Who is your dad?

Tap, tap. Feeling unreasonably upset, she tapped her fingers on the teacup in front of her. She wasn’t in the mood to drink the floral tea that she usually enjoyed.

The more Karl thought about him being with another woman, the more his mood soured. Not knowing the reason behind his bad mood made him even more uncomfortable.

Suddenly, she remembered the picture book she received during the awkward sexual education class. Why was that image coming to mind now? Was it because she was imagining what Celeste and Karl might have done in that situation?

They say too much imagination can be poisonous. Despite trying not to think about it, she kept imagining Celeste and Karl together. Caressing each other’s faces, exploring each other’s necks, shoulders, undressing each other…

“Do you really not remember anything about the time we were together?”

“Not at all. It’s like the memory of that moment was cut out and gone, leaving me with no recollection.”

Although feeling slightly relieved at not remembering anything, there was still a lingering feeling of discomfort and unease in the corner of his mind.

It wasn’t until much later that she realized what the unpleasant emotion he felt at that time actually was.


She was jealous of his past self who had spent a night with Karl, jealous of the old Celeste. Ironically, the answer to why she felt jealousy didn’t come to her until much later.


The moon has passed by. I wondered when the mourning period would end, but before I knew it, a month had passed since the end of mourning, according to the legally designated period of mourning.

Since the night we talked about two years ago, Karl has visited me many times at the marquis’s residence. Meanwhile, in the capital, the news of our marriage had already spread, and a sense of anticipation for the wedding ceremony had permeated everywhere.

“Marquis, the weather is truly wonderful today.”

It was indeed a special day today. It was the first outing after a month of confinement, not imprisonment.

Ever since Franz fell ill suddenly after a previous outing, we had refrained from going out and secluded ourselves in the mansion. Now, that secluded life of solitude had finally ended. The day I finally stepped out of the mansion, I was filled with excitement from the morning.

Not only I, but Hannah, Kendrick, and Leev were also excited for the long-awaited outing. Leev’s excitement was palpable throughout the carriage ride, continuing to chatter until we arrived.

I peered eagerly out the carriage window, not wanting to miss any of the outside scenery on this rare outing.

To be honest, I had taken leisurely outings in Urentum before, but upon returning to the capital, my opportunities for such activities were scarce, so this sightseeing tour was as exciting as the first time.

However, the one who seemed most thrilled about the outing wasn’t any of us.

“Boo, boo.”

“Miss Valerie, are you excited?” Leev exclaimed as Valerie wiggled her arms joyfully in Leev’s embrace. Her eyes, already large, seemed even bigger than usual, reflecting the outdoor scenery.

With cheeks flushed, her eyes darting around, Valerie’s gestures were so adorable that Leev, Cecilia next to her, and even I across from them took turns exclaiming how well her floral lace dress suited her, how the pink fabric matched her fair skin, and how they couldn’t tell what was floral print and what was Valerie. It was truly a remarkable show of hedgehog love.

However, objectively speaking, Valerie was undeniably an excessively adorable baby. Who does she resemble to be this lovable?

At this level of cuteness, shouldn’t one naturally melt when seeing such an adorable child? If someone can calmly react to Valerie, who is wrapped in lace, they must be sociopathic. With somewhat exaggerated thoughts, they coaxed and comforted Valerie.

“Mama. Mom. Mommy.”

Today, Valerie’s outfit was a collaboration between Leev and Cecilia. By securing the best dressmaker on Kellever Street, persuading a designer who never makes dresses for children, and twisting some arms, they finally tailored Valerie’s dress.

Although worried about quickly adjusting the slightly bigger size for the growing baby, it was an unnecessary concern. I had momentarily forgotten the noble Louisette lineage she belonged to.

A family overflowing with wealth, the foremost aristocratic family in the empire. Born as the heiress of the Louisette Viscount, Valerie had no need to save or live frugally.

Perhaps Cecilia and Margaret didn’t even realize they had already prepared several dresses anticipating Valerie’s growth. Dressing her in perfectly fitted attire each time to enhance her beauty.

When they brought three dresses for Valerie, I couldn’t close my mouth. Goodness, why so much lace on these dresses? Moreover, embellished with flower decorations made from differently colored fabrics, matched dresses, hats, ribbons…

I thought it might be too much, but all worries vanished as soon as I saw Valerie in them.

Our daughter is the best. My first exclamation upon seeing Valerie in the dress. My daughter is the best.

From floral decorations to lace-adorned hats, Valerie, fully dressed, truly looked like a living doll.

I can’t be the only one to see this beauty. I thought it was a waste not to showcase such beauty hidden inside the house.

With the mindset of “Neighbors, come see my beautiful daughter,” I ventured out with Valerie.

The carriage was filled with affection. The positive impact a child brings is significant. While having children can be challenging, the happiness and adorableness they bring are immeasurable.

“I heard it from somewhere. The act of raising a child is described as dreadful, painful, gloomy, and full of moments of suffering, but also as a brief respite from all those difficult times with a moment of great joy. It wasn’t really a wrong statement.

Although there were several maids taking care of the child, I, for the reason of being a mother, wanted to take care of Valerie as much as possible.

However, contrary to my intentions, just a few hours with Valerie quickly drained my energy. As the days passed, my body ached all over. There was no place that didn’t hurt.

Come to think of it, I wondered if Celeste had taken proper care of Valerie after giving birth.

Was it really possible? If someone could give birth to a child without anyone knowing, then did they have the time, mental capacity, and circumstances to take care properly? Well, it seemed unlikely.

Even the direct servants who attended to her did not know of Valerie’s existence. How and where Celeste gave birth to the child remained a mystery.

Just like cutting out and filling the past two years like a gap, there were still many unanswered questions. The only way to find out was to ask Celeste directly, but now that I had become Celeste, that was impossible.

There was practically no way to find out about the past two years. Perhaps if I coincidentally stumbled upon those memories in my subconscious like I did when I fainted due to dark magic and faced Celeste’s memories in my dreams.

Anyway, even with a body where it was uncertain if I had postpartum care, seeing Valerie smile made all the pain disappear, and I found myself smiling as well. The difficult memories and emotions were all covered up. This is why people keep having second and third children.

I remembered the saying that one of the greatest blessings bestowed upon humans by God is forgetfulness.

“Valerie is going out for the first time in a month.”

“Yes, my lord. Just look at how big Valerie’s eyes have become.”

“Indeed. Even if I were to place jewels in them, she wouldn’t be any smarter than this.”

Who would have been able to resist adoring Valerie, who looked like a baby doll dressed up in lace? But how could we deny that it was all true? In this world, who wouldn’t exclaim at the sight of such a lovely baby? I rationalized to myself.

The hat and dress adorned with delicate lace formed a perfect set. When we placed the pretty hat on her short hair, Valerie looked like no other baby angel in the world.

Valerie, who always wore indoor clothes, was a picture of cuteness in her first outdoor dress. The noblewomen’s maids covered their mouths in amazement, casting admiring glances at Valerie, as if they were melting away at her adorable charm.

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Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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