A Genius Investor Who Picks Up Conglomerates

The Presentation Was a Total Knockout

Chapter 22: The presentation was a total knockout……


A sleek black sedan smoothly maneuvered around the corners of the Baekje Hotel parking lot and exited. 

Sitting in the passenger seat, Chief Secretary Lee Bong-gu turned around slightly and asked, “Chairman-nim, why did you go to such lengths…? May I ask?”

The Chairman, Lee Seung-hwan, stared silently out the window in response to the question loaded with many meanings.

Outside, dusk had settled, and one by one, the street lights flickered to life, casting a radiant glow from the neon signs.

“Moreover, you haven’t taken out that business card in years.”

The golden business card the Chairman Lee Seung-hwan gave to Dae-woon was an exceptionally special business card. 

Among those with influence in the business and political circles, receiving this business card from Chairman Lee Seung-hwan was a mark of true recognition.

So much that there was even a rumor that one had to receive this golden business card to be considered a true player in the field.

Due to this, Chairman Lee Seung-hwan, who had occasionally faced awkward situations because of the card, announced that he had disposed of it altogether.

And now, after several years, the forgotten golden business card had found its way into Dae-woon’s hands.

“Isn’t it amusing? He boldly dismissed my proposal without a second thought? That rascal. Hahaha. That guy will cause a stir sooner or later. I have a feeling.”

“Is… that so?”

“He’s a different breed. The audacity to reject my proposal in front of Lee Seung-hwan, the ease he shows, and even distributing it while seated. Whatever he does, it’ll make waves. People like him, you need to be prepared in advance.”

“Do you really see it that way?”

“We’ll have to wait and see. Whether my intuition is wrong, or if he’s truly a force to be reckoned with. Haha. Either way, it’ll be interesting, won’t it? Oh, and Secretary Lee.”

“Yes, Chairman-nim.”

“The AI-related company mergers and acquisitions that were put on hold. Restart them.”

“Shall we proceed with the company that made it the final candidate?”

“No. Proceed with the acquisition of all the companies that made it to the candidate list.”

Chief Secretary Lee Bong-gu’s pupils dilated slightly as he finished his sentence with a hint of uncertainty.

“All of them, chairman-nim?”

“That’s what that guy said earlier. ‘Even if all the rivers in the world flow into the sea, the sea does not overflow.’ Our Buksan is the sea. Acquiring those companies won’t make it overflow. If we’re sure about it, then we should push forward without hesitation. I guess I’ve been forgetting that lately I guess I’m really getting old. Hehehe.”

“Understood. We’ll proceed accordingly.”

“In any case, we’ll see him again. Hahaha.”

A smile tinged with anticipation appeared on Chairman Lee Seung-hwan’s wrinkled lips as he gazed out the car window.




The long-awaited Human Resources Management project presentation day.

Today, a notice was issued stating that the class would be held in a spacious lecture hall instead of the usual classroom.


“Everyone seems nervous, it’s making me nervous too.”

Yoo-jin looked around the lecture hall, expressing her concern.

“Dae-woon hyung is the one giving the presentation, so why are you making a fuss?”

“What? What nonsense is this? Don’t you all know we’re in this together? Oh ho, Ga-haeng, are you trying to blame everything on Dae-woon oppa? You’re trash!”

“What, what are you saying? Don’t unnecessarily make Dae-woon hyung more nervous for no reason!”

Yoo-jin and Ga-haeng bickered back and forth, but I didn’t pay much attention.

Although it was my first time presenting in this kind of setting, as someone who had experienced everything from trials and tribulations to aerial combat since childhood, this level of tension was rather invigorating.

“But doesn’t it seem like there are more people than usual?”

“Yeah, it does. Why are so many people coming in like this? Did they come to the wrong classroom?”

Considering the class size of about 40 students, over 100 students had already filled the seats. 

Shortly after, the door opened. Professor Min Dong-won, with his characteristic blank expression, ascended the podium and scanned the audience.

“As previously announced, today we will have case presentations on the employee benefits and treatment of the companies that each team has researched. To ensure a lively audience in this spacious lecture hall, I made it for other students to attend as well. So, don’t be nervous and do your best to present your prepared assignments well in front of your classmates.”


