After a moment of silence, there was a bang, and confetti rained down over our heads.


“Congratulations, REVE!”


Come to think of it, it had been a while since we last won first place.


Although we occasionally took first place on music shows thanks to our fanbase, our final three songs before my regression were so terrible that we couldn’t even make it to the first place candidates, losing to rookie and mid-tier girl groups.


Winning first place this time around was inevitable. The charts and music shows were practically empty, our competitor was KICKS, and our song was an upgraded version of one that had held the top spot for three consecutive weeks before my regression.


This was REVE’s official first win since my regression, but I didn’t feel particularly moved or emotional about it. I had been a bit anxious before the announcement, worried we might lose to KICKS.


While I remained calm and indifferent, the same couldn’t be said for my members.


I was briefly taken aback by Gyeon Hajun’s reddening eyes, and the sight of the youngest members hugging and crying made me laugh softly.


Seo Ye-hyun, who had been looking at the ceiling, eventually bowed his head, tears streaming down his face as he buried it in his palms. Gyeon Hajun, patting Seo Ye-hyun’s back, also had tears brimming in his eyes.


I smiled at KICKS, who clapped for us with forced smiles.


Their leader, who had momentarily shown a displeased face, quickly fixed his expression into a smile as soon as the camera turned back to them.


Seeing that sour face again rekindled my enthusiasm for the arrangement work.


As the only one standing there dry-eyed amidst the tearful REVE, I was handed the trophy and microphone.


“I want to first thank our REVE members who followed me well, and our parents who believed in and supported the five of us. I also want to thank the LnL staff who always work hard for us.”


Having given a few acceptance speeches before, I continued smoothly.


Since everyone was crying, it wasn’t a good time to pass the mic.


“And finally, I want to dedicate this honor to our fans who always cheer for us and show us so much love. We will continue to work hard to show you even better performances. Thank you!”


I handed the mic to Ryu Jae-hee, who had somewhat calmed down and wiped his tears with his hand. He formed a big heart over his head with his hands and shouted while sniffling.


“We love you, Daydreams!”


As the MCs delivered their closing remarks, I lightly patted Ryu Jae-hee’s back.


I intended to comfort him, but he looked at me, started to sob again, and burst into tears once more.


It seemed he was crying even more sorrowfully than when we won our first music show trophy after a long period as struggling idols before my regression. Maybe it was because he was younger now, still not fully grown, with a face that looked especially young.


As the encore intro began, I cleared my throat and sang Gyeon Hajun’s opening part.


As expected, my rendition didn’t capture the feeling as well as Gyeon Hajun’s.


According to our promise, main rapper me and sub-rapper but also sub-vocalist Seo Ye-hyun should have handled the vocals, but seeing Seo Ye-hyun crying his eyes out and considering his usual performance, it seemed like I had to sing the whole thing.


I wasn’t a great singer, but I was definitely better than Seo Ye-hyun. That was certain.


However, as the chorus approached, I began to sweat. As a mere rapper, I couldn’t handle the notes set for our group’s two vocalists.


Sending a pleading look, Gyeon Hajun, who had wiped his tears, brought the mic to his lips.


Gyeon Hajun’s voice, effortlessly hitting the high notes I struggled with, blended with my lower harmonies.


‘Feels like we’re doing a duet.’


We exchanged smiles as our eyes met.


Gyeon Hajun pressed his reddened eyes with his free hand and beamed brightly at me, a smile different from his usual gentle one, without a trace of shadow.


I thought, seeing that smile, that I hoped this would erase any unnecessary feelings of debt he harbored towards me. Our present is not like our past before my regression.


Gyeon Hajun sang well, but the chorus still suited Ryu Jae-hee better.


It was fortunate Ryu Jae-hee’s English pronunciation had improved overnight.


The youngest members, faces still tear-streaked, were desperately trying to pass my rap part to each other.


I had seen them both secretly practicing my rap part, so I didn’t understand why they were backing out now that the opportunity was here.


Kim Do-bin, seemingly losing to Ryu Jae-hee, began to rap.


Of course, it was a mess, and he didn’t capture the original feeling at all, but at least he was better than Seo Ye-hyun.


I considered replacing our sub-rapper but remembered that doing so would severely reduce Seo Ye-hyun’s parts, so I dismissed the thought.


Singing the vocal parts again, I felt it keenly.


I should just stick to rapping for the rest of my life. Let’s keep outsourcing the vocals as usual.




**Dream♥Daydream @revedream**


I’m going to die


Shares: 14 Likes: 23


**Dream♥Daydream @revedream**


Is this a dream?


Our boys are 1st place


Shares: 120 Quotes: 52 Likes: 423


**Rest @rytnslarhdrkdwhady**


While everyone else was crying, our leader was the only one who didn’t cry and calmly delivered the acceptance speech. That’s so like him.



**LittleKitty @edenkitt**


Replying to @rytnslarhdrkdwhady


I need to reevaluate my understanding of Eden… He wasn’t soft on the inside, he was tough through and through…


**YHs @dPgustkfkdgo**


Ye-hyun is too emotional to sing the encore song right nowㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


Shares: 7 Quotes: 4 Likes: 21



**YHs @dPgustkfkdgo**


Stop criticizing my boy’s skills in quotesㅋㅋ I see everythingㅋ


Why are people splitting quotes just to say he deliberately didn’t sing because of his skills?


