The Marquis of Rodian and The Iron Wall Lady

The season had changed. The ice that filled Silverglen’s valley melted and a light stream began to flow. The new spring was very special for the people of Rodian, who suffered an unexpected disaster last winter. The maids of the marquisate blossomed under the spring sun after a long time.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen a marquis’s wedding.”

“Who wouldn’t be here? Oh, I’m really looking forward to it.”

“I hear Madame Burry’s carriage comes and goes every morning and evening.”

“It’s a secret, but the marquis also called the royal jeweler for the madam.”


Their topic was the wedding of the Marquis of Rodian, their lord. The marchioness, Viscount Argyle’s sister, got engaged to the marquis last winter, and then defeated the formidable figures of the duke’s daughter and the Dowager Queen of Dunkeld, and she became the marquis’s wife both in name and reality. Rumors had been circulating since winter that the marquis was very generous to his wife. The hastily exchanged marriage vows, postponed until the next winter, only fueled the rumors further.

He made a vow because he didn’t want to miss out, but he was going to have a wedding in a good season, what would it be if it wasn’t proof of affection!

Moreover, the Marquis of Rodian was very handsome, so the word beautiful was appropriate. It seems that among the knights, it is said that he had a fearsome personality, but to the maids, who could only see him from afar, the invisible personality was not a big deal.

Such a man fell in love and showed affection by pouring out enormous wealth of the family. It was more like a fairy tale than an actual fairy tale. Someone suddenly passed by in front of the maids who had dreamy eyes and were covering their cheeks.

“Oh, isn’t that Anne?”

“Anne, Anne! What brought you here?”

It was Anne, a maid who worked in the marquis’s main house and became the exclusive servant of the marquis’s wife. Having risen to prominence and become the envy of many, her appearance outside drew attention.

The maids, as if prearranged, stood up from their positions and flocked towards Anne.

“Oh, yeah. Long time no see, everyone.”

“It’s become really hard to see your face, Anne! What brings you here today?”

“Probably another errand for the marchioness, right? But more than that, it’s a direct path inside, isn’t it? We haven’t seen each other in a while, so let’s chat a bit before you go.”

“Yes, yes.”

It wasn’t annoying to subtly block the path and urge Anne to talk. Seeing her friends all lined up, Anne chuckled and spoke. Truth be told, she also wanted to boast, but there was no one to talk to in the manor, and her words had been itching to come out.

“What are you curious about?”

Oh, can I really ask? The maids, who were exchanging glances with each other, rushed to open their mouths at some point.

“Oh, I know! What does her wedding dress look like?”

“Jewels! How about jewelry? Does she have diamonds?”

“Is it true that the jeweler of the royal capital has come?”

“And then…”

It was the wedding of the marquis, which took place after thirty years. The curiosity of the young maids, who had only heard a lot and had not seen anything, was boundless.


Edith Rodian, the marchioness and the bride of the very wedding, said flatly, banging on the desk combatively.

“I don’t like it.”


“Can I tell you everything?”

“Seems like it’s not just one thing.”

Alpheus, the Marquis of Rodian, who was sitting at his desk, wrinkled his brows weakly. Alpheus was a man accustomed to a war of words with his wife. However, most of the war of words occurred when their relationship was a hierarchical relationship between a hired lord and a bureaucrat. At that time he made very good strategic use of his superiority, but he couldn’t do that now that they were a perfect couple on paper.

It wasn’t because he was strict in self-control and conscientious. Nevertheless, since signing the marriage document, he has only lost to his wife, and as a result, the brilliant winning rate of the past has long been devastated.

He felt quite foolish himself. Would she even realize how he stumbled over his words, unable to say anything? She probably wouldn’t. So, he’d muster up his determination repeatedly. Of course, it was enjoyable to see Edith, armed with logic, slowly succumb… but…

“Just tell me.”

This was a purely unyielding matter. Alpheus prepared himself for the battle with a characteristic high-handed expression after a long time. Edith, who noticed that his resolution was extraordinary, also raised her chin and opened her mouth.

“First, there are many jewels handed down to the family from generation to generation. I couldn’t even count the types. There’s no point in increasing it further.”

He expected that much. Ever since the invitation to the jewelers and artisans was extended, it was something she refrained from everyday. Naturally, he had prepared a response as well. Alpheus wasted no time in speaking.

“Wearing old jewels might raise suspicions about the financial situation of Rodian. Such perceptions could affect business.”

