“Hyung, hyung, you really didn’t meet Seoraon? Are you just embarrassed to say you didn’t get the autograph I asked for?”


“Dude, how many times do I have to tell you? I didn’t meet her!”


As I shouted, the youngest shrank back, then, as if using the recoil for momentum, yelled back.


“Why are you getting so angry!”


“If you were asked the same thing over ten times, wouldn’t you be angry? Even Buddha would lose his temper and get up from the altar, you brat!”


“I mean, standing side by side, looking at each other, singing together, and stuff like that. And Buddha wouldn’t be as narrow-minded as you. There’s a reason he’s one of the Four Great Sages.”


“Do you think a featuring is a duet? And do you want to die, Jaehee?”


[Profanity detected.]


[Initial Intention –2]


Right, ‘dyeojida’ (similar sounding: ‘dwiji’) is also profanity that deducts Initial Resolve points.


(TL/N : “Dyeojida” (디지다), often transliterated as “dwiji,” is a Korean slang term that roughly translates to “to die” in English. However, it is used in a colloquial and often harsh or casual context, similar to how “kick the bucket” or “croak” might be used in English. It’s considered vulgar and inappropriate in many situations, hence its classification as profanity that could deduct Initial Intention points in the system)


Feeling a sting, I submitted my roughly 1034th request to the system to relax the standards on profanity and fish-eyed expressions.


When I glared with dagger eyes and said something, Jaehee whimpered, saying it was scary to see me look like that with this hairstyle.


Fine, damn. Whine all you want as the shortest underage kid for now.


But try doing that after you’ve grown up. I’ll throw you out.


I guess I’ll need to increase my weight training for that day when Jaehee grows over 5 cm taller than me.


Thinking of a Jaehee taller than me made my forehead wrinkle on its own.


Gyeon hajun, who had just finished his makeup, joined us.


We were at the set for an album jacket concept photo and music video shoot.


The shooting was taking place in two locations: the set and a villa.


Today, we were filming the school scenes.


“I wanted to play the model student class president.”


Seeing Gyeon hajun dressed neatly in a sweater, I grumbled, flapping the black short-sleeve shirt clearly visible under my unbuttoned white dress shirt.




Jaehee, dressed in sports brand jersey and wearing a headband, asked with his hands in the jersey pockets.


“People want to try things they’ve never done before.”


“You mean you’ve never been a model student? Or you’ve never been a class president?”


“Both. Oh, I was class president once in elementary school.”


Recalling my school days far from being a model student, I replied, and Jaehee nodded.


“That makes sense somehow.”


“What do you mean by that?”


“I thought our leader, with his outstanding leadership, would have naturally been a class president at least once.”


“Are you mocking me?”


“No, I’m not mocking you…….”


When Gyeon Hajun stopped me from picking on the youngest, Jaehee, who quickly regained his confidence, smugly hid behind Gyeon Hajun.


I lost the will to say anything to his face, which looked so assured. I extended my hand toward Gyeon Hajun.


“Jun, the glasses. How do I look? Like a model student?”


I put on the glasses without lenses that Gyeon Hajun handed me, and he burst into laughter.


Jaehee was already bending over, snickering.


“With that hair and glasses, it really doesn’t suit you.”


“……Does it not suit me that much?”


“Yeah, like eating kimchi with cake.”


Grumbling about the harshness of the comparison, I turned on my phone’s camera and looked at my face.


My current hairstyle was bleached silver, slicked back in an undercut style.


Scratching the awkward, shortly cut sides of my head, I let go of the glasses, knowing they didn’t suit me, and handed them back to Jun.


I recalled the roles assigned to each member in the pre-received script.


Gyeon Hajun as the model student class president.


Jaehee as the ace of the basketball team.


Seo Yehyun as the popular student.


Kim Dobin as the usually normal but actually an Instagram star student.


And my role was the delinquent…… I mean, the band club vocalist mistaken for a delinquent.


As I fiddled with the bracelets hanging from my right wrist with rolled-up sleeves, I chuckled.


“Why the vocalist? I’ve only ever played drums and electric guitar.”


“No way, were you really in a band?”


“Yeah, I was in the soccer club, but a friend begged me to join the band because they couldn’t find a drummer, so I switched to the band. But no one in the band would slick their hair back for school, right?”


“No one would bleach their hair silver either, to begin with.”


We laughed about my now hazy school days, and once Kim Dobin’s styling was complete, we began filming in earnest.


We first took concept photos for the album jacket while the sun was still up, then moved on to the music video shoot.


We started with the group choreography and the last cut of the music video.


Once that was done, we moved on to shooting individual shots of each member.


Sucking on a lollipop and leaning against a wall, I thought about the cigarettes I barely quit in a past life.


I wondered how many points smoking would deduct from Initial Intention……


But I didn’t plan to test it by smoking just to find out how much it would cost.


[That’s a commendable mindset for an idol.]


This damn system always ignores my requests to relax the standards but pops up like this.


“Shoot is starting!”


The scene we were shooting now involved me taking the lollipop out of my mouth and shaking it at the female lead, who had mistaken it for a cigarette and was backing away in surprise, while grinning.


Having plenty of experience in music video shoots, acting in front of the camera wasn’t awkward or difficult.


When the director called cut with a satisfied look, Jaehee, who had been watching after finishing his part, gave me a thumbs up.


“Hyung, you really look like a delinquent!”


“Is that a compliment or an insult?”


I pulled Jaehee’s headband hard and let go while rolling the lemon-flavored candy in my mouth.


