A Blank Slate Regression For The Idol That Lost His Original Intention

The eight-episode series, Mydol Observation Camera – REVE Edition, was now approaching its final episode.

[-The konjac is missing.]

[What Dobin picked up was…]

[-Thread konjac is still konjac.]

[It’s not konjac, it’s thread konjac!?]

-Oh my gosh, Dobin, that’s not it!

-Saying thread konjac is konjac is like saying a fall is still a rock.

└But technically, thread konjac is still konjac.

-It already seems doomed, Yehyun, what are you going to do…

-Pray for Hajun.

[-Can I just slice this as it is? Or should I peel it first?]

[He’s just started slicing it.]

-Jaehee, the carrot… the carrot…

-I want to jump in there right now and peel the carrot properly myself.

-Thank goodness they can’t communicate with each other due to the rules.

└Why is that a good thing…?

└If they could see this, Hajun would probably clutch his neck and pass out.

└Honestly, he’ll still probably pass out once he sees the final dish.

[-Finally, it’s my turn.]

[Fourth batter steps up★]

-Why is Yoon Eden making his entrance like he’s some kind of hidden master chef? Haha.

-Hahaha, Dobin didn’t mature; that’s actually an ingredient for cooking.

-Eden, I trust you. Even though it seems like it’s already messed up, I believe you can save it.

└Did you forget the strawberry cake from hell?

[-But, konjac should be boiled in water with vinegar for 3 minutes and then rinsed in cold water…]

[He discovered this instruction too late.]

[-Well, there’s no choice. Since it’s thread konjac, it’ll cook quickly.]

[And his hopeful thinking.]

There’s no saving this now.

-Of all the possible people, the three worst cooks ended up in charge of the most important steps…

-Hajun, I know it’s a bit late, but maybe you should start practicing Halli Galli.

[-Is this… right?]

[The completed tteokbokki… or something that can no longer be called tteokbokki.]

[-Is this… tteokbokki…?]

-That’s exactly what I want to ask…

-Honestly, forcing someone to eat this would be a crime.

-Yoon Eden is already standing behind Gyeon Hajun with stomach medicine, hahaha.

[-I feel like this will harm my health, so I’m going to stop eating.]

[Hajun, declaring defeat!]

-You really can’t blame him; he’s making the right call.

-If anyone complains about his professionalism, they should have to eat it themselves.

-Wow, so Yoon Eden is only good at making tornado omelets.

└But that’s because eggs are the only ingredient involved, haha.

This was the cooking relay episode, which reached 500,000 views on YouTube.

[-Finally, we’re moving!]

[-Goodbye, semi-basement! I won’t miss you!]

[Saying farewell to the old dorm they’ve grown attached to.]

-As if they’re really attached, haha.

-Their faces are so happy, lol.

[-Welcome to REVE’s Sweet House!]

[-Wow, there are four rooms!]

[-Wow, we can each have our own bed.]

-I feel so bad for these guys, seriously.

[-Does anyone want their own room?]

[Before the words were even fully spoken, all four hands shot up!]

-You guys are being way too obvious that this is business, haha.

-I thought Eden would want to share a room with Hajun for sure…

-But hearing their reasons, I get why they all want their own rooms, poor kids.

-Oh wow, Eden is an only child? I kind of suspected it… or I thought maybe he was the youngest, spoiled one.

[-Rejected! Rejected!]

[No one can decide on who gets the single room!]

[What do we do in situations like this?]

-Rock, paper, scissors!

-The one who doesn’t even want the single room usually ends up with it, though.

└Looks like Hajun will get the single room?

[-Dobin, switch rooms with me. I’ll give you 100,000 won if you switch with me.]

[The leader attempts a bribe.]

-Wow, Dobin is tough; not even Eden’s solo track could sway him.

-But Dobin seems like the kind of person who would get bored of the single room pretty quickly, haha.

[Final room assignments]

[Yoon Eden & Seo Yehyun]

[Gyeon Hajun & Ryu Jaehee]

[Kim Dobin]

-The oldest and the leader are roommates again, lol.

-Love the room, looks perfect.

└Exactly. Please don’t change rooms, kids, haha.

-Would’ve been better if the same-age friends shared a room, though. Shame…

Kim Mo yang, who had been riding the live comment section while watching the dorm move-in episode and room assignments, logged in once again to join in the final episode.

As soon as the blank faces of the REVE members appeared on TV, comments started pouring in on the live chat.

