Unexpectedly, I Became the Emperor’s Fiancé

The day after the trial of Viscount Dright is Helen’s birthday party, so…… let’s not let our guard down until everything is completely over.

I muttered this to myself and reached out toward the slightly open window, only to retract my hand. Somehow, the tender warmth reaching my fingertips reminded me of something I had forgotten, leaving me with a bitter feeling.

As a result, I wiped my not even damp hand on the hem of my skirt and picked up the documents brought by Isabella along with the dress Ruth had given me.

The documents contained personal information about a maid named Derena, which I had asked him for last time.

“It was the first time to come across a servant whose information was not known to this extent, you know? There must be something. It smells, it really smells.”

I suddenly recalled what Isabella had said as she handed me the documents. Although there was no direct evidence, I couldn’t think that her speculation was completely wrong.

Because if gathering personal information was difficult even for Isabella, who was known as the official socialite of the imperial palace, it meant one of two things. Either she was a loner with no fitting servant around, or she had thoroughly and intentionally hidden her information.

However, since the maids had all heard rumors about me from Derena before, the likelihood of the former being true was very slim. Therefore, naturally, the latter option remained—that Derena had some sort of intention in thoroughly hiding her information from others.

Another point worth mentioning here is that this place is the ‘imperial palace.’

I gently tapped the armrest of the armchair with my fingers, carefully placing the documents on my lap. And then, I continued to connect the trailing thoughts in my mind.

By principle, everyone belonging to the imperial palace should be considered the emperor’s people.

Conversely, since everyone in the palace is in the same situation, a strong sense of solidarity forms naturally between them, without specific intention.

In simple terms, it creates an atmosphere where everyone knows everyone else through someone else. Through such an atmosphere, there are no secrets among individuals or small groups.

Moreover, since they are all the emperor’s people, they are obligated to ensure the emperor can learn anything he wishes to know about them. They should not, at the very least, create secrets from the emperor.

However, Derena clearly violated an unwritten rule of the palace, one that could not be ignored simply on one’s own strength. It was as if she was blatantly showing off that she had support from someone behind her.

“Ah, speaking of which, the information Lord Han has on Derena and the information I directly heard from people about Derena were different. I’ve organized that in the documents, so please take a look!”

After concluding my thoughts with a rapidly working mind, I looked down at the documents I had briefly placed on my lap.

Then, I slowly lifted the documents to my eyes, fervently hoping that within them lay the clues that could unravel the long-standing mysteries in my mind.

Could it be that my wishes have reached the heavens? Upon looking at the third page of the document, I had no choice but to let out a sigh soaked in realization.

The third page compared and contrasted the personal details of Derena submitted to the house manager against the information provided directly by her fellow maids. Of course, the side of the contrast was significantly more extensive.

1. According to the official documents held by the house manager, Derena Hendelton’s place of birth is Ozen, a village located northwest of the Count of Mayamar’s domain, but according to her fellow maids, Derena Hendelton was born in Nekkers, a village on the outskirts of the Duke of Hazel’s domain.

2. The official documents held by the house manager state Derena Hendelton’s previous place of employment was at the residence of the Knight of Sobon, but her fellow maids say Derena Hendelton’s last job was with a guild belonging to the Duke of Hazel’s household. (Nobody knew what the guild did! I’m sorry, I couldn’t find out more…….)

3. The official documents maintained by the house manager say Derena Hendelton became an orphan at the age of seven due to a tragic accident, but her fellow maids claim Derena Hendelton has been an orphan since she was a newborn, taken in by a certain facility and raised there until she was 17.


Reading through the documents, I flinched at the familiar words. A certain facility.

A guild. And the Duke of Hazel. Just hearing the name of the Duke of Hazel seemed to involuntarily make my shoulders tense.

No matter how much I’ve grown internally, the fear embedded in my instincts creates a concept that I can’t deny on my own.

The Duke of Hazel is someone who means to harm me. That was the concept embedded deep within my bones.

Therefore, just seeing the name of the Hazel Duke’s family gave me the creeps.

