With the fansign event, the promotion for “Come to My Universe” was finally over.


But I couldn’t feel entirely relieved. I never expected that the fansign event, which I was so confident about due to my experience, would turn out to be a pitfall.


“It’s a disaster! An absolute disaster!”


I rolled on the mattress, clutching my head. Seo Ye-hyun, who had come into the room, looked at me with a pitiful expression and asked.


“Did you say something wrong at the fansign?”




“Then why do you look like you’re being dragged through the mud online for having a bad attitude, as if you were plastered on social media for having dead fish eyes and singing a medley of ‘Oh really?’ on your first fansign?”


What do you know? It was even worse than that. My Initial Intention score dropped by more than 20 points in just one day!


If I don’t keep my wits about it, it won’t be long before I have to return to the day of my debut.


I buried my face in the pillow and recalled the fansign event.


The role of ‘rookie idol with a spark in his eyes’ was arduous for someone who only had memories of repeatedly saying, “Oh, really?”


I tried my best to give sincere answers, but it seemed it was already doomed from the moment I started my responses with, “Oh, really?”


What could I do about it coming out automatically since it was already a habit? Even if I added longer sentences after “Oh, really,” shouldn’t they at least consider that? Isn’t there an update?


Considering I interacted with over 50 fans, I guess I should think myself lucky that my Initial Intention score only dropped by around 20 points.


‘If I complete all the weekly quests, I should be able to recover some of the points lost this time…’


As I was calculating in my head, Seo Ye-hyun, still misunderstanding my distress, awkwardly tried to comfort me.


“Forget about it. Not many fans came anyway.”


Before the song went viral, the fansign event barely had over 50 attendees, probably due to the lottery system.


It seemed like I must have been crazy before returning. To think I longed for such scenes.


Moreover, among them were two master fansites.


It doesn’t need to be said whom those big cameras they brought were pointed at.


Ah, am I going to have to relive the nightmare of fan disparity from before returning?


[Initial Intention: 64]


[※ Initial Intention decreases according to actions or words inappropriate for an idol.]


[※ If Initial Intention reaches 0, you will have to start over!]


Seeing my Initial Intention score drop below 70 for the first time, my head throbbed. Completing all the weekly quests tomorrow might barely bring it back up to 70.


‘Damn, there’s no schedule next week.’


I rubbed my aching temples. Without a schedule, the number of weekly quests would surely decrease.


First, I need to find a substitute phrase for “Oh, really?” I can’t keep losing 20 points at every fansign event.


“How about, ‘Ah, real?'”


“Hyung, are you going for an overseas student concept?”


Ryu Jae-hee, who was sitting next to the sofa eating potato chips, shook his head and asked. He couldn’t resist adding that it was an over-the-top concept.


“How about, ‘Ah, legit?'”


“You sound like an elementary school kid using trendy phrases.”


I pressed down on the crown of his head and snapped back at the youngest, who replied with a sullen expression while pressing on his own head.


“Ugh, seriously!”


[Prohibited word detected.]


[Initial Intention -1]


“Ah, ouch! I said seriously, not oh, really!”


[Prohibited word detected.]


[Initial Intention -2]


“I didn’t say anything, hyung!”


Ryu Jae-hee, misunderstanding that I was taking my frustration out on him instead of the system, ran off to his room.


Seeing my Initial Intention score drop by 3 points in an instant, I felt devastated.


Am I really going to have to return and sing a flop like “Come to My Universe” again?


“I’m going crazy.”


Isn’t there a system customer service? I’ll submit a 1:1 inquiry, so please fix this. Does it make sense that “Oh, really?” is a prohibited word?


Scratching my head and lazily flipping through TV channels with the remote control, Seo Ye-hyun threw out a suggestion.


“How about saying ‘Ah, really’ instead?”


“Ah, really?”


I muttered quietly, and surprisingly, my Initial Intention didn’t decrease!


Oh, I see! So there’s a good alternative to “Oh, really?” after all – “Ah, really”!




Watching me ecstatically celebrating, Seo Ye-hyun clicked his tongue. I’m letting it slide because I’m in a good mood.


Now that the issue with “Oh, really?” is roughly resolved, let’s move on to the next agenda.


[From. Yoon Eden ]


Dreamers, how have you been? Today, our REVE had our first fansign event, and it was truly wonderful to meet our Dreamers up close like this.


I was quite nervous since it was our first fansign, and I feel sorry and embarrassed for showing a bit of awkwardness and not knowing what to say.


I will work harder and prepare more diligently for the next fansign to show a more improved version of myself than today. Always grateful and love you all.




Concerned that I might receive criticism regarding my attitude at the fansign, I even attached the best selfie I took to my post on the fan cafe and official SNS.


Since I laid the groundwork with my clumsiness, let’s smoothly move past today’s sharp pain and habitual “Oh, really?”.