[-You promised us a healing trip! I was expecting something like a cruise or a trip to Europe!]

[What the production team promised: Healing trip (O) Luxury trip (X)]

-Dobin looks so unfairly treated lol

-But seriously, when did glamping become a healing trip?

-Healing is still healing, after all, a glamping site is a place for rest too.

After putting the members through such hardship by stranding them in a mountain lodge due to a snowstorm, Kim found it unacceptable that the broadcasting company was settling for a nearby Seoul glamping site. At the very least, shouldn’t they be sent to Jeju Island?

[-Let’s just be satisfied that we don’t have to pitch the tent ourselves, guys.]

[-I feel like Hajun Hyung would say something like, “Wow, there’s still half a cup of water left!” if he saw it.]

[-For me, just the fact that there’s a barbecue in the evening schedule is enough healing.]

[-Youngest, don’t you think your standards for healing are too modest? It’s not a tuna-cutting show, just a barbecue for healing.]

-A tuna-cutting show LOL Even Yoon Eden is expecting luxury for his healing trip lol

-Didn’t Eden plant that idea in Dobin’s head lolol

Sitting in chairs lined up in front of their glamping room, the REVE members were having a conversation and then opened the tent-like entrance to go inside.

There were bunk beds and one queen-size bed, with the bunk beds wide enough for two people to sleep on each. The bathroom was as clean as the room itself.

[-Wow, it’s bigger than I expected.]

[-Oh, it’s cleaner and nicer than I thought.]

[-There’s even a kitchen and a shower room?]

[-Hmm… I’ll give this healing trip a half-passing grade.]

[We tried our best~]

-At least it’s not a cheap glamping site, it’s a pretty nice one.

-Why is Dobin acting so sassy lolol

After stepping back outside, the members sat down on their chairs and started chatting about the past.

[-I can’t believe it’s already the last shoot, time really flies.]

[-Yeah, it feels like just yesterday I was trying to stop Eden hyung from shouting about getting a detailed health checkup as content.]

[-Our Jaehee has such a good memory.]

[-I haven’t forgotten either.]

[-But we really need to get a health checkup. Don’t forget, viewers, make sure to get regular checkups.]

-This health-obsessed character, seriously lol

-Thanks to Eden, I actually booked a health checkup date

-REVE’s two hit contents were all blockbusters lol

└But not because of the sea… It was because of the mountain lodge…

Kim, who had been terrified by rumors of blood-spitting in the emergency room episode, decided to book a health checkup soon as well.

REVE spent some time playing foot volleyball in the glamping ground’s field, then came together again in front of the room to grill some barbecue for dinner and sat back down to chat afterward.

[-Don’t they usually do something like this in the last episode? Like, “What does REVE mean to Eden?”]

[-Ugh, so cheesy.]

[-But seriously, answer the question, hyung. What does REVE mean to you?]

[-My team.]

[-Not ‘our team’ but ‘my team’? Psychological test result: You have a very strong sense of self-love!]

[-What are you talking about, youngest? Why are you suddenly bringing up psychological tests?]

[Eerie Jaehee’s intuition!]

The camera, which had been focusing on the members, panned over to the production team, zooming in on the script they hadn’t yet handed out, Revealing the line, “What does REVE mean to OO?”

-The youngest is so sharp

-But Yoon Eden saying “my team” instead of “our team” really makes it seem like he’s carrying a lot of responsibility

[-What does REVE mean to Yehyun hyung?]

[-A second family?]

[-Positions! The members’ positions!]

[-First of all, Jaehee and Dobin are like little brothers I have to take care of, and Hajun… should I say he’s like a mother or like the responsible eldest brother quietly taking care of us?]

[-If Hajun hyung is the mother, then Eden hyung would be the dad.]

[-I’ve never had a dad like that!]

[-Wow, I’m hurt now. I’m so hurt that my son doesn’t understand the burden of being the head of the family.]

[-Yehyun hyung already became Eden hyung’s son.]

[-No, no. Hajun is the mature eldest, Eden is the slightly immature second son.]

[-So what’s your position, since you just gave up your place as the eldest to Hajun?]

[-Let’s all shift down one spot. Hajun is the quickly matured second son, Eden is the immature third son, and I’m the reliable eldest.]

[-I object. You’re not reliable at all. To be honest, I think the most reliable one in REVE is me, the leader.]

[-We, the youngest line, have no comment.]

