“These days, a hot idol group, REVE, who has seized their chance with ‘One Chance’! We’ve invited them as our second guest today.”


“One, two, Dream of me! Hello, we are REVE!”


At my signal, we energetically delivered our greeting after the radio DJ’s opening remarks.


The radio show scheduled for today had a decent time slot, so it had a relatively good listener rating.


When idols appear as guests like today, the show is often broadcast as a video radio program as well.


“First, could each of you introduce yourselves?”


“Hello, I’m Eden, the leader and main rapper of REVE.”


I smiled at the camera and waved while checking the listener messages and the bulletin board.


During the promotion of <Come to My Universe>, there was almost no activity, but now the posts and text chats were coming in quite quickly.


Still slow though. Before I went back in time, they used to fly by. Ah, I miss those days when I was fairly popular and had juniors lined up below me in my 7th year.


“I’m Yehyun, the oldest visual member of REVE.”


Seems like he’s too embarrassed to mention that he’s a sub-vocalist and sub-rapper.


Well, even though he became popular with his fancams, Yehyun’s singing parts never increased.


The already crappy song would have gotten even worse, so our agency desperately opposed increasing his parts. Thanks to that, I constantly got roasted by Yehyun’s personal fans, as our youngest search king told me before I went back in time. Of course, I wasn’t interested in monitoring back then, so it didn’t really affect me.


Now, I might feel hurt if I come across people cursing me while searching…


“Hello, I’m Hajun from REVE.”


“I’m Do-bin, the main dancer from the youngest line.”


“I’m Jaehee, the cute and lovely youngest of REVE!”


Ryu Jaehee’s bright introduction, accompanied by a V sign, wrapped up the introductions.


Remembering the rapid growth of the youngest member before I returned made those words feel quite cheesy to me.


It’s a horror that fans liked Hamchi-lighting.


As the introductions ended, the DJ mentioned the lyrics that became an issue on community boards as strengthening songs and motivational songs, leading into the song’s introduction. I nodded and started speaking.


“It was originally my solo mixtape. But as it got included in our debut album, it was remade to express our ambitions and determination as a group debuting as Rev. The song title, ‘One Chance,’ perfectly matched the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity we faced.”


“We wrote the lyrics ourselves! Each of us wrote our own parts.”


“Yes, I did some significant editing and modifications to fit the melody, though.”


“What, the lyrics were edited?”


“You couldn’t tell while singing? Your part barely has any of the original left.”


I lightly laughed while exchanging banter with Ryu Jaehee.


Unlike the robotic introductions during <Come to My Universe> promotions, giving a ‘real song introduction’ felt strange.


It was an experience I hadn’t had even before I returned.


I smoothly elaborated on the reasons we decided to promote with our follow-up song.


I couldn’t exactly say it was a hard-fought opportunity after clashing with our clueless agency.


Though I had been on this radio show a few times before I returned, the DJ back then wasn’t the same, making me a bit nervous. Thankfully, this DJ was much better than the one we had during <Come to My Universe> promotions.


Their light jokes to ease our nerves, smooth handling of the show, and considerate attitude of avoiding tricky questions for newcomers were noticeable.


Thanks to that, we soon relaxed and continued the radio broadcast in a friendly atmosphere.


The DJ read a question from the radio bulletin board.


“Is there any memorable point or story about each other before your debut?”


Unanimously, Hajun, Jaehee, and I mentioned Yehyun’s first impression. Despite being trainees at different mid-to-large-sized agencies, his appearance was uncommon.


Although seven years had passed for me, I still vividly remembered the day Yehyun joined LnL and greeted us, and the conversation I had with Hajun.


We were full of question marks, wondering why someone with that kind of appearance came to such a small agency. But that curiosity was immediately thrown into the trash once we saw his singing and dancing.


He said he got lured in by the promise of debuting within six months by the company president.


I also remembered grabbing Hajun and ranting about the president, asking if they were crazy to think he could debut in six months.


“Ah, Yehyun’s appearance is definitely impressive. I was amazed at how handsome he was when he first walked into the radio booth.”


The DJ laughed heartily and then pointed at Yehyun next.


“So, Yehyun, who has been unanimously chosen as the most impressive member, what’s the most memorable story you have about a member?”


“For me, it’s Eden-”


I tensed up reflexively at the mention of my name by Yehyun.


No matter how much of a communicator I am, Yehyun is the entry point to our fandom. It would be troublesome if I got marked as an unlikable person in conflict with Yehyun from the start.


And there was a risk of being swept up in team discord rumors right after debut.


Looking at me briefly, Yehyun continued with an awkward smile.


“I thought he was a fellow struggler since he said he also failed auditions because of his dancing. But I felt betrayed when I realized he was much better at dancing than me.”


– Was it really betrayal-worthy? lololol

– Um… I love his face, but Yehyun’s dancing… can’t be defended…

– Wow, his dance lines are pretty though. That agency has no eye for talent, tsk tsk tsk.


