While You're In Love

Despite their virtue of faithfully obeying sudden orders under the Duke of Tordell’s command, this time, they couldn’t act immediately.

“Are you sure you want to go today?”

Aslan’s eyebrows furrowed, his lieutenant spoke apologetically.

“You have an appointment with the Metzett Corporation tomorrow. It’s something you can’t postpone any longer.”

“I thought I said, immediately.”

Aslan didn’t like repeating himself. The lieutenant, who had been hesitating, eventually made the decision and booked the earliest train ticket.

Even though he was reserving tickets for the next day, the lieutenant couldn’t shake off his worries. Tomorrow’s negotiation with the Metzett Corporation held astronomical benefits.

Ever since the railroad industry was discovered to be profitable, new routes had sprung up all over the empire.

There were countless others who tried to invest their money in the railroad industry, hoping to make a fortune.

However, they couldn’t outcompete the railway companies that had entered the market early.

Currently, the empire’s railway industry was divided between the Tordell family, which controlled the eastern and northern routes, and the Metzett corporation, which had developed most of the southern route.

All that remained was the western route.

Tomorrow’s negotiations with the Metzetts would determine who would develop the western route which was nothing short of a golden bonanza.

The Tordell family had been working on the project for months.

‘If this matter doesn’t go well and the business suffers, there will be criticism even within the family….’

It was natural for the lieutenant to be worried like this.

It was just that he couldn’t voice his worries because of the Duke’s sharp temper.

Criticisms of Aslan had been accumulating from various quarters, primarily regarding his cruel methods and the suffering of unfortunate people as a result of his actions.

The current Aslan Tordell was even more precarious than when he had first become the Duke.

But regardless of the lieutenant’s worries, the train raced through the downpour.


The heavy raindrops drummed against the window.

Aslan gazed absentmindedly at the nearly invisible view outside the window.

There was urgent work awaiting him, but there was only one thing filling his mind at this moment .


A name he had never spoken aloud before. Yet, he whispered it repeatedly within himself, anxiously awaiting for the train to come to a halt.

Fortunately, the weather improved before the train reached Eres Station. Aslan’s subordinate looked up to the now clear sky.

What was a dark night when they departed had transformed into a purple-hued morning.

The subordinate considered it fortunate. If the weather had worsened, the train might have stopped before reaching Ellwood.

Normally, they would have rested there for a while, waiting for the skies to clear, and then leisurely continued their journey.

But right now, Aslan was determined to reach Ellwood at all costs, even if the train had to stop. If it did, he would have found a way to get to Eres Station, be it by carriage, horseback, or even on foot.

‘That would have been a bit tiresome.’

Aslan thought.

He was relieved that they could continue by train.

The train proceeded smoothly without stopping until it reached Eres Station.

Like Central Station, Eres Station was also deserted right now.

There were no people around. It was close to dawn, but still too early for anyone to be active.

Even the most diligent laborers would be in Dreamland at this hour.

“I’ll find a carriage. Please wait a moment.”

Aslan’s subordinate sought his permission and hurried away.

Alone now, Aslan gazed at the dim dawn sky and the cityscape beginning to emerge bustlingly. His fingertips still tingled with anxiety, but the thought that he would soon see Lyla provided some relief.

When his subordinate would return with a carriage, they would head straight for Ellwood.

Then he’d get Lyla treated right away.



Dr. Chamberlain , the family physician of the Tordell family, responded politely.

He had been in deep slumber and was hastily summoned by the unexpected call from the Duke.

Consequently, he was in casual indoor attire. He had no idea he would be coming this far; if he did, he would have prepared himself more thoroughly, perhaps even bringing outerwear.

“Once you arrive, please treat the Lady immediately. No matter what happens, remember to prioritize that above all else,” the Duke advised.


Fortunately, Chamberlain had brought a bag containing medical equipment.

Taking in the cool dawn air, Chamberlain surveyed his surroundings. Since he had come this far, he figured he might as well treat this unfamiliar city as a travel destination before joining his family for leisure.

