A Blank Slate Regression For The Idol That Lost His Original Intention

The screen that had been showing the pension switched to an outdoor scene where snow was falling heavily.

[-What do we do, PD? They’re saying the car can’t make it up.]

[-This is bad. What do we do…?]

[Unable to access the pension due to the snow that fell overnight.]

The production crew and REVE’s manager were shown panicking because the car couldn’t get through the snow-covered mountain road.

The PD called Eden to explain the situation.

The voice on the other end of the line was unexpectedly calm. This must be why he’s the leader, they thought.

The scene changed again, showing REVE gathered in the living room.

[-You’re saying we have to stay another night in this haunted house? This is the curse of the lodge! The curse of this haunted lodge!]

Dobin, clutching his head, shouted, and Eden clicked his tongue beside him. Hajun cautiously spoke up.

[-The problem is, we only bought enough groceries for one meal yesterday.]

[-It’s okay, Hajun-hyung. We secretly bought more when we went shopping yesterday.]

[-So, that’s why you guys told me to stay back and pack while you went to pay. Where did you hide what you bought?]

[-We kept it in our pockets and then, after you finished organizing the fridge, we discreetly stashed it in the back of the fridge.]

[-Thorough, really thorough.]

[-I don’t think Eden-hyung, who cooperated the most, is in any position to talk.]

[Exposed Eden.]

As Hajun whipped around, Eden feigned ignorance, averting his gaze.

They discussed lighting the fireplace in case the electricity went out, preparing food in advance, and so on.

After a serious meeting, REVE quickly assigned roles.

Hajun went to the kitchen to start cooking, while the others began shoveling snow piled high on the path to the shed.

Because he was the youngest, Jaehee was holding a camcorder instead of a shovel and muttered.

[-Huh, is this déjà vu?]

[What part of this is REVE feeling déjà vu about?]

[The story rewinds to five days earlier.]

The camera rewound, and the scene of REVE gathered in their semi-basement accommodation appeared.

[-Oh, finally a vacation.]

[-What’s everyone going to do during the break?]

[-I’m going to go home and get plenty of rest! I won’t step outside until the vacation’s over.]

[-I’ll meet some friends I haven’t seen in a while, and set up some equipment in the studio.]

[-I’ll probably stay home like Dobin.]

[-I think I’ll have to stay in the dorm. If I go back to my family home, the whole vacation will be over by the time I return.]

[-I’ll stay home for just one day! The rest, I’m going to run around everywhere!]

[REVE excitedly making vacation plans.]

With lively voices and excited expressions, REVE, who had been full of expectations, suddenly appeared on screen again, now gloomy and crestfallen.

In the silence, Eden spoke on behalf of the group.

[-Hello, viewers. We’re currently stuck in our accommodation due to heavy snowfall. The snow has piled up so much that we can’t open the door. So, it’s now officially a survival special. Or should I call it a “snowed-in” special.]

A text exchange with the manager and a photo showing a door blocked by piles of snow were shown as reference footage.

[-Usually in these situations, people get trapped in a haunted lodge, but here we are stuck in a semi-basement.]

Dobin let out an exaggerated sigh, saying it was a pity.

[Dreams come true★]

That scene was cross-edited with one of Dobin screaming in terror as a ghost suddenly popped out of a wardrobe in the haunted house-style pension.

The camera panned over to the well-stocked fridge and a fully functioning boiler.

As a result, the tense “survival” atmosphere didn’t quite come through.

[-Let’s change the special to an “escape the snowed-in house” edition.]

[A dustpan instead of a shovel!?]

[-Are you serious, Dobin…?]

Dobin, who had only dug a small tunnel, handed the dustpan over to Eden. Eden’s speed at clearing the snow was astounding.

Finally, after Eden escaped through the tunnel they made, REVE was shown diligently clearing the snow in front of the entrance with snow shovels borrowed from the community center, and the scene gradually faded out, returning to the three members shoveling their way to the shed.

[Turns out, REVE was experienced in survival after all!]

[-Now that I think about it, we did clear the snow in front of our dorm just like this.]

[-Wow, they’re tying up loose ends like this.]

[-Is this not a loose end but a prequel?]

[-Well, at least we’ve done this before, so everyone seems more used to it.]

[-This isn’t the kind of thing I want to get used to…]

The scene of someone returning while holding firewood and Eden diligently shoveling the snow in front of the entrance quickly passed by, followed by the scene of them having their first and last meal.

[-A world without internet is indeed quite boring.]

[The internet is down too.]

Up until now, it was all smiles, but once the internet went down, the reality of the disaster began to sink in.

[The pension suddenly goes dark!]

[-Did the electricity go out?]

[-Looks like it.]

[-Good thing we lit the fireplace beforehand.]

[-Shouldn’t we bring more firewood? Who wants to come to the storage with me?]

“Did the electricity really go out? What is the production crew thinking? How could they take them to such a place! What if something bad happened to my boys!”

By now, Ms. Lee, who had gone from being a light fan of REVE to a more dedicated one, was fuming with anger.

Eden was the first to turn on his phone’s flashlight and stood up, followed by Yehyun and Hajun, who slowly got up as well. The youngest members, who were hesitantly getting off the floor, were told to stay put while the older three went outside and returned with an armful of firewood.

[-Wow, it’s still snowing. You think we’ll be able to get out tomorrow?]

[-Hey, don’t jinx it.]

[What will be the fate of REVE?]

Yehyun, placing the firewood by the fireplace, touched the floor with his hand and said with a serious face:

[-The floor is really cold. It must be because the boiler’s off. We should add more blankets if we don’t want to catch a cold.]

