

Damn, isn’t this the item enhancement theme song?




“Given to you, One Chance, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity


Always approach it as if only One Chance is left


You know, there’s only success or failure”


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This is the song


REVE – One Chance






`·. One Chance – #LeeSeo – Listen to it


0:00 ────♥─── 02:58


⇆ ◁ ❚❚ ▷ ↻


Shares: 3,587 Quotes: 742 Likes: 2,724





A lot of people are asking about the song info, so I’m putting it in the thread


It’s One Chance by REVE



[Entertainment Chat] I’ve been hearing this song, One Chance, a lot recently and it’s pretty good


Anonymous | 21:41 | Views: 334


I first heard it from videos of middle schoolers doing lethal hand gestures to this song, and at some point, I’m also doing the ‘given to you, One Chance, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity~’ hand gesture… lol




Anonymous 1: This song totally charges you up.


Anonymous 2: I heard on Twitter that this is the item enhancement theme song lol


Anonymous 3: I heard it’s the gacha winning song lol. Someone posted that they got two 5-stars while playing this song, so now all the gacha gamers play this song while rolling lol


Anonymous 4: Yeah, this song is pretty addictive lol. I heard it was composed by the team leader; I wonder why it wasn’t the title track.


Anonymous 5: After hearing this, I checked out REVE, and their styling and title track are… I’m speechless… What is the agency doing with these kids?


Anonymous 6: Please do follow-up promotions with this song.







REVE (레브) – One Chance [Audio]


Views: 153K


👍 2,501 👎


UniL • 2 days ago


At first, it was meh, but at some point, I found myself making a 1-hour version because I couldn’t find one.


Likes: 611


GyuniGyuni • 18 hours ago


What’s with the addiction to this song lol. The ‘given to you, one chance~’ part keeps running through my head.


Likes: 342




“Guys, we might escape being a failed idol group soon.”


Seo Ye-hyun responded to my indifferent remark in an equally indifferent voice.


“How about you say that with some sincerity?”


How ridiculous. Where else can you find such a sincere statement?


Due to a weekly quest, I noticed an increase in mentions of REVE and One Chance in searches.


I had just confirmed a few days ago that the song had entered the top 200 of the music charts from way down below.


The number of members in our fan cafe and our official account followers were also increasing, albeit gradually.


It was still embarrassing to say we had made a mark on the public, but I was satisfied that we weren’t plunging into the depths without any mention, like in the first round.


To elevate this further, the solution was to promote a follow-up song and release a hit in the next album.


As I pondered over ways to firmly imprint us on the public’s mind, I felt a pricking gaze.


“What’s up, Do-bin? If you have something to say, just say it.”


Kim Do-bin, who was whispering with Ryu Jae-hee while glancing at me, flinched at my call and cautiously asked.


“Is it related to your frequent outings lately?”


I frowned at the out-of-the-blue question.


“Why do you ask?”


“Just curious about what you’ve been up to.”


“Why do you need to know?”


Are you guys going to complete the song for me?


Depending solely on my memory, I kept coming up with vague melodies, which tortured me as I thought about the verse. This, in turn, gave me a headache, making me rub my forehead.


Experiencing a blockage in one piece of work led to a chain reaction of obstacles in others, raising my stress levels to the maximum recently.


[Detected speech promoting discord with members.]


[Initial Intention -1]


Guys, please don’t get upset over a single word. If my initial resolve decreases further, it’ll be dangerous soon.


As I let out an exasperated sigh amidst the increasingly sharp gazes from the members, the atmosphere sank even lower.


The sound of the door lock broke the tense atmosphere.


“What’s up with the mood? Did you guys fight?”




“Get along, kids. Newly debuted idols getting involved in discord rumors?”


As soon as the manager hyung entered and started nagging, he called me over to convey some information.


“We have an internal meeting today, so Eden, you take care of the others and come to the company by 2 PM. Got it?”


Thinking about the unfinished songs, I slightly frowned. Despite working late into the night, it seemed impossible to complete the song.


If the meeting today confirmed a shorter schedule, there would soon be an internal meeting for the next album, where the purchase of songs would surely be discussed.


Based on the big data I’ve accumulated over 7 years with LnL, I could easily predict that the company would prefer buying a song over showcasing my own.


The company, not wanting to waste money, would push for the bought song to be the next album’s title track, regardless of its quality.


‘Damn, if only I had another week.’


Rubbing my throbbing forehead, I replied.


“Today? I have a health checkup later.”


“Hey, is a health checkup more important now?”


“Of course, it is! I coughed up a lot of blood, and you’re saying a meeting is more important than the health of the company’s singer?”


Ryu Jae-hee muttered beside me that it wasn’t exactly a lot, but I persisted strongly. Eventually, the manager hyung, giving in, asked.


“Fine, I got it. When does your health checkup end-”


“Whoa, amazing!”


Ryu Jae-hee, who had been fiddling with his phone, suddenly stood up from the sofa, interrupting the manager hyung.


