“Eden, did you stay up all night? Why do you look like that?”


In response to the CEO’s question, I rubbed my puffy eyes and replied.


“No, I didn’t.”


In fact, I had trouble sleeping because my mind was in a mess.


Uploading the article impulsively was quite out of character for me.


I still don’t know exactly why I felt sick when they said they put us first.


“No matter how nervous you get before a comeback, you need to sleep, kid. Don’t worry too much, even if it fails, the decision-maker was me. We can just go with my idea next time.”


Was the CEO jinxing us by talking about failure before our comeback? Were we getting cursed?


We, who had been summoned to the CEO’s office, were tense, not knowing what new idea the CEO would pitch to us.


I think keeping people in line without needing to create an intimidating atmosphere is a talent in itself.


Fortunately, the reason we were called in was a good one.


“We’ve been offered a reality show. It’s called ‘Mydol Observation Camera’.”


“Oh, I know that one!”


‘Mydol Observation Camera’ is a reality program mainly featuring rookie groups.


It installs observation cameras in dorms and practice rooms to showcase everyday life, and it also shows them having fun on trips.


The show’s ratings vary depending on the idols featured, but it typically invites rookies with a certain level of recognition.


It’s known for its entertainment value and quality, so it’s usually well-received.


I think it was KICKS that appeared on ‘Mydol’ this year. After their debut album promotions, the reality show helped boost their recognition.


This offer for a reality show was something we hadn’t received before my regression.


Thinking back to the group that took the reality show in our place and then went on a decline, I felt a bit uneasy.


Surely we wouldn’t inherit that group’s fate just because we took their place?


The expressions of the members, when I glanced at them, didn’t seem bad.


“If we agree, we’ll likely have a meeting within a few days and start filming the following week.”


“Wow, that’s a tight schedule.”


“Well, it’s better than having nothing, right?”


“True, that’s a good point.”


As we were about to leave the CEO’s office after hearing about the reality show, I raised my voice slightly, as if talking to myself, making sure it was loud enough for everyone to hear.


“Oh, so now our shabby semi-basement dorm will be broadcast nationwide? We’d better do a deep clean before filming. I’m not sure if we can get rid of the mold on the wallpaper.”


From beyond the not-fully-closed door, I faintly heard the CEO ask, “Why do the kids live in such a place?” and our manager trying to explain.


“We’re probably moving soon, guys.”


Even if we didn’t, seeing complaints about our basement dorm during the broadcast might make me feel better.


As I smiled brightly and turned to the members, they looked at me with dumbfounded expressions.


“Wow, what a plan…” Ryu Jaehee marveled as I hummed and walked away.


At the very least, they’ll probably get rid of the mold before the broadcast, right?


* * *


REVE’s mini-album ‘HI-TN’ scheduler and concept photos were released.


The first image released was a group photo in front of a chalkboard.


Yoon Eden, sitting on the teacher’s desk in a navy hoodie over a white shirt, was blowing a bubblegum bubble while looking at the youngest members.


Kim Dobin, wearing a yellow sweatshirt, was playfully scribbling on the chalkboard.


Ryu Jae-hee, dressed in a basketball uniform and jersey, was pretending to erase the scribbles with an eraser.


Seo Yehyun, with his glasses askew, stood in front of the teacher’s desk, grading papers with a red pen, dressed in a shirt and knit vest.


Gyeon Hajun, in an ivory turtleneck sweater, appeared to be trying to stop Kim Dobin while holding a book in one hand.


The green chalkboard had “All Right or Night” written in large, colorful chalk letters.


The second released image was a group photo taken on a sofa in a messy house.


Yoon Eden lay most comfortably, dressed in a rider jacket.


Gyeon Hajun, in a beige knit cardigan, sat next to him, offering his thigh as a pillow for Eden’s head.


Jae-hee, wearing a sports brand jersey, sat on the sofa armrest next to them.


Seo Yehyun, in a denim jacket, leaned against the back of the sofa, sitting on the floor with one knee raised.


Kim Dobin, dressed in a baseball jacket, sat curled up near Eden’s feet.


– Finally, we can escape the nightmare of ‘Come Into My Universe.’


– Is there a possibility of two title tracks? The timing seems tight for that.


– This is insane; I’ve been looking at this 213551 times a day.


– What’s up with Yoon Eden’s silver hair? Silver hair? Silver hair? Silver hair? Silver hair? Silver hair? Silver hair?


– Check out the individual cuts of the members here: https://twxxxer.com/LnL_reve/status/151341535


– I have a condition where I call everything with silver hair an elf, but looking at our Eden, that condition is cured. I can’t bring myself to call him an elf.


A day after the concept photos were released, a teaser was revealed. The #1 in the title indicated that this was not the only teaser to be released.


[Reve – ‘All Right or Night’ Official Teaser #1]


The thumbnail featured Hajun standing by a classroom window at sunset.


Upon clicking, the video began with a drum beat and an upbeat melody.