[-Now that you mention it, I think there were blankets in the closet.]

[-Which closet?]

[-The one in the shaman room and the one with the ghost mannequin. I checked it yesterday.]

The scene then cut to the day before, showing Eden secretly opening a wardrobe in the shaman-themed room while the other members were huddled together, screaming in fear.

[-There are probably blankets in the other rooms too. Let’s grab them all. The floor was kind of cold even with the boiler on yesterday.]

[-I’m not going, no way. Don’t take me.]

[Dobin, already terrified]

With a long sigh, Eden picked up the camcorder and got to his feet.

[-If four of us each go into one room and grab the blankets… What the—?]

Eden stopped mid-sentence when he saw two hands clutching the hem of his clothes. Jaehee and Yehyun were holding on to him, smiling awkwardly.

[-What are you doing?]

[-It’s scary to go alone.]

[-…Same here.]

[An unavoidable decision to go together]

Even Dobin, who was afraid of being left alone, tagged along, so the entire group headed out.

The first room they entered was the one where Eden had previously hidden the ghost mannequin. The room was dark due to the power outage, but the five phone flashlights provided enough light. To get the blankets from the closet, someone had to open it, so the three scared members stood far back, facing away.

When Eden opened the wardrobe, the ghost mannequin leaned out at them. He quickly grabbed the blanket at its feet, causing the mannequin to fall to the floor with a thud.

[-Oh… Oof… Did the mannequin break or shatter?]

[-It’s cracked.]

[-Am I going to have to pay for that?]

Eden gently laid the cracked mannequin on the bed. When the wardrobe door closed, Jaehee, Dobin, and Yehyun, who had turned around, were startled to see the mannequin lying on the bed, but it passed as a minor incident.

After Jaehee and Dobin took the blanket to the living room, they gathered more from the second and third rooms. Eden was the only one to enter the last room alone.

[Just watching it gives me chills…]

[-Wow, it’s dark.]

[A tough guy’s quick impression]

Eden brushed against some bells, causing them to chime eerily throughout the room. Unfazed, he opened the wardrobe and grabbed a thick blanket.

[-Did he really go in there alone? For real?]

[-What, you think he faked it?]

Eden chuckled and ruffled Jaehee’s hair.

[-Hello, this is Dobin, and we’re back with “Survival Special Part 2.” We’re currently stranded in a haunted house, no, a mountain lodge because of the heavy snow. This time, it’s a real disaster. And we’re trapped in a snowy mountain pension.]

Speaking seriously into the camcorder, Dobin made a snipping gesture.

[-Please edit this to the very front.]

[But Dobin’s request was never fulfilled…]

With blankets piled thickly around them and bodies bundled up, the REVE members huddled together in front of the fireplace.

[-This feels like a campfire, doesn’t it?]

[-I don’t know about campfires, but I’m cold and hungry.]

[-Patrasche, I’m getting sleepy… My eyes are closing…]


Stranded in the mountain lodge surrounded by snow with the power cut, the situation was perilous even from the viewer’s perspective. Adding to that the escalating tension between Jaehee and Dobin, it felt all the more precarious.

[-Guys… I’m so exhausted from shoveling snow and carrying firewood all day…]

Despite the ghost scares, Eden remained the only one still lying down with his eyes closed, seemingly undisturbed, which drew admiration from Ms. Lee.

As dawn broke, the door to the pension suddenly swung open, and a group of people entered. The REVE members, lying in front of the now-extinguished fireplace, slowly stood up.

[-Are you guys okay? Is anyone hurt or sick?]

[They all nodded.]

[An emotional reunion after 48 hours!]

As the car carrying REVE drove away from the pension, fading out, the members’ solo interviews began.

[Eden: Did a lot of shoveling. Who knew there would be this much snow in February?]

[Hajun: It brought us closer, but… I’ll leave it at that.]

[Jaehee: I caught a cold. Also, I’m sure there’s a ghost in that pension. We need to do an exorcism.]

[Yehyun: Next time, can we please do a healing trip instead of survival?]

[Dobin: Could you maybe give me a heads-up next time, even if it’s just me? I nearly had a heart attack…]

[We promise REVE a healing trip next time~]

With the production team’s final promise and a preview of their next move-in episode, the video ended.

When her friend, a dedicated fan, asked how she liked it, she replied immediately:

[Who knew my type was a fearless and dependable guy?] 12:34 a.m.

And just like that, Ms. Lee found her favorite member. She had taken her first step from a light fan to a devoted one.


[☺ 100,000 fans achieved!]

[Reward: +20 initial intention, Item Selection]

They had finally reached 100,000 fans. Thanks to the increase in the initial intention stat, there was no need to rush through the weekly quest.

“But why did our fan cafe membership suddenly spike? It shot up in such a short time.”

When they asked Ryu Jaehee, REVE’s version of Siri or Bixby, who knew everything about the group, the answer came back instantly.

“It’s because of the Mydol observation camera survival special episode. It went viral, and the re-upload on YouTube hit 1 million views.”

“Come to think of it, I was so busy I missed the broadcast. But why did it go viral? Nothing much happened, right?”

Since the only notable events were the spooky room decor, laying blankets in the living room, and lots of shoveling, they were surprised to hear it had gone viral.

“The video made it seem like the worst survival situation.”

Curious, they replayed the YouTube video, only to find a big gap between their memories and how the situation looked on camera.

When did we ever get stranded like that…?


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  1. 8bhs says:

    FINALLY AN UPDATE. I’ve been waiting for weeks

  2. Jackie says:


  3. Myoo says:


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