A Genius Investor Who Picks Up Conglomerates

Make Your First Investment

Chapter 6: Make Your First Investment


“What’s in that file?”

I inquired, gesturing toward the document tucked under Kim Seon-gi’s arm.

“Huh? Oh, this?”

Kim Seon-gi seemed surprised by my sudden question.

“It’s nothing much. Just some materials I’m studying privately.”

I had a hunch.

“If it’s not too intrusive, may I know what it’s about? I’ve taken an interest in economics recently.”

“It’s really nothing much…”

Kim Seon-gi hesitated for a moment before willingly handed me the file.

As I skimmed through the contents, filled with English newspaper clippings and unfamiliar graphs, I found myself puzzled.

“What is this…?”

Unable to comprehend the contents, I looked up at Kim Seon-gi.

“Could you explain this to me?”

“It’s just some information related to the dollar exchange rate. I’ve been studying it privately due to my interest in the subject.”

“Why the focus on the dollar?”

I pressed, adopting a serious tone, prompting Kim Seon-gi to adjust his posture and begin his explanation.

“I believe there will be a super-dollar phenomenon soon.”

“A super-dollar?”

Sensing my desire for further explanation, Kim Seon-gi continued.

“Yes, essentially it means the dollar exchange rate will skyrocket.”

“Do you have a reason to believe that?”

“First of all, based on Bloomberg News and various indicators suggest there may be significant action from the Federal Reserve. While they provided some relief to major emerging markets through currency swaps and even repos backed by U.S. bonds…”

I found myself struggling to comprehend his explanation.

Nodding along as if understanding every word, I maintained a poker face, concealing my confusion as if listening to an alien language.

“Moreover, with the escalating U.S.-China tensions and China devaluing the yuan this time…”

Kim Seon-gi continued, unleashing his reasons for the currency’s potential rise for about ten minutes like a rapid gunfire.

Suddenly realizing he might have been too excited, Kim Seon-Gi apologized, scratching his head as his ears turned slightly red.

“I’m sorry. I rambled on too much.”

“So, Mr. Kim Seon-gi is saying that the dollar will rise in the future?” I summarized.

“Uh… yes, well, something like that. It’s purely my subjective opinion, of course.”

“How high do you anticipate it rising?”

“Since it’s currently in the 1180 range… I believe it could easily exceed 1300.”

“Then let’s give it a try.”


“Let’s make our first investment in dollars.”

“But, investment decisions should be made carefully…”

“I’ve made my decision carefully. After listening to your explanation, I’m fully convinced. I want to invest in dollars.”

Surprised by my resolute tone, Kim Seon-gi hesitated before asking hesitantly.

“Then, how much…?”

“Um… Shall we start with 4 billion won?”

“4, 4 billion!?”

Kim Seon-gi exclaimed, clearly astonished.

“Is that too little? Then let’s make it an even 5 billion. We might need the remaining funds for other purposes anyway.”

“The weight of investment is too high.”

“Does investing in dollars fall under the high-risk investment category?”

“No, it doesn’t.”

Indeed, investing in dollars typically falls under low-risk investments aimed at reducing portfolio risk.

“In that case, there shouldn’t be a problem. Even if there is a loss, the loss rate wouldn’t be that significant.”

To someone who had fallen into the abyss with coins, the potential loss from investing in dollars seemed trivial.

Seeing Kim Seon-gi’s lingering hesitation, I interjected, offering reassurance.

“I take full responsibility for all investment decisions. Mr. Kim Seon-gi merely provided me with explanations, and I made the decision based on that. Even if there are losses, I will never hold Mr. Kim Seon-gi accountable, so please don’t worry.”

“Yes… I understand.”

With my firm statement, Kim Seon-gi eventually had no choice but to agree.

As Kim Seon-gi seemed to be contemplating something, he gently broached a question.

“Mr. Song Dae-woon, if it’s not too much trouble, may I ask you something?”

“Of course. Feel free to ask. We’ll be seeing each other often in the future.”

“Why… Did you specifically choose me? As the branch manager mentioned, I’m still just a novice with no proven skills or experience.”

How should I respond?

Revealing the truth about the strange light I had seen seemed imprudent—wouldn’t it just brand me as a lunatic? 

For a brief moment, I pondered my response as I met Kim Seon-gi’s gaze steadily.