‘I heard Eres is a popular vacation spot these days, so I suppose I’ll do some exploring before I bring my family over.’

However, he soon noticed something rapidly approaching in the distance.


The sound of hooves grew louder.

Now, not only Chamberlain but also Aslan and his knights could see it clearly.


A large carriage was rushing towards them as if it had gone mad.

“Dodge, damn it, why are you coming here!”

Instead of taking the well-maintained road right in front of them, the carriage was heading directly for the people in front of the station.


The inference that this was an intentional threat flashed through Aslan’s mind instantly.

However, it was difficult to discern who the culprit was.


Barely managing to avoid the charging carriage head-on was all Aslan could do.

As if driven by malice, the horse persistently pursued Aslan as its target.

Aslan was tossed into the air and then tumbled to the ground.


The sound of his head hitting the ground echoed in his skull. He felt warm blood spreading.


“Your Grace!”

The voice calling him grew distant. His vision blurred.

Aslan tried to hold onto his fading consciousness, but it wasn’t easy.

That’s when it happened.

Something that could be called a flash of light passed before his eyes.

Memories from his childhood, which he had trouble recalling, raced through his mind.

[Mother! No No, don’t hit her! Stop it! Please!]

His childhood was filled with violence and pain.


His mother’s moans and cries, which he had always heard, were buried inside his head like background music.

His adolescence passed similarly, but what changed was his expression.

Aslan’s face, which had been stained with various emotions like anger and fear during his childhood, now showed no emotions at all.

His youth was marked by numbness, living as if he were unresponsive to the world.

It was a time when he could die tomorrow and it wouldn’t matter.

The end of that era was marked by his birthday, the year he came of age.

[I am free now! Aslan, this mother is finally free!]

He had to seize his mother, who was shedding tears and threatening him with her own life. He had to force her into a monastery.

The death of his biological father was disguised as an accident, and the vacant position of the duke was taken over by the newly adult Aslan.

Despite opposition from the Council of Elders and the disapproving looks of society, he carried out his duties as a duke.

He attended the council meetings, made important decisions for the family, managed the estates, and initiated new businesses.

His entry into the railway industry was impulsive.

He wanted to tarnish the family’s prestige by behaving like a businessman his biological father looked on as a base.

He also had a desire to waste the Tordell family’s enormous wealth by investing a huge amount of money in a new business that was sure to fail.

However, the railroad project that everyone predicted would fail ended up being a huge success.

The Tordell family’s power had risen to new heights.

It was a setback for Aslan, but it didn’t force him out of the railroad business.

That was a good thing.

The wealth and power he had accumulated had allowed him to marry her….


Now Aslan’s mind was filled with thoughts of her.

He had gone against the family’s opposition to marry her, and he had silenced the family elders who had persistently voiced their objections.

The scandal caused by Count Larestine’s disturbance would have made their marriage unacceptable to the royal family.

But Aslan’s fortune, and the long history of the family he had cursed till now, broke the royal tradition.

Lyla was able to step out into the society as his wife.

It didn’t erase all the ugly stares, but it didn’t matter.

She was his wife.

‘Lyla, my wife.’

Aslan had always contemplated death. He believed that it wouldn’t matter when he died. However, when the time came, the attachment to life suddenly gripped him.

He wanted to live, to see her again.

Regret remained, the regret of sending her away, devising unnecessary schemes, and hurting her by not expressing his feelings honestly.

In the end, he realized that the entire deterioration of his relationship with Lyla was his fault. At the end of his life, Aslan repented.

‘If only I could see her again…’

He wanted to smile back at Lyla’s bright smile and that was his final thought before the suffocating silence enveloped him.




Thank you for reading~


  1. sadbeech says:

    Jesus Christ. I wanted suffering but not death. I hope he isn’t dead. Gosh.

    Thanks for the update :’ )

    1. Orphicdisha says:

      you’re welcome <3🤗

  2. Sana says:

    Too bad he ain’t d*ad. That would be kinda funny.

    1. Orphicdisha says:


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