A Genius Investor Who Picks Up Conglomerates

A Powerful Move to Turn the Situation Around

Chapter 27: A Powerful Move to Turn the Situation Around


Hackathon Day 2 Mid-Presentation.

It was time for each team to present their progress over the past two days.

The allotted presentation time was 2 minutes.

Since the time was short, the key point was to make an impactful and concise presentation.


It was clear that the team members had grown closer after two days of working together.

Some teams were busy joking and playing around, while others were seriously exchanging endless opinions.

The atmosphere of our team had also changed significantly since the first day.

“Jang-won, I’m the one giving the presentation, so why are you more nervous than me?”

“Huu.. Hyung, we’re a team. If you’re nervous, it’s only natural that I am too.”

“I’m not nervous at all.”

“Are you sure you’re not just too relaxed?”

I shot a grin at Lee Ji-won, who asked with his characteristic cool expression.

By now, I had a good understanding of Lee Ji-won’s character.

From shoving chicken drumsticks into Jang-won’s mouth as he tirelessly developed, to kicking his butt telling him to get some sleep, Lee Ji-won had a surprisingly tsundere side, contrasting his cold first impression.

“It means we’re confident. Everyone worked hard.”

Unable to argue with that, Lee Ji-won took out some gum from his pocket and shared it with us.

“Do you see my ruined skin? We’re definitely winning a prize.”

My gaze turned to Lee Ji-won’s face.

Her skin was still clear and translucent, but her slightly chapped lips seemed to tell of the fatigue accumulated over time.

“Don’t worry. I’ll chew it up and come back.”

As soon as I finished speaking, Lee Jun-ho stepped onto the stage and grabbed the microphone.

“It’s only been two days. The atmosphere is definitely different from the first day. That must mean we’ve ignited our passion. Today is the midterm presentation day. It’s your chance to present the results you’ve achieved over the past two days. Of course, it’s not the final presentation, so just briefly explain how you’ve developed from your initial idea and how you plan to complete it.”

Even though it was a midterm presentation, there was a palpable tension in the air.

“The presentation order has been randomly selected by our organizing committee.”

The presentation order displayed on the huge screen.

Our team was scheduled to present right before the last group.

The actual midterm presentations began.

“Hello. We planned ‘Jibdosah,’ a service for selecting rational residential areas through data mining…”

As expected from talented individuals gathered from all over the country, they presented results of a quality that was hard to believe they had created in just two days.

A solution to detect and prevent internet leaks of exposed bodies through IP cameras.

A fingerprint recognition-based easy payment service that can be used on kiosks.

An asset management advisory service analyzing stock news and various stock influences using AI.

Products applying trending technologies these days popped up one after another.

As the presentations continued, Jang-won’s shoulders seemed to slump more and more. Or maybe it was just my imagination?

Tap tap.

I lightly tapped Jang-won’s back with the palm of my hand.

“Don’t be scared, man. We’re the best.”

Without a hint of doubt in my voice, Jang-won’s expression brightened slightly.

“Uh… yeah, I guess so?”

“That’s not just ‘I guess so’, it’s an absolute certainty. ‘Thumbs Up’ (Ttabong (따봉)) is your creation, your baby. Why should we be embarrassed to show off our ‘Thumbs Up’ to the world?”

“Well, there’s no way! The value that ‘Thumbs Up’ brings to the world is immense!”

“That’s right, buddy. That’s all that matters. Our service may not be packed with groundbreaking technology, but there’s something far more important that they can’t see.”


“Yeah. Your sincerity in wanting to make the world a more positive place is deeply embedded in our service. So have confidence.”

Lee Jang-won tightly shut his lips at my words, his eyes gleaming as he nodded.

It was a look that seemed to say, ‘Yes, my child is the best in the world’.

He was a simple guy, but he had the talent that would shine brighter than anyone else if you just gave him the right support.

“The next team… Oh, wow. I love the name of this team. ‘The Ugly Duckling’ team, please come forward.”

“Hahaha. The Ugly Duckling, huh? Self-awareness at its finest.”

“Isn’t it? Are they from the Department of Essays?”

“Oh. A team full of romanticism without a plan?”

I stood on the stage with a composed face.

Perhaps because it was nearing the end of the presentations, most people were chatting or doing something else, their concentration scattered.

“Good afternoon. I’m Song Dae-woon, the presenter from The Ugly Duckling Team. Let’s begin our presentation.”

The PPT slides we had submitted in advance appeared on the screen.

I swept my gaze across the audience, my eyes sharp and focused.

“First, let me explain our planning intentions. Our service name is ‘Thumbs Up’. It’s a gesture that means praise. It’s no exaggeration to say that we live in an era of hate where tearing each other down and criticism are prevalent. Especially among students, bullying and school violence are escalating. It’s truly a sad state of affairs. Our team wanted to create a social media service (SNS) that encourages ‘praise’ in such a gloomy reality.”

With a calm yet piercing voice, I held everyone’s attention.

“Here is the MVP we created.”

As the screen changed, the web version prototype that Lee Jang-won had worked on tirelessly for two days and nights appeared.

“Oh, that looks pretty good.”

“Did they make that in just two days? They have some skills.”

I heard quiet murmurs of admiration.

“Why are people reluctant to give compliments? There are many reasons, but most people said it was because they felt shy and embarrassed. That’s why we’ve used ‘anonymity’ and ‘voting’ as tools to make compliments more accessible.”

The atmosphere wasn’t bad. The scattered attention began to settle, and I could feel everyone’s attention focusing on me.

“As this is still a mid-stage process, there are many parts that need to be revised and improved. We will make sure to show you an even better version at the final presentation. Thank you.”

Clap clap clap

As I walked down confidently, Lee Jang-won greeted me with enthusiastic applause.

