When the teaser was released, the K-pop world didn’t exactly explode with excitement… It just stirred up a small buzz that “that boy group, the one from ‘Adora Rehearsal’ or ‘One Chance,’ is making a comeback.”


“Wow, but we still haven’t moved even though the reality show schedule has been delayed.”


“I don’t know, I heard the CEO is waiting for a good property to come up.”


“Damn it, at this rate, we’ll never move. We should just settle for something better than this place instead of waiting for a perfect one.”


I nodded in agreement with Seo Ye-hyun, who was sitting on the floor using the sofa as a backrest, cursing harshly. I can’t swear because of my “initial intention” so it was satisfying to hear him do it for me.


It was better than before I returned.


Because before, for three years, the CEO didn’t even look for a good property and left us in this moldy semi-basement dorm.


However, since the CEO’s office also stayed the same for three years, it was frustrating but not to the point of cursing.


Even though the meeting with the broadcasting company was brief, the reality show filming was postponed until after the song’s release due to their schedule.


‘It’s actually for the best.’


Our promotional activities would likely be cut short by mid-December due to year-end music awards and festivals.


When the reality show airs then, it won’t seem like our activity period was that short.


“At least the moldy wallpaper was replaced, right?”


Ryu Jae-hee, who was sitting next to me and streaming the teaser on YouTube, suddenly chimed in.


“Yeah, what a pity.”


“Isn’t it fortunate?”


“If that had been shown on the broadcast, the CEO’s lifespan would have been longer, and my monitoring time would have been much more enjoyable.”


I tapped Jae-hee’s forehead, urging him to remove his phone, which was heavily placed on mine.


He quietly lowered his phone and, noticing the real estate listings on my screen, exclaimed.


“Are you looking for our new dorm, hyung? Wow, as expected of REVE’s god-leader…!”


“What are you talking about? I’m looking for a personal studio.”


I denied it indifferently, and Jae-hee whined, calling me a cold-hearted individualist. It seemed like it was okay since my initial intention wasn’t affected.


Hyung Yong-cheol had mentioned that the upstairs of his studio would be vacant next month. But, by my standards, his studio was too small, so unfortunately, it was out of the running.


I wondered how long it would take to move back into my studio from just before I returned—a spacious, neat place with a great view, plenty of sunlight, and all the latest equipment.




A heavy sigh escaped me.


Sometimes, the longing for what I left behind before I returned would surface like this.


If my previous life had been completely unsuccessful, without achieving anything, I wouldn’t have any lingering feelings. But I did accomplish things in that past, now a lost timeline, which made it hard not to miss it.


Every time I realized that this place was rock bottom again, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of nostalgia. I hadn’t wanted to return.


This return wasn’t a reward for a life marred by failure. It was a punishment.


Pulled away from the happiest moment, I now faced a Sisyphean task of endlessly repeating time, having to roll the boulder up the hill again if I slipped even a little.


Yet, ironically, if someone asked me now if I wanted to return to the time before I returned, I would hesitate for tens or hundreds of times before reluctantly answering, “No.”


That’s the extent of the lingering feelings I needed to let go of.


As I bit my lip, Jae-hee’s cool hand covered my eyes.


As my vision was blocked, I could only hear his playful laughter.


“Well, the music video and song are releasing tomorrow. Hyung, you’re nervous too, huh?”


Sure, let him misunderstand. It’s convenient for me.


Even though I wasn’t entirely pleased with the misunderstanding, I didn’t bother to correct it.


“Why worry? You wrote the song that made ‘One Chance’ climb the charts.”


I chuckled at Jae-hee’s comment, delivered while he played with my now quite long bangs like a cat.


The warm atmosphere was shattered by Seo Ye-hyun’s sarcastic remark.


“Just because one song was a hit doesn’t mean the next one will be.”


“Really? I guess that would make you more nervous since it’s more pressure. But this song is good…”


The sight of him easily swayed by Seo Ye-hyun’s few words and muttering, “Really?” made me click my tongue.


I grabbed Jae-hee’s hand, which was covering my eyes, and pulled it down. My gaze met his, looking down at me.


“Hey, I’ve never doubted the success of my music.”


Though my life might have been marked by failures, my music had never failed.


* * *


Kim Mo Yang watched the clock on the Google server tick toward 60, her legs trembling with anxiety. Her family member had teased her about ticketing, which calmed her nerves a bit, but she was still nervous. Especially because her “babies'” company had previously released a low-budget music video like “Come Into My Universe”!