I barely had time to feel relieved by the mild response.


“Me too, it’s Eden hyung.”


I tensed up again at Kim Dobin naming me.


I lightly kicked Dobin under the table, out of the camera’s view, as a signal to answer well. He avoided my gaze.


“When I first joined the agency, Eden hyung saw my face in the practice room and bluntly asked, ‘Can you dance?’ I thought it was a display of seniority and was quite scared. Eden hyung has a sharp impression.”


I sighed in relief at the story Dobin shared. It was his go-to story, and I remembered the response well.


The DJ, who quipped that they didn’t expect that from Eden, sprinkled in some seasoning. I exaggeratedly waved my hands in denial as I began my explanation.


“It wasn’t about hazing; it was a genuine question. I had to be prepared in case another trainee with Yehyun hyung’s skills joined us… We were about to debut at the time.”


“Did you know that, Dobin?”


“Yes, as soon as I danced in front of him, Eden hyung warmly welcomed me, so the misunderstanding was quickly resolved.”


-Yehyun must have been really bad at dancing back then lololol


-Eden looks scary, but he’s actually a nice hyung who doesn’t haze newbies lol


-It’s okay, Yehyun. I’m happy just looking at your face rather than your dancing


As expected, the real-time text chats and posts mostly mentioned Yehyun.


From the ongoing Q&A and comments, I could roughly see what concepts the members were aiming for. I hadn’t noticed before, but now I could see they were trying to establish their personas.


Yehyun’s concept was the reliable eldest who works diligently, Gyeon Hajun was the caring team mom, Kim Dobin was the team’s mood maker and entertainment character, and Ryu Jaehee was the lovable and affectionate youngest member.


Too bad that except for Jun, all these concepts would later get flipped on their heads. Tough luck, guys.


Of course, I didn’t have any concept; I always just showed my true self, so it didn’t matter to me.


[Surprise QUEST★]


[▶Create a Concept!


-Task: Instead of just showing your true self, create an image to present to your fans! Research what kind of image your fans want to see through searches and create a concept that will delight your fans!


-Reward: 10 InitialIntention, Random Ticket


-Deadline: By your next activity


※Penalties will apply if you fail to create an appropriate concept!]


…What is this?


I blinked, surprised at the sudden quest that appeared before my eyes. So now they want me to start acting? And there’s no reject button for this quest.


Damn, now I can’t even control my own thoughts, sigh.


[Detected: Blank Expression.]


[Initial Intention-1]


The sting of the notification snapped me out of my daze.


Unconsciously, I turned my gaze to Ryu Jaehee, who was energetically doing aegyo into the microphone, as if I wanted to go back to having a blank expression.


Soon, the broadcast was coming to an end. We exchanged warm thank-yous with the DJ, expressing gratitude for inviting us and hoping to return.


“Now, we’ll wrap up part 2 by listening to REVE’s live performance.”


As I listened to the DJ’s closing remarks, I stood in front of the standing mic and lightly cleared my throat.


Listening to the MR filling the booth, I thought that maybe coming back wasn’t so bad after all.


Although I do miss my new house in Cheongdam-dong, my Ferrari, and my royalties a lot.


* * *


REVE_official @LnL_reve


[Jaehee’s Dream]


Thank you, Daydreams, for supporting us till our last show♥


Thanks to you, I was really happy during this promotionㅎ You know I always love you, right?


See you next time with an even cooler look!


(Hamster emoji)


#Reve #Rev #Jaehee #Daydream #Ilmong #OneChance #FinalShow


(Photo) (Photo)


After our final schedule ended, I quickly glanced through Ryu Jaehee’s SNS post, uploaded with a group photo taken on the music show’s staircase and his selfie, and drafted my post similarly.


Ryu Jaehee’s posts were always a good reference for me, who usually never posted more than a single cool line.


“Hyung, why are you posting so much these days? Are you trying to take my spot as the communication king?”


I shrugged at Ryu Jaehee’s grumbling and wariness.


Well, I have to complete the weekly quest to get over 80 Initial Intention to use the item selection.


“We’re already tied as the communication kings, aren’t we? If you want a unique position, look for something else.”


“Then, how about you teach me producing so I can be the producer king and you can stay as the communication king…”


“Don’t push it.”


I ruffled the youngest’s hair lightly as he spouted nonsense and checked the chart.


[38th place – ‘REVE – One Chance’ ♥77,137]


The final result wasn’t bad. No, to be honest, it was quite good for a rookie from a small agency.


I was really lucky that this was a time when it was easier for boy group songs to enter the charts.


But the condition to end my regression was to be in the top tier. I couldn’t settle for this.


So, we need to hit number one on the charts and music shows with the next album and solidify our position. Then, we should aim to sweep the charts with the album after that…


“…What? The CEO contacted that composer again? You’ve got to be kidding me!”


Why is there always some issue with this agency? Damn it!



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