Low sighs emerged from here and there. 

The room, now filled with an audience akin to a small theater, only amplified the existing nervous energy. 

Some students looked panic-stricken and pale, as if the large crowd had drained the color from their face.

Unfazed by the students’ nervous energy, Professor Min Dong-won continued the proceedings confidently.

“The presentation order will be decided fairly by drawing lots.”

Professor Min Dong-won mixed the numbered slips chaotically and then picked them one by one, writing the numbers on the board.

“Starting with ‘Boram Group 3’ and the last group is ‘Remember Our Group or You’re Dead’. I’ll make sure to remember the last group specially.”

Laughter erupted as Professor Min Dong-won announced the group names in his monotone voice. 

Yoo-jin, whose face flushed, bowed her head and glared at Ga-haeng as if she would kill him.

“Ugh, what kind of name is that! Now we’re totally screwed up!”

“You told me to just make one up!”

“I didn’t expect you would make it that badly. Ugh, so embarrassing.”

Afterwards, the actual presentations began in earnest, starting with Boram Group 3.

“Our Boram Group 3 visited the company ‘Travel Masters’ and interviewed their HR manager there…”

Each group’s presentation followed in succession. They all seemed well-prepared, with high-quality content and good presentation skills.

But it seemed Professor Min Dong-won’s standards were different.

“So, what is the fundamental reason that companies implemented such welfare programs? Just listing the types of welfare doesn’t make this assignment worth anything, right?”

“Uh… well, that is…”

“Did you actually meet with the HR staff? There’s not even a single photo, and you could easily find this level of information just by searching the internet.”

The presenters, their confidence shattered by Professor Min Dong-won’s sharp criticism, descended from the podium with pale faces. 

Before we knew it, it was the turn of the group right before ours. 

And the presenter for that group was Park Sung-min, who had been persistently bothering Joo-hee until I put him in his place.

With a confident expression, Park Sung-min stepped to the podium and displayed his presentation materials on the screen.

“Hello everyone. I’m Park Sung-min from Group 6, ‘You Can Do It’. Our group interviewed Mr. Park Chul-yong, the CEO of Sungwon Hi-Tech, a company with an annual revenue in the high 30 billion won. Sungwon Hi-Tech offers various employee benefits, and today we’ll focus on…”

“Since when was a 30 billion won revenue considered a mid-sized company?” 

Ga-haeng muttered, glaring at Park Sung-min with disdain.

Surprisingly, the presentation went smoothly. 

His pronunciation was clear and his delivery was decent. 

Most importantly, since it was his father’s company, he could provide detailed information that others wouldn’t know.

Professor Min Dong-won, who rarely showed approval, nodded occasionally and jotted down notes in his book.

“That concludes my presentation. If there are any questions, I’d be happy to answer them.”

Despite Professor Min Dong-won’s pointed questions, Park Sung-min managed to answer them even though he was sweating profusely.

“I can see you’ve put in a fair amount of effort. Well done.”

Park Sung-min’s face lit up with a triumphant smile at Professor Min Dong-won’s first positive feedback.

As Park Sung-min sauntered back to his seat, he shot us a sly grin, curling one side of his mouth into a smug smile. Even without a word, I could practically hear him taunting, ‘I told you you’d regret it’.

“Ugh. What an annoying guy,” Ga-haeng grumbled. Despite his complaints, there wasn’t much to criticize about the presentation itself.

“Now for the final presentation. ‘Remember Our Group or You’re Dead’ presenter, please come forward. I certainly remember your group.”

“Hyung, I’m sorry. I’ll bow my head when this is over.” Ga-haeng murmured.

“Don’t be nervous, oppa. Fighting!” Joo-hee encouraged me.

I winked at the three who seemed more nervous than I was and confidently walked to the front. 

I displayed the presentation on the screen and scanned the audience. Some were looking at their phones, others were chatting with their neighbors, and some were even packing their bags already. After hours of back-to-back presentations, everyone was clearly exhausted.

“It’s an honor to be the last presenter. I’ll cut to the chase and get straight to the point. Our group investigated the unique welfare culture of the Buksan Group. Buksan is a top-five conglomerate with over ten subsidiaries.”

