A Genius Investor Who Picks Up Conglomerates

What Happened When I Went to Buy a Car?

Chapter 13: What Happened When I Went to Buy a Car?



I looked up at the black sign with the distinct silver triangular logo prominently displayed. 

“I’ve never been to a place like this before.” 

I felt a sudden sense of awe.

I don’t know much about cars. Well, to be more accurate, I never had the opportunity to learn. 

What’s the need for a car in life when you’re only going back and forth between dorm and factory?

I’ve heard that some guys my age buy foreign cars using capital or even loans from big companies, but honestly, it seemed like a crazy idea.

But now, everything had changed completely. 

I had assets worth over 10 billion won. 

Buying a car wasn’t just a small expense to me. 

Moreover, I had made a profit of 1 billion won from my dollar investment.

“If I’m going to attend school from now on, I’ll need at least a car.”

Why does everyone dream of it at least once? 

The cool image of a nice college student driving a fancy car to and from school. 

Some might question why Mercedes-Benz out of all the car brands. 

The answer was simple. 

Mercedes-Benz was associated with “success.” 

The car that my former president of the press mold company used to ride was the Mercedes-Benz S-Class.

Seeing the sparkling triangular logo from the representative parking space felt like a symbol of a distinguished man. 

“Let’s go in.” 

I said confidently as I walked into the store. 

The showroom was bustling with people admiring the cars.

A man in a neat formal suit approached me. 

“Welcome. How can I assist you today?”

“I came to look at some cars,” I replied. 

I could feel the man quickly scanning my demeanor.

“I see. Please feel free to look around and call me if you have any questions,” he said.

“Thank you.”

I strolled at a leisurely pace through the showroom, admiring the various cars gleaming under the grand lighting. 

Alongside the vehicles, videos played explaining the models and brand stories.

On the third floor, an array of sports cars was displayed. 

It was only then that I understood why people described cars as sexy. 

The sleek, streamlined lines of sports cars were undeniably captivating to any man.

As I was taking in sight, a dealer approached me and started offering various explanations. 

“Are you looking for a specific model?” he asked.

“No, I’m just looking around,” I replied.

“For a man, a sports car is always the way to go. With a top speed of 350 km/h, you’ll never be late.” 

“Unless it ends your life prematurely,” he joked. 

The dealer quickly moved on to assist another customer, perhaps assuming I wasn’t a serious buyer.

Leaving the third floor behind, I made my way to the fourth floor.

“Sports cars… They’re cool, but they’re just not my style. If you’re a guy, you probably lean towards SUVs.”

There wasn’t any particular reason. 

Maybe I just liked a masculine design?

As I wandered around the fourth floor, where the SUV lineup was displayed, a car displayed in a corner caught my eye.

[G63 AMG]

“Wow… This is totally my style.”

Is this what it feels like to fall in love at first sight? 

The angular black body reminiscent of a giant black bear exuded strength and sophistication simultaneously.

I flagged down a passing dealer hastily.

“Excuse me. Can you tell me about this car?”

“Oh, this one? Have you ever heard of a Volkswagen?”

“No, it’s my first time. The car looks really impressive.”

“You’ve never heard of a Volkswagen… I guess you haven’t been too interested in cars. It’s the most popular model in our SUV lineup.”

Although I sensed a hint of annoyance, the dealer continued explaining about the vehicle.

“Can I take it for a test drive?”

“Sorry, but same-day test drives are not possible at our dealership. And this car costs over 250 million won, sir.”

I felt the uncomfortable gaze, as if saying, ‘If you’re not buying, then leave.’

I glanced around. 

I noticed dealers naturally assisting customers who requested test drives. 

I wondered if they had all requested test drives beforehand.

Just as I was contemplating whether to visit another dealership, behind the dealer, an unfamiliar voice could be heard. 

“It’s available for a test drive, sir.” 

The dealer, upon turning around, his face flushed with embarrassment. 

“Branch Manager…”

A middle-aged man with neatly combed hair and thin-rimmed glasses stared at the dealer with a chilly gaze. 

“Mr. Lee Seung-ho. Since when has our dealership been unable to provide same-day test drives?”

“W-well… it’s because this customer kept touching the car…”

I couldn’t conceal my disbelief as I listened to the dealer’s absurd explanation.

“That’s unacceptable… Apologize to the customer immediately. Unless you want me to look into something else.”

The warning from the stern-looking branch manager made the dealer’s complexion turn pale, and he bowed his head as if he were about to fall to the ground. 

Perhaps because it was a matter of livelihood, the dealer lowered his head so meekly it seemed like he might kiss the ground.

“I-I’m sorry. I made a mistake due to my ignorance…”

“Well… alright then. Just don’t let it happen again. We wouldn’t want to ruin a customer’s pleasant experience.”

After accepting his apology, the person addressed as the branch manager instructed the dealer to stop by once before closing time.

As the branch manager bent his waist almost ninety degrees, showing his apology, the attention of those around us seemed to converge on us. 

“As the branch manager, I failed to train my staff properly. I apologize again. We will take internal disciplinary action against the staff.”

