There Is No Mercy

CH 04

I rolled my eyes to the side, and I noticed Belrietta pouring the same wine into her glass that I was drinking. The way she awkwardly handled the strong wine without much knowledge made her look foolish. Belrietta would undoubtedly mimic whatever I did at the party today, so I chose the wine as a way to distract her. Pretending to drink the harsh liquor, she would most likely follow suit. With little experience in alcohol, she wouldn’t be able to take more than a few sips, making her drowsy.

The plan was to take her to the room afterward. From then on, I could have time to organize and understand the current situation alone.

As soon as I lifted my glass, Belrietta also raised hers. When I tilted my glass, she did the same, pretending to sip and spitting it out several times. Belrietta’s face turned as red as the diminishing wine glass, and shortly after, she closed her eyes as if falling asleep.

Everything went as planned.

I silently observed Belrietta, who was now asleep, and then lifted my chin.

I caught a passing maid and requested a room for Belrietta to sleep in. Afterward, I called a maid from the Bozbon family.

The maid, seemingly surprised upon seeing Belrietta, widened her eyes, then hastily took her away to a designated room, separate from the Bosbon family.

I thought it would be troublesome, but unexpectedly, it ended quietly.

While Belrietta staggered away, supported by the maid, I discreetly watched her, then shifted my gaze.

Regardless, what mattered now was not the handling of a drunken Belrietta. It was crucial to understand the situation I was in.

For now, the pressing matter was how to appropriately fend off Belrietta’s advances in the future…

“It’s been a while, Miss Sierra.”

A voice came from behind, and when I turned my head slightly, a man with a gentle smile came into view.

At that moment, I felt an imaginary pain in my shoulders, which were fine just a moment ago.

I pressed my shoulder with my hand, narrowing my eyes.

“Has it been two months?”

Otherwise, I felt as if something might spill at any moment, making my stomach churn.

As I tilted the glass and took a sip, his eyes softened.

“I didn’t know you liked wine.”Everything about this man before my eyes was repulsive and, at the same time, a betrayal.
Layton Vladia.As soon as I saw him, screams and his voice echoed in my ears like hallucinations.
The sensation of his hand pushing me, the pain in my stabbed shoulders, remained vivid.
Layton was the man who had comforted me when I lost my parents, drowning in pain and sorrow. The man who had embraced me after my parents’ passing and consoled me in grief. A man who used to stay by my side, not the Bellieta trailing behind.
Back then, I genuinely believed that Layton loved me.
I, too, sincerely loved him.
However, such feelings lasted only for a moment.
The care he showed me turned out to be falsehoods adorned with betrayal.
“You’ve become even more beautiful.”
It was an empty compliment.
In the past, I might have fallen for such words, but looking at it now, it was utterly hypocritical.
Did I really fall for those lifeless eyes?
Suppressing a bitter smile, I opened my mouth.
“It’s been a while, Lord Vladia.”
“Would you still call me Layton, as before?”
He always wanted me to be comfortable using his name.
He approached me, smiling, his desires well-hidden behind the facade.
Foul desires.
Layton was originally after Bellieta, or more precisely, after the prestige of the Bozbon family.
‘You were just a tool to obtain Bellieta.’
A feeling of disgust rises in my throat.
Forcing myself, I tilted the wine glass, downing the drink forcibly.

“I don’t. I just drink it because it’s there.”

“Is that so? Too bad. I was thinking of inviting you to share the wine I have.”

Staring into his eyes, I spoke lightly after briefly freezing my expression.

“With Bellieta?”

At my blunt question, he seemed momentarily taken aback, but quickly recovered.

He smiled gently, wearing a mask of calmness.

“I have no authority over Bellieta. However, if Miss Sierra wishes, having the Bosbon lady join us is acceptable. You two are always together, aren’t you?”

Such an affectionate remark.

He’s so considerate, even thinking about my friend.

A sarcastic laugh lingered in my mouth.

It’s not out of consideration but more likely that he would suggest it, knowing Bellieta would follow if I called.

It was apparent.

“Thank you for your consideration, Lord Vladia. But unfortunately, Bellieta has already left the party. She drank some wine and fell asleep.”