“Ah, hyung! The headband will stretch!”


Unfortunately, it wasn’t very elastic, so the sound of the headband snapping against his forehead wasn’t very satisfying.


After changing clothes, we smoothly finished the band performance scene shoot in one take and watched the rest of the members’ shoots.


We laughed at Seo Yehyun’s stiff acting.


I gave a scalp massage to Kim Dobin, who was overwhelmed by the concept of being a hidden Instagram star at school, to help him focus.


We admired Gyeon Hajun’s flawless performance as the class president, everyone’s first love, befitting his future as an acting idol.


Finally, only Jaehee’s solo shot with the sunset background remained.


S#32. Outdoor basketball court under the setting sun


Jaehee continues to throw the ball towards the hoop on a court littered with basketballs.


The female lead exclaims in admiration at each successful shot.


Noticing the female lead, Jaehee takes her hand and leads her to the basketball hoop, handing her a ball.


With Jaehee’s help, the female lead makes a basket. They high-five, celebrating.


That was roughly the gist of it. The synopsis itself wasn’t difficult. But the problem was…


“Wow, you’re really bad at this.”


“Then you try it, Hyung! It’s really hard!”


Sweating profusely, Ryu Jaehee turned his head and shouted back at my comment.


The director eventually called cut.


Since it was break time anyway, I went onto the basketball court where Jaehee was and picked up one of the basketballs rolling around.


I lightly dribbled the ball before tossing it towards the hoop. The ball arced and went cleanly through the basket.


“That was just lucky-”


Before he could finish his sentence, I picked up another ball and threw it.


Once again, it was a perfect shot.


“What was that?”


“I won’t mess around anymore…….”


Seo Yehyun, who was watching while drinking water, clicked his tongue.


“Shouldn’t you two switch roles?”


“I don’t have the delinquent vibe that Eden Hyung has.”


“The delinquent trait goes to this guy. Honestly, considering height, Yoon Eden suits the basketball ace role better.”


He was right. Giving the rapper a vocalist role and the shortest guy on the team the basketball ace role seemed like a huge mismatch.


But it was too late to switch roles now, and we couldn’t afford to shoot all night, so I decided to give him some special training.


“Okay, watch carefully. You hold the ball like this.”


“Like this?”


“No, why are your hands shaped like triangles?”


“Are yours square, then?”


Thanks to the special training, we finished the shoot before the sun completely set.


I threw over 30 shots, and they said they’d just edit and cut together the successful shots.


With that, today’s filming ended. The remaining scenes were for the house party at the villa.


We bowed deeply to the director, staff, extras, and the actress playing the female lead, thanking them for their hard work.


Since the shoot was over, I pulled the hood of my hoodie over my head, tightening the drawstrings to hide my hair completely, and switched my phone to selfie mode.


After taking a selfie with Ryu Jaehee, who suddenly jumped in, I tossed my phone to the youngest.


“Film a video for me.”


I lightly dribbled the ball and then shot it at the hoop, making consecutive baskets.


After a short 30-second shoot, I took my phone back.


“Seriously, I should’ve been the basketball ace, and you should’ve been the band vocalist. Ah, I hope they edit it well so my poor skills aren’t too obvious.”


“You’re worried over a scene that won’t even last ten seconds.”


I tapped Jaehee on the forehead and walked toward Gyeon Hajun, who was heading to the car first.


On the way back to the dorm, I completed today’s portion of the weekly quests with a neck pillow around my neck.


[From Eden]




Daydream, how have you been?


We’ve been busy thinking about meeting Daydream again soonㅎㅎ


I can’t say much yet, but I can confidently tell you that the same disaster as last time won’t happen again.


It’s all thanks to our fans. We’re always grateful and welcome your frank feedback.


Comments 245


– What? Are they coming back?


– Is it what I think it is? Can I get my hopes up?ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


– Wow, knowing there won’t be a repeat of last time, I can finally sleep soundly.

└ I agreeㅎ I was really worried about another Inner Universe 2.0

└ 333 I’m relieved we won’t have to storm LnL with batsㅠ


– Jaehee’s hair looks the same, but I’m so curious about Eden’sㅋㅋ He’s hiding it too wellㅋㅋ


– Is that last bit a signal to smack the agency whenever they mess up?


(View more comments)


After posting a teaser From post within acceptable spoiler limits, I logged into the official SNS account and posted the video with a short caption.


REVE_official @LnL_reve


[Eden Dream]


Seriously, how is this hard, Jaeheeㅋㅋㅋ


Ye hyun Hyung and I were getting frustrated just watching.


#Reve #레브 #Eden #Jaehee #Daydream #Basketball




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Dream♥Daydream @revedream


Replying to @LnL_reve


Eden, it does look hard;;; But thanks to you, I’m not worried about the concept anymore.



As expected of Search King, Jaehee grabbed my shoulder from the back seat right after I posted.


“Ah, Hyung! Delete it! People will know I’m not really a basketball ace!”


“What does it matter if it’s not true anyway?”


“Seriously, you’re too much! I’m not talking to you anymore!”


I guess the forced wholesome change due to the negative Initial Intention from the tension had made the youngest too comfortable with me.


“Go ahead. From now on, every word you say to me costs ten thousand won.”


“Wow, that’s really too much!”


“Shut up! Let me sleep!”


Jaehee quickly closed his mouth at Seo Yehyun’s annoyed voice.


Smiling satisfactorily at the now quiet car, I put on my earphones and played some music.


Even that guy can be helpful sometimes.




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