“Um… How can I explain this? Actually, I spent quite a long time on an ocean fishing ship. Just a month ago, I was in the middle of the South Pacific,” I began, veering into an unexpected narrative.

At the sudden divergence from the topic, Kim Seon-Gi’s interest was piqued, and he leaned in attentively.

“In the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean, do you happen to know how to locate a school of tuna?”

“Oh, no. I don’t really know.”

How would I know how to find a school of tuna when I barely know how to eat it?

“To find them, you look for something called ‘Baekpa’ (백파). It refers to the white waves created by the school of tuna. To find these ‘Baekpa,’ you need to analyze various information such as sea temperature, currents, plankton, and ocean currents using artificial satellites.”

Fully engrossed in my tale, Kim Seon-gi listened intently.

“But there are days when the satellite information is unreliable, and the radar fails to detect anything properly. On such days, you have to rely solely on ‘instinct.’ I was particularly good at finding these ‘Baekpa’ on our ship.”

“How did you do that?”

“As I mentioned, it’s purely based on ‘instinct.’ If you stand on the bow before sunrise and look at the dark sea, you’ll get a feeling. ‘Ah! It feels like there might be a school of tuna over there.’ And more often than not, that feeling usually turns out to be right. Even regular sailors like me would have a rough idea of where to find the ‘Baekpa’ if the captain came asked every morning before sunrise.”

Kim Seon-Gi looked puzzled at the sudden talk about instincts.

“Well, my instincts tell me that Mr. Kim Seon-gi is someone worth trusting. He’s like a ‘Baekpa’ to me.”


Kim Seon-gi’s eyes glistened with emotion as he listened to my words.

“So, please don’t feel pressured. Just follow my instincts.”

Strictly speaking, it was about following the golden light emanating from Kim Seon-gi, but in essence, wasn’t it the same thing? Nevertheless, Kim Seon-gi, now seemingly convinced to some extent, regarded me with determined eyes, unlike before.

His sparkling gaze was slightly intimidating.

“I’ll definitely repay your trust. I’ll work hard… No, I’ll excel. Please take care of me in the future.”

“Yes, I’ll do my best.”

As we left the VIP lounge, I wiped off the sweat as I was escorted by Kim Seon-Gi to the entrance, where he bid farewell with a 90-degree bow.

Despite some minor twists and turns, the banking business had concluded peacefully. 

On the way back, I stopped by a convenience store for a simple dinner before returning to the motel. After a refreshing shower, I slipped into a comfortable gown and cracked open a cold can of beer from the fridge.

*Glug glug*

“Ah! Beer after a shower is always the best.”

Sipping the beer, I savored a small sense of happiness. Neatly finishing the can, I collapsed onto the bed.

“I went to the bank once, and the whole day just flew by.”

Still, it was quite a fulfilling day. After visiting the bank, I realized that I might actually be wealthy now. But I didn’t feel overwhelmed with excitement. It was more like a calm enlightenment, akin to a serene monk gazing at a clear moon.

“What should I do from now on?”

I pondered aloud. The question had been weighing on my mind for some time, but I couldn’t find a straightforward answer. I didn’t want to squander my newfound wealth on frivolous indulgences. The insights I gained from the sea ran too deep for that. Now that I had money, I yearned for a life rich in meaning and value, transcending mere material wealth.

“Let’s not rush. You know, when you’re on a ship, if you focus on the turbulent waters right in front of you, you’ll feel seasick. But if you look far ahead to the calm expanse of the ocean, your stomach settles.”

I reminded myself, embracing the wisdom gleaned from my seafaring days.

“First, let’s start from there.”

Suddenly, tomorrow’s plan came to mind, and with it, a newfound confidence to move forward. With that thought firmly in mind, I lay on the motel bed, contemplating for a while before drifting into a deep sleep.




The next day arrived.

I hurriedly prepared for my outing in the early morning. 

“Will they recognize me?” 

A slight worry gnawed at me, but I shook my head to dispel it and left the motel, hopping into a taxi. 

After about 30 minutes of driving, I arrived at my destination. 


“Drive safely.” 

I bid the taxi driver farewell and looked around the neighborhood that I hadn’t visited in a long time.

“Nothing seems to have changed here.” 

It was a rural area on the outskirts of Uiwang, to the point where I wondered if it was still part of the metropolitan area. 

The mountain breeze gently tousled my hair, carrying with it the fresh scent of grass. 

