“Ah, it’s refreshing, honestly.”


Kim Dobin grinned, backing me up. Seo Yehyun, who had been taking selfies regardless of the commotion, remarked indifferently.


“I won’t bother commenting.”


“Sure, maintaining neutrality, how admirable, hyung.”


“Yeah, and seeing you picking fights with everyone, no sides taken, is really great too.”


“I’m quite the fair guy, aren’t I?”


I chuckled as Seo Yehyun finally clammed up, looking exasperated.


Serves him right for messing around.


“Honestly, I think Eden-hyung’s response was right. If we let that slide, we’d just be known as the pushover sponsor group in no time.”


At Ryu Jaehee’s words, Gyeon Hajun, who had been frowning, finally relaxed.


Being an ex-trainee from a major agency, his words carried weight.


Kim Dobin flinched again at the mention of “sponsor.”


I’m telling you, he must’ve been offered a sponsorship.


We’ll have a serious talk, and if it’s true, I’ll turn this damn agency upside down.


“Ugh, if we want to avoid this crap, we need to get into the pre-recorded lineup soon.”


I muttered, leaning back into the sofa and closing my eyes.


Of course, we couldn’t avoid the group waiting rooms until we had some seniority, but even monster rookie groups from major agencies had to use them during their first year.


Thinking of monster rookies brought a headache.


“Will we overlap with those guys again?”


I wondered, watching Ryu Jaehee fooling around with Kim Dobin, taking selfies.


If we do overlap, things have to be different this time. I don’t want to see our youngest member holed up and depressed like he did, studying for civil service exams.


When Kennis or whoever returned to the waiting room after their performance, they avoided even glancing our way, clearly subdued by the earlier confrontation.


See? You need to stomp on them once. I’ve been around long enough to know. I’ve been through it all, from nugu to mid-tier.


Though, it wasn’t exactly my choice to come back.


“REVE, get ready!”


At the staff’s call, we stood up from the sofa.


We waited backstage until we got the signal and walked onto the stage. With a song ranking in the low hundreds, there was no way the MCs would introduce us.


As we took our positions, I noticed Seo Yehyun’s slim-fit suit in front of me. It felt like just yesterday we were struggling in those awful white jumpsuits.


No, actually, in my previous timeline, we never even had this stage.


This was an opportunity I had created myself. A chance I seized in this second chance of life with a song I composed before.


[One, two, three, don’t rush and wait


Opportunities always come]


The song began with Gyeon Hajun’s whisper-like intro.


‘His vocal tone really is top-notch.’


That’s why I gave him my favorite part.


Humming along to Gyeon Hajun’s part, I did the wrist-twisting and finger-snapping choreography.


The original lyrics of “One Chance” were about a gambling addict who, after hitting rock bottom, suddenly draws a royal straight flush, written by a minor with a twisted admiration for illegal activities.


But it had to be changed because the explicit content would’ve made the album rated 19+. Now it was about our five-member challenge to make it in the idol world.


[Grab the chance given to you and don’t let go because we’ll shine no matter what]


As Kim Dobin sang the new lyrics, which I had actually refined, his eyes sparkled with enthusiasm.


I chuckled at his energized performance on stage.


[A cliff where you could fall at any moment, bungee jumping without a rope


No point in racking your brain, the odds don’t change, boy]


Seo Yehyun’s short, almost rap-like part was more like fast-talking. I smoothly took over with my part.


[The One Chance given to you, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity


Always act like there’s only One Chance left]


Ryu Jaehee hit the high notes in the chorus, followed by Gyeon Hajun’s simple, unembellished tones.


Performing the point choreography to the chorus melody, I looked into the camera and blinked at its sudden zoom-in.


The stage lights poured down, the fan section noticeably larger than during our debut, their cheers resonating loudly along with my song.


‘Is performing on stage… this enjoyable?’


My heart was pounding pleasantly.


Reflecting on it, stages before my return were tiresome. The songs were monotonous and sloppy, seemingly mass-produced to follow trends, and the performances focused solely on choreography. I wanted to do real music that I loved, not just another work extension or fan service stage like before.


‘Maybe returning wasn’t entirely a bad thing.’


Even though everything I had built was gone, if I hadn’t returned, I would have retired without ever experiencing a stage like this.


Despite the frustrating and damned system that cut down my motivation at every turn, causing pain, I had to be thankful for this one thing.


My lips curled into a slight smile as I rapped into the mic.


I was at my peak right now.


Even when I spotted Seo Yehyun hurriedly changing his position, I could let it slide without frowning.


[The chance we have left is right now, one chance]


As the final part ended, I smiled directly into the camera that zoomed in for a group shot.


It was nice to be back in the times without that annoying “ending fairy” trend. It was subtly irritating how Seo Yehyun was always the one featured at the end.


