The Ruined Ending made by a Baby















“Is it indeed ‘him’?”


In response to Calvin’s words, Lucart closed his eyes tightly.


Two hundred years ago, the ‘War of Celestial Horses’ erupted in human terms.


The angels of the heavens first pointed their swords, and the demons opposed them. After a long war, the demons claimed victory, but it was not a complete one. They suffered losses as well.


With a diminished demon population and chaos in the demon realm, the number of demons increased.


Since then, the demons occupied the demon realm and busied themselves with the aftermath of the war, leading to the sealing of the demon king’s power.


The ‘him’ that mentioned by Calvin is the celestial being who first triggered the War of Celestial Horses.




The moment the name was mentioned, a headache surged.


Recalling the insane actions of that lunatic, Lucart grasped his nose, narrowing his brow.


“I never want to encounter that lunatic again.”


“… I feel the same. I Really. Really. Really hate him.”


Calvin also expressed his frustration, lowering his head.


Since it’s not certain it’s him, it’s best to observe for now.”


“Yes, understood.”


“I hope it’s not him.”


“Me too….”


They both shivered, avoiding each other’s gaze.


It wasn’t because Lucifer was formidable; despite holding the position of a celestial leader, he wasn’t exceptionally skilled. It’s just that Lucifer… Ah, best not to dwell on it. Calvin shrugged, dispersing his thoughts.


“Oh, and…”


Lucart asked Calvin.


“Have you heard anything about the youngest homunculus?”


“Yes. I’ve heard about its connection to artifacts and summoning spells.”


“Is that all?”


As Calvin recalled the information about the homunculus named ‘Shekina,’ listing her interactions with Lyat, Martin, the encounter with the Elder in the territory, and her unique relationships with other homunculus, he nodded.


“I know she has a close relationship with Lyat and Martin, went out to meet an Elder in the territory, and has formed unique bonds with other homunculus. Is there anything specific you’d like to know?”


Lucart smiled satisfactorily.


“Okay. Find out more.”


Why would the victorious demon king be interested in such an insignificant homunculus? Considering various possibilities, Calvin cautiously inquired.


“Could it be that you’re suggesting we investigate her as a spy?”


Lucart’s eyes widened slightly.


A spy?


A spy, really?


– But seriously, real magic won’t work on it. Just stay still.


– Crying over a wound like this doesn’t suit a tough girl like me.


A spy… did he really say that? Lucart hesitated slightly.


“It doesn’t seem like she’s a spy.”


Calvin smirked when he mumbled, raising an eyebrow.


“Then why are we asked to watch her…?”


What should he say? It seemed like there was something hidden, but he didn’t know what. So, should he say,


“Watch closely because there might be something hidden”?


He didn’t want to say that much. Lucart was merely curious about the homunculus, and once that curiosity was satisfied, it would be the end of it.


“You’ll understand when you watch.”


So, Lucart ordered simply. Calvin was puzzled, but he couldn’t refuse the order, so he nodded.


“Yes, understood.”


Watching Calvin, who seemed to say, ‘Just trust yourself,’ Lucart sighed.


“I hope you won’t succumb to it like Lyat.”


“…You have quite a sense of humor.”


Calvin frowned.


“I despise anything other than the Demon lord. I hate mixing words. I don’t like being looked at. Being in the same space is annoying. But do you really think I’d succumb to such a homunculus?”


Calvin shivered just thinking about it.


“Absolutely not.”


Watching the assertive Calvin, Lucart lowered the corner of his raised mouth.


“Having only the Demon lord is enough for me. The rest, I couldn’t care less if they live or die.”


His unwavering loyalty was not bad. Everything was fine. Everything was fine, but… sometimes it was frightening. Lucart subtly stepped back, his gaze lowered.



























Shekina was wandering the corridor in front of Nisha’s room.


It was good that she came to ask for help with the homunculus, but she couldn’t help recalling the fact that Nisha detested her terribly.


Nevertheless, it was difficult to turn back. Why?


‘It keeps growing.’