“The air is really nice.” 

As I reminisced about old memories that slowly resurfaced, I made my way forward. 

Before long, I reached a relatively large modern building. 

[Sapling Nursery] 

“To come back here again…” 

I once deemed it a shameful past, always eager to hide it wherever I went. 

Recalling my resolve never to return, a newfound determination surged within me.

“It’s really embarrassing.” 

Reflecting on my past actions, I stepped into the nursery. 

In the playground, children were playing happily, their laughter echoing in the air. Yet, amidst their innocence, I couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling of seeing my past self reflected in their carefree joy. 

With a deep breath, I cautiously approached the door to what seemed to be the office on the second floor of the main building. 

Knock knock

“Yes, come in.” 

The familiar voice sent my heart into a wild rhythm. 

Thunk thud

Through the crack in the door, I saw an elderly woman seated at the desk. 

It was Director Kang Maria of the Sapling Nursery. 

Among all the nursery teachers I had encountered, she was the only one who sincerely cared for me. 

As she looked up and recognized my face, the director’s eyes widened in surprise. 

“Who… Oh? Who is this? Is it Dae-woon?” 

Rising from her seat, she approached with an awkward gait and grasped my hand. 

I attempted to conceal my discomfort behind a smile as my nose instinctively wrinkled slightly.

“Have you been well?” 

“Of course, I’ve been well. How long has it been? My, my, Dae-woon, you’ve grown so handsome.” 

I glanced at Director Kang, noting her distinctive curly hair, now peppered with white, and the once-black locks now sparsely sprinkled with gray.

The lines etched on her face spoke volumes of the passage of time. 

“Oh my God, look at me. Why don’t you sit down here first? Let me get you a drink.”

She guided me to a small sofa in the center of the office and handed me a juice from the fridge. 

“Thank you.” 

“How have you been all this time? Why haven’t you kept in touch? Do you know how worried I’ve been?” 

‘She’s still nagging as usual.’ 

Though her nagging used to irk me, now it felt oddly endearing. I couldn’t help but smile. 

After all these years, catching up with Director Kang brought a sense of warmth, though I refrained from mentioning my time on the fishing ship.

I didn’t want to mar her cheerful face with unnecessary worry. 

“I’m glad to see you’re doing well. Well, you’ve always had a unique aura since you were young. You were surprisingly mature for your age. But what’s troubling you?” 

“Huh? How did you know?” 

“I raised you, didn’t I? It’s written all over your face. I. Sense. That. You. Have. A. Worry.” 

As expected, I couldn’t fool her even if I tried. 

“Well, actually… I’m not sure how to proceed with my life from here. I’ve been living chasing after money since leaving the nursery, but now I don’t want to continue like that anymore.” 

Perhaps sensing something in my words, Director Kang stared at me intently. 

“Don’t feel pressured to achieve something grand. Just… be yourself.” 

“Me… as myself?” 

“Yes. Just do what makes you happy without worrying about others’ opinions. Just like the Dae-woon I know.” 

It felt like being hit on the head with a hammer. 

Why had I been striving for something grand? 

Along with a refreshing sensation, as if my mind had been cleansed with sparkling water, I felt something shift inside me. 

“Thank you. That’s really helpful.” 

“Haha. I didn’t do anything special. Anyway, I’m glad it resonated with you.” 

The heartwarming atmosphere was interrupted. 

“Can’t you get off my property!?” 

A loud voice emanated from outside the window. 

“What’s that commotion?” 

“Hmm… Looks like I should go and see.” 

Assisting the elderly Director Kang, who had difficulty with her knees, I descended the stairs. 

In front of the building, a luxury black sedan was parked, and a middle-aged man was berating  the nursery teachers.

The glimmering gold ornaments adorning his head, neck, and wrists caught everyone’s attention. 

The children, who had been playing in the playground, huddled behind the teachers with fearful expressions. 

“What’s happening here?” 

In response to the Director’s inquiry, the man strode forward with an imposing demeanor.

“Are you in charge here?” 

“I am the director of this establishment, but…” 

“No, no. How can you just construct a building on someone else’s property without permission? Isn’t there any legal framework here? This is unacceptable.”

“Are you out of your senses? Your utter disregard for civility is astonishing.” 

Rather than the startled Director Kang Maria, I took the initiative and stepped forward.


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