A Blank Slate Regression For The Idol That Lost His Original Intention

As soon as Ryu Jaehee sat down in the audience seat, he began to interrogate me persistently.


“Hyung, aren’t you crying? Really? Are you not holding it back, or do you really not cry? Why?”


“I don’t know, maybe because the satisfaction of finally getting back at them outweighs the emotion?”


I beamed a bright smile at the KICKS boys, who were forcing themselves to smile despite the short distance between us.


“Well, your smile sure is coming out just fine.”


“I think so too. Your face hasn’t stopped smiling.”


Rubbing his reddened eyes like the other members, Ryu Jaehee nodded.


Was this how those guys felt at WAMA?


The thought that they too might have felt this same refreshing satisfaction suddenly soured my mood.


I handed a tissue to Kim Dobin before he could sniffle and smear his snot everywhere, forcing myself to straighten my crumpling expression.


Seo Yehyun shook his head slightly as if wondering where it all went wrong again.


Since we didn’t have a display cabinet in our dorm, the Rookie of the Year trophy was displayed proudly on my desk after the 41st meeting of REVE. How we managed to have 41 meetings already was beyond me.


The agency also started talking about lightsticks and a full-length album.


Thankfully, my sketch was chosen for the lightstick instead of the crowbar or hammer.


I was a bit surprised to learn that the crowbar wasn’t the CEO’s idea.


“So, as of now, we have about four tracks that could be included in the album. If we were to add six more songs, even if we get tracks from outside sources, it would take about four months.”


“Then maybe we should aim for a full-length release around July?”


“How about releasing a repackaged album with two additional tracks around March and then coming back with a full-length album in September?”


“I agree with Eden hyung. I’d rather focus on quality and take our time instead of rushing and half-assing it.”


Was there anything big happening in March and September?


While using my item selection to check the charts would be the best way to avoid competition, I couldn’t rely on the chart viewing item appearing, so I couldn’t fully count on it.


Plus, it was about time we moved beyond hitting the empty spots and started clashing with the bigger names to move up.


Staying in our comfort zone wouldn’t get us to the top tier, which was the ultimate goal of this entire do-over.


One by one, the other members voiced their agreement with me.


At the beginning of this time loop, none of them even dared to voice their own opinions, much less agree with me, which used to drive me mad. But seeing how much they’d grown now made me feel strangely proud.


“Maybe we could get your grandma to check the astrological forecasts for September….”


I sighed deeply at the CEO’s hesitant suggestion. I had seen this coming.


I was starting to worry that he might go full-on into the occult at this rate. And if he did, this already tough situation would turn into a complete disaster.


“She turned out to be a con artist.”


I’m really sorry, Grandma. I turned you into a scam victim without your consent. Please forgive this ungrateful grandson. I’ll come to you as soon as I can and apologize properly.


“Oh, really? She was pretty spot on for a scammer….”


“Even a broken clock is right twice a day, you know.”


With the danger of the CEO pouring money into occult practices successfully averted, I finally let out a sigh of relief.


We decided to keep things tentative for now and hash out the details after wrapping up our current schedules.


About two weeks after the Silver Disc Awards, it was time for the Naon Chart Music Awards.


“And the Rookie of the Year award goes to… congratulations! REVE!”


We climbed onto the stage amid a wave of applause.


Up until the moment I received the bouquet and trophy, I felt fine. In fact, I had even resolved to give a masterful tearful performance today to complete the quest.


The rumor that having a beauty mark near your eye means you’ll cry often was absurd—I’ve never been the teary type.


In fact, I could count on one hand the times I remember crying my eyes out:


Once when I fell out of a tree while trying to knock down a wasp nest in elementary school and split my head open.


Once when my appendix burst in middle school.


And once when I dropped out of high school and announced I wanted to pursue hip-hop, only to get beaten to a pulp by my dad.


That last time wasn’t because it hurt so much but more from resentment and frustration that my parents wouldn’t support my dream. In hindsight, though, if I were in their shoes, I’d probably beat me senseless too.


In any case, I lived through all that, but now…


I wiped at my heating eyelids with my fingers, gripping the trophy tightly in my hand.


Maybe it’s because getting the Rookie of the Year award once was surreal enough, but getting it at two different ceremonies finally made it sink in.


REVE, a group that had never even been nominated for a Rookie of the Year award before, let alone invited to a ceremony, was now receiving this award.


The emotions that had delayed in coming finally started to hit me, causing my eyes to sting.


Meanwhile, my members, who had already shed their tears back at the Silver Disc Awards, were calm and collected.


Seo Yehyun burst out laughing when he noticed me glaring at him, then passed the mic over to me.


Ryu Jaehee and Kim Dobin looked at me like they’d seen a ghost, while Gyeon Hajun chuckled and patted me on the back.


‘Man, this is so embarrassing…’


All my resolve to cry for the sake of the quest crumbled before real tears.


Grabbing the mic that had been passed to me, I slowly opened my mouth to speak.


“First of all, I just want to say thank you so much. There were times when I couldn’t even imagine receiving this award…”


Choked up, I paused for a moment and looked up, hearing cries from the audience not to cry.


I forced myself to smile at their encouraging shouts.


“To my fellow members, the LnL family, and my family who have all helped us reach this seemingly impossible day, thank you so much.”