The homunculus lump attached to her shoulder was gradually increasing in size. Perhaps it was consuming Shekina’s magical power. If left unchecked, it would either continue draining her magic, or Shekina would have to reluctantly obliterate it.


Because she had the desire to raise this homunculus into her familiar, Shekina wanted to meet Nisha right away.


‘But knocking on the door might lead to a barrage of insults.’


Shekina bit her nails thoughtfully and circled the corridor again.


That’s when it happened.




Nisha’s door burst open.


“Hey, quit yapping and go away. You’re annoying.”


“Oops, you opened the door. Thanks!”


Nisha shouted with irritation, but Shekina didn’t yield to such annoyance. Shekina entered the room gracefully and sat on the sofa.




Nisha stared at Shekina, rubbing her forehead.


“So, why are you here? If you don’t spill the beans within three counts, I’ll kick you out. One, two…”


“Whoa, your temper’s really something, you.”


“Not you, dummy.”


“Hey, do you see this?”


Ignoring Nisha’s words lightly, Shekina pointed at the homunculus lump hanging on her shoulder. Irritated as Nisha was, curiosity got the better of her. The homunculus lump caught Nisha’s two eyes.


“That… a phantom beast?”


“Yep. Boss put some power into it yesterday. That’s why it looks like this now.”




“Yeah, the demon lord.”


Nisha squinted her eyes.


The Demon King did something to Shekina? Surely, there must be a reason… Nisha looked at Shekina with a suspicious gaze, but Shekina remained indifferent.


“Don’t carry it around like this. I want to change its appearance a bit. Apparently, doing something with your ego to them will alter their form. Can you do that?”


Nisha let out a wry laugh.


“Yeah, I can.”


Nisha, a skilled summoner capable of summoning even higher-level spirits, could undoubtedly manage that much. However,


“But why should I do it for you?”


Why me? Help this annoying thing?


Nisha clenched her fist and tilted her head.


“I don’t want to help you.”


“You’re so mean.”


Shekina looked noticeably disappointed.


Honestly, it seemed like Nisha should help her with this request.


After Nisha betrayed and didn’t send the Demon King’s power, she would have faced execution if other demons had found out. Shekina saved Nisha’s life by absorbing the power for her. Given that, Nisha was being unreasonable by not granting this small favor.


“How about helping each other to build camaraderie among fellow homunculus?”


“Stop talking nonsense. Just go.”


Shekina just lay down on the floor.


“Ah! If I carry this around, the priests will find out! Then I’ll be in big trouble!”


“You’re the only one in trouble. I don’t care.”


“If I get caught, I’ll say you gave it to me!”


“Such a nonsense.”


Nisha grabbed Shekina’s outstretched leg.


“I told you to leave.”


“Ahh! Please help me!”






“Too much trouble.”


“Ahh! You’re so mean! Too mean!”


Shekina, who was being dragged along, resisted by grabbing onto the furniture.


“Are you a baby?”


Nisha, with an annoyed expression, released Shekina’s leg.


“If you really want my help, bring me something worth my while.”


Only then did Shekina stop pretending and looked up.


“What do you like?”


“A nice, innocent younger sister who calls me ‘sister’.”


Ugh… How old am I that you call me ‘sister’? I’m not into that kind of thing.


“Got it, sister. What does my sister’s like?”


That’s great.


Shekina twinkled her eyes at Nisha, wagging her tail.


“A good younger sister should understand. Does me as a sister need to explain?”


“….. You idiot.”


“Younger sister, listen up. A good younger sister doesn’t use bad words.”


Nisha firmly grabbed Shekina’s grumbling shoulder.


“Think carefully and use your head.”


“Hey! Don’t throw me like this!”


Then, she tossed Shekina through the open door.


“Until tomorrow. If you don’t bring something I like by tomorrow, I won’t help you forever.”


Laughing wickedly, Nisha closed the door, leaving Shekina with a clenched fist trembling.


“Really, that pissed me off…”


I need to show her what I’m made of.


Shekina immediately went to find Sebastian.















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  1. louyve says:

    Chapter 57 & 58 are locked. Will unlock a day before next update, thanks!

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