When the Main Protagonists Broke Up



“It’s a breakup…! Whoever wants!”

As expected of his hot-tempered personality, his father jumped up from his seat and shouted with an expression that he heard something he couldn’t hear.

I pretended to be sorry for my father’s loud voice and deliberately visibly cowered and acted with intimidation.

Seeing my shrinking appearance, my mother urgently stopped my father.

“Honey! calm down.”

“How can I calm down! I heard that the two secretly broke off the engagement without consulting their parents!”

“Let’s calm down and listen to Belita first to find out why. Could my daughter have done such a thing for nothing?”

The calm mother managed to calm him down by adding words of trust in me.

I felt apologetic at the thought of deceiving such a person, and my heart was slightly stabbed.

“Belita, tell me properly. I just don’t get it. You like Duke Maxius. You said you were supposed to get married soon, but suddenly broke it off?”

The fact that Belita liked Kane was an exaggeration, and everyone in the capital knew it.

So both of her parents knew how much she loved Kane.

So it was unbelievable that I decided to break off the engagement, leaving Kane second.

“Yes…. I decided to do that.”

I tried to answer calmly, but I did not hide the fact that my emotions came out and I cried little by little.

I was warming up the pain of sadness and broken heart in advance.

“…Why did you do that? What the hell happened between the two of you?”

Seeing me crying pitifully, my father sat down on the sofa again and asked if I had calmed down a little.

It meant he was ready to hear my story.

“The Duke… the Duke says he loves someone else….”

“What, what?!”

“What the hell are you talking about!”

But as soon as I sat down, my father jumped up and got up again.

His fists were already strong enough to break something, so the veins stood out.

Looking at him, I could see how angry he was.

However, at my unexpected words, my mother’s voice rose to the highest level.

It was said that her precious daughter had been dumped, so it seemed difficult for her to remain calm as well.

“So I decided to break off the engagement with the Duke….”

Saying that, I tried to play the most pitiful and pitiful person in the world.

“How dare you take my daughter! Leaving my daughter behind to have an affair?!”

My father, who was flushed with anger, gritted his teeth and spat out his anger.

“Do you know who the opponent is?”

“…Princess Adela Bayon.”

“Bian? Are you talking about Bayern?!”

“Yes that’s right….”

“It’s Bayern! Going to Bayern…!”


I don’t know what my father was trying to say about the Bayern family, but my mother hurriedly called my father and covered her mouth.

Then, the father put on a sullen expression and hurriedly shut his mouth.


It was clear that I was trying to say something I shouldn’t have heard, seeing as my mother so blatantly stopped him.

However, in this situation, I couldn’t ask for it, so I suppressed my curiosity.

And now I just decided to think about what I had to do.

“Belita, you know what you’ve seen and heard, but it’s common for nobles to meet other people behind them. And above all, your marriage is a family-to-family union. It’s not such a trivial promise that could be broken by something like this. Of course, if two people love each other, that would be the best thing. Unfortunately for you, however, marriage between nobles is not that romantic.”

At least, my mother, who was the first to calm down her excitement, explained to me the reason why I shouldn’t break up the engagement.

“I know. What does this engagement mean? But the Duke has already completely changed his mind. There was absolutely no way I could do it….”

“Did the Duke first ask you to break off the engagement?”


“The duke…!”


When his father’s words became harsh, his mother warned him again.

“Kuhm…. Still, no breakup. I’ll talk to the duke to settle it, so don’t worry about anything.”

At the moment, my father’s words that he would reverse the marriage break-up had never happened, and I jumped to my senses.

‘That doesn’t work.’

It’s how I got the marriage breakup and it’s my mine…!

This should never be overturned in the future, nor should the word come out again.

“…I don’t like it anymore.”


“What did you say?”

At my dislike, both of them looked at me with surprised eyes.

“I hate him now too! For over ten years, only I liked him, only I fretted, and only I looked at him. But now how long do I have to put up with that person who says he likes another woman? When I was asked to break off the engagement, I cried and cried and cried, but the duke didn’t budge. So I said I would. He said he would break off the engagement and to let him go now.”

