The song was approaching its end.
[I’ll remember our pink love story]
Finishing off with the cute gesture of forming a heart with their hands, Kim Dobin completed the final ending pose perfectly with the Adora members and came down from the stage.
Just as I took a step to go and fetch the fourth guy who was still lingering despite my signal to hurry up, Ryu Jaehee, who had been looking at his phone, preemptively spoke up, stopping me.
“Hyung, Dobin hyung asked if you could bring him some paper and a pen.”
“This guy is sending me on errands?”
“No, he specifically told me not to pass it on to you and that I should bring it.”
“That jerk is bossing the youngest around?”
“When have you ever thought of me like that….”
“What did you say, maknae?”
“Nothing at all!”
Deciding that it was better to leave him with the properly-behaved model idol maknae rather than leaving him alone, I handed the paper and pen to Ryu Jaehee and sent him over to Kim Dobin and Adora.
Even if Kim Dobin did something crazy, Ryu Jaehee would stop him.
“Instead of hurrying back, they’re taking selfies over there.”
Not hiding my discontent as I watched them taking selfies after Ryu Jaehee joined in, Seo Ye-hyun waved his hand dismissively.
“If you’re jealous, go join them and take some photos.”
“I never said I am jealous.”
“Then why are you so grumpy? I thought you were jealous of the younger members for not being able to take photos with them.”
Instead of answering, I let out a long sigh and turned to Seo Ye-hyun.
“Please don’t get upset, for once.”
“No, just don’t tell me. Don’t say anything. You’re going to say something that’ll make me lose it again, aren’t you?”
Watching Seo Ye-hyun cover his ears and shake his head, I narrowed my eyes but spoke with a tone indicating I didn’t care if he listened or not.
“Just thinking about you making a mistake on stage, whether during rehearsal or the actual performance, pisses me off.”
I turned to look at the stage. KICKS’ rehearsal was in full swing.
“Especially in front of those guys.”
Whether he heard me despite covering his ears or sensed the serious mood, Seo Ye-hyun slowly took his hands off his ears.
“To show a performance less perfect than KICKS in front of those guys, to our fans and the public, is a humiliation to me.”
My voice faltered with the rising anger. I ground my teeth as I glared at KICKS, dancing in perfect unison.
Even their weakest link isn’t a letdown. Damn it. Because of someone, we can’t even dream of synchronized dancing.
I lowered my hand, realizing my hair was set, stopping myself from brushing my bangs back.
On any other day, it wouldn’t matter if Seo Ye-hyun messed up the hand movements, the foot directions, or even created new choreography.
But today was different.
We are up before KICKS. The thought of raising the bar for KICKS with our performance made my blood boil.
“If we go all out and look cool, that’s our specialty.”
Ryu Jaehee, who had been cautiously watching the frozen atmosphere after returning from getting autographs and taking selfies, interjected at the perfect moment.
“Exactly, with the skills of this dancing machine Kim Dobin, he can easily cover for a couple of Ye-hyun hyung’s mistakes.”
Kim Dobin’s cheerful audacity, with his chest puffed out, eased the icy atmosphere enough to let us breathe.
“Hey, Yoon Eden.”
At the sound of Seo Ye-hyun calling me, I tore my gaze away from KICKS and turned to look at him. His serious face came into view.
“Why is it only a humiliation to you?”
With a face set in stone, Seo Ye-hyun asked. Confronted by that rigid expression, my heart suddenly clenched.
I worried about losing more points due to the crime of offending Seo Ye-hyun’s feelings.
Wouldn’t I, later on, flinch reflexively just at the sight of Seo Ye-hyun’s face, anticipating the pain of losing more points? Like Pavlov’s dog.
“Aren’t I part of REVE? The whole group got criticized because of those guys, so why are you acting like only you got criticized? I’m just as pissed at those guys too.”
Seo Ye-hyun, biting his molars, paused briefly before resuming, staring straight at me.
Meeting those steely eyes,
Seeing me smirk, he frowned and declared,
“So stop worrying unnecessarily. Today, we’ll deliver the best performance.”
I laughed heartily and lightly patted Seo Ye-hyun’s shoulder, which had turned bright red, whether from embarrassment or anger, and looked around at the members.
“Everyone heard that, right? Our mistake-machine is going to be all serious today, so let’s put on a legendary performance that makes those guys’ stage irrelevant.”
[Detected speech encouraging discord among team members.]
[Initial intention -1]
Wasn’t I super cool just now? Wasn’t I the embodiment of a reliable and charismatic leader?
No way…
‘Just because of the word “mistake-machine”?’
What is this guy’s mental durability made of?
“REVE, get ready for your turn!”
I didn’t even have time to resent Seo Ye-hyun’s fragile mental state, more delicate than glass, as we trudged backstage for the rehearsal.
We waited for one more group before us, and when our turn came, the familiar prelude started as we stepped onto the stage.
Even while doing my part of the choreography, I kept a hawk’s eye on Seo Ye-hyeon, and sure enough, I caught him hurriedly changing his foot direction, making me grind my teeth.
He made a mistake, this mistake-machine jerk. Give me back my lost initial intention.
