A Genius Investor Who Picks Up Conglomerates

The Landlords Are Above Gods

Chapter 24: The Landlords Are Above Gods


Knock, knock, knock.

Hakgwajang-nim, this is Min Dong-won.”

“Oh, Professor Min, please come in.”

An elderly man with long white hair reminiscent of Beethoven greeted Min Dong-won warmly.

“Please, have a seat. I have some freshly brewed green tea that’s quite delightful.”


As Department Head Jang Poong-sae poured the well-steeped green tea into an antique cup, a soothing sound filled the air, and wisps of white steam gently rose.

“This is Ujeon tea (雨前), made from the very young leaves picked before Gogu, a time when crops are said to be at their most succulent. It’s known for its excellent flavor and aroma and is considered the best among green teas due to its limited production.”

“Thank you.”

“But I wonder what brings our Professor Min, who’s harder to see than the President’s, decided to grace me with his presence today?”

“I apologize for not visiting more often.”

“Hahaha, just kidding. I know better than anyone how busy Professor Min is. You’re doing an excellent job. Please keep up the good work.”

In fact, Min Dong-won was involved in several industry-linked projects and consistently published competitive papers, making him a valuable asset from the Department Head’s perspective.

“I’m here today because I have an urgent matter to discuss with you.”

A glimmer of interest appeared in Department Head Jang Poong-sae’s eyes.

Min Dong-won was known for being a highly rational person. 

For him to seek out the Department Head, losing his usual composure, indicated that this was no ordinary issue.

“What is the matter?”

“Where should I even begin with this…”

“Hahaha. Fortunately, we have plenty of time. Take your time and tell me everything.”

“It seems Chairman Lee Seung-hwan has taken an interest in our Hanyeong University.”

“Chairman Lee Seung-hwan… you mean from Buksan?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

Department Head Jang Poong-sae shook his head.

“That can’t be right. It’s well-known among political and business circles that Chairman Lee Seung-hwan has no interest in universities.”

“Of course, that’s what it seems like on the surface. I have reason to believe otherwise.”

“A reason?”

Jang Poong-sae adjusted his glasses that had slipped down his nose and leaned forward toward Professor Min Dong-won.

“I have a course called Human Resource Management.”

“I’m aware of that.”

“I assigned a team project to my students and one of the team submitted a video of an interview with Chairman Lee Seung-hwan as their assignment.”

“The corners of Department Head Jang Poong-sae’s eyes, which had been closed tightly until now, shot up in surprise.”

“An interview? With Chairman Lee Seung-hwan of Buksan?”

His question was loaded with implications.

“I couldn’t believe my eyes either, but it’s undeniably Chairman Lee Seung-hwan. I’ve seen him from a distance a couple of times myself. Would you like to see it?”

Department Head Jang Poong-sae, who had been hesitant, slowly opened his mouth as he watched, eventually unable to deny it.

“I see, it’s definitely him. But isn’t Chairman Lee Seung-hwan known for his extreme aversion to media exposure? Why would such a person…?”

Why would such a notoriously private figure appear in an interview for a mere university student’s assignment? 

It didn’t make sense, leaving Jang Poong-sae trailing off in disbelief.

“I couldn’t accept it either, so I thought about it all night. And I came up with this speculation.”

“Speculation, huh… Go on.”

“Do you remember, about four years ago? There were rumors that a chaebol’s child was admitted to our school.”

Department Head Jang Poong-sae scratched his chin, trying to recall his memory, and then nodded slightly.

“I think I remember. It was quite the topic among the professors back then. But wasn’t it dismissed as a false rumor?”

“I thought so too, until I saw Chairman Lee Seung-hwan in the video submitted as an assignment.”

Only then did Department Head Jang Poong-sae realize the implication behind Professor Min Dong-won’s words.

“Then, the student who submitted that assignment…”

“That part is still unknown. From what I found he’s a transfer student who transferred here this year.”

“A transfer student?”