Then I immediately fell on the sofa and buried my head.

Then, as he had done in front of Kane, he furiously poked his eyes with his hands secretly.

‘Come out, tears…!’

Fortunately, I stabbed right where I had touched earlier, and I immediately burst into tears.

I started sobbing loudly so my parents could hear.

“Huh. I want to stop…. I’m tired of loving him. My heart hurts so much that I think my heart will break. I’d rather not have a heart…. I am so miserable, mother and father. The fact that I lived my life being treated like this by someone I loved until now is so terrible and sad.”

I became more immersed in acting while performing the lines I had prepared with great effort.


At my stormy sobbing, my mother called me with a voice full of upset.

“Don’t cry, Belita….”

“My heart just collapsed. I don’t want to see him anymore.”

“Belita, stop crying and get up…. We are very upset when you cry.”

“Mother, Father. Please tell me what should I do. What should I do? How should I live in the future? Huhu…”

I cried as hard as I could to show how sad, how hopeless, how desperate, and how hard I was.

It was then.

While I was crying nonstop, my father, who had been silent all along, finally opened his mouth.

“Good job. So don’t cry, Belita.”

At his words, I raised my face full of tears and looked at my parents.

It was a sudden compliment that was completely different from before.

My father now had a cold and serious expression he had never seen before.

Looking at my father’s expression, I could see that what he said was not meaningless.



“Ever since before, even if I felt sorry for my daughter, I was very sorry for that child. Well done, Belita. So stop crying.”


Belita’s, no, my father was a pretty decent and reliable person than I thought.

I had always thought of my father as a man driven by emotions, but somehow I began to see him again.

Judging from the situation, it seemed that there was no need to cry anymore, so I raised my arm and gently wiped away the tears.

“Thank you, father. And I’m sorry… I’m so weak, I’m sorry. Sorry….”

However, if the color of his face suddenly improved, he could have been suspicious, so he kept his sad look until the end.


My mother got up from her seat and came to my side and hugged me tightly.

“Mother, I’m sorry….”

I also apologized to her.

It was to show how deeply despaired I am and how uncomfortable I feel about this breakup.

“You have nothing to be sorry for, Belita.”

“Yes, Belita. We are your parents I will never force you to do anything you don’t want. So don’t feel sorry for us.”

Looking at the current situation, I could feel how much they love Belita.

And the more I got to know my parents’ feelings, the more I thought that I had deceived them, my little conscience was pricked again.

However, he soon made up his mind, saying that there was no need to feel such remorse.

It may be self-justification, but it’s because I was able to save many people’s lives by entering Belita’s body.

In the original story, Belita harasses and tries to kill Adela, but instead dies herself.

The Duke of Heitz was not a family to be defeated so easily, but Maxius and Bayerns attacked in a pincer attack, so the Heitz family had no choice but to be defeated.

‘Bad humans.’

It was Belita’s fault for trying to kill Adela for stealing her fiancé, but honestly, even if I were Belita, I could never forgive them.

Even so, her biggest mistake was that she loved Kane until the end, who deceived her and broke her promise.

So, she didn’t touch Kane at all, but only Adela, and was killed by her younger brother for that.

‘Come to think of it, did I save this family?’

If I hadn’t possessed it, I would have been annihilated in the end, but fortunately I prevented it.

“Is it correct that Maxius said to break off the engagement first?”

“Yes that’s right….”

“I get it. That’s it.”

Seeing the look in his father’s eyes as he answered, I knew what he was thinking.

Apart from loving his daughter, he was the patriarch of one of the largest families in the empire and a noble to the core.

He seemed to be calculating what he could get from the Duke of Maxius through his daughter’s breakup.

“So, by the way, I have more to tell you….”

So, after reading my father’s intentions, I hurriedly started rhyming to tell him what I had gained through the breakup.

“What is it?”

“In exchange for breaking off the engagement, the duke agreed to give me alimony.”