Feeling uncomfortable under their gaze, I straightened the manager’s back.

“It’s okay. A sincere apology is enough.”

“Thank you for your understanding. I will personally assist you. Which car are you interested in?”

In contrast to the dealers, the branch manager was extremely gentle and had an attentive attitude toward the customer’s words.

“I like this car. It’s a… Volkswagen, right? I’m not very familiar with cars,” I asked, pointing to the boldly standing black SUV.

“The Volkswagen G63 AMG. It’s a fantastic car with its unique identity. Some people might scoff at it as an expensive Gallardo, but for many men, the Volkswagen is their dream car and a symbol of the rich and famous.”


The rich and famous. Isn’t that just perfect for me? 

It seemed like the perfect fit, and I found myself liking the car even more.

“The fuel efficiency is only 5 kilometers per litter, but the thunderous exhaust sound from the V8 engine is incredibly captivating. With 585 horsepower and 86.6 torque, it’s a remarkable performance that you won’t easily find in gasoline vehicles…”

Although the voice was somewhat muffled, even for someone like me who didn’t know much about cars, I was impressed by the easily understandable explanation.

“So many famous celebrities have one of these. From Hollywood stars to royalty, even the Pope has chosen this one.”

As I listened to the calm and persuasive voice of the branch manager, I became more and more captivated.

“Isn’t it strange? Sure, it’s an expensive vehicle, but with so many more expensive cars out there, why do people insist on having one of these Volkswagens?”

I shrugged, indicating I wasn’t sure.

“The answer is simple. It’s because only Volkswagen has that special and distinctive charm. As you’ve seen wandering around the showroom, in this day and age, it’s rare to find such a rugged design resembling a chest of drawers along with hardcore off-road capabilities.”

Encouraged by my attentive demeanor, the branch manager continued his explanation.

“Volkswagen didn’t start out as a luxury SUV. It began as a military vehicle.”

“A military vehicle?”

“Can I tell you an interesting story? The origins of Volkswagen actually began in Iran, as a custom order from Mercedes-Benz. The request was simple, to make a four-wheel-drive vehicle that could perform well even in extreme conditions. But it was by no means an easy task. It took almost 10 years of development.”

“Wow, ten years…” 

“So, after all the hard work, when completion was within reach, something unforeseen happened. The Iranian monarchy that had commissioned the project vanished without a trace due to a revolution. It was quite bewildering for Mercedes-Benz. Eventually, they decided to recoup the development costs and reluctantly began selling Volkswagen for civilian use.”

“Ah, I see. Was it popular from then on?”

“Not at all. At first, no one paid much attention to it. But gradually, word of mouth began to spread. People started saying it was incredibly sturdy and well-made. Especially, various countries’ militaries started ordering Volkswagen like crazy. And the decisive moment came when footage of the Pope riding in a white Volkswagen spread worldwide, skyrocketing its popularity to its peak.”

The branch manager gently caressed the bonnet of the displayed Volkswagen with a dignified air.

“To be honest, it has many flaws. But everyone who buys it is satisfied. That’s how charming this fellow is.”

“I like it. I’ll take it,” I decided.

There was nothing more to see. 

It was a simple purchasing decision, almost like buying a bicycle. But the branch manager calmly inquired.

“The base price for the G63 AMG model varies depending on the options, but it’s around 210 million won. However, since this model is a limited edition, you should consider around 260 million won.”

Spending around 260 million won from my current assets was easily manageable, with plenty left over.

Nodding in agreement, I looked at the branch manager.

“That sounds good to me. Please prepare the contract.”

“You won’t regret it. I’ll escort you to the customer reception on the first floor.”

With a gentle smile, the branch manager led me to the reception area. 

After receiving an iced Americano, I discussed options with the branch manager and feeling apologetic for the rudeness of the staff, he generously included various services.

“Everything sounds good, but when can I expect to receive the car? I need to start driving one month from now.”

“Usually, even the fastest delivery of a vehicle takes at least 3 months. For popular models, it’s typical for the wait to extend over a year.”

I was taken aback by the fact that vehicle delivery could take so long.

“Oh, really? That’s unfortunate…”

Considering that the Volkswagen I was planning to contract for was a popular model, I figured the delivery period wouldn’t be short.

Just as I was pondering whether I should continue using taxis for a while, the branch manager smiled.

“But you’re lucky. You’ve come at the right time.”


“With interest rates rising and even capital being blocked, there have been many cancellations of contracts lately. And one Volkswagen scheduled for delivery soon was also requested to be cancelled by another customer.”

“Oh. So…?”

“If you sign the contract now, it can be delivered in two weeks.”

“That’s perfect,” I replied, feeling relieved.

Feeling like things were finally falling into place no matter what I did lately, my spirits lifted.

After finalizing the contract, I received the branch manager’s courteous farewell and left the dealership feeling content.

The day that had felt unusually long had come to an end like this.




Three weeks later.

As the gleaming black Volkswagen passed through the main gate of Hanyeong University, the reflection of the scorching sunlight caught the eyes of students on their way to class, drawing their attention to the car for a moment.


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