**☆★☆★Congratulations REVE 1st place☆★☆★ @dreamday100**


When I thought, “Oh, Yoon Eden can sing quite well,” Hajun came in with the chorus


Now I clearly understand why he’s the vocalist


Shares: 87 Quotes: 12 Likes: 235


**Dangbong @kjs2255**


Listening to Kim Do-bin do Yoon Eden’s part, I realize Eden designed his part to be something only he can pull off



**Dangbong @kjs2255**


I was wondering why this felt familiar and then I remembered my attempts to rap Eden’s part at karaoke ㅅㅂ…


**(Locked) BbyoUjae @ujaemom**


Is there anything my precious hamster can’t do? He’s even good at rappingㅠㅠ



**(Locked) Half&Half @reveadora**


Replying to @ujaemom


Isn’t it because it was Ye-hyun’s part? ㅋㅋㅋ If it was 2E’s part, Do-bin would have struggled



**(Locked) BbyoUjae @ujaemom**


Replying to @reveadora


Even so, he’s better than Ye-hyunㅎ


**LEF @Perfect11**


Where are all the KICKS fans who kept saying it was rigged?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Come out and show which rigged pick beats all others for 1st placeㅋㅋㅋ


Shares: 1820 Quotes: 1241 Likes: 4237


**Seise @SDAF1FA5S**


KICKS fans, stop with the empty house excuses


If REVE won because of an empty house, what does that make KICKS who couldn’t even do that?


Shares: 1120 Quotes: 3341 Likes: 5325


* * *


“This isn’t a dream, right?”


Kim Do-bin, who had been handed the 1st place trophy and was holding it tightly, sniffled and asked.


I laughed and took a photo of his reddened nose, making his face look worse than usual. He immediately covered his face with the trophy.


“Hyung, you’re not using the rear camera, are you? At least use a filter camera.”


“Such demands.”


I grumbled but switched from the rear camera to a filter camera.


We selected photos to post on SNS after arriving at the dorm, gathering together to choose.


“How about this one for the group shot?”


“No, use the previous one. The composition is better.”


“Maknae, don’t just pick the one where you look good. In that one, Kim Do-bin had his eyes closed.”


“Hey, Ryu Jae-hee!”


“Sorry, sorry. I thought he closed them on purpose. Ever since Eden-hyung posted a selfie with his eyes closed, Do-bin has been doing it too.”


“Why’d you have to mention that?”


Gyeon Hajun and I didn’t care much about how we looked, and Seo Ye-hyun never had a bad photo, so the maknae line was the only one fiercely debating.


After a long discussion, we finally settled on a group shot and individual selfies to post on SNS.


“I’ll write and post it.”


“Our leader, as expected.”


I needed to complete the weekly quest anyway.


Since I wrote and uploaded it, it should count as my quest completion, right?


**REVE_official @LnL_reve**


[REVE Dream]


First broadcast win!


We always thank and love you, Daydream♥


#Reve #레브 #Daydream #AllRightOrNight #올라잇올나잇 #MusicCamp #1stPlace


(Trophy_GroupShot.jpg) (SeoYeHyun_Trophy_Selfie.jpg)


Shares: 8712 Quotes: 3128 Likes: 15k



**REVE_official @LnL_reve**


#Reve #레브


(YoonEden_Trophy_V_Selfie.jpg) (GyeonHajun_Trophy_Cheek_Selfie.jpg) (KimDoBin_Trophy_Kiss_Selfie.jpg) (Jaehee_Trophy_Kiss_Selfie.jpg)


Besides the official SNS account, we also uploaded our individual selfies with messages on the fan café, and then we opened the freshly delivered chicken.


Fortunately, the group post I uploaded was recognized as my weekly quest completion.


“But shouldn’t our company throw a celebratory dinner? We just got 1st place, shouldn’t we eat some premium beef?”


“The CEO called to congratulate us and said we’d have a big celebration dinner after the promotions are over.”


I replied while casually responding to the flood of congratulatory messages from acquaintances.


Despite winning 1st place, our celebration was limited to chicken at the dorm because of our packed schedule the next day.


At least we were allowed to have some beer.


“Don’t go overboard… never mind. Today’s a special day.”


Seo Ye-hyun stopped himself from cautioning us while eating a piece of chicken radish.


I was about to tell him not to worry and just enjoy it.


I handed a can of cola to Kim Do-bin, who was sneaking his hand toward a beer can, and he pouted.


“One can should be fine today.”


“Do you even have an ID?”


I opened a beer and lightly clinked it with Gyeon Hajun’s can before taking a sip.


I shook my head at Kim Do-bin’s disappointed shoulders.


“Why are you so eager to drink that tasteless stuff?”


“Then why are you drinking it, Hyung?”


“Don’t know, kid.”


I generously gave the drumsticks to the maknae line.


Kim Do-bin picked up a drumstick with a face of exaggerated gratitude as if I had given him a whole building and asked,


“Hyung, why didn’t you cry?”



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