What if they only spent money on the teaser and the rest of the video turned out cheap?


Even though Eden had said not to worry, she couldn’t completely trust it, considering the possibility of company pressure.


The current time was 5:59:59 PM on November 17th.


As the time changed to 6:00:00, Kim Mo Yang repeatedly refreshed the YouTube page for REVE’s channel.


After a couple of refreshes, a new video appeared.


[Reve – ‘All Right or Night’ Official M/V]


The thumbnail featured Ye-hyun holding a spray can as if about to spray something.


At first glance, the thumbnail’s quality and Ye-hyun’s styling looked very promising.


She clicked the play button with a racing heart after switching to full-screen mode.


The music video began with a female transfer student entering a classroom and awkwardly standing at the teacher’s desk.


The camera briefly showed the teacher gently patting the transfer student on the shoulder before switching to the students.


Ha-jun sat with his back straight, Eden was lying on his desk in a hoodie, Ye-hyun was whispering something to the girl next to him, Dobin was fiddling with his phone while adjusting his glasses, and Jae-hee was twirling a headband on his finger.


As the camera zoomed out and the school bell rang, the introductory melody naturally blended with the sound, starting the song.


Ha-jun’s refreshing intro opened the scene.


The transfer student was shown around the school by Ha-jun, including where her locker would be.


They grew closer, sitting together and chatting, and she often asked him about various things.


In the library, the transfer student and Ha-jun happened to meet and sat across from each other, reading books.


The sunlight streamed in behind Ha-jun as he sat by the window, flipping through a book.


The transfer student glanced at him occasionally, resting her chin on her hand.


Before leaving, Ha-jun handed her a book with a bookmark in it.


The title of the book was Shakespeare Sonnets.




The transfer student bumped into Ye-hyun, dropping her books.


As she hurriedly picked them up, a neatly stacked pile of books was extended toward her.


Looking up, she saw Ye-hyun squatting in front of her, just like her.


The next time she encountered Ye-hyun was in the cafeteria, where she was eating alone.


Ye-hyun sat across from her, surprising her, and waved nonchalantly while biting into a bread roll.




In a secluded spot behind the school, the transfer student, upon seeing a figure holding a white stick, instinctively covered her mouth and took a step back. Eden, removing the candy from his mouth, revealed it was just a lollipop and grinned.


When some bullies approached, and the transfer student recoiled, Eden casually put his arm around her shoulder and led her past them. Turning her head slightly, she caught Eden winking at her.




The transfer student bumped into Dobin, causing his horn-rimmed glasses to fall off.


Dobin, seemingly asking if she didn’t recognize him, pointed to his face.


When she shook her head, Dobin, pouting slightly, showed her his Instagram feed, revealing he was a social media celebrity.


They took selfies together and followed each other on Instagram, sitting on the stairs and chatting amiably.




At an outdoor court under the setting sun, Jae-hee turned to see the transfer student watching him as he shot basketballs.


He took her by the hand to the hoop and handed her a basketball. With his help, she made a shot, and Jae-hee, smiling brightly, offered her a high-five.


As Ye-hyun’s rap part began, scenes flashed quickly. The transfer student turned away after seeing Ha-jun tutoring another girl in the classroom.


She looked around, seeing Ye-hyun laughing and talking with a group of people, and then glanced to her side, where no one stood.


She watched from a distance as Eden, gripping a stand microphone, basked in the spotlight and the cheers of the crowd during a band performance on stage.


Seeing the flood of likes on a photo of Dobin on Instagram, she turned off her phone. After seeing Jae-hee score the winning basket in a basketball game and his teammates rushing to him, she turned away and walked out of the gym.


As Eden’s rap ended, Ha-jun’s high note concluded verse one. A group dance scene filmed in a gym-like setting accompanied the chorus. The choreography felt lively and spontaneous rather than structured.


Verse two began with Dobin’s voice.


The scene showed five hands placing letters inside an open locker, one after another. The last letter was placed, and then the transfer student’s hand was shown retrieving it. Inside the locker was only one letter.


Unfolding the letter, She read “Come to me,” with a date and location.


The screen turned black and then brightened to show the transfer student standing in front of a large mansion. After hesitating, she rang the doorbell, and the door swung open.


Jae-hee, wearing his signature headband and smiling brightly, greeted her and led her inside, where a house party scene, reminiscent of those in American teen movies, unfolded.



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