“The important thing is not whether the student is a transfer student or a repeat student. The key point is that this student has a close enough relationship to have a private meeting with Chairman Lee Seung-hwan of Buksan.”

“That’s right.”

In South Korea, what kind of college student could have a private one-on-one with Chairman Lee Seung-hwan of Buksan?

There was only one possible answer.


At Department Head Jang Poong-sae’s murmur, Professor Min Dong-won nodded.

“It’s still just speculation, but it’s definitely quite possible. As you can see from the video, the atmosphere is very comfortable. Like that of a grandfather and grandchild.”

“But their surnames are different, aren’t they? This student’s surname is Song.”

“It could be through his maternal side. It’s well known, isn’t it? The Buksan Group doesn’t strictly adhere to the principle of primogeniture like other chaebols. As long as one proves their ability, anyone can rise to a high position.”

Department Head Jang Poong-sae nodded with a serious look in his eyes.

“Hmm… So, to summarize, this student named Song Dae-woon might not be a direct descendant, but there’s a high possibility that he’s a blood family that Chairman Lee Seung-hwan of Buksan is paying attention to.”

“That’s right. Moreover, Buksan Group just issued a press release stating that they would not spare any investment in machine learning and deep learning. Isn’t the timing a bit too coincidental?”

“So, a blood family of the Buksan family that Chairman Lee Seung-hwan is paying attention to is attending our school, and they happen to be looking for something to invest in…”

“It could be a great opportunity.”

Department Head Jang Poong-sae let out a short sigh at Professor Min Dong-won’s words.

“Even without that, the president gathered all the department heads and gave us a strict order. He said we must ensure that Hanyeong University ranks among the top 100 universities in the world this time.”

“That’s a tough mission.”

“In the end, it means we need to become more competitive. What do you think makes a university competitive, Professor Min?”

“Well, there are many factors involved, such as the level of the professors and students, as well as various infrastructures and so on. It must be a combination of many factors.”

“That’s correct, but ultimately it comes down to ‘capital.’ To make a university competitive and to transform it into a world-class institution requires astronomical investments, and the only way to achieve that is through sponsorship and investment from large corporations.”

Since there was no room for argument, Professor Min Dong-won silently brought the teacup to his lips. 

Sensing the intent behind the department head’s words, Professor Min Dong-won answered a step ahead.

“I will be sure to keep an eye on it.”

“Anyway, please pay attention to this matter, Professor Min. If everything goes well, I’ll make sure to credit you with this achievement when I report to the president.”




At the same time, in a PC room near Hanyeong University.


“Now! Dae-woon hyung! Stun!”

At Ga-haeng’s urgent cry, I pressed the keys as I had learned and cast the skill.

And just like that, my bull character on the screen slammed it’s hammer down on the enemy’s head, and while the enemy was stunned, Ga-hyeon’s character wildly fired its gun and killed the enemy.

“Nice! That was awesome! Are you sure this is your first time playing? You’re good at it!”

“I told you I’d be good if I tried.”

“Our bot lane is awesome.”

Being recognized for my gaming skills by much younger friends made my shoulders puff up with pride. 

Since we had some time to spare before our next class, Ga-haeng suggested that we go to the PC bang and play some games with the guys.

The PC room, which I hadn’t visited in a long time, felt incredibly unfamiliar.

“Wow. If you press this, they bring you food?”

Like a caveman encountering modern technology, my eyes widened as I looked at the menu board full of options on the monitor.

The game we played together was ‘Legend of Legends’. 

Though it was my first time playing, I quickly learned the ropes and took on the role of ‘Support,’ assisting Ga-haeng, who was the ranged dealer. 

I never found games particularly fun as a kid, but oddly, playing in the PC room with my classmates was incredibly enjoyable.

Time flew by as we played several rounds, and soon it was time for class.

“Guys, I have to go to class.”

“Thanks for playing, Dae-woon hyung.”

“Hey, isn’t it Professor Min’s class again?”

At Ga-haeng’s cheeky grin, I nodded helplessly.