“Dae-woon hyung, your presentation was amazing! It really resonated with me!”

“Good job.”

Just as the atmosphere was becoming lively, someone stepped onto the stage and grabbed the microphone.

It was an impressive middle-aged man with slanted eyes and sagging cheeks.

“Good afternoon. I am Cha Kyung-ho, the head of the mentor team.”

Mentor team.

These were the experts who roamed around during the hackathon period, helping participants when they encountered various technical problems. 

Of course, they had occasionally visited our team as well, but after tossing out a few perfunctory words, they hadn’t really shown up.

“We have listened to your midterm presentations. The mentor team was moved by the passion you have shown over the past two days. However, there are a few points we need to address, which is why I’ve taken the microphone.”

Was it just my imagination, or did Cha Kyung-ho’s piercing eyes seem to turn towards us?

“You aren’t here to engage in volunteer work or run a non-profit organization. You came here to start a business. In other words, you need to make money. It’s great that you want to praise people and spread positive messages to the world. That’s all well and good. But if you can’t generate revenue, no matter how meaningful your project is, it’s ultimately a waste of time.”

His harsh words darkened the expressions of several teams. 

Our team was no exception.

“I’m not saying you need to generate revenue immediately. That’s impossible. But you need to present a clear business model. Without that, don’t expect to receive good marks in the final evaluation. That’s all I have to say. Good luck for the rest of the hackathon.”

The previously heated atmosphere cooled rapidly.

“His tone might be a bit harsh, but he’s not wrong. When you were coming up with this idea, did you think about how you would make money?”

Lee Jang-won gnawed on his thumbnail in response to Lee Ji-won’s question.

“No… I was just focused on the idea…”

“Well, we can start thinking about it now. Let’s brainstorm over some late-night chicken.”

We piled up all the pizza and chicken we had been given for dinner on the table.

“Let’s eat first. They say hungry ghosts are the most efficient workers.”

“I don’t want to die yet.” 

Lee Ji-won said, grabbing a chicken leg and turning to me.

“Do you have any good ideas?”

“Listening to the other teams’ presentations, it’s clear we’re behind. No, we’re way behind.”

“Well… that’s because the other teams are using all sorts of high-value-added technologies that the judges would like.”

“Do you think just coming up with a business model will turn the tables?”

The two of them answered my question with silence.

“It’s not just about the business model right now. We need a powerful move to turn the situation around.”

“Is there… such a thing?”

I looked at Lee Jang-won, who was filled with self-doubt, and then turned to Lee Ji-won. 

She shook her head as well.

“Honestly… We’re at a huge disadvantage. In the eyes of the judges, our service will look like child’s plaything.”

Lee Jang-won quietly put down the piece of chicken he was eating. 

A gloomy atmosphere settled over us.

I scratched my chin, lost in thought. 

What kind of move would it take to turn the tables?

The answer was clear.

“You can never cross the ocean just by standing on the shore and looking at the water.”

“What did you say?”

At my sudden remark, Lee Ji-won tilted her head in confusion.

“We have at most two days left. Jang-won-ah, can you finish the development by 7 a.m. tomorrow?”

“I… I can do it. I’ll make it happen somehow.”

Lee Jang-won’s eyes gleamed with determination as he nodded firmly, sensing something.

“I’ll help too. But what exactly are you planning?”

In response to Lee Ji-won’s question, I picked up a chicken wing and took a big bite.

“Mm. It’s delicious. Honestly, what do we have to appeal to them? Technology? Career? We have nothing. Sincerity? I mentioned it, but right now, it just sounds like an empty word. In the end, we have no choice but to show visible ‘results’.”


Lee Ji-won’s big eyes widened in realization.

“Jang-won-ah, once the development is done, there won’t be any issues with implementing the features, right?”

“Yes. There shouldn’t be any issues.”

Lee Jang-won’s determination to somehow get it done was palpable.

“Okay. You two just focus on finishing the development. After that, it’s up to me.”

While they returned to their seats and immersed themselves in development, I also opened my laptop to prepare in my own way.




The next day.

Lee Jang-won, with dark circles down to his cheekbones, stared at his laptop, fighting to keep his eyes open. 

Beside him, Lee Ji-won, who had done her part until dawn, was slumped over the desk, fast asleep.

“It’s finally done.”

I, who had been waiting beside him, patted his shoulder to commend his hard work. 

We then conducted a simple test, and there were no issues with the functionality.

“You worked hard. Get some sleep. When you wake up, things will be a lot different.”

Unable to cope with the overwhelming drowsiness, Lee Jang-won blinked slowly.

“Yes, hyung… I’m… so sleepy… I’ll just close my eyes for a bit… just a little bit…”

With that, he collapsed onto the desk and fell asleep instantly, as if he’d fainted.

Watching him for a moment, I then returned to my seat and opened my laptop. 

They had done their best. 

Now, it was my turn.





Groaning, Lee Jang-won forced his weary body up and stretched. 

Sitting dazed with a half-asleep face, Lee Jang-won sat blankly for a moment before jolting up and checking the time.

“Oh no! It’s already…”

He had dozed off around 11.30 a.m., and it was already 3 p.m.

“Oh, man. We’re doomed.”

He looked around but couldn’t see his two teammates anywhere. 

In a hurry, he opened his laptop. 

It was then that his eyes started to widen in shock as he stared at the screen.

“What? W-why is this happening?”


TL Note:

1Ttabong (따봉): This is a Korean word that has been borrowed from Brazilian Portuguese “tá bom,” which translates literally to “it’s good” or “okay.” In the context of the story, “Ttabong” likely refers to a social media platform or app name. It might be a play on words, combining “Ttae” (따에) meaning “to like” or “to be fond of” with “Bong” () meaning “a stamp” or “a mark of approval.”

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