– No way! Today, Yoon Eden did so, so, so well!!! He was so skilled that I thought he was an idol who debuted 7 years ago ☺☺


Seeing the comments on the post, I shivered from head to toe.


Oh, wow… 7 years indeed… but… it must be a coincidence… right…?



“How about bending more at the waist here?”


“It might look good visually, but it’ll increase the difficulty.”


“Come on, visual appeal is top priority. Difficulty comes next.”


We were busy fixing the choreography in the old, moldy underground practice room where ventilation was nonexistent.


The choreography we bought was just not cutting it.


At this rate, I began to suspect whether our CEO Kim, who loved to hand out punishments, did it as a hobby.


We brainstormed and revamped the choreography, aiming to reach a level where we wouldn’t feel embarrassed on stage.


Dancing came naturally to me, and having been an idol for 7 years, it wasn’t too challenging.


It would have been easier with our main dancer, Kim Dobin, but our youngest member, still a minor, came to school just to fulfill attendance.


While practicing some moves in front of the mirror, Seo Ye-hyun, who was sitting on the floor watching us, spoke up with a bored expression.


“Let’s just keep it simple. I don’t want to make mistakes on stage.”


If he says that, he might as well add some group dabbing to the choreography. As I smirked at my reflection in the mirror, Seo Ye-hyun made a comment.


“I have one piece of advice for you, and you should be teaching it to me.”


Immediately, I discarded the plan to create a high-difficulty choreography. Teaching him might make me burst into anger and collapse with frustration.


“We’re here.”


We were stuck at a particular section, but thankfully, our youngest member arrived just in time.


Seeing Kim Do-bin in school uniform with a backpack and Ryu Jae-hee without one, Ha-jun made a remark.


“Go to the dorm and change your clothes before coming.”


“I knew you’d say that, so I brought my gym clothes!”


Pulling out his gym clothes from his bag, Kim Do-bin, beaming with confidence, was interrupted by Ryu Jae-hee, who grabbed his clothes.


“Hyung, give me your gym pants.”


“No, I don’t want to. Go change at the dorm.”


When Kim Do-bin flatly refused, Ryu Jae-hee, pouting, turned and headed for the practice room entrance.


Staring at Kim Do-bin, who had changed into his gym clothes, Ryu Jae-hee playfully tapped his finger towards him. He then threw a mission at Kim Do-bin, who was approaching obediently.


“Hey, Dobby. It’s your One Chance, lifetime opportunity – come up with a point choreography here. It should be memorable and easy to follow.”


“How about a shooting hand gesture? Bang bang.”


“Have you seen the cover video?”


When I asked, Kim Do-bin, looking embarrassed, avoided my gaze.


I wonder why he ended up here as a rookie when he was from one of the top 3 major agencies. He only said he left because the tax burden was too heavy.


But it’s nice here without the burden of taxes.


Although Seo Ye-hyun and Kyeon Ha-jun have the air of old-timers, they don’t have the tax burden, so it’s good.


Remembering the subtle glare the youngest member gave me, I shook my head.


“Making the choreography isn’t the problem.”


Swallowing my bitter retort, I answered.


“It’s you, Ye-hyun, learning it.”


“It’ll be learned by the end of today no matter what, so you don’t need to criticize me openly like that.”


Smiling teasingly at Seo Ye-hyun, I draped my arm over his shoulder.


“Okay, I’ll look forward to it. Let’s work hard to learn the choreography by the end of the day.”


“Ugh, you’re so clingy.”


30 minutes later.


Damn, why did I volunteer for this human-exclusive task? I’m getting stressed to the point of going to the underworld before the first team goes. Suppressing the urge to explode with resentment, I carefully chose my words to avoid causing a rift.


“Oh, can’t you do this? Are you an idiot?”


Responding as innocently as possible, Seo Ye-hyun laughed heartily and raised his phone.


He’s handsome, ridiculously handsome.


But what’s the point of being handsome, damn it. The future of being cemented in the community with the worst skills rather than appearance on stage seems more imminent.


Seo Ye-hyun touched the play button on his phone, still smiling brightly.


– I, Yoon Eden, promise to transfer 100,000 won to Seo Ye-hyun on the spot for speaking harshly.


The voice emanating from Seo Ye-hyun’s phone was undeniably mine.


‘Right, he recorded it back then.’


I remembered the drinking session and grabbed my head.


“Transfer 100,000 won.”


“Huh, this isn’t harsh words, is it? It’s my attempt to soften and refine my emotional expression as much as possible, right?”


“If it sounds dirty to me, it’s harsh words.”


I should have hit the mark for what constitutes harsh words back then. I was too drunk to even consider it. I belatedly blamed myself.


“You called me an idiot back then!”


“How’s that different from this?”


“What’s the difference?”


“You were being an idiot back then!”


[Speech detected that promotes discord among members.]


[Initial Intention -1]


Today, my Initial Intention decreased again.




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