them even more expensive.”

“Are there any officetel listings in the 1 billion won range?”


Kim Jung-nam looked at me with wide eyes.

He seemed quite surprised.

Well, it was understandable considering I, who looked like his peer, mentioned such a huge amount.

“Oh! I’m sorry. 1 billion won for an officetel… was what you said, right?”

“However, the view is extraordinary.”

“Please wait a moment, sir!”

Kim Jung-nam’s expression changed as he looked at me.

He seemed to perceive me as a wealthy son of affluent parents.

It didn’t really bother me.

As long as I found a house that suited my taste.

Kim Jung-nam quickly rushed to the laptop and began tapping on the keyboard skilfully. 

The sound of the mouse wheel rolling was loud enough to drown out the TV. 

A few minutes later, he printed out a few sheets of paper from the printer and handed them to me. 

“There’s only one property that fits your requirements. It’s for sale, not for rent… The price is 1.9 billion won.” 

He sounded disappointed. 

It seemed that he judged that the deal wouldn’t be made since he brought a property worth 1.9 billion won when I requested one worth 1 billion won.

“Is that the only option?” 

“Yes. It’s a luxurious officetel that was completed two years ago. It’s 28 square meters with three rooms. The facilities and view are top-notch, even to the extent of being considered a small penthouse.” 

“Well, shall we take a look first?” 

“I’ll take you there.” 

As I got up from my seat, I glanced at Kim Jung-nam’s face. 

He didn’t seem annoyed, only a passionate demeanor. 

His enthusiasm and dedication, characteristic of young entrepreneurs, seemed to boost my own spirit. 

That’s how I got into Kim Jung-nam’s compact car and headed to the officetel. 




“Here we are.” 


From the outside, the building looked extraordinary.

Kim Jung-nam gestured towards the building. 

This is the Lucas officetel, designed from the underground 4th floor to the 25th floor above ground. It has two separate cores for stairs and elevators, which enhances soundproofing and stability.”

Kim Jung-nam led me inside the building. 

“The first basement floor has a sauna, spa, and lounge bar. On the second basement floor, there’s a climbing wall and gym. The third basement has a futsal field and basketball court. On the rooftop, there’s a rooftop garden where you can take a walk when you feel stuffy.”

“Wow, it’s really trendy.”

“That’s why this place is highly preferred among young people.”

I felt like I was in a different world. I felt embarrassed comparing it to the ₩50,000 Sillim-dong motel I used to stay at. Everywhere was luxurious, and the faces of the residents exuded ease and confidence.

“The living environment is vastly different.”

I couldn’t help but think that money was the key to everything.

“Which floor are we going to see?”

“The 25th floor.”

The top floor, huh? I was really looking forward to the view.

Ding. The elevator beeped.

The elevator was so quiet that I didn’t even notice it was moving, indicating the number 25.

“Here we are.”

Kim Jung-nam entered the password and the door to room 2501 opened, revealing the interior. And then…

“Oh wow…” I gasped in amazement.

My mouth, completely out of control, couldn’t seem to close.



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