The Ruined Ending made by a Baby












“Did you really have to save me?”


This statement wasn’t made to evoke sympathy or pity. It was spoken because she genuinely believed it.


From the very beginning, even before being reincarnated into this game, Shekina had never received any significant help from anyone. She had never even held the hands of her parents, who were supposed to cherish and protect her, so what could she possibly expect?


Even though Dehan showed his affection, it was only in accordance with the scenario. That’s why Shekina couldn’t understand why Lucart was apologizing.


If he had tried to save her, their identity would have been exposed, which would have caused them great harm.


‘Wouldn’t it have been natural to just abandon me?’


Shekina tilted her head.


“Well, even if I had died there, it wouldn’t have been a big deal. It was my decision to go there, and it’s not the boss’s responsibility.”


Lucart frowned.


In fact, what Shekina said was exactly what he had thought when he decided to leave her behind.


At that time, he believed he was right.


But now, hearing the same words from Shekina’s mouth…


‘It’s unpleasant.’


Lucart sighed and ran his hand through his hair.


Shekina’s words were truly inhumane. No matter how much one might say they should take responsibility for the consequences of their choices, can such a burden be imposed on a child?


A child can make the wrong decisions.


And it’s the adults who should bear the responsibility for that.


Whether that child is human, demon, homunculus… or anything else.


Lucart placed his hand on Shekina’s shoulder.


“You are still young.”


…Even though she had lived for over 90 years.


But this wasn’t the time to mention that, so Shekina just swallowed her dry saliva.


“A child has no responsibilities.”




“Don’t take on responsibilities that you don’t need to bear.”


Shekina’s eyes trembled slightly.


A child has no responsibilities.


What if she had heard these words before? What if someone had told her in her previous life that ‘a child can make mistakes’? Would something have changed?


She wasn’t sure.


It didn’t seem like anything would have changed significantly.


“I don’t really understand what you’re saying.”


So Shekina deliberately changed the subject.


“By the way, could you share your thoughts on the relic I gave you?”




In this situation, she says something like that?


During such an emotional conversation?


Lucart unknowingly muttered to himself.


“I’ll have to retrain her…”


He found himself with something to do when they returned to the Demon King’s castle.




Dehan still hasn’t opened his eyes.


Was it because he was more seriously injured than Shekina? That might be part of it, but the more important factor was his mental state.


The doctor said he was in a state of extreme stress and had fallen into a deep sleep for mental recovery.


That’s why Yuriel, who was keeping vigil by Dehan’s side, couldn’t help but burst into tears.




Yuriel, sitting by the bedside, wiped his tears with the back of his hand and sniffled.


Dehan was a child.


But for a child, he was incredibly mature.


So Yuriel often forgot Dehan’s age. He would completely forget that he was just a 5-year-old boy and treat him as an adult.


This time was no different.


‘I should have gone with him.’


Even though the Pope had only called for Dehan, I should have insisted on going with him up to that point, using my role as a guardian as an excuse. If I had done that, perhaps things wouldn’t have escalated to this extent.


‘Why was he in the underground, anyway?’


Did the Pope take the children underground? No, that’s unlikely. The underground is an unknown space that even Yuriel has never visited.


So there must be some reason… No, no. Now is not the time to think about that. The most important thing right now is for Dehan to regain consciousness. So Yuriel clasped his hands together and prayed.


Please save this innocent child. Please bless his future and don’t let him walk a thorny path anymore… After praying for a long time, Yuriel bit his lip.


God does not answer.


God does not protect us.


Is God really the one who watches over us?


Yuriel recalled that the one who had reached out to help them in the past was not God but the Daimon family. At that moment, distrust and anger toward God welled up inside him.


‘…This isn’t right.’


He knew it, but he couldn’t help it. His heart, already leaning in one direction, would not easily return. Yuriel squeezed his eyes shut.


‘I must meet with His Holiness.’


Yuriel muttered to himself as he clenched his hands together tightly.




Late at night.


Finally free from the fuss of Arthur, the twins, and Lucart, Shekina carefully moved her feet.


– Why did you do that? Why did you go down to the underground?


– Was it because of the relic? The relic? You risked your life for just a relic?


– How long will this continue?


Ah, their voices still echo vividly in her ears. They made such a fuss that Shekina almost wanted to strangle herself and faint.


– From now on, no more reckless actions will be allowed.


Lucart’ strangely changed attitude was odd, but she decided to think about that later. For now, there was something she needed to do.




Shekina cautiously opened the door.


And she looked at the person lying on the bed as if dead. It was Dran.


– Lady Shekina…


– Hold your breath. This will be over soon.


The one who hugged her at the last moment, taking all the debris from the collapsing building upon himself.


Seeing Dehan, Shekina was reminded of the past. More precisely, she involuntarily recalled it.


‘You saved me before too, didn’t you?’


When she was captured by the dark mage, Dehan had saved her. He pulled her out of the collapsing tower and gave her a new life. Yes, Dehan has always been the only one who has ever saved her… both in the past and now.


Before, she thought he reached out to her just because of the ‘scenario,’ but now…


‘The scenario is already broken.’






You are not ‘Dehan Agato’s’ lover.

You are a hidden character!


See, that means Dehan is not just a puppet moving according to the system. This time, he saved Shekina because it was his own decision.


So she became curious.


Shekina sat down carefully on the edge of Dehan’s bed and tilted her head.




Looking at Dehan’s closed eyes, she asked,


“Why did you save me?”


Even at the cost of your life, why?


I’m not worth that much.


Shekina’s expression cooled.


And at that moment,




Dehan coughed and moved. Then, his eyes, which had been closed all this time, slowly opened. The light returned to his once unfocused pupils, and his gaze fell upon Shekina. Shekina unknowingly swallowed her dry saliva.


“…Lady Shekina.”


He half-raised his body and suddenly grabbed Shekina’s arm.




And then, in a voice different from before, filled with certainty, he said,


“We’ve definitely met before, haven’t we?”








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