* * *
“At 2 minutes and 10 seconds, the choreography for ‘Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity~’ goes to the left, to the left. Got it?”
“You know that’s the tenth time you’ve said that, right?”
“Dear oldest hyung, if you hadn’t messed up during rehearsal, I wouldn’t have had to say it ten times, would I?”
“Can you please drop the ‘dear’?”
But if I said bluntly, without any cushion, “If you don’t want to hear it, don’t mess up the choreography. You said you’d give us the best performance and messed up within five minutes, and you have a lot to say,” I’d lose more points again.
I do have some learning ability.
Peeking from backstage, Ryu Jaehee quickly ran back, causing a commotion.
“Wow, there are so many people.”
“There should be. It’s a pretty big festival, and the lineup is decent.”
We were waiting backstage for our main performance.
We were up right after the group currently on stage finished. Their song was reaching its climax.
Suddenly, Ryu Jaehee clapped his hands to grab everyone’s attention and asked abruptly.
“Hyungs! Can we do that thing before going on stage? You know, shouting a team chant!”
His bright eyes were full of anticipation.
Our chant was ‘Dream of me’. Literally translated, it means “dream of me.”
While it might be fine for fans, it was extremely cheesy and inappropriate as a cheer among fellow men.
Gyeon Hajun, seemingly sharing my thoughts, reluctantly expressed his rejection.
“Shouting ‘dream of me’ before going on stage seems a bit off…?”
“Then how about just a simple ‘fighting’?”
His persistence in suggesting alternatives was commendable.
“What’s so cringy about a ‘fight….’”
Checking my in-ear monitor and responding indifferently, I locked eyes with Ryu Jaehee, who had a pleading look.
Back before the members had all cut ties with me, Ryu Jaehee was the one who stayed by my side the longest, which made me somewhat soft towards him.
He was also the second easiest to deal with in the group after Gyeon Ha-jun.
Besides, the sight of 17-year-old Ryu Jaehee, smaller and more youthful than me, with soft peach fuzz, made it hard to be harsh.
Sighing, I nodded.
“Fine, let’s do it. It won’t hurt.”
At my approval, Ryu Jaehee’s face lit up as he extended his hand first, palm up.
The other four hands followed in succession.
“One, two, three! REVE fighting!”
“Uh, fighting.”
Although Ryu Jaehee shouted “One, two, three,” everyone said “fighting” at different times.
The only ones who shouted energetically were Ryu Jaehee and Kim Dobin.
‘…Terribly out of sync.’
Ignoring Ryu Jaehee’s plea to do it again, we heard the MC calling for us just in time.
As we stepped onto the stage, a cool breeze lightly tousled our styled hair.
Adjusting our slightly improved stage outfits, possibly due to better company finances, we took our positions.
I spotted the cameras and camcorders aimed at us.
At our first fan signing, there were only two cameras aimed solely at Seo Ye-hyeon. We’ve come a long way, REVE.
The familiar intro, heard so often it was almost memorized, began playing.
“Yoon Eden! Seo Ye-hyun! Gyeon Ha-jun! Kim Dobin! Ryu Jaehee! We are One Chance, REVE!”
Hearing the loud chants from the audience, I couldn’t help but smile. I liked that my name was called first.
Winking lightly at the camera pointed at me, I heard the lyrics.
[The One Chance given to you, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
Always approach it as if only One Chance remains]
I probably never danced this hard even during live broadcasts.
With Ryu Jaehee’s sharp high notes, it felt like we were pulling out all the stops with our powerful choreography.
We couldn’t afford to lose this prideful battle against KICKS.
At 2 minutes and 10 seconds, as we entered the chorus again, I watched Seo Ye-hyeon.
Seeing him move his foot to the left without stumbling, unlike during rehearsal, I smiled in satisfaction, and our eyes met.
I quickly erased the smile, and Seo Ye-hyeon grinned at me.
What are you so proud of? Don’t relax yet. There are still 48 seconds left until the song ends.
* * *
Daydream of Eden @daydreamEDEN
xx1021 preview
#Rev #REVE #Eden #EDEN
(Yoon Eden_legend smile.jpg) (Yoon Eden_wink.jpg)
Shared 4,281 Quoted 884 Likes 8,926
– Are they really setting new records with every preview?
– I was curious since Eden had his head all wrapped up in his last selfie, but other than the undercut, nothing much has changed.
└I wanted to see bleached Edenㅠ
– Ye-hyun’s preview got over 10,000 likes too. His outfit was better than usual today; the stylist did a good job for once.
– Our Ye-hyun finally didn’t make any mistakes and completed the choreography for onceㅋㅋ
– Eden smiling at Ye-hyeon, then wiping off his smile when they made eye contact, and Ye-hyeon grinning back is so cute.
└Isn’t this the part where Ye-hyun always messes up?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
└The younger brother who’s proud but too shy to show it, and the puppy who’s just happy he didn’t mess up.
– The fan cam is insane. Our boys are fierce. Can’t believe these are rookies less than a year into their debutㅠㅠ
– Eh? Dreamers, did you see this? YouTube algorithm suggested this…
– Why is Dobin there…? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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