There Is No Eternal Supporting Role

Early in the morning, Elena returned to her room after finishing her meal and looked at the startled priest who knocked on her door.

“What did you just say?”

“His Holiness the Pope wishes to see you.”

“His Holiness…the Pope?”

In an empire ruled by an emperor, another being who dared to put ’emperor’1Emperor is written as 황제 and Pop is written as 교황 in his title. The highest-ranking figure in the Rahan religion, the state religion of the empire, and the only religion on the continent was the Pope, an immensely significant existence that could not be fully explained in words.

“Why would he want to see me…?”

But why would such an esteemed person like him want to see me? Elena asked in confusion. The senior priest who had come to escort her seemed to find her pitiful, yet familiar with this situation.

“How can one understand his intentions? Since His Holiness wishes to see the intermediate priest who has become the theological instructor of Duke Levi, it is your duty to follow me promptly.”

It was quite an overbearing attitude, but the man’s words were correct. If His Holiness the Pope wanted to see her, all she had to do was say ‘Yes’ and run. But Elena was very embarrassed by the fact that someone as big as the Pope was calling to see her face to face, so she wanted to know about the situation.

“E-excuse me, Father. Where are we going right now?”

Following behind the priest, who urged her impatiently, Elena asked.

“We are going to the Imperial Temple. Where else would we be going?”

The intermediate priest replied while getting on the carriage first, treating Elena as if she were a troublesome fly.

“Oh, um… right. Hahaha!”

Although Elena had no idea where the Imperial Temple was, she laughed and went along with him. Judging from the man’s attitude, it seemed like common knowledge that a priest should know.

As Elena sat quietly, observing her surroundings, she cautiously spoke again.

“Um, Father.”

“What else?”

“Do you really not know why His Holiness wants to see me?”

“Haven’t I already said I don’t know?”

The intermediate priest, who seemed annoyed and displeased by the situation of having to accompany Elena, did not even look at her after getting on the carriage. Elena quietly sighed and closed her mouth, thinking it would be better not to bother him any further, as she might be kicked out of the carriage.

“When His Holiness wants to see a low-ranking cleric, it’s usually one of two things.”

Nevertheless, he wasn’t that harsh of a person. The man, upon hearing Elena’s soft sigh, reluctantly spoke.

“Two, two things?”

“Either a reward or a punishment.”

Reward and punishment. The odds were 50-50, so why did the punishment option feel more likely?

“You would know the answer better. It depends on whether you’ve done something worthy of a reward or deserving of a punishment recently.”

And gradually, the color drained from Elena’s face.

‘Could it be that Rosaline disclosed something about me? Or is it because Duke Levi declined my lessons?’

Either way, it was a serious problem. Elena suddenly wondered if the path she was currently on was her path to the netherworld.

Observing Elena’s growing unease, the priest added sarcastically.

“I heard you managed to cause enough trouble to deserve punishment in the short time you’ve been in the palace.”

I caused trouble, is that so?

“Don’t worry too much. His Holiness might be trying to reward you instead.”

Elena began to seriously contemplate whether she should jump off the running carriage right now.

* * *

The carriage that Elena boarded was heading towards the Rahan Temple located within the palace, which was always serene. And deep within that place, at the central role of the Pope’s office, two individuals were waiting for Elena’s arrival, as always.

“You don’t need to see it yourself.”

Among them was Cardinal Geoffrey, who still occasionally appeared in Elena’s dreams, delivering nightmares. A strict and stern figure who was feared by the priests, Cardinal Geoffrey seemed a bit different today.

“The child will leave the palace in a few days anyway.”

At first glance, it seemed no different from usual, but the atmosphere was quite different. Instead of his usual cold and sharp attitude, he looked like a mature son in front of his aged father.

“You said it hasn’t been long since she entered the palace.”

Across from him sat an elderly man who looked so small and feeble that it was impossible to gauge his age. The old man, whose features had turned white with age, wore a kind expression as he looked at Cardinal Geoffrey.

“Duke Levi is refusing her theological studies. It is only a few days now, and the court seems to be waiting to see, but I am sure word will come our way soon.”

Everything was going according to Cardinal Geoffrey’s plan. He hadn’t expected Duke Levi to outright refuse the lessons, but he had anticipated from the beginning that Elena would not last long.

“Even when she was from a commoner background and in the Avalon Temple, she couldn’t show much aptitude for theology. Her personality is timid, and she is hesitant in everything, so her reputation is not impressive. I never expected such a child to fulfill her role as Duke Levi’s theology teacher in the first place.”

What the palace demanded from the central temple located in the capital city of the empire, Avalon, was twenty theologians. It was just a matter of filling the quota. After that, the responsibility would fall to the temples in the Arenia region, so it was no longer Cardinal Geoffrey’s concern.

“I don’t see why His Holiness would want to see a lowly priest who will soon be back in service.”


Cardinal Geoffrey is a member of a highly esteemed noble family in the Empire of Ifren and the designated next Pope, but there was no sign of his usual dignified demeanor now.

