The Strongest Daughter-in-law of the Black Lion family

TSDLBLF | Episode 55


If things continue like this, breaking Zakari’s stubbornness is only a matter of time. Feeling confident, I spoke up with a triumphant smile.

“The more cautious the prey, the wider the net you need to cast.”

“You clever little ferret, you even know hunting techniques.”

“Just wait and see. After all this emotional turmoil, Zakari will realize something.”

“But what if, by some chance, he actually tells me to go ahead and remarry? What if, out of spite, he really tries to meet a badger…”

Rachel trailed off, a hint of anxiety creeping into her voice. It was clear she was uneasy, having never scored such a decisive victory over Zakari before. I gave her a firm pat on the back of her hand.

“Get a grip! Did you see how he reacted just now? Stop worrying about unnecessary things.”


“You said you wanted to come back. Are you really just going to attend the wedding and then leave again?!”


“Improving your relationship with Zakari is just the beginning. You also need to make peace with Zerakiel!”

My pointed words made Rachel flinch. After a moment, she regained her confidence, jumped to her feet, and shouted.

“You’re right! Why am I going through all this trouble?”


“Alright then, let’s see him try! If Zakari dares to try meeting some badger, both of them will have to answer to me! I’ll make sure they can’t walk properly afterward!”

I took a step back, slightly taken aback by the intensity of her resolve.

Hmm, maybe I went a little too far in riling her up.

* * *

The wedding was now just around the corner. By next week, I would officially be recognized as a member of the Jabis family.

When I first became a ferret, I wasn’t even sure if this world was truly the world of the novel. And now, somehow, I was about to become the daughter-in-law of a notorious villainous family.

Looking back, my life had been just as tumultuous as any romance novel heroine’s.

During this time, Rachel had gone on several matchmaking dates. Each time, I made sure to slip some information to Zakari.

“Zakari, Lady Rachel went to town today and… she was with a leopard…”


Crash, bang, thud.

“Zakari, this time it’s a rabbit…”

“That little morsel?!”

Crash, bang, thud.

Zakari never just sat back and took it. He found every excuse to intervene and disrupt the meetings. It was clear he was seriously determined.

Honestly, how many beastmen could stand their ground against a black lion baring his fangs and growling?

Rachel even admitted to feeling a bit sorry for the suitors, thinking about how terrified they must have been facing off against an enraged Zakari.

And then, a suitor appeared who seemed to weather the storm like a comet.

His backstory was so dramatic that I couldn’t help but watch with bated breath, like I was tuning into a high-stakes soap opera.

This fox beastman was from a family close to Rachel’s, and at one point, he had even been her fiancé. If Zakari hadn’t swooped in back then, they might have married.

Now, hearing that Rachel was looking to remarry, this man had eagerly put forward his proposal.

Knowing this, Zakari seemed half out of his mind lately. Despite his best efforts, the fox continued to hold his ground, leaving Zakari on the brink of insanity.

‘This is getting interesting.’

Today, Rachel had gone to meet that fox again. Having known him since childhood, she seemed comfortable around him, and that ease was driving Zakari up the wall.

He had summoned me to dig for details about their meetings, and as I watched him, it seemed like he had forgotten I was even there, lost in his own gloom.

The dark circles under his eyes made him look even more agitated.

I glanced at Zakari, who was nervously bouncing his leg up and down.

“Mr. Zakari, you’re making me anxious.”


Zakari, realizing my gaze, quickly tensed his thigh to stop the jittering.


“If you’re that worried, just go and make a scene.”

“Worried? Not at all.”

Zakari tried to play it cool, sipping his coffee, but his eyes kept darting to the clock.

You’re really not fooling anyone.

Seeing his obvious distress, I decided to push him a little further.

“Ah, at this rate, Lady Rachel might actually remarry.”


“They’ve already met three times, so she must really like him. Don’t people usually decide by the third meeting?”


“Given that they were once engaged, if they were to get together now, it’d be the wedding of the century…”

Zakari suddenly shot up from his seat, startling me. As I blinked at him in surprise, he said, “Wedding of the century? Do you even know why that engagement was called off?”

“Are you scared of being outdone by a fox?”

“What?! Do you think I’d lose to a sly fox like him? Absolutely not!”

“Then why are you still here when you know you can win?”


“If you tell Rachel not to remarry, she won’t. To her, you and Zerakiel are the most important.”

“…That’s exactly why I can’t go.”

Zakari, who had looked ready to storm out a moment ago, deflated and sank back into the sofa.

“I can’t ruin Rachel’s life.”

“That’s rich, coming from the man who already gave her the label of divorce.”

“You’re really starting to sound like Zerakiel… or is it Ivan?”

“Try spending an entire day with those two and see how much your vocabulary expands.”

I shrugged, and Zakari let out a deep sigh.

“Deciding what’s best for Rachel’s life without consulting her is arrogant.”

“What did you just say?”

“Have you asked her what she wants?”


“Let me guess, you pushed her away? ‘I love you, so I’m letting you go’? That’s nonsense. If you love someone, you stay by their side and protect them.”


“You’re a coward, a fool, an idiot, and a moron, Mr. Zakari.”

“You certainly don’t hold back, do you?”

Zakari’s voice was cold, and I fell silent, a little intimidated. But then he softened his expression, speaking with an unusual gentleness.

“I know I’m a fool.”

“Hehe, then you should…”

“But I’m still not going.”


I stared at him in disbelief. How could he back out now, when everything was so close? If he was going to give up, he should have done nothing from the start!

As I stood there, speechless, Zakari spoke with a tragic tone, “I’m going to die soon.”


“So this is the right thing to do.”

Zakari looked off into the distance, his face devoid of any lingering attachment to life. The somber atmosphere hung heavy, but I clenched my fists in frustration.

“Is that how you treat those around you on a regular basis?”


“Do you act like this in front of Zerakiel too?”

A surge of anger welled up inside me. His calm acceptance of his own death, his readiness to abandon relationships—this attitude infuriated me.

Come to think of it, Zakari had always been this way. He kept his deepest feelings hidden, maintaining a distance and merely observing those around him.

Zerakiel must have lived his whole life being treated like this, constantly feeling that his father was drawing a line between them. No matter what Zakari’s true feelings were, his detached demeanor must have been demoralizing.

* * *

‘Even if this old granny is gone, my little darling will do just fine, won’t you?’

My grandmother used to say things like that, too, as if she were preparing me for her departure. She must have known her illness was worsening.

Whenever she said something like that, I’d get so angry and yell at her. And then, after turning away, I’d cry my heart out, filled with regret.

“What you’re doing is like driving a nail into the hearts of those you leave behind. You’re crushing any hope they might have.”


“Does it feel good to hurt the people you leave behind just so you can feel at peace? Is this what all black lions are like—selfish and doing whatever they please?”


“Really… Mr. Zakari, you’re a fool and a jerk!”

With that, I stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind me.


🌸 Hello, lovely! Let’s enjoy this magical journey together~ 💖 If you’d like to support me, feel free to check out my Ko-fi! 🌷💕


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