The Extra Decided to be Fake

TEDF | Episode 102

Episode 102

What Lilian wanted to know when she visited Asher was simple. Were there any artifacts among Asher’s research that could see even a bit of the past or future? The answer to that question was also simple.

“There’s nothing useful.”

“You’re cruel…”

Asher responded sullenly to Lilian’s words. Until she asked to see the laboratory, Asher couldn’t hide his anxious look. But as soon as he opened the laboratory door, he transformed into the image Lilian had seen in the temple, as if wondering when he had been so anxious, and enthusiastically began reciting research data.

— This is the item I’ve been researching for the longest time, and it’s the most attractive item because its origin has not yet been determined. Can you see the divine power formula written here? Of course, it’s only a transfer of brain circuits, so it doesn’t play a big role, but the ancient beauty when divine power is infused…

In summary, Lilian wasn’t impressed.

Asher was truly a fanatic. His laboratory was filled with such content, as if he were becoming closer to the gods, seeking more fundamental interpretations, and cooperating with the heretics.

If there was anything eye-catching, it was that Asher’s research wasn’t limited to those who knew how to use divine power. Asher was researching how to handle artifacts without using divine power, and he was truly eccentric.

Moreover, there was some progress. After skimming through more than half of the research data that she didn’t fully understand, Lilian asked,

“Why did the Viscount start this research?”

“At first, it was a simple question. The God clearly said he loves all creatures, so why did he make it possible for those who don’t receive his affection to use divine power? If the God left artifacts for creatures, shouldn’t even those who don’t receive affection be able to use them?”

Lilian made a small sound of understanding. Although she didn’t fully understand the temple’s philosophy, she understood it clearly.

“It’s the heretic’s philosophy.”

“Haha… That’s right.”

After Asher chuckled a bit, he continued.

“So, I started researching because I thought there must be another meaning to what the God left behind.”

“Is there progress?”

“It’s hard to say hastily at this stage. But one thing is certain. Divine power is not just about God’s affection. It’s more of a secondary and systematic power.”

It’s a sound that would be perfect for the stake if said in the temple. Although Lilian wasn’t particularly interested in the identity of divine power, she suddenly had a question.

“Then do you deny the existence of the daughters of the moonlight?”

The daughters of the moonlight are a tribe that receives God’s love.

They promise special abilities and exceptional divine power.

If divine power isn’t just about God’s affection, what about the daughters of the moonlight?

“On the contrary. Because of the existence of the daughters of the moonlight, divine power is not just about God’s affection.”


“Because? Isn’t it blatantly obvious in front of me?”

As if not understanding Lilian’s question, Asher widened his eyes and pointed at her.

“What the result is when God loves.”

“…I don’t understand.”

“God’s affection isn’t that special. It’s something that others have to challenge ten or a hundred times to achieve once. And that’s what others call talent.”

And people call that talent.

“The fact that the daughters of the moonlight have special abilities that others don’t possess means that they could more easily reach the realm of God’s affection.”

In other words, their abilities are God’s affection, so they can’t even be called ordinary divine power. From God’s perspective, they might just be slightly larger ants than other ants.

But that doesn’t mean they should be cherished more. This is why divine power cannot be a measure of God’s affection.

“So, if there’s anyone who can be labeled with the word ‘divine affection’ at this point, you’d be the only one, Lilian.”

“…Does Victoria share the same belief as you?”

“Of course. If our beliefs didn’t align, it would have been difficult to work together.”

Lilian recalled what Victoria had said.

―Your potential is infinite. If you remove what’s blocking you, you can do anything.

Of course, that statement was made without Lilian knowing it was fake. But even considering that, it seemed a bit excessive. Perhaps because she believed in divine affection.

‘I may be incapable, but if it were the Duchess, who lived until adulthood. If it were her, who had the rare ability of foresight. She would truly be someone fitting Victoria’s words.’

In that case…

“I have something I want to know, Viscount.”

“If it’s something I can tell you, I’ll share it. But please exclude anything about Victoria.”

“I’m not curious about her. She lost the moonlight’s authority.”

Now, Lilian understood why Victoria still possessed divine power even though she lost the moonlight’s authority. It was because divine power and divine affection were separate. Calling it the moonlight’s authority meant it was divine affection.

“I’m curious about the foresight ability.”

Lilian picked up one of the research papers she had set aside earlier. Although she had only skimmed through it, she had found something interesting.

The Chalice of Platinum, a rather grand name for an artifact. Its ability was written as follows:

[Ability to read the memories of objects]

Reading memories is no different from glimpsing the past. With this method, even a fake like herself might be able to glimpse the past through some means.

What had Agnes planned, and how far had she seen?


Did Swan know everything?

* * *

When foresight abilities were brought up, Asher made a somewhat awkward expression. However, it wasn’t an expression of awkwardness because he couldn’t answer, but rather because he didn’t know much.

After hesitating, the first thing he brought up was this:

“Foresight abilities are very rare. And what you can see by using them is extremely limited.”

“Victoria didn’t say that. She said you could know anything, past or future, as if you wanted.”

“While it’s not entirely incorrect…”

Asher’s explanation continued.

Victoria’s words weren’t entirely wrong. It was theoretically possible. But in reality, no one had been able to do it.

“If the ability is exceptional, there have been some people who could freely see some extent of the past. But since the future is so uncertain, what you can see ahead is extremely limited.”

The reason this ability was known as foresight was also because it was rare, and usually showed irregular and uncertain futures. Asher expressed frustration, saying that if the ability were focused on seeing the past, it wouldn’t have been known by that name.

“It seems like Victoria said it to provoke you, but… I’m not sure. Victoria’s thoughts are difficult for me to comprehend.”

Although Asher seemed regretful for not being able to help, it was enough help for Lilian.

According to Asher’s explanation…

‘Duchess didn’t know the future accurately either.’



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