“Is that so?”

His reply came with a nonchalant expression. The raised eyebrows on Layton’s face were clearly visible to me.

“Yes. Therefore, I’ll have to postpone drinking with Bellieta for another time.”

If he had genuine interest in me, he wouldn’t mind us drinking together.

However, the answer did not come from his mouth.

“Is that right? Too bad. Then, let’s postpone it for now. It might be awkward for Miss Sierra to drink alone with me. Well, we can arrange it for another time.”

Such an answer.

If he had any interest in me from the beginning, he would have considered us drinking together when he first suggested it. Now, why suddenly express concern over it being awkward?

It was nonsense.

“Please arrange it for next time, Lord Vladia.”

“Call me Layton, Miss Sierra. Feel free to be casual.”

Get lost.

“I’ll call you that another time, Lord Vladia.”
He couldn’t utter more words after hearing my response with a grim face and eventually turned away.

I silently watched his retreating figure.

It seemed that I was simply unlucky.

I had barely returned to the past, and yet I had to face those unfortunate faces once again.

To think I believed in the sincerity of that man’s performance.

Witnessing the face of the man who deceived and used someone whose judgment was clouded by the loss of family was revolting.


I stood up, sweeping my disheveled hair away from my face.

I attended the party only as a formality.

There was no need to stay any longer.

Returning to my room to rest, cool my head, and contemplate the best course of action seemed like a better choice.

As I stood up, judging the direction with tired eyes, a peculiar voice reached my ears.

“…Right. It’s the same. Isn’t it?”

“That’s right. Unbelievable… How can it be the same this time too?”

“Last time wasn’t a coincidence, was it? It was intentional, definitely on purpose.”

“How can a friend mimic like that? Gives me the chills.”

A murmuring voice entered my ears.

It was nothing special, something that could be dismissed, yet it felt as if it were directed at me.

Halting my movements, I turned my head to look at the source.

Then, I heard the chattering of coquettish voices from the side.

Young ladies who were openly talking about me seemed to be startled as our eyes met, quickly lowering their gazes.

While observing them, I shifted my gaze and changed direction, heading toward the source of the whispers.

As I approached, the three young ladies, who had been talking animatedly, suddenly fell silent, and their eyes widened in surprise.

Looking at me, they quickly exchanged glances and then shamelessly raised their heads.

I turned my head slowly, surveying each face, and then spoke deliberately.

“What did you just say?”

Try saying that again to my face.

Their startled eyes rolled around for a moment, and it seemed they were silently communicating with each other. Eventually, the green-haired girl in the middle, who seemed to lead the group, spoke.

“I didn’t say anything, Lady Brilroksen. Just a casual conversation…”


Interrupting her words, as I spoke up, the young lady who had been talking in front of me widened her eyes in surprise.

With a thin smile, I delivered my final words.

“…People who do that are quite vulgar, Lady Richelle.”

“When did I lie…?!”

“Of course, Lady Richelle wouldn’t, but…”

I chuckled lightly and turned my gaze away.

Their shoulders twitched awkwardly as we exchanged occasional glances, lacking both confidence and courage.

Talking behind my back, they disguised me as a shadow of Bellieta, even though they themselves were nothing more than children from a mediocre house once you removed the noble label.

Moreover, it was evident from the fabric of the dresses they wore and the quality of the jewels they adorned – a stark contrast to their elevated social status.

Of course, for them, it might have been the best they could afford.

I rolled my eyes up and down slowly, blinked my eyes lightly, and drew a gentle curve with my lips.

“Even if the banquet hall is noisy, ears are always sharp, haven’t you heard? One must always be careful with words.”

“Oh, please, it’s just a misunderstanding, Lady Brilroksen!”

“I’m curious about the nature of that misunderstanding.”

Her mouth straightened into a line as I stared at her with a deliberately slow expression change.

“I’d like to know what the difference is between what I heard just now and the misunderstanding you’re expressing.”


  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thanks a lot for the translation!❤️‍🔥

    1. Luna says:

      Thank you for reading ☺️

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