It was purely suspicion, and although the probability of it not being the truth was high, the concept embedded in my head formulated a hypothesis, wondering if the ultimate goal of my adversary, aiming for my life, was something beyond my death, namely satisfying the condition of imperial power, making it a very solid hypothesis.

“Seems like the little miss is surprised to see me. I am Laszlo Hazel, the head of the Hazel Duke’s family.”

“It appears that Duke Obelton has done a great job educating his child. Unlike other children, even going through the trouble of getting permission for contacting a jeweler.”

“Are you leaving already?”

“Because, in my memory, the lady did not collapse due to frail health, but rather, it seemed like she wanted to hide her wrist.”

“Why is that? Is your wrist hurting today as well?”

The words of Duke Hazel that I’ve heard until now resounded in my ears without fading away. At the same time, they ignited the yet-to-be-concretized hypothesis, wondering, without leaving even a handful of ashes.

While I was quietly waiting to be consumed by the burning forest, the calm voice of Ruth suddenly woke me up.

“You also have rights that you naturally deserve. Moving together to successfully complete our contract is also one of those small rights you naturally deserve.”

“You have the right to ask for help from others. The right to be upset, and the right to enjoy your life. Don’t belittle yourself or lower your own worth, my lady.”

“Of course, it’s not your fault that you act this way. It’s the fault of the environment that made you behave like this. So, there’s no need for you to hang your head as if you were a sinner. Do you understand?”

“Have I not said it often enough? My lady can be a bit more greedy. All of this is your right. Using me, who has made a contract with you, in unavoidable situations according to your wishes, and passing on problems that are too difficult for you to handle on your own to me. All of it is your right. The rights I have given you.”

Rights. Rights. Rights.

The right to ask for help, the right to be upset, the right to enjoy your life, the right to pass on the burden of your heart to someone else. And many more rights that can’t be counted.

After reminiscing about a single memory, I rubbed my forearms gently as the fear that had consumed my body in an instant disappeared. My skin seemed warmer than before, as if my tension had somewhat eased.

…I have all those rights. So, it’s okay, Selena. Everything will be alright. Everything.

As if brainwashing myself, I decided to ask Ruth to dig more into Duke Hazel’s past and to share what happened at the last banquet. Although I am not sure when I will do it, I have decided to do it soon.

And it was at that moment, as I was about to turn to the next page.

Knock knock.

A sound of someone knocking on the door was heard.

I couldn’t hide my puzzled look as I lifted my head. Since I had told Isabella not to come in until I called for her after leaving a dress for her, it couldn’t be her standing outside the door now. But if it’s not Isabella, then who could it possibly be?


After hesitating for a few seconds, I cautiously got up from my seat and slightly opened the door. I had just been reading information about a maid plotting against my life, so my sense of caution had suddenly increased.

“…Oh? Your Majesty?”

But my wariness was unnecessary. The person leaning against the wall outside the door and looking down at me was none other than Ruth.
Ruth, whose gaze met mine in the air, silently showed a light smile and then started the conversation.

“Did you receive the dress?”

“Ah, yes. I checked it earlier. It was so beautiful. Thank you for thinking of me.”

“It’s nothing. This time I didn’t have much time, so I just chose something that reminded me of your eyes, but I’m glad you liked it. Next time, I’ll choose with even more careful consideration.”

“There’s no need for that….”

I trailed off, pondering over Ruth’s ambiguous words.

Did you pick out the dress because it resembles my ‘eyes’? But my Serbia eyes are green, what made you choose a dark navy color then?

It was utterly incomprehensible to me.

Ruth, who completely failed to notice how I felt, soon showed interest in the documents I was holding.

“What’s that?”

“These are the documents regarding a maid named Derena I mentioned before. It includes her personal details.”

“Oh. Can I take a look?”

“Of course, but aren’t you busy?”

“I have about 30 minutes free. Let’s go inside instead of continuing to stand here talking; I don’t like it.”

“Okay, let’s do that.”

After deciding to discuss Derena with Ruth in the bedroom, I slightly turned my body to make it easier for him to enter. As a sign of gratitude, he gave me a slight nod and, after taking a few steps, allowed a smile to linger on his lips. Then he murmured softly.

“It smells like lilacs.”

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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