“The older the jewel, the more valuable it is. And speaking of business, what business are you referring to, Your Excellency? Oh, dear.”

That slip was Edith’s weakness. She herself realized it the moment the words left her mouth and scrunched her eyebrows, but there was no undoing what had been said.

Last winter, the two people who signed the marriage certificate made several provisions. Although they lacked legal binding, it was more akin to a private promise between the two of them. Nevertheless, the items to be upheld and the corresponding rewards were clearly named. One of them was the issue of addressing each other formally. While Alpheus adhered to it as he should, Edith found it challenging not to.

Breaking a habit that’s been ingrained was not an easy task. Unconsciously, she continued using the same familiar address. Alpheus, who noticed this, listed the formal address as the first item in their agreement. Therefore, Edith decided to grant him one request each time she referred to him as “Your Excellency.” Alpheus chuckled softly. In response, Edith raised her hand abruptly and exclaimed firmly.

“Not this one!”


“Don’t try to be compensated for this.”

“I remember that there was no specific limit to the scope of the request.”

Edith’s side became very disadvantageous because she slipped while trying to start an argument. Although he had no intention of ignoring Edith’s wishes and pushing ahead, Alpheus deliberately accepted the remark spitefully.

So far.

Most of the compensation for the title of “Your Excellency” was received on the bed. She was going to do that again this time. It was Edith’s first mistake in a very long time, having become accustomed to calling him by name over the months. Wouldn’t it be a waste to use it spontaneously?

“I haven’t even started yet.”

“Yes, I see.”

Alpheus took a step back, pretending to be kind, even though he had a completely different idea inside.

He thought he controlled it quite well, but Edith squinted and stared him in the face.

“…You’re suspicious.”

“It’s your conjecture.”

Fortunately, or unfortunately, her suspicion veered in a different direction.

“You mention a business I’m not aware of.”

“The dowager queen suggested it.”

“Oh? Then it’s even more impossible for me not to know. The promise made by the dowager queen was clear!”

Last winter, Dowager Queen Griselda, who had three marchioness candidates, had to take them all back. She failed to break Alpheus’s will to marry Edith with a royal warrant.

However, the dowager queen returned to a smiling face. Thanks to the frank conversation Alpheus and Edith had in the Rodian Forest, Edith had pushed Alpheus to be straightforward, not arrogantly asserting himself.

「You wished for it, so I will arrange the meeting. But don’t get your hopes up.」

「I understand. Just don’t deliberately ruin the atmosphere and try to escape early.」

「You said there wouldn’t be any disruptions to our marriage, so why are you saying that?」

「Oh, that’s not the problem.」

Edith hoped the two would get along well. It may be a naive idea for the royal family and the great nobility, but there was no need to remain in a face-hardening relationship every time they saw each other.

The royal capital and Silverglen, they lived their separate lives in distant places, but that didn’t mean they could be strangers at all.

Look at how different the attitudes of other nobles toward the Marquis of Rodian were now from the days when Griselda was the queen who was ousted.

Above all, they were aunt and nephew. They were born in the same family and received the same name, and they could find their sibling or parent on the other person’s face. It was natural that it was much better to look at each other with a smile even though they were not in a relationship to see each other every day.

Fortunately, the two Rodians worked out the sediment well. It was because they had the same thought that if they missed this opportunity, there would be no chance again. That said, they didn’t say nice things from the beginning…

「My marriage is my business.」

「If it’s the Rodian family’s business, it’s my business, too.」

「It’s just Your Majesty’s opinion. Do I have to mention everything Rodian has experienced over the years due to Your Majesty?」

「Are you implying that you have an inkling about the events that occurred at the royal court? No, never mind. I know what you mean. That’s why I’m trying to make it up to you albeit belatedly!」

「Compensation? I don’t need it. Besides, forcing my marriage is not a reward.」

After a long conversation, they acknowledged the challenging times they had both endured and promised to be each other’s support in the future. It wasn’t a formal oath. Alpheus was curt to the end. Even if it was solved, the lingering dissatisfaction and uneasiness toward the elder of the household he had faced after a decade or so was about half of it.

「…Your Majesty seems to regret the trials Rodian had to endure as our relatives. After all, it was promised that when the heir of the central noble family was married and ascended to the royal court, there would be hospitality.」

「Getting involved might shake the foundation of Her Majesty’s foundation without reason. I want to protect this place just like my ancestors did.」

「Even so, I hope you show your face once or twice every year.」

「If that’s the case, I’ll consider it for now.」

「You’re not readily agreeing.」

「For significant matters, it’s only wise to carefully consider, isn’t it?」

「I’m relieved. You won’t be swayed by other people’s sweet talk.」

「Of course.」

The dowager queen, who came out of the room after the solitary confession, looked more comfortable. The same was true of Alpheus.