[A family-like conversation among family-like REVE members.]

-What’s with that subtitle lol Why the random spacing between words lol

-So it’s just five brothers under one roof? No mom, no dad? I’ve never seen a group like this before.

-Eden seems like the dad of REVE, carrying the burden of having to provide for the family as a patriarch.

└Oh, seriously, when Yoon Eden closes his eyes, if Jaehee or Dobin tries to change the channel secretly, I bet he’d be like, “I’m not asleep.”

When Yehyun’s turn to create a family narrative of five brothers growing up without parents ended, the question was passed on to the other members one by one.

Hajun answered predictably with “our team,” while Dobin blatantly copied Yehyun’s answer and got booed for it.

Jaehee answered with, “A team I can proudly say is the highlight of my career in the future,” earning applause.

After reminiscing about the cursed ion manipulation or being stranded in the haunted mountain lodge, Jaehee suddenly asked a question.

[-Hyungs! There’s something I’ve been really curious about. What did you all think when we first got our debut song?]

[-Come to think of it, we’ve never talked about that before.]

[-Everyone was intentionally avoiding it.]

The music video for “Come Into My Universe” was played as a cutaway shot.

-Jaehee actually brought up the banned song

-Youngest, you know this is a banned song, right…? Did you want to see the fans suffer…?

-Aaaahhhh! Someone bring salt! They actually showed that MV as footage!

-Wow, it’s still bad, even now

-What was that? Did they really release a song like that?

-Now I understand why everyone desperately wanted to forget that song.

Kim unconsciously covered her eyes.

She had become a fan through “Come Into My Universe,” but after REVE’s three consecutive hits, her standards had become much higher. The video was now unbearable to watch.

How did she ever find moments in that MV to make GIFs? It felt like a past life.

[-Honestly, when we got that song, I couldn’t even imagine us being this successful.]

[Following the eldest member’s candid confession…]

[-I didn’t say it at the time because I didn’t want to darken the mood, but I felt hopeless, haha.]

[-I actually shed a few tears. The future felt so bleak. The only hope I had was that Yehyun hyung’s face would somehow overcome the terrible song.]

[-When I saw the stage outfits, I thought I was dreaming and even slapped my own face.]

[The members begin to open up about their feelings that they had hidden to avoid burdening each other.]

-Ah, this is really making me cry ㅠㅠ Thank goodness the follow-up song was a hit. How scared must the boys have been…

-We need to give Eden a pass for discovering “One Chance” and just for announcing its existence to the fan club.

└Yeah, for real, even if he gets a bit of an artist’s ego, we can overlook it once.

-Kim Nonsense, just die already.

Kim mo yang, who had been with the group through their dark days, also wiped away her tears.

[-I knew “Come Into My Universe” would flop, and when I found “One Chance,” it felt like discovering a hidden stash of emergency money. That’s my song. That’s me.]

[Meanwhile, one person’s unique confession.]

-Give me back my tears.

-Yoon Eden, you are really something else. He wasn’t even worried! What a guy!

Her tears dried up in an instant as she laughed at her favorite member’s cheeky and confident attitude.

Despite the members booing him, Eden proudly claimed that thanks to him, they got to promote with the follow-up song “One Chance.”

As the time to wrap up the broadcast approached…

[-There’s so much more I wanted to show, but it was too short. I hope we can show you more next time.]

[-Then, we will say goodbye here.]

[-Goodbye, Mydol Observation Camera!]

One by one, the members delivered their ending remarks. Instead of saying “See you next time,” the “Goodbye” indicated that the show was truly coming to an end.

-Show us even the moments when they wake up!

-Waiting eagerly for another reality show!

As if responding to the fans’ wishes, short clips played like post-credit scenes showing the REVE members fast asleep and then waking up with yawns in the morning.

The screen paused on the image of Eden waving at the camera with half-open eyes.

[Thank you for watching <Mydol Observation Camera – REVE Edition>!]


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  1. seseong says:

    dad eden and mom hajun LOL 😭😭 i can imagine him falling asleep on the couch every night tbh…

    thank you so much for the translation 🫶🫶!!

  2. 1 says:

    omg, we’re so lucky we have 2 chapters in 2 days!!! I honestly thought we might have to wait at least 2 weeks for this chapter. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TRANSLATIONS AYAKA-NIM!!!

    1. Ayaka says:

      I’ve been busy at the uni and I finally have 3 days off
      will try to update tomorrow 😉

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