“Alimony is natural.”

My father looked at me with a face asking, “What are you saying?”

‘Father, it’s not just a few pennies.’

Maybe you’ll both be surprised when I tell you I’ve got a diamond mine.

I didn’t hesitate and immediately continued.

“I decided to receive the estate with the Maxius family’s diamond mine.”


Hearing that he had decided to take the diamond mine, his father widened his eyes in surprise.

“If it’s a diamond mine, you mean Grenz?!”

Grace was the name of the territory where the diamond mine was located that I had won today.

“Yes that’s right.”

He was so surprised that he couldn’t keep his gaping mouth shut.

“Really, really?”

My father asked me again if it was hard to believe even though it came out of my mouth.

“Yes, really. It’s a verbal promise, but the duke promised to give it.

So, you should prepare and send the documents to the Maxius family right away.”

Oral promises were also valid contracts.

But both of them were still staring at me in disbelief.

“Huh, true. To think the duke gave up the mine so easily….”

Clearly, the reaction of the two people was understandable.

No matter how much I thought about it, it didn’t make sense for me to receive a diamond mine from Kane.

Earlier, I talked about asking for the diamond mine in exchange for breaking off the engagement, but I also didn’t think he would give the whole mine so easily.

So, at first, I planned to make unreasonable demands and then adjust from there.

Because that’s the basis of negotiations.

However, he did not hesitate to hand over the entire territory to me, not even a part of the mine.

‘It must mean that his love for Adela is that deep.’

He loved her to the point that he thought he would give away at least one of the mines rather than make Adela suffer because of my existence.

‘So the two of you should love each other for a thousand years.’

Well, anyway, the end of this novel had a happy ending.

Even if I didn’t worry unnecessarily, it was clear that the two would live happily ever after.

“Grenz… it’s Grenz. Belita, you really did a great job.”

I woke up from my thoughts at the sound of my father’s emotional voice.

Then, in response to his father’s praise, he shrugged and lowered his shoulders.

After that, my father and I began to talk in more detail about the alimony we were to claim from the Maxius family.

But from earlier, I felt my mother staring at me.

I was quite concerned about her gaze, so I stopped talking to my father and looked at my mother.

“Is there anything you want to say to me, mother?”

No matter how I looked at it, I seemed to have something to say to me, so I cautiously asked my mother.

Mother paused for a moment, then spoke in a voice full of concern.

“Belita… Are you okay?”


I looked at my mother.

Her face was full of pensiveness.

“Are you okay?”

When I asked if I was okay, I realized that my mother was still worried about my heart, which must have been hurt by the breakup.

“It will be fine…? It will be fine…mother.”

It didn’t make sense to say that it was okay here right away, so I chose the words that would ease her worries as much as possible.


I smiled weakly at my mother who looked at me with a pitiful look.

And I felt that the time had finally come to say this.

The reason I did all this difficult acting until now was for this.

I looked carefully at the two before opening my mouth.

“So by the way…. Can I leave the capital for a while?”

I was thinking of leaving this place for a while.

The original work had already begun, but since she and Kane had broken off her marriage, she no longer had to live like Belita in the novel.

However, since I was still a duke’s princess, I had no choice but to run into them often.

That’s why, if you make a mistake, you could get involved in the original work again.

But that was the only emissary.

How did you get out of the original? The desire to go back there was dead and there was no waking up.

So I wanted to leave this place and come back after the original work was finished and start all over again.

“Leave? the capital?”

“Yes, I want to take some time to think about how I will live in the future, leaving this place with many memories with the Duke.”

“Is it that hard?”

“…I want to forget. I will try my best to forget it. But right now, I think it would be too hard to run into not only the duke, but also those who would gossip about me behind my back….”

“Belita, you did nothing wrong! So be proud-.”


My mother cut off my father’s words.

Her voice was firm enough to reveal her mother’s strong will to do what she wanted.

“Okay. Do whatever you want.”


Words of permission fell.