Edith, who was waiting anxiously, was relieved inside.

「Lady Argyle. I owe you everything, as well as the Rodians.」

Nevertheless, the dowager queen’s words and actions that followed were quite embarrassing. The dowager queen expressed her gratitude to Edith by bowing briefly. Edith opened her eyes wide and froze, while her graying hair bowed in front of her eyes and then left. Even now, she was proud of herself for giving a proper answer.

「No, that’s, I’m not worthy, Your Majesty.」

「There’s no need for that. It’s true. It’s too hard to pay back everything. So, let’s use a little trick to reduce the debt.」


The dowager queen smiled with a wink. Judging from her playful eyes, she must have looked very different in her days as Lady Rodion than she did now.

「When you become a Rodian, Rodian’s debts will be cleared.」


「I want you to marry the Marquis of Rodian as soon as possible.」

Edith blinked in bewilderment. So she was saying it was okay to get married? As she couldn’t answer right away, the dowager queen added with a smile.

「I will prepare and send wedding gifts as soon as I return to the royal capital. I hear you have a knack for financial supervision? You could do business in the name of the Marchioness of Rodian.」

As if it didn’t matter if she didn’t hear anything back, the dowager queen reached out to her side. Catherine Derrick, who had just arrived, took the hand and helped.

The purple eyes toward Edith sparkled significantly. Perhaps it was she who told the dowager queen about Edith.

The individuals at the marquisate weren’t as unassuming as they might seem. It’s hard to tell when they gained such knowledge, but they were quite remarkable in many ways. With such skills, she must have caught the attention of Princess Regina and the current king during the time of succession disputes.

「Congratulations, Lady Argyle.」

「Thank you, Lady Derrick.」

The dowager queen warmly embraced Catherine, who was not only her daughter’s tutor but also the daughter of an old friend. Catherine’s lineage was prestigious, which is why she was willing to bring her along as a niece-in-law. However, Catherine had the experience of winning the victory against a royal in a poor situation. Her marriage to the Marquis of Rodian was not satisfactory as revenge for her biological father. That’s why she wanted to do business with Alpheus through Edith.

「If you come to the royal capital, I hope to see you again. You must be the marchioness then.」

「Lady Derrick is… I don’t know what’s going on.」


Now that she said she would take full action when she returned to the royal capital, it was impossible to know whether it would be Lady Derrick or Lady Galloway when she saw her again.

Or the Duchess of Galloway. Anyway, after that, the dowager queen packed up and left right away. And they didn’t contact each other during the winter… Alpheus said, reaching into his arms.

“I was going to tell you when the story was over.”


What he took out was a luxurious letter envelope. To her dismay, gold pieces were applied to each corner, and the dowager queen’s seal was printed in the middle. Edith’s eyes widened.

“When did it get here?”

“Last night.”

“Let me read that first.”

Alpheus raised his eyebrows, dissatisfied. He hadn’t opened the letter first because the recipient was listed as the Marchioness of Rodian. However, he sensed that she seemed more eager for news from the dowager queen than the wedding itself, which irked him, making him reluctant to hand it over immediately.

“No way.”

“It’s my letter. Give it to me.”

“Let’s continue the conversation we were having. Or else, I’m fine with paying according to that list.”

“Wow, that’s ridiculous!”

The purchase list he made at the recommendation of a jeweler from the royal capital was roughly like this.

Twelve gemstone hairpins, ten sets of necklaces and earrings, ten bracelets, five formal belts, five brooches, an engagement gift set that hadn’t been delivered yet, an emerald accessory set, a sapphire accessory set, a diamond accessory set, and five rings, including the heirloom ring passed down through generations of the Marchioness of Rodian. Although crafted by renowned artisans in the capital, the gems were not valuable enough to warrant separate names.

As dowry gifts from a prominent noble family, it was about average. Nevertheless, Edith gasped and held her hand to her chest. Alpheus couldn’t comprehend. While it wasn’t a small sum, the financial situation of the marquis’s family had never been precarious enough to warrant such opposition. Was she concerned about the money? To him, it sounded like an affront to his pride.

Moreover, wasn’t she the one who made marquisate’s finances sound! 

“Why on earth is it not acceptable?”