My calm yet engaging voice instantly captured everyone’s attention. I treated the presentation as a conversation rather than a monologue. Since all the information was already in my head, I focused more on the audience than the screen.

Though I wasn’t as polished as a professional announcer, my casual, conversational tone seemed easier for the audience to follow. I could sense the shift as more and more people stopped their side activities and started paying attention.

“That concludes my presentation.”

Professor Min Dong-won, who had been sitting in his seat, stood up and asked with his usual indifferent expression.

“Your presentation was shorter compared to others. It was excellent in delivery but lacked substance. You explained Buksan Group’s welfare and treatment policies, but the analysis of ‘why’ these policies were implemented is missing.”

“Of course, Professor. That’s the part we’re about to present.”

“Is there more?”

“I was curious too, as you mentioned, Professor, about why Buksan implemented such welfare programs. So, I asked them myself directly. I asked Buksan Group’s Chairman, Lee Seung-hwan.”


At the moment of Professor Min Dong-won’s surprised exclamation, I turned to the last slide I had been saving. 

On the last slide, a video clip was attached, and it started to play immediately.

– “One of Buksan Group’s welfare benefit programs where single employees are given premium memberships to a matchmaking app. What was the intention behind this program?”

– “Hmm? That one? Haha. You know, the low birth rate is a serious issue these days, and there’s a lot of talk about people choosing the ‘single life’. Our Buk-san employees, as you can see, are all handsome and beautiful. It’s a pity. Youth is fleeting. Even if they don’t get married, shouldn’t they at least be dating?”

The lecture hall buzzed with noise as the video played.

“Wow. What is this?”

“Is that really Chairman Lee Seung-hwan?”

“Why is he on that screen?”

But the commotion was short-lived. 

Soon, everyone fell silent, they completely focused on the screen. 

After the five-minute interview ended, a heavy silence settled over the lecture hall. 

The most dramatic sight was Professor Min Dong-won, usually a picture of composure, staring at me with his jaw on the floor.

“I… I can’t believe it. Is that really… Chairman Lee Seung-hwan?”

“Yes, as you can see, that’s right.”

“How on earth…?”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at the unspoken question in the air – how could an ordinary college student have interviewed a CEO of a major corporation that rarely even made headlines? 

After all, I couldn’t very well explain that I won a 100 million won dinner auction for the interview.

“That concludes my presentation. Any questions?”

In response to my question, not only the students but also Professor Min Dong-won just stared at me, their mouths agape.

“If there are no questions, I’ll wrap up my presentation. Thank you for listening.”

Walking back with a confident stride reminiscent of the entrance scene of Prince Suyang in a Korean historical drama, I walked back to my seat and received an enthusiastic cheer from my group.

I could feel the whispers and curious glances of the students around me.

“Wow, Dae-woon oppa, you’re amazing! How are you so good at presentations? Is this really your first time?”

“Hyung, our group was a total knockout!! There’s no question about it.”

“Kyaa! Oppa, you worked so hard. You totally carried us!”

I struggled trying to control the corners of my mouth from curling up at the flood of compliments.

Professor Min Dong-won, who had belatedly regained his composure, hastily wrapped up the class, unable to take his eyes off me.

“Ahem… everyone did well. Good job on your presentations today… The grades will be posted next week. That’s all for today. Class dismissed.”

As soon as class ended, Park Sung-min, his face flushed red, stormed out of the room, apparently unable to contain his emotions any longer.

“Yeah, whatever the results, everyone worked really hard.”

“Hyung, you worked the hardest.”

Just then, Yoo-jin’s eyes sparkled as she asked me.

“Oppa, you haven’t forgotten our promise, have you?”

“Huh? What promise?”

“Wow, look at this oppa. Don’t tell me you forgot! We agreed to have a celebration party at your place after the assignment was over.”

At Joo-hee’s words, Yoo-jin and Ga-haeng also clapped their hands.

“That’s right! You definitely said that, hyung. Exactly one week ago, around 3:13 PM in the afternoon, at the Ajit café.”

It was definitely something I had said.

In a situation where I couldn’t deny it, I could only nod in agreement.

“Okay, a promise is a promise. Let’s go to my place.”


  1. advait says:

    An interesting novel, kindly don’t give up on this

    1. citra says:

      Thank you for reading!

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