A Genius Investor Who Picks Up Conglomerates

Incident at the Bank

Chapter 4: Incident at the Bank


At the Daehan Bank Sillim-dong Integrated Financial Center.

Kim Seon-gi, the youngest bank clerk in his first year of employment, began his day as usual, getting ready for the opening hours ahead of schedule. He diligently organized money from the safe, sorted it by counter, and replenished the CD and ATM machines with cash. Before he knew it, it was already 9 o’clock and business hours commenced.

Approaching lunchtime, the number of waiting customers surged beyond 20, causing Kim Seon-gi’s cheerful demeanor to gradually diminish. Bank clerks took turns for lunch breaks, and eventually, it was Kim Seon-gi’s turn.

Anticipating this moment, Kim Seon-gi exchanged nods with his senior colleagues and swiftly vacated his seat. However, his departure was interrupted by an elderly woman’s sharp objection.

“Wait! Don’t you see I’ve been waiting? With so many customers queued up, where do you think you’re off to?”

Even brandishing her cane, the elderly woman lodged a complaint with the nearby police officer, but Kim Seon-gi chose to ignore her and proceeded towards the restaurant.

Dealing with the influx of customers akin to zombies, time flew by rapidly, but it also drained his spirits.

“Sigh… It’s exhausting.”

A sigh escaped him unintentionally.

Despite being described as the most challenging week since starting the job, it was undeniably an exciting one.

“What do they expect me to do when it’s impossible?”

It was only yesterday.

An old man who seemed mischievous arrived to open a bank account.

Following the protocol, when asked for identification, he casually mentioned,

“I lost my wallet, so I don’t have any ID.”

“Sir, I apologize, but we cannot proceed with opening a bank account without proper identification.”

Kim Seon-gi explained kindly, despite his forced smile.”

I didn’t come here unaware of what I can’t do, you know? I barely used this bank a couple of times, and yet you expect me to bend the rules and make an exception. Why is this young man so clueless?”

For a moment, his mind went blank.

From that point on, he felt utterly powerless.

Even in the face of adversity, he persisted stubbornly, determined to find a solution. But what authority does a mere rookie bank clerk hold?

The elderly man calmly unleashed a string of curses and left. However, the more alarming aspect was the implicit threat of his imminent return. If this was the conclusion, he wouldn’t voice a single complaint.

One day, a rough-looking man came to withdraw money.

“Sir, I’ll assist you with your withdrawal. Could you please provide your account number?”

“Well… I didn’t bring my glasses, so I can’t see. You should come here and input it directly.”

With that, he abruptly handed his phone to Kim Seon-gi.

Up to that point, it was a task he could naturally handle, given his role in customer service. However,

“While you’re at it, delete unnecessary stuff like photos. My phone’s been really slow lately.”

Thus, Kim Seon-Gi unintentionally glimpsed into the customer’s memories.

There were other peculiar requests as well, like someone asking to have their promotional gift carried all the way home, an elderly person demanding a free subway card despite it not being their birthday yet, a woman confidently demanding a gift because a bird had died in her garden and ruined her mood, a young lady complaining that the slippery floor and the possibility of twisting her ankle soon, and an elderly man threatening to sue because the coin sorting machine was too loud and causing him tinnitus.

“Who said being a bank clerk is easy…?”

It wasn’t a profession where one could be selective about their customers. Despite the generous salary, it brought along a considerable amount of mental stress.

“I used to swear I’d exhaust all options in job hunting.”

Because their family wasn’t well-off, Kim Seon-gi had to secure employment quickly. Therefore, he couldn’t afford to travel abroad like others did at least once. Since junior high, he had been preparing for a career in banking–obtaining various financial certifications, engaging in related extracurricular activities, and studying essays diligently. Despite all his efforts, landing a position at Daehan Bank was the outcome, yet the reality proved to be disappointing, akin to being a lackey.

“Sigh… What can I do? Is this what my job entails? Nonetheless, there are good customers too…”

Striving to maintain a positive mindset, he attempted to steady his mental state, only to realize that his designated lunch break had already passed.

“Why does time fly so fast when you’re resting?”

Kim Seon-gi, forcing his exhausted body up, made his way back to the branch.

As he entered the counter area, a senior female colleague at the adjacent counter noticed him and frowned.