* * *


Kpophunter @kpophunter


One Chance was a song only I knew about, but now it’s suddenly blown up…


I feel like someone’s taken my favorite hidden gem restaurant.


Shares 122 Likes 280




Dream♥Daydream @revedream


Yoon Eden’s suit fit is insane, seriously.




Shares 364 Likes 537



Dream♥Daydream @revedream


Why is Seo Yehyun’s waist so slim?


I’m already struggling to see his face, do I have to notice his waist too…





Dream♥Daydream @revedream


Watching One Chance after My Universe makes me cry just seeing them in normal clothes. Our boys aren’t sponge experiment men, dammit.


HIT! [The importance of idols’ hair, makeup, and costumes.jpg] [212]


– Wow… Is this the same person…? What happened between activities?


– Whoever said face completes fashion was wrong; even those faces can’t pull off that experimental fashion.


– They look so good; they seem like rookies. Who are they?


↳ It’s REVE’s Seo Yehyun~ Please listen to One Chance a lot too!






Reve(레브) – One Chance [Audio]


Views 890k


☝2.9k ☟


H987 • 7 hours ago


Honestly, the song sucks.


Likes 3127 Replies 11


SayM • 7 hours ago


Why does the rap switch from chanting to real hip-hop?


Likes 874 Replies 23


* * *


As I habitually searched for fan reactions to regain my lost motivation today, I was overwhelmed by the endless scroll.


“Wow, our buzz has really increased!”


It used to take me just 3 minutes to read all the fan reactions, but now, what’s going on?


Ryu Jaehee, who was also scrolling through his phone like me, responded in a dazed voice.


“Seriously. Before, if you searched for REVE, three out of five posts would be mine.”




“Oops! Did I say that out loud? Haha…”


Seeing Ryu Jaehee hurriedly covering his mouth and laughing awkwardly, I reminisced about the days when I searched for fan reactions to regain my motivation.


Was I looking at our youngest member’s split personality show with such dedication?


I knew he was serious about monitoring even before the return.


Seo Yehyun, who burst out of his room with a face mask on, exclaimed excitedly.


“Did you see our chart ranking?”


“Wow, you’re just seeing that now?”


“Don’t pour cold water on it and give me some credit, you jerk.”


Despite crinkling his face at my playful question, Seo Yehyun muttered in a slightly deflated voice.


“Eden-hyung, with this, you must be getting a lot of royalties, right? I’m jealous… So, how about treating us to celebrate?”


Ryu Jaehee, who was lying down with his head on my leg, winked. Instead of answering, I flicked his forehead lightly and pulled my leg away from under his head.


I need that money to build my studio. Treat us with your own money after you get your paycheck.


[49th – ‘Reve – One Chance’ ♥55,113]


We had entered the top 50 on all three major music charts.


Seeing an old track, which I had almost forgotten about, make such a comeback felt like watching Bitcoin, which I bought for the price of two pizzas in the past, skyrocket.


REVE_official @LnL_reve


[Eden Dream]


Finally escaped the jumpsuit✌


Did you enjoy our first One Chance performance? Thanks for always cheering for us, Daydream.


#Reve #레브 #Eden #Daydream #OneChance #뮤직캠프




Shares 1247 Quotes 53 Likes 3674


The post uploaded after our first music show performance, along with a selfie in our stage outfits, had over a thousand shares.


No, I shouldn’t be satisfied with just a thousand. Back in the second-tier days, we easily hit seven or eight thousand.




A notification sound chimed, and a now welcome status window appeared before me.


[☺10,000 fans achieved!]


[Reward: +20 InitialIntention Item Selection Right]


My initial intention finally recovered to the 70s…! I was worried I might return soon!


Overcome with emotion as I received the reward, I covered my mouth. Thank you, system.


‘What is the item selection right?’


[You need a motivation level of 80 or higher to view the item list.]


You’re really not helpful at all, system. Why are the criteria so strict?




“Pre-recordings are great, so comfortable.”


We had another public broadcast schedule.


Although we were rookies and assigned to a cubicle waiting room, the pre-recording time slot made it feel less crowded. It was also a period when more mid-tier groups were making comebacks, contributing to the empty cubicle waiting rooms. Our debut timing was poorly chosen.


That peace was soon broken by the sound of footsteps and voices.


“Huh? There are people here?”


I lowered my smiling lips upon seeing familiar faces suddenly appear.


Oh right, they were here too.


Wow, how am I supposed to deal with them now?


Before my return, misunderstandings caused by backstabbing had ruined our relationship. Though I had managed to mend things with Yongcheol hyung to some extent, these guys were a different story.


Unfortunately, there were no misunderstandings between us.


One of them, oblivious to my complex feelings, called out to me and Gyeon Hajun in a cheerful voice.


“Oh, Eden hyung! Hajun hyung!”


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