The Villain Is Obsessed With His Fake Wife

CHAPTER 084: I Have a Baby

“A fairy?”

John slightly furrowed his eyebrows.

“Aren’t the fairies already gone?”

“No, they are not extinct.”

The devil chuckled and answered.

“If that were the case, the world wouldn’t be like this yet.”

“What does that mean?”

John’s red eyes, which had been quiet, flashed.

“Oh, really! It’s okay.”

The devil questioned John’s reaction.

“Is it okay if you don’t ask me for more information about the fairies? It would be very difficult to find out about fairies.”

“Why should I ask more about something that not even the devil in the world can handle?”

“Something I can’t handle. What kind of nonsense is that?”

“I thought you wanted to be sacrificed in some way. Doesn’t that mean that he is that great and important to the devil?”

John gently scratched the devil’s nerves.

“Maybe it means a being greater than the devil.”

“Do not be ridiculous! Who said that?”

Sharp teeth appeared in the devil’s torn mouth.

“Comparing a fairy to a devil, they are only born with a good bloodline and are suitable to be used as a sacrifice.”

“Being born with a better bloodline than a devil is an ability.”

“Well, there’s only one left! Who can you compare with the scum who cannot properly utilize their noble lineage and is thus languishing in a lowly state, worse than the devil?”

“If they use it well, it means they can overcome even the devil.”

“I am a being that has existed since the beginning. If we compare in dignity, no one can stand alongside me.”

The devil’s form twisted wildly as if he was excited.

“A fairy who can’t change anything with her power!”

The devil, who had been speaking with a vicious expression, closed his mouth. The devil looked at John and laughed.

“Are you trying to get free information from me like this?”

“There’s no reason to turn down something you’re offering for nothing in return.”

John shrugged his shoulders casually. The devil, who got caught up in John’s trick and spit out something about the fairy, gritted his teeth.

“John, aren’t you afraid of the devil?”

The devil stretched out his clawed hands as if to tear John apart.

“You already gave me a happy future in exchange for revenge on Libertan. You are not given a happy future. Aren’t you afraid of misfortune that you don’t know when will come?”

“So there is no need to be afraid anymore.”

John laughed as if laughing at the devil’s threat.

“If it’s a predetermined misfortune anyway, it won’t matter what I do.”

“Yes. That’s how it is.”

The devil’s purple eyes looked at John with interest. John was a truly amazing being, even to the devil who had lived for a long time. Even when he didn’t have anything, he was more stubborn than anyone else.

Not only was it not enough to deal on equal terms with the devil, a being that would overwhelm ordinary humans just by putting it in front of him, he was not pushed back even after pledging the most important thing to humans, ‘happiness’.

“But be careful. If you have made a contract with the devil and want to gain something, you will have to worry about how much you can afford to lose.”

“It’s so kind of you as the devil. You even worry about humanity’s future.”

“What an arrogant person you are. I can even teach you how to specifically sacrifice a fairy.”

“Do devils have hearing problems as they age?”

John knew well the trap that the devil sets out for humans.

‘The path that seems most convenient is usually a bad choice.’

The nature of the devil was ugly. Although the easiest way is to sacrifice a fairy as the devil said, there were probably quite a few intentions hidden behind it.

‘Especially fairies, I don’t know much about them.’

If you trade in exchange for something you don’t know much about in the first place, you would only be swayed by the other person and end up in ruin. So, if possible, it was wise to avoid the easiest method and choose another method.

“I’m not interested in fairies or anything, so tell me another way.”

“Okay, if that’s your will.”

The demon’s eyes narrowed after being silent for a moment. An unusual evil flashed in his purple eyes.

“The divinity of the Holy Kingdom, the heart of Atea.”

The greatest treasure that brought the Holy Kingdom into existence.

“And gather all 12 holy relics that are the pride of the Holy Kingdom and offer them to my altar. Then I will tell you about your wife’s curse.”

* * *

As soon as she arrived at the mansion, the black panther demon came running towards her, wagging his tail.


The black leopard beast had a star pattern on its forehead, so she was going to name it Star, but somehow she thought it was similar to her own name, so she named it after her favorite dessert.

As instructed, Choco stopped right in front of her and waited for he touch.

“Good job, Choco. Oh, you’re pretty.”


“You missed me a lot. I also missed Choco a lot.”

Choco rubbed its forehead against her hand, then lay down and really enjoyed her touch. Surprisingly, Choco knew that she was big and strong and that he would hurt her, so he moved around well.

