The Producer Who Draws Stars

The Prelude to a Comeback (2)

Chapter 10: The Prelude to a Comeback (2)


Clap Clap Clap Clap

As the slate clapped, the bustling atmosphere on set quickly quieted down. The MC, seated in the center, announced the start of the shoot.  

Famous not only as a music artist but also for his sharp hosting skills, Jung Yoon-ha looked into the camera and exclaimed.

“Songs that made history, Singing Through The Times!”

The guests applauded in sync and Jung Yoon-ha skillfully started the casual talk. The first to be addressed was Cho Hyun-joon.  

“Cho Hyun-joon-ssi, you’re quite active on social media these days. I heard you’ve been posting a lot of workout pictures lately.”  

“Hahaha. I’ve been exercising to put on a good performance. But lately, my throat’s been feeling a bit off…”  

Cho Hyun-joon, once again, dropped a subtle hint. The MC followed up with a few more questions before moving on to the next guest—Yoon Hyeok-pil, who was seated right beside Cho Hyun-joon.  

“And next, Yoon Hyeok-pil-ssi! Your trailer has been a hot topic lately, hasn’t it?”  

“Ah, yes.”  

“I never would have expected you to say something like that. You were usually so gentle, weren’t you?”  

“Hahaha… I just thought it was time for a bit of an image change.”  

“Image change?”  

Thanks to his bold trailer, Yoon Hyeok-pil was bombarded with a lot of questions. He handled them a bit more confidently than before, no longer stammering as much, but still, his responses lacked flair.  

“Alright, now… Shall we dive into the main event?”  

After wrapping up the opening talk, which started with Cho Hyun-joon and ended with the strong contender for the win, Shin Seung-yeon, the tension in the room rose.  

“This might be the most nerve-wracking moment, don’t you think? It’s time to determine the order.”

At the MC’s words, the participants, who had been laughing and chatting just moments ago, all fixed their gaze on the monitor, holding their breath.

The realm of luck – drawing the performance order.

The MC in charge of the stage, Jeon Dong-in, appeared on the monitor. He cracked a few jokes with the audience, stalling for time until, seemingly receiving the signal that everything was ready, he reached into a sealed container and pulled out a ball.  

Jeon Dong-in spoke through the monitor.

\- Ah, this person’s been making waves lately.

Who would bear the burden of going first? The tension was palpable as the participants swallowed nervously. Even I found myself getting caught up in the moment.

\- He showed some bold confidence in the teaser trailer.

It was Yoon Hyeok-pil.

The staff and the other participants immediately turned their attention to Yoon Hyeok-pil.

\- The symbol of passion 1(“패기의 상징” (symbol of passion) is often used in these contexts to describe someone who is young, energetic, and full of potential), Yoon Hyeok-pil!

Taking a deep breath, Yoon Hyeok-pil stood up. Perhaps because it was the final shoot, both the participants and the staff gave him words of encouragement.  

I was about to follow Yoon Hyeok-pil to the stage when, suddenly, a man grabbed me by the arm.

“Huh? What are you doing here?”  

The man tilted his head as he looked at me. Did he know me? His expression definitely suggested familiarity…  


He seemed both unfamiliar yet oddly familiar. Who was he? Where had I seen him before?  


It clicked. Seo Ji-hye’s manager. He was the guy who had taken my CD for her before.  

“Ah~ it’s you. Manager-nim.”

“Oppa, get me some water.”  

“Yeah. Just a sec.”  

Seo Ji-hye appeared as I greeted him and the manager quickly dashed off to fetch her some water. He returned in no time.  

“Not this one. You know the one I always drink.”

“Uh, yeah. Just wait a second.”  

He’s practically her servant.  

“Here you go.”  

“Ah, thanks.”  

Seo Ji-hye took the water, glancing at me out of the corner of her eye, as if asking who I am, so I decided to introduce myself.  

“I’m Yoon Hyeok-pil-ssi’s arranger.”  

“Yes? Arranger? Are you that Hel Mo guy?”  

Seo Ji-hye’s manager’s eyes widened in surprise.  

“Yes. Well, somehow that’s how it turned out. Haha. And for the record, it’s Heli, not Hel Mo.”  

Both of them were left stunned, just blinking in disbelief, as if they couldn’t process what they’d heard.  

I chuckled and gave the manager a friendly pat on the shoulder. Unlike before, I don’t feel any pressure now.  

…At least, I think so?

“Well then, I’ll be going. Seo Ji-hye-ssi, good luck with your performance.”  

With that, I confidently walked towards the stage. I could feel their confused stares following me from behind.



I decided to stand among the staff and watch the stage from there. PD Kim Tae-joo was just a couple of people away, so I tried to keep my head down, hoping not to catch his eye.  

“Stand by. We’re about to start.”  

As soon as Kim Tae-joo finished speaking, Yoon Hyeok-pil stepped onto the stage.  

Thanks to the buzz from the teaser, the audience’s reaction was surprisingly positive, and Yoon Hyeok-pil seemed to be doing quite well. I had worried that even though he nailed rehearsals, he might freeze up on stage. But thanks to all the practice—and maybe the Cheongshimhwan—he seemed more relaxed than I’d expected.  


At the signal, Yoon Hyeok-pil quietly closed his eyes. The session musicians exchanged glances, and Yoon Hyeok-pil took a deep breath.