I gazed out at the audience, the sea of glowing lightsticks shimmering in all different colors.


I continued my acceptance speech, turning my attention toward the fans, who were undoubtedly somewhere in the crowd.


“To our Daydreams, who always shower us with love that’s more than we deserve…”


As soon as I mentioned them, the cheers erupted, and I thought to myself.


I still don’t fully understand why you were disappointed in me before I returned to this timeline. But there’s one thing I think I understand a little better now—that my music, my talent alone, isn’t the sole reason for REVE’s success.


It’s the attention, the support, and the love you’ve given us that have brought REVE to where we are now.


“I’ll continue to work hard to repay the love you’ve given us. Thank you always, and I love you.”


For the first time, the usual words of gratitude in an acceptance speech carried real weight.


* * *


When I returned to my seat among the artists, I had to endure endless teasing because of my slightly teary eyes.


“Wow, who knew our leader was such an emotional guy?”


“Eden hyung is human after all! I thought he was a cold-hearted, metal-hearted producer android.”


“What the hell are you even talking about? I told you to cut back on anime.”


“You were holding back your tears during Silver Disc, right? Right?”


“Ugh, no!”


“Oh, come on, hyung. You’ve already cried, so just admit it.”


“I told you I didn’t cry!”


To think my authority as the leader would crumble over a single tear.


I barely resisted the urge to give the snickering maknae line a nice scalp massage, reminding myself of the cameras.


KICKS, who hadn’t won the Rookie of the Year award, were the “clap shuttle” like we were back at WAMA.


Meanwhile, Altair won the First Quarter Main Award for Best Artist in the Album category.


Altair, a monster rookie group from a major agency, had been called a rising star since their debut with a boy group after five years, winning first place on music shows, Rookie of the Year, and a digital award. By their third year, they had become a top-tier group, solidifying their status by winning a Daesang (grand prize).


‘But as long as I know what I know, they’ll be nothing more than an obstacle to REVE’s path to the top tier.’


I clapped half-heartedly as I thought this.


While receiving congratulations and returning to their seats, Altair’s Cha Yeonho made eye contact with me again.


Before my return, I had heard from the KICKS guys that Altair had tried to hold down other rising groups like them.


Apparently, they eased up once it became clear that others wouldn’t break their records or challenge their position.


When I heard that secondhand before, I just thought it was typical of them, but experiencing it firsthand felt incredibly irritating.


Now that I think about it, Choi Hyun-min did call Cha Yeonho a certain name.


‘He said he’s that bastard who smiles while completely disregarding people.’


Well, at least in front of me, he couldn’t keep smiling—he’d been showing me nothing but twisted expressions of frustration. Before that, he hadn’t even bothered to look at me.


Still, compared to the hysterics of the two who ended up in jail, this kind of contempt was nothing.


‘He lives such a tiring life.’


Clicking my tongue, I turned away first.


On the way back to the dorm, I checked my messages in the van. Most of them were teasing me about the teary-eyed screenshots of my face.


Only about a third of the messages were actual congratulations. Damn them all.


– Your acceptance speech was so emotional that even I got choked up while listeningㅠ


– First time seeing Eden cry ㅠㅠ He’s really soft inside despite his tough exteriorㅠㅠ


– Where are all the people who called him a psychopath just because he didn’t cry during his music show win or at Silver Disc? ㅋㅋ


– Looks like even Eden didn’t think REVE had a chance at the Rookie Award back during My Universe…


– Now that they’ve won at both Silver Disc and Naon, no one can deny that the Rookie Award belongs to REVE!


[▷ Let’s redefine your concept! ✓


▶ ‘Redefine your concept based on the fans’ perception (tough on the outside, soft on the inside)’ quest has been completed.


▶ You have received 10 Initial Intention and a random ticket as a reward.]


As my character concept solidified around “tough on the outside, soft on the inside,” the quest completion notification popped up.


[As your initial intention points have exceeded 100, you will receive an additional reward.]


[You have received the item “Show Me Your Stats! (2 uses).”]


As my points reset to 100, I was rewarded with the item for exceeding 100 points.


Even though this system took me on a path I didn’t always like, the rewards were solid.


“Show Me Your Stats!” was an item that allowed me to choose one person and see their stats.


I already had one person in mind whose stats I absolutely needed to check. Someone whose capabilities I had to understand fully and push to the limit.


[Seo Ye-hyun]


Appearance: S+


Singing/Rapping: D+/D (Potential Growth: C/C-)


Dancing: D- (Potential Growth: B)


Variety Skills: C (Potential Growth: C+)


Stamina: A (Potential Growth: A+)


Special Trait: Model


‘A special trait of ‘Model,’ huh?’


I recalled that after his rise to fame in the previous timeline, this guy dominated the CF scene.


I’d even heard that he’s already received a solo modeling offer from a cosmetics brand now.


But he’s an idol, not just a model.


Sure, variety skills aren’t everything, but his singing and dancing are D? And even if he grows to his max potential, his singing only reaches a C. A ‘C’!


I skimmed through his hopeless stats, but seeing that his potential growth in dancing was a B gave me a small glimmer of hope.


His stamina was an A, so if I worked him hard enough, I could at least get him to follow the choreography!



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  1. Stella says:

    Yes yehyun! Become a dancing legend in kpop! XD

    Thank you very much for the chapter 🥰

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