“You’re just in time, Assistant Manager Kim. Why did you take so long for lunch?”

‘I’m only five minutes early…’

Although something within him simmered and threatened to boil over, he managed to conjure a smile.

“I apologize. But what prompted you to call me, Manager Jeong?”

“I currently have an important client with me, so could you kindly assist this client, Assistant Manager Kim?”

‘There she goes again. Ugh…’

On a typical weekday afternoon, wearing slippers known as sandals and a loose short-sleeved shirt paired with shorts.

To anyone’s eyes, he looked like an unemployed young man.

It was common knowledge that this female colleague was discerning when it came to clients. Any customer with potential was handled by herself, while those who seemed less promising were often delegated on to others.

What could he do? The hierarchy was like a gang.

“Would you like to come this way, sir? I’ll assist you with your transaction,” Kim Seon-Gi guided the customer to his seat with a gentle voice.




“How long has it been since you last visited a bank?”

It had been nearly five years since my last visit to a bank.

It was an exceptionally hot day, with the scorching sun reigning supreme, yet the bank interior was pleasantly cool thanks to the vigorous air conditioning.

“There seems to be quite a crowd.”

Given that it was lunchtime, it was understandable, but an hour had already passed since I received my waiting ticket.

Glancing around, I noticed people growing weary of waiting, emitting deep sighs or shooting fierce glances at the bank employees.

As for myself, all I could do was pass the time leisurely, savouring a cup of coffee and perusing through various financial product brochures.

“Ding dong! Number 185, please.”

Finally, my turn was approaching.

Attempting to conceal my apprehension, I approached the counter.

A woman in her thirties was sitting at the counter, her eyes slightly narrowed with a hint of sagging cheeks.

I could feel her gaze scrutinizing me.

“Perhaps I should have dressed more formally since I’m at a bank?”

Inwardly, I regretted my casual attire.

“How may I assist you today, sir?”

She appeared to be making an effort to be friendly, though there was a hint of briskness in her tone.

It didn’t particularly bother me. I simply had some business to take care of.

“I’m here to request an increase in the limit on my card and account transfers.”

“Do you have a steady income?”

“Um… I did until last month, but currently I’m unemployed.”

“I’m sorry, sir, but without proof of a stable income, it’s difficult to approve a limit increase.”

“Is that so? Nevertheless, considering the balance in my account, shouldn’t it be possible to raise it?”

At my words, the female bank teller’s eyes flickered slightly, and she emitted a faint sigh. Just as I was starting to feel irked by her seemingly dismissive demeanor…

“Then, may I have your account number… Oh my, Director Park!”

The bank teller’s voice suddenly jumped an octave, as if she couldn’t believe it was the same person, and she began to fawn over someone who had approached behind me.

Then, she turned to a young male employee who was approaching from a distance.

“You’re just in time, Assistant Manager Kim. Why did you take so long for lunch?”

“I apologize. But why did you call me, Manager Jeong?”

“I have a very important client here right at the moment, so could you please assist this client, Assistant Manager Kim?”

“Yes, understood. Sir, would you please come this way? I’ll assist you with your transaction.”

The young male employee with a friendly demeanor guided me to a seat, and I obediently moved to sit down.

I noticed the name tag on his chest.

[Daehan Bank Assistant Manager Kim Seon-gi]

“How can I assist you today, sir?”

“I didn’t realize the bank was so busy. I want to increase the limits on my card and account transfers.”

“Hahaha. I apologize for the lengthy wait. It’s the end of the month, so there are more customers than usual. To increase the limit, there are a few details we need to verify. Could you please provide your ID first, and then your account number?”

Unlike the female teller from earlier, Assistant Manager Kim Seon-gi was extremely polite. He didn’t overlook my presence or make unwarranted assumptions about circumstances.

“Here’s my ID. The account number is 110233756…”

I took out my ID from my pocket and handed it to the teller, enunciating my account number clearly.

“Just a moment. I’ll check it right away.”

Tap tap tap tap tap tap

With a flourish of his fingers on the keyboard, the male teller confidently pressed the Enter key to finalize the transaction. However, a burst of perplexity ensued.


Kim Seon-gi’s smile faded, his face showing confusion.

“Why? What seems to be the problem?”

In response to my question, Kim Seon-gi alternated between looking at the monitor and my face.