“Yes, Your Holiness.”

He was not an authoritative instructor in his middle age, but just a diligent disciple.

“Do you have a reason for not wanting me to see that child?”


In response to the Pope’s quiet question, Cardinal Geoffrey answered in silence.

“That’s not like you.”

The Pope, with a benevolent smile, spoke to soothe the cardinal.

“If that’s what you say, then the child won’t last long in this palace. Why would it matter if I see her face once?”

“…Please do as you wish.”

In the end, it was Cardinal Geoffrey who stepped back, but he didn’t say why the Pope wanted to see Elena.

“There is no ulterior motive. I’m just glad. Besides me, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a child with the power of healing.”

“What the child possesses is nothing compared to Your Holiness’ power. It is feeble and lowly.”

Cardinal Geoffrey quickly replied. His face had faint signs of aging. He was the representative of Rahan, the most sacred servant of Rahan. He would never deign to be compared to someone like Elena.

“Is that so…”

As if understanding Geoffrey’s thoughts, the Pope simply chuckled. His eyes were consistently deep and warm.

Elena stood in front of the Pope’s office. Her hands trembled with tension and fear, but she had no other choice. Her hand cautiously knocked on the door.

Knock, knock.

After a moment, a voice came from inside the office.

“Come in.”

With less than half her usual stride, Elena finally approached the Pope’s desk, fully understanding the feeling of a cow being led to the slaughter. Of course, she didn’t have the courage to lift her head.

Is it because Rosaline knew she was a commoner? Or is it because Duke Levi refused her lessons? She was at a point where she couldn’t even breathe due to her nervousness.

“So, you must be Elena.”

Uhmm, Elena’s shoulders trembled. The voice was very different from what she had imagined.

“Did I surprise you by calling you suddenly?”

It was a gentle and relaxed voice, very different from the intimidating and rigid priests.

“Ah, no.”

“Raise your head.”

Elena cautiously lifted her head. Then she saw a small figure sitting behind the desk—the Pope.

‘This, this person is His Holiness the Pope?’

Elena was taken aback by the Pope’s appearance, which was very different from what she had expected. As the Pope of the Rahan faith, the Empire’s only religion, his position was quite impressive, so she had imagined a charismatic and extraordinary Pope who exuded a unique aura. But the Pope she met in person was far from being exceptional.

When a person is in a certain position, it is natural for the surrounding environment to create a sense of unfamiliarity. But the Pope was different. It seemed as if he constantly absorbed and assimilated everything around him in every moment of his existence.

As Elena looked at the Pope, she felt her body, which had been stiff with tension just a moment ago, relaxed.

“It is an honor. Please accept my greetings, Your Holiness.”

“C-Cardinal Geoffrey?”

Startled by the sharp voice, Elena, who had been standing next to the Pope, suddenly returned to reality.

“I, I’m sorry. I greet Your Holiness, the vicar of Rahan. My name is Elena, an intermediate priest.”

She quickly bowed her head and greeted me again. But something was strange. After the greeting, she should have heard a response like ‘Raise your head’ or ‘Yes, nice to meet you’ as before, but the Pope remained silent.

Did I do something wrong? A bit embarrassed, Elena raised her head, shoulders hunched.

Wrinkled eyes were staring right at her. Seeing no hint of reproach in those eyes, it seemed like she hadn’t done anything wrong. But why did the Pope keep looking at her like that?

“Your Holiness.”

Finally, Cardinal Geoffrey called the Pope.


It seemed like the Pope’s voice could fade at any moment.

“I heard you possess the power of healing. Is that correct?”

“It’s not that impressive of a power.”

Elena’s ears turned red. Attaching grandiose words like ‘power of healing’ to her divine ability that couldn’t even properly heal a single sprained ankle.

“May I ask you for a favor, Elena?”

Being called by her name for the first time by someone she just met felt like butterflies in her stomach.

“Yes, Your Holiness. Please speak.”

“While opening a letter today, I cut my hand. Can you heal this wound for me?”

There were still red and angry wounds on the palm of the Pope’s hand. It was different from the small, superficial wounds on the injured or the servants that she had healed before. When Elena stayed silent for a moment without giving any response, Cardinal Geoffrey scolded her.

“The Holy Father has spoken!”

His outburst made Elena’s shoulders flinch.

“Geoffrey, do not worry.”

“…Yes, Your Holiness.”

“Didn’t I tell you time and time again that you have too many thorns?”

“I apologize, Your Holiness.”

Geoffrey, who had been the scariest person Elena knew, acted as meek as a gentle lamb. It was truly a shocking scene.

“Why did you hesitate?”

The Pope asked Elena in a gentle tone.

“I didn’t think I could completely heal that wound. And my hands…”

The Pope looked at Elena’s hand in response to her words. Her hands were in such a mess, so torn and calloused that it would furrow the brow of anyone who looked at them. Even after entering the palace, she had never had a day without washing, doing Rosaline’s laundry, and cleaning.


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