But my father raised his voice excitedly as if he could not let me go.

“Honey, let Belita do whatever she wants. My daughter needs time. I want to give it time.”

However, my mother persuaded my father step by step, and in the end, my father raised the white flag.

“Belita, don’t worry about anything here and do whatever you want.

But you must come back. Understand?”

Oh, somehow I felt like I was actually going to cry.

A daughter who is loved like this, a parent who trusts and supports her like this.

‘This is what being a parent is.’

“Yes, I will definitely come back. Do not worry. I will come back stronger than now so that I can forget everything and start anew.”

And when I really came back, this time I was determined to be their real daughter, not just acting.

* * *

A few days later, we formally broke up and I legally took over Grace.

My parents said that it was mine because I had obtained it, and made the estate my personal possession, not the family.

So, within a few days, I became one of the richest people in the capital, no, the empire.

And while I was ready to leave, I said goodbye to my parents in front of the carriage.

“You have to be careful.”

“Yes, I will, Father.”


I did what I wanted, but my mother’s face was full of worry as if she couldn’t shake off her worries.

“Mother, don’t worry too much. You know me.”

I replied bravely and hugged my mother tightly.

“I’ll be fine. Both of you should stay healthy.”

After saying goodbye, I climbed into the carriage and Mary followed me into the carriage.

Because of my insistence on going with a minimum number of people, I decided to go with only the knights Mary and William, who would wait on me.

I heard that he has the most outstanding skills among the family’s knights.

Not only that, but as a member of the fire family, Belita was talented not only in handling fire, but also in swordsmanship.

It wasn’t as much as the real Belita, but since I often trained after being possessed, it wasn’t too difficult for me to protect myself.

The carriage started.

William followed on horseback, separately from the side.

“My lady, where are you going?”

As soon as the carriage left the front door of the mansion, Mary spoke to me.

Her voice was full of anticipation and excitement.

“I don’t know. For now, I want to go wherever my feet take me.”

Although I told Mary that, I was thinking of going to Grace first.

I was very curious if there was a real diamond mine in my possession, and if so, what it looked like.

I wasn’t very greedy, but I was so curious about a place where diamonds were piled up, a sight I’d never seen before, so I was excited just thinking about it.

However, Grens was a very remote area that could only be reached by driving for days and days by carriage.

So, what I said to Mary wasn’t quite a lie, since there would be other stops along the way.

“You know, lady. I am so excited.”

Mary’s actions of holding hands and shining eyes were so pure and cute that a gentle smile appeared on her lips without even realizing it.

“Is it that good?”

“Yes, I love it. It’s the first time I’ve gone this far.”

“So do i. I am so excited too.”

“My lady, but I….”

The smile that had filled Mary’s face suddenly disappeared and her expression suddenly darkened.

And it was clear that he had something he wanted to say, but he couldn’t say it and was hesitant.

“You…. Are you okay?”

However, as if he had made up his mind soon, he asked me about the breakup.

“Are you okay. No, don’t worry, you’ll be fine.”

They broke off their engagement and left the capital. You may think that everything is over now, but you have to be careful for the time being in order not to mess with even the smallest part.

The most important of these is that I am the one who has just broken up.

I still had to play a person with the scars of a broken heart, so I answered with a calm but sorrowful smile.

Mary might be suspicious if I acted like I didn’t mind the breakup.

Of course, I didn’t think she would go anywhere and make fun of anyone, but it didn’t hurt to be careful anyway.

“What a relief. What if the lady has been depressed for a long time….”

“Then you make me laugh.”

“Yes yes?”

“Couldn’t you do that for the grieving girl?”

I cracked a joke at Mary to break the mood.

“All right. I can’t do anything for you again.”

But Mary stood up with a stern expression on her face, and prepared to do something.

“All right, Mary. Don’t do that, let’s have a look outside. Look over there!”

I took her hand and sat her next to me.

Then we looked out the window together and had a long chat.


  1. Legnakra says:

    Gracias por su arduo trabajo 💕

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