“I-I’m sorry. Um… It’s just that, are you really Mr. Song Dae-woon?”

“Yes. I presented you with my ID. Is there something else you need?”

“Oh, no, it’s not that. It’s just… I’ve never encountered this situation before… Oh! Mr. Song Dae-Won, it’s not that you’ve done anything wrong, it’s just that it doesn’t seem like something I can handle from my position. Uh, could you please wait a moment?”

Sweating profusely and stammering, Kim Seon-gi seemed somewhat flustered, so I decided to calm him down first.

“I’m not sure what’s going on, but take your time. I have plenty of time to spare.”

“Absolutely! It won’t take long. Please excuse me for a moment.”

With those words, Assistant Manager Kim Seon-Gi dashed off somewhere in a hurry.

During the brief pause, my gaze naturally drifted to the side.

“Haha. Director Kim~ It’s been so long since our last encounter, hasn’t it? I almost forgot your face. Anyway, Director Kim, whenever you come, I always have a recommended product ready and waiting for you.”

The teller was eagerly explaining something to a middle-aged man, even going as far as altering her tone.

“A woman’s transformation is innocent, but it’s astounding how much she can change.”

As I marvelled at the teller’s sudden change in demeanour…

Kim Seon-Gi returned, accompanied by someone, with hurried steps.

It was a middle-aged man with a commanding presence, sporting silver-rimmed glasses.

“Is this him?”

“Yes, branch manager. This is our customer.”

“Oh, my. I apologize for keeping you waiting. I’m Park Man-chun, the branch manager of Daehan Bank. Would you mind coming with me to another place rather than here?”

I responded calmly to the branch manager’s extremely polite inquiry.


“Certainly. Where would you like me to go?”

“Thank you for your valuable time. Excuse me, Assistant Manager Kim. Why aren’t you escorting the customer?”

“Mr. Song Dae-woon, would you please follow me?”

“Yes, certainly.”

Whispering murmurs could be heard from the people nearby.

“Who is that gentleman? Why did the branch manager come out and cause such a commotion?”

“I wonder what’s happening. Anyway, I envy him. Ugh, how much longer do I have to wait?”

Ignoring the puzzle gaze of the teller, I followed Kim Seon-Gi’s lead and headed to a different location.


The impressive entrance, adorned with a luxurious golden-framed translucent glass wall, immediately caught my eye.

Upon entering, I beheld a spacious area with two plush black leather sofas and an array of pastries displayed on a glass table.

“Please have a seat here. Assistant Manager Kim, would you mind preparing a cup of tea for him?”

“Would you prefer some iced green tea?”

“That would be appreciated, thank you.”

“First of all, thank you for visiting our branch.”

“You need not to go such lengths.”

“What are you saying? You’re a distinguished customer with a deposit of up to 10 billion won. Naturally, we must escort you to the VIP lounge.”

“I feel a bit uncomfortable.”

The branch manager’s expression turned thoughtful at my casually spoken words, devoid of any significance.

“I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable.”

“It’s not like that. So, can the card and transfer limits be increased?”

“Absolutely. No problem at all. Please feel free to let us know. As the branch manager, I have the authority to accommodate all your needs.”

“Thank you very much.”

As the previously troublesome matter was resolved so easily, I suddenly realized the influence of money.

“If you don’t mind my asking, wouldn’t it be more advantageous to invest a large sum of 10 billion won rather than depositing it in your savings account? Why not consider investing in secure financial products?”

“Investment products?”

“Yes, precisely. I assure you, I’ll devise a conservative asset plan that minimizes any impact on your principal.”


As the lounge door opened, the female teller I encountered earlier approached cautiously.

“Manager Jeong Seon-a, could you please come over here? Our manager Jeong has an exceptional track record in financial portfolio performance. If you’re interested, I can arrange an introduction…

“At that moment, Kim Seon-gi emerged and tucked a document file under his arm before setting the chilled green tea on the table.

“No. That’s enough from her. If it’s him, I’ll think about it.”

My sudden remark caught the branch manager, Jeong Seon-A, and Kim Seon-Gi off guard. Despite my attempt to conceal it, I too felt somewhat flustered.

After all, the golden light that I had dismissed as mere illusion seemed to emanate inexplicably from Kim Seon-gi.



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