“That’s what I was trying to say.”

Alpheus clicked his tongue inside. While he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the dowager queen’s letter, he wasn’t pleased with her refusal to compromise on the jewelry purchase. Whether he voiced it or not, Edith continued while clenching her jaw.

“Second, I’m the only one who is going to be using it. How often do you think I’ll have the occasion to adorn myself with these gems? Oh, and don’t mention that I’ll be wearing them in the capital next month. It’s not like I’ll need them for half of the month, morning and night.”

“If you’re going to play the game of buying and selling, give it up. I can buy as many as I need in the capital. What nonsense.”

“What’s the big deal?”

“The list is the ones Rodian chose to use.”

Edith was speechless as if she was stunned. Alpheus laughed. She reacted as if he was joking too much, but everything he had just said was serious. It would look good on her. The jewels were carefully selected from his perspective, considering what she was wearing. In fact, the selection process itself was fun.

Shadows fell under the jeweler’s eyes and his complexion turned pale because of his strict judgment, but that’s what it is, he was selling them. Yeah, he would buy everything and stack it in her room. He cleared his arrogant expression and decided to strike the blow of conversion he had prepared.

“There must be a third reason, too, Edith.”

“There’s a fifth.”

“…All right, anyway. Unless you want to get a Dunkeld Vermillion, you’d better pay as per the list today.”

Edith opened her mouth to the imposing threat. She didn’t seem to have prepared it because it was an unexpected remark. Dunkeld Vermillion was a legendary topaz, famous enough that even Edith, who was not interested in jewelry, knew about.

The name became widely known when it was first unearthed by the royal family two hundred years ago. However, it couldn’t be kept within the royal family and ended up wandering around, accumulating numerous stories. Gemstones tend to become more special the more stories are attached to them, and this topaz’s current value, which had traveled across kingdoms and oceans, was astronomically high, to say the least.

“Well, well, what’s this all about?”

“Oh, didn’t I say? It was in the Galloway’s possession, but they put it up for sale, and the asking price was so exorbitant that no one was willing to buy it.”

“What? This is unbelievable, or rather, whatever it is. Are you saying you’re going to do something to get it from the Duke of Galloway?”

Alpheus smiled broadly. Edith, who was flustered but quickly found loopholes in the other person’s words and refuted them, was lovely.

“There is nothing to be done. If it’s something suitable for the marchioness.”

“You’re crazy, no. I’m sorry.”

“It’s all right. I think I’ve been crazy lately, too.”

“Alpheus, what are you talking about?”

He rose from his seat. The walk around the desk and approaching her was impatient.

“Oh, my.”

Edith opened her eyes wide as he drew his arms around her waist.

Looking at her soon-to-be red face, he found that the unfamiliar words came out smoothly.

“I think I’m crazy about you.”


“So just accept it, Edith. I beg you.”

Edith frowned. Alpheus knew that she made that face when she weighed her inner struggles. She started to falter, so it was time for him to push further. He leaned in and whispered sweetly.

“Are you really not going to accept it? Hm?”


Edith, who was even agonizing over it with a groan, eventually admitted her defeat. It wasn’t easy being a bride who rejected her groom’s marriage gift. She couldn’t help but feel a sting even in her own heart.

“Fine, fine. I get it, okay? Let’s do it.”

“You won’t change your mind, right?”

“Sure. But in return, no more buying things when we’re in the capital…”

A gentle touch accompanied by a faint sound. It was the sound of Alpheus’s lips meeting Edith’s as he didn’t want to hear her protest any further. The sensation of his soft lips pressing against hers silenced her words instantly.

And there was only the laughter of Alpheus in the room. A clever marquis has perfectly acquired the means to win over his wife with just one experience.


The wedding that all of the Marquisate of Rodian had been looking forward to was over. The grand wedding of the lord was nothing short of a festival.

Everyone enjoyed the wedding and wished the marquis and his wife happiness. After the wedding, the marquis couple did not leave the marchioness’s room for several days. They really had a lot of affection…

“Why is this so different from last year?”

“What is it? Oh, that. I think there was a proposal at the budget meeting. Where is it?”

He was busy with his duties. Next week, he was to leave Silverglen for the royal capital, and he had to deal with the important matters of the estate in advance. Edith finished her job as treasurer, but the work of Alpheus, the final arbiter of all fields, did not diminish.

In the end, an exasperated Edith pulled up a chair beside him and started assisting.

“Oh, here it is. Look at this.”