Even the terrifying sound of a black panther suddenly turned into a cute one.


Choco pricked his ears and tapped his tail on the floor as if asking for more petting. It’s a cute gesture that asks you to scratch it evenly.

“That’s right, that’s good. Did you listen to what the others said?”


“Okay, you heard me right.”

Betty appeared behind Choco like a ghost. And she glared at Choco as if she were aggrieved.

“No, ma’am. You don’t know how many accidents Chocolate caused.”

“Yes? Choco, did you get into an accident?”

He’s such a good listener. Then his eyes widened as if Choco had heard her nonsense. Then Betty spoke dissatisfied.

“Ma’am, don’t be fooled! That demon thought that not only the district but also the garden was his territory, so he kept threatening to prevent other users from entering.”



Choco looked at her and slammed his front paws on the ground.

‘Choco, your feet are so big that the ground is cracking for some reason.’

Looks like he hasn’t mastered controlling his strength yet.

“Choco, were you such a mean demon?”


“Did you just try to bite someone and threaten someone?”


Choco laid down on his flat body and rolled his eyes. She could hear people around her laughing as if they were shocked.

‘Well, even though he’s so calm, he’s still a magical beast…’

“No, people misunderstood our chocolate, right? What a kind demon our Choco is, right?”


Choco pricked up his ears and nodded his head. Choco was a smart kid, so if you tell him this much, he would understand.

“Betty. Where is the garden that Choco was wary of?”

“I’ll lead you right here.”

As she walked along with Betty, Choco quickly perked up and followed her, bouncing on her feet. Her tail was wagging wildly, as if she was happy to walk with her after a long time.

‘It wasn’t like this when I first saw it.’

Come to think of it, after their honeymoon, she was too busy to look around the garden.

‘I’m quite a fairy.’

-Are you coming to the garden today?

At the right time, the trees spoke.

-Yes. I’m going to be with the trees for the first time in a while.

-Oh my, there’s no need for a busy kid to worry that much.

-Yes. We are satisfied with just spraying fertilizer. It’s like us, the gardener will take care of it.

-We also know how important it is for humans to be debutants or something. For trees that can always be seen in the garden, all you have to do is go see them when it’s convenient.

Anyone could see that their tone was sulky.

-Do you really want to do that?

-Of course. None of us are upset. How happy we are that you are happily hanging out with so many people. What good would it be to talk to us?

The voices of the trees became brighter.

-Okay then. If you do something wrong, you’ll be treated like a crazy person who talks to trees. Use people like us only when necessary.

-That’s right. If you make this many tree rings, you should get hit with an ax and become a thing. How can I be proud of surviving this long? It’s a sin, a sin, to live too long.

Sometimes she wondered where the trees learned these words.


She said sincerely as she walked into the garden.

-I didn’t have time to go see the trees. Still, I have never forgotten the trees. How much I love trees.

The trees cleared their throats in embarrassment at her sincere words.

-Ugh, all the old trees are paying attention to the young fairy! Do you think that busy kid is like us who just stand all day? Everyone should do it in moderation!

-Yes. We are sorry. I did it because I was jealous of the trees in the Kelsis Mountains living by drinking the mineral water that flows underground.

-We live with good access to water, fertilizer, and sunlight, but we were too greedy. Ah.

-Okay, I’ll ask if I can get some diluted water.

-Baby, for us, something like holy water is enough!

Before they knew it, they had arrived at the garden that Choco had made a fuss about because it was his territory.

‘This is where my Eden Rose bloomed, isn’t it?’

Patricia and Erich were waiting in front of the garden.

“Why are you two here?”

“Ah, ma’am.”

Patricia said expressionlessly.

“I was trying to prepare for Madame’s debutante by defeating Eden Rose, but I kept having differences of opinion with Baron Bougne.”

“Ma’am, I don’t think we should continue to beat Eden Rose as much as Lady Gillite thinks. How did Eden Rose come back!”

She guessed there was a conflict over her debut.

‘Why do all the problems gather in the Eden Rose Garden?’

She tilted her head and looked at Choco. Then Choco pretended not to notice, rolled her eyes and sat down on the floor with his butt down.

“I’ll check on Eden Rose first. Do you have anything else to say to me?”

“It’s about a saint.”

Patricia, who always had an expressionless expression, frowned for the first time in a long time.

“It seems like the saintess has been acting suspiciously lately, inviting nobles to her temple. For some reason, it seems like she is planning something that will harm you, Madame.”