A violet light descended like fog onto the silent stage. The drumbeat signaled the beginning, followed by the sorrowful melody of the haegeum (Korean traditional string Instrument) filling the hall.

—On days like today, I remember your smile when we first met……

Yoon Hyeok-pil began to sing. Earnestly, yet with a relaxed, conversational tone. As the lyrics, filled with his emotion, flowed, the audience became drawn into the landscape of the song.

—If the scent of the wind we once felt together still lingers with you… I will not forget that we can see each other again.

I closed my eyes.  

The stage in front of me disappeared and Yoon Hyeok-pil’s song softly emerged.  

His rendition of ‘Sending My Love’ was painted with even sadder and colder hues. 

His music, his canvas, glowed with a beauty so melancholic, like a star in the night sky, gentle yet with a modest radiance.

—I still believe in your love. In that reunion one day…! 

As the song reached its climax, Yoon Hyeok-pil’s voice exploded with power. His overwhelming vocal strength resonated through the entire stage, enveloping the song like a cascading waterfall of deep navy blue. My heart raced along with it.

—If you remember me, if you haven’t forgotten that day…

As the intense climax ended, leaving me breathless, only an indescribable longing remained on the stage that had been swept over by a storm of emotions. 

The haegeum continued wailing sorrowfully, leaving a lingering silence, filled with unfiltered emotions.

—I am still waiting for the day we meet again, sending my love.

The final line. 

The song ended there. But there was no applause, no cheering. In the stillness, where even the sound of dust settling could be heard, Yoon Hyeok-pil wiped the tears welling in his eyes.

It was at that moment.

Thunderous applause erupted, filling the hall. There were whistles and even loud, careless cheers echoed through the space.  

All those sounds gathered together and the stage became noisy. But in that noise, there was a sense of euphoria. Even the clamor became a part of my masterpiece.

Yoon Hyeo-kpil couldn’t say a word in response to the unexpected outpouring of cheers. But the quiet tears rolling down his face were undoubtedly tears of joy.  

Personally, I think the best kind of reaction is when there’s a brief moment of silence and then followed by an eruption of applause and cheers. That’s exactly what happened after Yoon Hyeok-pil’s performance. It was reassuring to know that, objectively, his performance had been well-received.  

As Yoon Hyeok-pil stared blankly at the audience amidst the overwhelming applause, a sense of pride welled up inside me.  

“The symbol of passion—this was Yoon Hyeok-pil’s transformed stage!” 

The MC shouted.  

Next, it was time to hear the thoughts of the original artist or their family. However, the MC hesitated to ask the question.  

The late Yoo Seung-hyuk’s wife, who had appeared in place of her deceased husband, was quietly sobbing.  

“…Please give us a moment.” 

The MC said solemnly. The audience, in a show of respect, fell silent by stopping their applause and cheers.  

Amidst the quiet, gentle emotions filling the room, Yoo Seung-hyuk’s wife finally picked up the microphone. She spoke just one sentence.  

— It was a beautiful performance, truly, truly……  

That day. 

Yoon Hyeok-pil received an astounding 249 votes, nearly three times the 83 votes he had earned in the previous round. Sadly, it was only enough for second place.  

The one who stopped Yoon Hyukpil’s five-win streak, starting from the very first performance, was none other than Shin Seung-yeon. The difference? Just one vote.  

Oh, by the way. 

Cho Hyun-joon, who was up right after Yoon Hyeok-pil, scored 145 votes and suffered a crushing defeat.  

Serves him right.



Five wins, second place in total votes.  

It was a perfect farewell to the days when he was always last. But at the same time, it was also a farewell to ‘Singing Through the Times’.

After that day, Yoon Hyeok-pil had no schedules lined up. Yet, he wasn’t disappointed. Neither was I.

We simply waited for the broadcast, wondering how the public would react when they saw that performance. 

Would they see me—and Yoon Hyeok-pil—differently? Would these half-failures, who had only known defeat, finally receive warm cheers?

One day passed, then two, three, four…

Finally, November 24th arrived—the day of the broadcast. But we were too nervous to watch it live. 

Instead, we waited for the articles and public reactions to roll in after the show ended. And when they did, we both shouted in excitement.

[Yoon Hyeok-pil stuns with a comeback performance, finishes second in final vote]

[Yoon Hyeok-pil’s tears move viewers to tears]

[The rebirth of singer Yoon Hyeok-pil: Rediscovered as a stage-dominating force]  

[Spotlight on arranger Hel Mo’s newfound confidence…]

Yoon Hyeok-pil even ranked 11th in real-time search results and the competition video hit 200,000 views that very day.

Yoon Hyeok-pil’s phone blew up with calls and messages. Friends, former lovers, secret admirers, and industry contacts—everyone wanted to get in touch with him.  

Even my phone received a few messages. One was from Shin Seung-yeon’s manager, and another from Seo Ji-hye’s manager. They both wanted to request my arrangement services.

It seemed neither had thrown away the CDs I had given them. I replied, saying I’d get back to them later.  

For now, I just wanted to savor this moment of joy.  

“Let’s go grab a drink.” 

I said as I grabbed my jacket. I’m sure a smile was spreading across my face.

Yoon Hyeok-pil laughed and replied. 

“Sounds good.”


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