“I’m sorry, but please read it.”

“So this is about outsiders entering and leaving, huh? What’s this?”


“The numbers don’t match. Uther is not the man to handle things like this.”

Alpheus, who was buried in the document, raised his head. There was a dent between his brows, as if he didn’t like something, but Edith didn’t notice it because she was so focused on the paperwork. Alpheus, who was staring at her muttering down, spat out.

“Hey, Marchioness Edith Rodian.”

“What? What is it?”

“Should you say another man’s name in the bedroom?”

Edith looked at her husband with an absurd look in her eyes. Dark green eyes were shamelessly expressing discontent.

“What kind of man is Uther?”

“He’s not a woman.”

The situation required a month and a half’s worth of work to be completed within a span of four days. Given the daunting workload, it wasn’t surprising that frustrations were high. Still, there had to be some tolerance for acceptable conversation. Edith held up the document she had been carrying and shook it in front of Alpheus.

“You were the one who went out, and who do you think is the person who came into the bedroom with work?”

“That’s a different matter. This is that, and that is this. Looks like it won’t work, I’m calling it a day for now.”

It wasn’t an empty statement. Alpheus actually threw down his pen and began collecting the scattered documents around. Edith watched in astonishment, then had her own document taken away from her.

“And you.”

“Again, why?”

“I’ll get the reward that I haven’t received yet now.”

Edith smiled. It was a story of compensation accumulated every time she used the title of marquis.

After the incident of him threatening not to give her the wedding gift, he had been especially cautious, making sure not to make any more mistakes. The day before the wedding, when he subtly asked what he should do with it, she received an answer indicating that it was something precious and should be kept closely.

“You’re going to use it already?”

“Yeah. It’s just not working.”

He seemed visibly stressed. Amidst this, Alpheus placed his seal on top of the neatly arranged stack of documents, stroked his chin, and firmly said.

“I’ll be back in a moment, so wait in bed.”

Edith thought he would go to his own room, but he opened the door to the adjacent room connected to the marchioness’s bedroom and went inside. Edith sat on the edge of the bed, puzzled. She had no idea what Alpheus wanted, but it was certainly something quite intriguing.

Considering their previous interactions, she was sure of it. It was a bit embarrassing to say out loud, but she didn’t dislike it. The pleasures of a marital relationship seemed to grow more fascinating with each experience, and the fact that the man she loved was completely devoted to her was a satisfying sensation in itself.

Sometimes, he would come up with outrageously unconventional ideas that left her speechless before she could fully contemplate them… Before she could delve into her thoughts any further, the door to the adjacent room opened again. He seemed quite impatient. Edith smiled and turned around. And then, she was taken aback.

“What is that?”

Alpheus brought a set of emerald accessories, a wedding present, in its case. Did he find something she hadn’t even opened once? Edith blinked her eyes, trying not to reveal her inner thoughts.

The lock on the unturned case glistened. Whether or not she knew what was inside, Alpheus pulled back the lock and opened the case.

Dozens of large emeralds gave off brilliant light, and a green glow colored Alpheus’s face. Ah, to her surprise, his dark green eyes shone more intensely than the emeralds. He said, with a satisfied look on his face.

“All I want is for you to wear this. Now, here.”

“…Is that it?”

Edith asked with doubt in her eyes.

Considering their history, it was a demand that seemed overly playful. There was no need to insist on compensation for something that could easily be done at least once. However, the fact that he personally went to fetch it, making such a demand, gave it a certain weight.

“Oh, of course.”

As expected, there were more.

“All you have to wear is this. Don’t put on anything else.”

“What are you saying!”

In an instant, Edith’s face turned bright red, and she threw a pillow at him. However, Alpheus easily dodged the incoming pillow and swiftly approached, pouncing on her.


The marchioness made his wish come true. More than a day later, he came out of the room and handed over documents and seals to the retainers with a more gentle air, instructing them on matters in his absence.

As they watched the back of their lord returning to the marchioness’s room as soon as he finished speaking, the loyal retainers earnestly discussed how amazing the joy of newlyweds must be.

As always, their guesses were half right and half wrong. The marquis had not spent the next three days embracing his wife.

However, the fact that the marquis and the marchioness were an astonishingly well-matched couple was true. Not long after, both the king and the court nobles who would meet them would be amazed by the harmonious union of the marquis couple.


  1. Mal says:

    This was an amazing read, thank you for your amazing work at translating, Athanasia!

  2. Demoneyes says:

    This story was excellent.

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