“Why don’t you invite me specially and do something unusual?”

“Not really. However, it seems that the nobles who returned have become excessively followers of the saint and are forming a faction. Noble men are making public confessions to the saint one after another.”

It seemed like he was trying to rebuild his position that had been lost because of Mireyu.

‘It wouldn’t matter if you didn’t oppose me like this.’

She honestly couldn’t guess what the saint was thinking.

‘She’s also hiding that she’s Yestella.’

Even though her original issues were resolved, Yestella continued to be on her mind.

‘I need to visit the Great Temple sometime.’

She entered the Eden Roses with a new problem to worry about. The lovely blue Eden Rose was showing off its splendid beauty.

‘It’s so beautiful whenever I see it.’

Although these roses were larger than ordinary roses, she also saw some surprisingly large Eden Roses.

‘Now that I think about it, this is where I planted the Undine Tier.’

She stood in front of the biggest rose among them. In Eden Rose, which was said to contain the power of spirits, an unusual power was definitely felt.


Choco barked at the Eden Rose.

“Why are you doing this, black man? What’s in this rose?”

‘Does the demonic beast even recognize the power of the spirit?’

She reached out and gently placed her hand on the unusually large Eden Rose. A tingling feeling ran through her hands.

‘What is this?’

The size of Eden Rose grew bigger and bigger.

“Madam is raising Eden Rose!”

“Be quiet, Betty. Madam always has a plan. Please wait quietly.”

“Yes, Madam, she was definitely preparing something great for this debutant…”

There was nothing like that!

‘Why is this getting bigger?’

Each of the Eden Rose’s petals had undulating colors like the deep sea. And slowly the petals bloomed.

‘A baby?’

Inside Eden Rose was an unusually cute baby. The baby, with fine black hair and white and fair skin, was so adorable and cute just by looking at him with his eyes closed.

‘I thought it looked a bit familiar.’

The baby looked like a cross between her and John. It was amazing.

“Oh, a baby! Ma’am, you made the baby with your own hands!”

“Betty. Don’t be frivolous.”

When Betty shouted loudly, Patricia answered slowly.

“We should give it an honorific title for our heir.”

What did they mean!

She swallowed dry saliva. They said it would contain the power of the spirit and help with her curse, but they didn’t even say that a baby like this would be born!

“Everyone, that is… It’s a spirit.”

Fortunately, Erich seemed to know something.

“Madam gave birth to a spirit that is said to rarely appear anymore.”

Was it that big?

-Spirit baby!

Suddenly the trees cheered her with excitement.

-I never thought we would see spirits being born in the world these days!

-A baby. You are a fairy, right? A spirit baby was born.

-Looks like he’s still young and can’t even open his eyes properly. It’s so cute.

Both Erich and the trees seemed to have a general idea of ​​what a spirit baby was.

-Hurry up and give him a hug. If he gets caught in something strange, you could get hurt.

She slowly reached out and picked up the baby. The baby wriggled and hugged her as if he recognized her. It was cute and amazing how her chubby cheeks moved every time she breathed.

The trees seemed to know that she couldn’t ask questions, so they talked to her nonstop about the baby.

-I think I was probably born under the influence of your power.

-Hmm. Still, don’t you think that since you’re so young and just born, you’ll only be awake for an hour a day?

-Probably right away, it would be a big deal just for that spirit baby to grow up.

-So what are you going to do with this? How can I explain this!

Then the trees fell silent.

-Are you not going to answer my question?


-Tell me to cut down all the trees in the garden with an ax?

At that time, the baby opened his big eyes. Through them, dark blue eyes with a hint of red were revealed. The baby with gentle eyes stretched out his fern-like hand towards her and wiggled.

“Oh, you’re awake.”

She stared at the baby, not knowing how he would react.

‘It’s like a baby born to us.’

The spirit baby mumbled and grinned with his little mouth.

“Mammu, mamma!”

* * *

John met the devil and found Estelle.

‘How much are you prepared to lose?’

The last words the devil left behind kept coming to mind. He cursed and entered Estelle’s room.

Estelle was lying on the bed in his room.


Estelle looked at him and her eyes widened in surprise. There was a completely unexpected being next to her.

‘A spirit?’

t was a baby who exuded the energy of a spirit.

The angel-like baby was sleeping soundly, barely holding on to Estelle’s index finger with his fern-like small hand. The baby resembled Estelle and Johan like a lie. For some reason, John felt strangely touched as he looked at the baby.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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