The setting was not a typical Korean school but one reminiscent of high school scenes often seen in Western movies or dramas.


Yehyun was laughing, surrounded by other students while holding a pile of papers.


Eden was leaning against a wall, holding a white stick in his mouth.


Jae-hee was bouncing a basketball on a small court with a basketball hoop.


Dobin, wearing thick-rimmed glasses, ran and bumped into someone, revealing his bare face.


The scenes quickly passed, and the camera panned through a dark hallway and empty classroom.


It zoomed in on one locker and then the perspective changed to inside the locker.


Four hands placed letters inside the locker one after another.


The camera then faded out, showing Hajun standing by the window, bathed in sunset light in the empty classroom.


[Curious about a lot of things, but I’ll


only ask this one thing, girl]


Hajun walked from the classroom door to the locker, placing a letter inside as the screen faded to black.


[REVE – All Right or Night]


[11.17 PM 6:00]


The 30-second teaser ended, announcing the song title and comeback date.


– What is this? Is it a high school teen concept? Crazy!


– I feel like my school memories are being rewritten; my first love was Senior Ye-hyun.


– Was Eden’s spoiler really about this?


└What spoiler?


└He said it was a concept that suits two members, but there were ten possibilities, and several theories came out. But to think it was the simplest theory of the youngest line being high-teen!


– The title is hard to pronounce, my tongue keeps getting twisted…


Exactly 24 hours after the release of Teaser #1.


[Reve – ‘All Right or Night’ Official Teaser #2]


Teaser #2 was released on Reve’s official YouTube channel.


The thumbnail was a side profile of Eden under a dark blue light, biting a lollipop.


This time, instead of a melody, a line from the song played right away.


[Let’s dance to this music all night long

Tonight, until the night ends, let’s party time]


The stairs leading to the second floor and the TV set indicated that this place was a house.


Blue lights and neon signs. People dancing enthusiastically to the music as if they were in a club.


Holding a cup, Eden spilled the liquid inside onto the floor and then threw the lollipop he was biting behind him.


The camera followed the lollipop, then cut to Dobin breakdancing in the middle of a crowd, before zooming out again.


[No one’s going home tonight, how about you?


So now answer me, all right or night?]


With what sounded like a chorus, the camera panned over the five members of Reve, lounging or sitting slouched on a sofa, as the screen gradually darkened.


The 26-second video ended with the song title and comeback date, just like Teaser 1.


– It was definitely a school setting, but now it’s suddenly a house party?


– Wow, it really seems like a high-teen concept. I’m already excited for the stage outfits.


– What’s happening with ㅇ3? Did Kim No-hope win the lottery? Why is the music video so high-quality?


└Is this a dream?


└Don’t relax until the full version is out.


– The outfits look good, so I feel relieved. They all look beautiful.


└As a precaution, I watched the ‘Come Into My Universe’ music video to brace myself, but this teaser just opened my eyes.


– The song is good! I’m already humming it automatically.


* * *


“The response seems good.”


During a break from dance practice.


Ryu Jaehee, who was sitting next to me, leaning against the practice room mirror while monitoring, said.


“Yeah, maybe the hurdle for acceptance among fans was lowered a lot because ‘Come Into My Universe’ was so awful. If so, the expectations might rise for next time.”


“It’s still just barely moving from negative to zero.”


“That’s true.”


We chuckled, scrolling through the comments on the YouTube teaser video. Since one-fifth of the comments were in foreign languages, we were only reading the ones in Korean.


“Any negative comments?”


“There are some saying the emotional scenes don’t match the song, but it only takes up the first verse in the music video anyway.”


“Isn’t that quite long?”


“It’s 1 minute and 32 seconds out of 3 minutes and 37 seconds.”


“That’s long enough.”


I took the water bottle Gyeon Hajun handed me, opened it, took a drink, and then passed it to Ryu Jaehee.


Ryu Jaehee, with a persuaded expression, tilted his head.




“Don’t worry. It’s just one opinion, right? And the song should be good more than the music video.”


“The song is the best. Who wrote and composed it?”


I reached out and ruffled his hair roughly.


“You’ve learned to play the game, huh?”


“I’m being sincere, you know, hyung.”


His hair was so fluffy that it was satisfying to touch.


As I continued to mess up his hair, Ryu Jaehee shook his head vigorously, dislodging my hand.


“Ah, why.”


“It feels like I’ve become a puppy in your house, and I don’t like it.”


“Hey, our dog is way cuter than you. How dare you compare yourself, punk? And when did you switch from being a hamster?”


I naturally continued the conversation, then paused and bit my lip.


How did I get fooled by this hamster-acting kid again? He doesn’t look anything like a hamster.


“Hamster? So now even Eden hyung admits that I, Jaehee, look like a cute and adorable hamster!”


“Ha, please don’t make me swear, Jaehee.”


Hearing that, Ryu Jaehee leaned in with his face making a flower pose right in front of mine, and I pushed his face away with my palm.


If I swear, my precious initial intention will be gone, you annoying brat.



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