“Yeah. He said he’s going to announce something about the assignment and exam today. I’m already scared.”

“What kind of courage did you have to take two of Professor Min’s courses? Respect!”

“I didn’t know… I didn’t know anything! You should have stopped me, Ga-haeng.”

“Oof… I surrender, I surrender.”

Ga-haeng, wearing a victorious smile, earned himself a headlock from me before I left the PC room.


Just then, a message notification sounded.

[Yeongrok Plaza May rent deposit 13,121,400 won]

It was a rent deposit notification from the property management company. 

After deducting taxes and other management costs, 13 million won of profit was deposited into my account every month. 

A satisfied smile naturally formed on my face.

“It’s so convenient. I don’t have to do anything.”

The property management company took care of everything from tenant management and vacancies to rent collection and facility maintenance, so there was almost nothing for me to do. 

Yet, as I received a net profit of 13 million every month, I was beginning to understand why they say landlords are above gods.

No matter how much money I have, I can’t help but feel good when I make money. 

Humming a tune, I walked into the classroom where my lecture was scheduled and then stopped for a moment.

“Whoa. Why is the atmosphere like this?”

The air inside the classroom felt unusually heavy and oppressive, almost as if it existed in a different dimension from the lively hallway.

I settled into a seat in the middle of the room that was neither too far in the front nor too far in the back and leaned my head on the desk to enjoy a brief moment of relaxation.

Soon, Professor Min Dong-won entered the classroom with his characteristic expressionless face.

The students, who had been sitting idly, immediately tensed up slightly.

As Professor Min Dong-won scanned the room, his gaze fell on me, and he momentarily flinched slightly.

“I’ll start by checking attendance. Kwak Hee-soo.”

As his dry voice called out the names of the students. 


“I apologize for being late.”

As the back door opened, a clear, refreshing voice turned everyone’s heads.

“Wow… She’s incredibly beautiful.”

“No way. Are you telling me such a goddess exists at our school?”

Drawn by the students’ murmurings, my gaze naturally turned towards her as well.

A slender figure with long straight hair, a face so pale it seemed almost transparent, and a round forehead. 

She was a beauty whose fluttering tennis skirt and white blouse suited her perfectly. 

Yet, her overall impression was very cold.

The female student who had been scanning the surroundings settled into the seat next to me, fluttering her skirt. 

In an instant, a subtle cherry scent brushed against my nose.

‘Damn. There were plenty of empty seats, so why did she have to sit next to me…’

It’s true that this seat is a good spot, but there is clearly someone who occupied it first, and I wasn’t feeling too good about being invaded like this.

As the class was about to end, Professor Min Dong-won drew the students’ attention.

“As I announced before, I have an important notice regarding your assignments and exams.”

The current elective course I am taking now didn’t have a midterm exam. 

While I had been pleased about that, it seemed like it was just a setup for a harder final exam.

The assignment difficulty was extreme, and the scope of the final exam was even more so.

As Professor Min Dong-won continued, the students’ faces grew paler.

Then, Professor Min Dong-won shared an unexpected announcement.

“I have one exception to mention. There’s an upcoming four-day startup hackathon hosted by Korea University. If you participate and win a prize, you’ll automatically receive an A+ for this course, regardless of your assignment and exam performance. If you have any questions, ask separately. That’s it for today’s class.”

As Professor Min Dong-won left the classroom, a small commotion arose. 

Murmur, murmur.

“Exemption from assignments and exams? Plus, a guaranteed A+? That’s insane.”

“Hold on. Did you not hear the ‘win a prize’ part? And if it’s held at Korea University, the level will be extremely high.”

“I mean, we won’t even be able to sleep properly for 4 days without paying. Are you crazy? Sacrificing my precious weekend?”

The general mood was sceptical.

Then, the female student who had been silently sitting next to me tapped my shoulder.

“Excuse me. Would you like to team up for the hackathon together?”


TL Note: 학과장님 (Hakgwajang-nim): Department Head


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