The Male Lead's Boyfriend Is Obsessed With Me


Chapter 42


As I grabbed Jiwoon’s hand and stepped off the yacht, my jacket fluttered in the breeze. Within an hour of sailing from the island, we arrived in Hong Kong.


“Since there’s still time before the boss arrives, would you like to go straight to the hotel if you don’t have any special places to visit?”


“Yeah, that sounds good.”


Without even taking a moment to see the sights of Hong Kong for the first time, I got into the waiting car.


I hadn’t slept a wink all night.


The excuse that I had accidentally fallen asleep because the closet was too cozy was the best I could come up with for the guards who had arrived after Yugyeom left.


Not to mention the threats, not to tell Baek Ha-won anything, but even a non-threatening threat.


The room I was left alone in after the storm passed was eerily silent, but eventually, I spent the night with wide eyes.


“You don’t look well. Should I call a doctor?”


“I’m fine. I just couldn’t sleep well because of that.”


I could feel Jiwoon’s gaze on me, but I ignored it and pressed my face against the window.


And how much time had passed?


“Miss. Miss, we’ve arrived.”


As I blinked awake, Jiwoon was waking me up. I saw the tall and flashy hotel building through the window.


As we got out of the car, I hesitated for a moment at the sight of the black guards lined up in the lobby. It was something I couldn’t get used to, no matter how many times I saw it.


I tried to walk casually.


If this was going to happen, I should have just taken a helicopter.


“It’s a suite on the top floor. Since we’ll be using all the lower floors, no outsiders will be able to enter. The entrance itself is different from other rooms.”


Jiwoon handed me a card key with a luxurious pattern embossed in gold.


“I’ll be by your side until the boss arrives, but if anything happens, please contact me immediately.”


As we entered the lobby, I couldn’t help but admire the luxuriousness beyond imagination. The lobby of the hotel, decorated in European style, was so magnificent that it reminded me of a medieval palace.


Following Jiwoon, we walked to the elevator in the back of the hotel lobby.


In front of it, an employee stood, confirming our identities and opening the door. It was just when we were about to get on the elevator.


Ring. Jiwoon’s phone rang, and the person who was following behind me stopped in their tracks. Jiwoon’s forehead narrowed as he held the elevator door with his hand.


“You should go up first….”


Jiwoon looked at me with a troubled expression.


“You know it’s overprotection.”


I tried to smile as convincingly as possible, but it seemed to have the opposite effect, making Jiwoon’s face even more serious.


After hesitating for a moment, Jiwoon sighed softly as his phone rang again.


Then, he called two of the guards who were standing behind him.


“Take the miss to her room and guard the door until I come up. Make sure not even a single ant gets in.”


“Yes, understood. Jiwoon-nim!”


This time, Jiwoon’s gaze, firmly warning the two who entered the elevator, was directed at me.


Anxiety emanated from his eyes.


But in the end, he sighed and took out a gun from his arms, handing it to me.


“Don’t shoot anywhere randomly.”


With a wry smile, I reluctantly took the gun, and only then did the elevator door close.


“Am I a child or something?”


Just an elevator. And it’s an elevator that goes straight to the suite without stopping at other floors.


Unless it’s a ghost, there’s no way someone would suddenly pop out.


The view beyond the transparent walls, filled with sparkling high-rise buildings, became increasingly dizzying as the height rose.


Ah, acrophobia.


It was the moment when I turned my head, clutching my head, as my heart began to pound and my head began to spin.




The elevator, which was supposed to go directly to the top floor, suddenly shook violently and came to a halt.


“Miss, are you okay?!”


“I’m fine, but what’s wrong with this?”


Oh, this is bad. Really bad.


The guards who had sent me backwards quickly pulled out their guns.


I tapped the floor with my toe, surveying the surroundings. But there was nothing to inspect. We were inside an elevator, after all.


The elevator shook again, and at the same time, the ceiling opened.




A hand holding a gun suddenly emerged from the newly opened space.


Bang! Bang!


And then, at the sound of gunfire ringing out twice, the guards who had been blocking my path collapsed weakly.


… Does this make sense?


I was confused whether what was squeezing my heart right now was fear or absurdity.


I stared at the hole, wide-eyed, holding my breath, until finally, I managed to gather my wits and raised the gun Jiwoon had given me.


Fortunately or unfortunately, the hand holding the gun disappeared without shooting at me again.




Instead, a soft voice came from someone who had just knocked down two people.


“If you shoot, this will fall and we’ll all die. You understand that, right?”


It was a gentle but clear warning. It meant to stay still.


Once again, I prayed, gathering all the religions I could think of, even those that didn’t exist.


But when I opened my eyes after being shaken once more by the elevator.




Unfortunately, it wasn’t an angel standing in front of me but a man with a face I had never seen before.


With burgundy hair and torn eyes, the man, wearing an expensive-looking suit, didn’t seem like he had fallen from the elevator.