With all eyes on him, the youngest member, flushed with excitement, raised his phone and shouted.


“We’ve charted!”


“Jae-hee, don’t lie. How could that lousy song chart?”


In response to Kim Do-bin’s sarcastic remark, Ryu Jae-hee shook his head and hands simultaneously.


“No, not ‘Come Into My Universe!’ Our B-side track!”


As soon as the word ‘B-side’ was mentioned, I quickly snatched the phone from the youngest and checked the screen.


Scratching the back of my head at the number next to our group’s name, I was stunned.


[100th place-new ‘Reve – One Chance’ ♥13,012]


‘Did this actually hit 100th place?’


Despite all the promotions and increasing mentions, I thought it would be a success to merely enter the top 200.


When I was in the secondary group, 100th place meant a failed song, but now, being a failed idol, why does 100th place feel like a success?


I turned quickly to the manager hyung and asked.


“Hyung, is today’s meeting because of this?”


“…No? It’s about shortening the activity period. Oh, wait a minute. The CEO’s calling.”


Leaving the manager hyung to take the call outside the semi-basement dorm, we all crowded around Ryu Jae-hee’s phone.


Gyeon Ha-jun, staring at the chart in silence for a while, asked in a puzzled voice.


“But why did the B-side track suddenly chart?”


“If it’s a B-side, it’s not because of me.”


Seo Ye-hyun, who had clicked his tongue indifferently, lost interest as soon as he realized it wasn’t because of him and slumped back onto the sofa.


“Yeah, we didn’t promote this song.”


Kim Do-bin, nodding his head, mumbled, and I responded with a cocky shrug.


“Of course, it had to chart. Who do you think wrote and composed it?”


“That’s right, the original was from your mixtape, right?”


“Now that you mention it, I remember seeing this song on Eden’s From board.”


Ryu Jae-hee, who had been muttering, turned to me with a look of genuine surprise.


Wait a minute, does this mean that if he had promoted it back in our early days, we might not have endured those painful three years as a failed idol group?


Grabbing Ryu Jae-hee’s shoulders out of frustration over the time lost, I shook him and grumbled.


“You’re always boasting about communicating with fans, but you didn’t promote this sooner?”


“I thought it was useless since it was from the worst-selling album. Actually, after debuting, I was so shocked that I forgot about the B-side tracks.”


Shaking in my grip, Ryu Jae-hee scratched his head and avoided my gaze.


Yeah, I understand. The initial sales of 1** units were quite a shock for me too.


Having already experienced life as a failed idol once, I was barely holding onto my sanity despite this horrendous result. I understand how shocking it must have been for him, erasing even the memory of the initial sales figures from his mind before I came back.


At that moment, a status window with glowing text appeared in front of my eyes.


[☺Achieved 1,000 fans!]


[Reward: Initial intention +5, Random Ticket]


Oh, my initial intention increased. It looks like I’ll only need to complete two weekly quests this week.


I thought this system, which made me relive this life just to give me grief and demand I gain 30 million fans, was useless. But it actually rewards me for reaching 1,000 fans.


[Random Ticket: When used, it draws a random item or ability.]


‘Random Ticket…?’


Random tickets usually yield trash under the guise of randomness.


Eyeing the random ticket description with suspicion, I closed the status window.


What if it has an expiration date or time limit if I use it right away?


The manager hyung, who re-entered the dorm, gestured to us from the entrance.


“Eden, I’ll schedule a detailed checkup at a big hospital later, so let’s go quickly.”


“Make sure it’s a thorough examination. Preferably at a university hospital.”


“Yeah, yeah, I got it. Now, everyone, hurry up.”


Putting on slippers hurriedly, I left the semi-basement dorm.


At least there are no stalker fans around.


The company was a five-minute walk from our current semi-basement dorm. It was an old three-story building.


Entering the narrow office, we were greeted by the few employees and CEO Kim Nodam, who sat at the head of the conference table.


Often called by the nickname “No Hope” by both fans and company artists more frequently than his real name, I was already anxious to see what hopeless actions he would take today.


If only I knew I would time travel, I would have confronted him about all the nonsense he pulled before coming back.


Taking a deep breath, I prepared myself for the nonsense I was about to hear.


“Actually, we were planning to wrap up the first album promotions with this week’s fan signing event, but…”


Seeing the serious expressions on the members’ faces, the CEO smiled and continued while holding up a phone displaying the charting screen.


“We decided to stick to the initial plan of promoting for three weeks.”


This time, it was my face that grew serious. Three weeks? This week is the second week, so it’s not four weeks but three?


“Surely, you’re not suggesting we continue promoting with ‘Come Into My Universe,’ right?”


No way. Despite CEO Kim Nodam living up to his nickname ‘No Hope’ with many hopeless decisions and terrible instincts, which led to multiple album failures even after we gained some fame, he couldn’t possibly mess up such an obvious path to success.


But, true to his nature, our ‘No Hope’ CEO didn’t disappoint this time either.


“Of course, we have to promote with the title track ‘Come Into My Universe.’”

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