“I was in a hurry. Sorry about those guys.”


His nonchalant tone caught my attention, but it was the scar above his lips, splitting the tip of his lips vertically, that grabbed my gaze.


It was in the same position as Yuhwa’s scar. A creepy feeling crept up my spine.


The man removed the black gloves and spun the anesthesia gun with his bare hands. His gaze as he looked at me was quite explicit.


The striking appearance, which made it impossible not to recognize him, brought back the forgotten memories in an instant.


It was unmistakable.


“But it’s okay since I didn’t kill you, right?”


Yugyeom’s former lover. The one who ultimately killed Yugyeom.


He was the antagonist in the sad ending.


* * *


The scene where Yugyeom died was still vividly remembered, one sentence at a time. 


Of course.


Now, only eternal happiness should remain for my favorite character at the end of the novel, but she died.


“Yugyeom. Whenever you’re broken…”


So, how could I forget?


“Seems like I’m going crazy for liking it.”


In the end, that crazy person who killed Yugyeom.


Only the name engraved in red paint remained in my mind, flashing white.


“So, since we’ve met like this, how about exchanging real names?”


Every time he spoke, my gaze kept being drawn to the scar that distorted with each movement.


As the hand that had thrown away the black gloves reached out in front of me.


“Hello? I’m Kang Taejun.”


Don’t get caught. Don’t give yourself away. Act natural.


Maybe because of the desperate sound pressing me, my head and body moved separately. My heart was pounding like it was attached to my head, but outwardly, I was surprisingly calm.


I tightened my grip on the gun in my hand. I could never win by fighting.


I tucked the gun into my jacket and shook hands with the hand extended towards me, giving a full smile.


“I’m Kim Jiwoon.”


Kang Taejun brushed his chin and twisted the corner of his mouth. The movement of pulling out an anesthetic gun with his other hand was clear.


“Ah, let’s not do this, miss.”


His black eyes gleamed ominously.


“I’ve been kind to you, haven’t I?”


Tap. Tap. The slow sound of the gun hitting the wall scratched my nerves sensitively.


Kang Taejun glanced at the unconscious guards, then turned his gaze to me with a sarcastic smile.


I was certain from his gaze.


“But this isn’t manners. Okay?”


Kang Taejun knows me.


Not by coincidence or mistake, but because he knows me.


To meet me.


I shook the hand held by Kang Taejun up and down, and my stiff body trembled as he moved.


My head was spinning.


“Hello? I’m Kang Taejun.”


He repeated the same words once again.


Every word he said seemed light, but the atmosphere surrounding him was as heavy as it was eerie. I couldn’t avoid it anymore.


“I’m Yeonbyeol.”


I forced out an answer and drew a neat smile above it.


“Such a pretty name.”


His hand, which had been squeezing mine tightly as if expecting the desired response, loosened. Only then did the elevator, which had been stationary, start moving upwards again.


Kang Taejun kicked away the fallen guards and stood next to me.


As the elevator went up, higher and higher, I began to feel uneasy.


“…Which floor are you going to?”


“The top floor.”


Could there be another suite?


“In the same room as you.”


I looked up at Kang Taejun sharply. He touched his earlobe and folded his torn eye, smiling.


“Why are you surprised?”


“Why are you going to my room?”


“We exchanged names, didn’t we?”


“What the hell is this nonsense?”


Kang Taejun calmly met my gaze, filled with unfiltered thoughts.


“It’s a bit awkward. I have a boyfriend.”


“I’m fine.”


No, I’m not fine.


“Don’t you dislike it?”


His eyes gleamed like a predator assessing its prey.


Faced with that gaze, I could only remain silent.


If I said no, I felt like something unimaginable would happen. Of course, something unpleasant.


“Then, how about having a meal with me?”


There was no room for choice.


“We’re almost there.”


“Food! Let’s eat!”


As I urgently shouted, Kang Taejun smiled as if satisfied. Just as the conversation ended, with a loud ding, the elevator doors opened.


As if urging me to go out, Kang Taejun gestured with a nod.


I dragged the fallen guards out of the elevator, whimpering.


“Come to the restaurant on the first floor at 6.”


Kang Taejun waved his hand with a grin.


I barely managed to swallow down the curse rising to my lips and forced a smile back at him. If he didn’t return the greeting, I might just get annoyed and he might kill me right there in the elevator.


Hurry up. Please, just go.


As I desperately waited for the doors to close, it happened.


Just as I thought Kang Taejun was stepping forward, he reached out and grabbed my arm. I was pulled into the elevator between the closing doors.


The pressure on my shoulders was suffocating.


“I’ll be waiting.”


In his eyes looking down at me, I sensed madness.





Translator Note:

Hello there! This is Sid. I hope you liked it<3

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  1. Phuong116 says:

    New character? I hope he’s not a villain.

  2. Villainess No.121 says:

    Former Lover of Yugyeom?! I could never predict the author would pull out a card like that!

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